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可视人数据集极大地丰富了断层解剖学教学资源,本文利用可视人数据集,以PowerPoint VBA作为工具,制作了断层解剖学教学课件,克服了传统断层解剖学图谱缺乏交互性的缺点,取得了良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

中国数字人数据集断层图像自动配准算法   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
在采集数字人数据时,由于相机在拍摄过程中存在的各种干扰,使得到的各断层图像的投影参数不能保证一致,通过对相机拍摄模型和干扰因素的分析,提出了一种基于二维射影变换(pmjective transformation)的断层序列图像自动配准算法。该算法先通过层间继承的方法寻找每张照片上的定位杆区域,用形态学操作来确定该层定位杆圆心坐标;然后根据定位杆的基准坐标,得到该层的射影变换算子T;最后对原始图像进行图像变换,得到投影参数一致的照片数据集。本算法对数字人采集的原始数据预处理有重要意义,并能为后续的二次数据库开发、图像分割、重建和数字解剖学等提供精确的三维数据集。  相似文献   

基于数学形态学和Otsu方法的VHP数据心脏图像分割   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对可视人计划的数据提取心脏图像存在自身的多样性以及局部边界不清晰所造成的分割难问题,提出了一种分阶段的分割方法。即在第一阶段引入数学形态学的方法,提出一种基于形态重构的开闭运算与O tsu阈值分割相结合的方法,对原始图像中的感兴趣区域进行预提取,有效的解决了单一阈值分割方法中存在的缺陷;第二阶段利用形态学变换对预提取图像进行精确分割,最终得到心脏图像。实验结果表明,这种分阶段的分割方法在运算效率以及分割精度上都取到了较理想的结果,对可视人计划的实现具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   

目的:为掌握人体组织电磁特性的变化,实现对真实人体结构电磁辐射特性的模拟和仿真计算。方法:在中国数字可视化人体数据集基础上,提出建立真实人体三维电磁模型的方法并利用CST STUDIO SUITE对其进行电磁仿真计算。结果:构建了适用于时域有限差分法计算的网格精度为1 mm3的三维人体头部电磁模型,满足频率为30 GHz以下的电磁仿真计算在数值色散空间离散间隔上的要求。结论:该模型具有很好的可视性和可操作性,对构建数字电磁人以及优化生物电磁检测技术具有重要的理论价值和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

可视虚拟人研究概况   总被引:36,自引:5,他引:31  
“可视虚拟人”研究是现代计算机信息技术与医学等学科相互结合的前沿性交叉项目 ,对科技发展有深远意义。1 国外研究动态1.1 美国可视人计划“可视人计划”(VisibleHumanProject,VHP)发起于美国国家医学图书馆 (NLM) 1987年的一项长期计划建议 :应该“系统而彻底地调查和研究建立生物医学图像库的技术要求和可行性。”[1 ] 。VHP的初期目标是获取一个男子和一个女子尸体的每隔 1毫米横断面CT、MRI和冷冻切片图像 ,三种模式中相应的横断面要求互相配准。这项建议促使NLM去建立一个医学图像库 ,并提供…  相似文献   

可视人体(VH)数据集及使用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
可视人体工程是美国NLM1986年长期规划的产物。该规划的目标是建立一个完整的,解剖详细的,三维的男体及女体表地。本文将对VHP及其意义,数据的获得取及使用方法估和简要的介绍。  相似文献   

目的:探索适合于中国数字人数据集特点的图像配准,彩色图像分割以及三维重建方法。方法:首先基于中国数字人连续断层图像的4个定位杆坐标值,对断层图像进行射影变换,消除其射影失真。纠正失真后再将断层图像根据第一个定位杆的质心坐标值裁剪成大小一致的断层图像。其次使用photoshop中knockout滤镜,完成断层图像的分割。最后使用mimics软件完成三维重建。结果:建立了中国数字人女1号髋部骨骼肌精确的三维模型。结论:髋部骨骼肌模型的三维交互可视化可以准确反映该区域复杂的解剖结构及其空间毗邻关系,同时为数字人三维可视化提供了一种精确快速的方法。  相似文献   

构建高分辨率中国数字人男性数据集   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的构建高分辨率中国男性数字人0.2mm断层间距图像数据集。方法取捐献健康男性遗体,经颈动脉红色灌注、低温冷冻定型、专用包埋模具垂直包埋、一次装夹连续等间距铣削、PhaseOneH25数码相机采集连续断层数据以构建数据集。结果共获得9320个RAW格式断层图像数据,分辨率为4080×5440象素,RAW格式单层数据量为27.5M,RAW格式总数据量为260G。结论高分辨率中国数字人男性数据集由于采用了2200万象素的高分辩率数码相机,断层上如血管、脂肪、软骨和骨骼等组织的边界清晰。并可用随机软件对图像的色彩、曝光量以及断层感兴趣区域进行重新处理。  相似文献   

中国数字人女婴1号数据集构建报告   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
目的 :构建中国数字人女婴 0 .1mm间距断层图像数据集。方法 :足月宫内窒息新鲜女婴材料 ,经脐动脉红色灌注、低温冷冻定型、专用包埋模具倒立包埋、一次装夹连续等间距铣削、数码相机采集数据并构建数据集。结果 :共获得分辨率为 42 5 6× 2 848象素的断层数据 42 65个 ,构建成总数据量为5 3 .3 1G的RAW格式原始数据集和总数据量为 14 8.0 0G的解压缩TIF格式数据集各一套以及多套不同分辨率和尺寸的JPG格式数据集。结论 :中国数字人女婴 1号数据集组织边界清晰、色泽逼真 ,是第一套采用微创灌注技术和未经防腐处理的 0 .1mm分辨率的新鲜标本数据集。  相似文献   

"虚拟中国人男性一号"多模态图像配准   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:解决“虚拟中国人男性一号”CT图像、MRI图像与断层切削图像之间的多模态图像配准问题。材料和方法:根据这三种图像的特点,选择CT图像为基准图像,在对MRI图像进行配准时,通过求解两幅图像梯度特征的最大互信息,搜索出最佳配准参数;在对断层切削图像进行配准时,采用基于解剖结构特征提取的配准方法获取最佳配准参数:最后.根据所得配准参数对待配图进行变换,从而达到配准目的。结果:对头部三种模态图像数据集进行了配准,与高精度手工分割图像数据集进行对比,配准正确率达到95.8%。结论:配准结果准确,解决了“虚拟中国人男性一号”多模态图像配准问题,为数字化虚拟人多模态图像配准提供了参考。  相似文献   

One goal of a medical school education is to teach the anatomy of the living human. With the exception of some surface anatomy, the morphology education that goes on during a surgical procedure, and patient observation, live human anatomy is most often taught by simulation. Medical anatomy courses utilize cadavers to approximate the live human. Case-based curricula simulate a patient and present symptoms, signs, and history to mimic reality for the future practitioner. Radiology has provided images of the morphology, function, and metabolism of living humans but with images foreign to most novice observers. With the Visible Human database, computer simulation of the live human body will provide revolutionary transformations in anatomical education. Anat. Rec. (New Anat.) 253:49-57, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:研究数字化虚拟解剖系统有效地解决解剖学教学中面临的标本奇缺、标本破坏、教学环境限制等众多问题。方法:基于中国数字化人体数据集(CVH),联合山东数字人科技股份有限公司,通过数据分割、计算机三维重建、模型平滑贴图和软件系统构建开发,构建了中国首套基于真实人体数据的虚拟解剖系统。结果:该虚拟解剖系统包括断层解剖、系统解剖和局部解剖模块,提出了新的解剖学教学模式和教学理念,使医学生和低年资医生能随时随地进行系统解剖学、局部解剖学、断层解剖学甚至神经解剖学等多项课程的学习以及临床手术培训。结论:该软件系统操作环境舒适,无福尔马林等有害物质的吸入,能充分保障解剖学教学质量,提高学员学习效率,增强学习兴趣,提高学员三维空间想象能力,能带来新的一轮解剖学教学革命。  相似文献   

目的:拟基于薄层高精度的中国可视化人体数据(CVH)对膝关节后外侧复合体(PLC)进行断层解剖学与三维可视化研究。方法:选择CVH-1、CVH-2、CVH-5左右膝关节后外侧结构的CVH数据集,对PLC相关结构进行数据分割和三维数字化重建。结果:成功构建了CVH-1、CVH-2、CVH-5左右膝关节的三维模型,并对PLC的结构和毗邻关系进行多方位、多角度的三维可视化观察研究。结果:PLC主要由腓侧副韧带、腘腓韧带、弓状韧带、腘肌肌腱和股二头肌肌腱构成;髂胫束位于膝关节前外侧,位置相距PLC较远,功能与PLC结构存在差异,不属于PLC结构;3例CVH数据集均未见第3关节囊韧带和腓肠豆韧带。结论:推测膝关节手术中对腓侧副韧带、腘腓韧带、弓状韧带、腘肌肌腱进行解剖重建将有助于加强膝关节术后的稳定性。  相似文献   

This article describes the technique of semiautomatic surface reconstruction of anatomic structures using widely available commercial software. This technique would enable researchers to promptly and objectively perform surface reconstruction, creating three-dimensional anatomic images without any assistance from computer engineers. To develop the technique, we used data from the Visible Korean Human project, which produced digitalized photographic serial images of an entire cadaver. We selected 114 anatomic structures (skin [1], bones [32], knee joint structures [7], muscles [60], arteries [7], and nerves [7]) from the 976 anatomic images which were generated from the left lower limb of the cadaver. Using Adobe Photoshop, the selected anatomic structures in each serial image were outlined, creating a segmented image. The Photoshop files were then converted into Adobe Illustrator files to prepare isolated segmented images, so that the contours of the structure could be viewed independent of the surrounding anatomy. Using Alias Maya, these isolated segmented images were then stacked to construct a contour image. Gaps between the contour lines were filled with surfaces, and three-dimensional surface reconstruction could be visualized with Rhinoceros. Surface imperfections were then corrected to complete the three-dimensional images in Alias Maya. We believe that the three-dimensional anatomic images created by these methods will have widespread application in both medical education and research.  相似文献   

中国数字化可视人女性盆腔的计算机三维重建   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
目的:建立中国女性盆腔三维可视化数字模型。方法:应用中国女性数字化可视人体数据集,在微机上对女性盆腔内主要脏器结构进行计算机三维重建及立体显示。结果:重建出女性盆腔内包括骨盆、骶椎椎间盘、主要血管(髂内动、静脉,髂外动、静脉)、输尿管、膀胱、尿道、卵巢、子宫、阴道、结直肠、股骨共12个解剖结构的三维图像。上述结构可单独显示,也可整体显示,图像还能转动任意角度进行观测,清楚地显示女性盆腔内主要脏器结构的空间立体位置关系。结论:本研究实现了对女性盆腔内主要脏器结构的可视化,为妇科疾病的临床辅助诊断、手术提供了参考,也可用于解剖教学和进一步的科研平台。  相似文献   

Visualization of the temporal bone of the Chinese Visible Human   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Temporal bone anatomy is very difficult to understand. After dataset acquisition of the first Chinese Visible Human, we processed the two-dimensional images to build a digitized visible model of the temporal bone and explore the role of virtual endoscopy in the inner ear. On a SGI workstation three-dimensional computer reconstructions of the ear were generated from the Chinese visible human dataset, viewing the middle and inner ear imitating the traditional otoscopy. The three-dimensional data of the temporal bone were then converted to STL format, and the temporal bone replica were fabricated with rapid prototyping by laminated object manufacturing. The virtual model of the ear was successfully completed, and the virtual endoscopy improved three-dimensional visualization of the middle and inner ear. Physical replica of the temporal bone were built with paper; the accuracy was ±0.2 mm. The reconstructed model and the replica of the temporal bone can be used to make preoperative plans in the complicated otoneurosurgical operations, allowing various surgical exercises to be carried out on the three-dimensional stereophysical model. The virtual endoscopy stands as a promising new visualization technique for elucidation of the middle and inner ear and reveals a tremendous potential in both clinical and educational settings, providing morphological data for the image diagnosis and otoneurosurgery.This research was supported by the National Science Fund of China (NSFC) No. 39925022, No. 30720698  相似文献   

The research aimed to provide sectional anatomic and three-dimensional (3D) virtual anatomic bases for imaging diagnosis and surgical operation by the use of data from the heart of the first Chinese digitized Visible Human. Data from the series of thin sections of the heart were analyzed and input into an SGI workstation, and 3D reconstruction and virtualization of the heart were performed. Each image of sectional anatomy was clear and the 3D structures of the heart were reconstructed in their entirety. All reconstructed structures can be displayed by multiple structural and color modes, individually or jointly, and can be rotated continuously in any plane. The model of the virtual heart clearly showed fine structures of the heart in random orientation. The dataset of the sectional anatomy provides a fine and integrated morphologic base for imaging diagnosis. The 3D reconstructed images clearly show the internal and entire structures of the heart.This research was supported by the National Science Fund of China (NSFC) nos. 39925022 and 30720698  相似文献   

In biology it is often necessary to assess changes over a period of time. In this study assessments of the movements of small particles (lysosomes) in macrophage cells over different time periods were made using two methods. The first was a qualitative assessment using computer graphics, where the positions of the lysosomes were compared over a time period using colour to highlight whether a change had occurred. The second was a quantitative assessment of movement using a statistical nearest-neighbour method. Both techniques were used in a study of the effects of certain drugs on macrophage cells. Figs. 3, 4 and 5 are reproduced from the Journal of Experimental Medicine (1983). 158,477–492, by permission of the Rockefeller University Press.  相似文献   

The potential of a bovine adenovirus serotype 3 (BAd3)-based vector to bypass the human adenoviral serotype 5 (HAd5)-specific neutralizing immune response was evaluated in an immunocompetent mouse model of breast cancer. Initially we monitored vector biodistribution, genome persistence, transgene expression, and potential toxicity of HAd-GFP [HAd5 vector expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP)] or BAd-GFP (BAd3 vector expressing GFP) in FVB/n mice bearing tumors. A comparable biodistribution pattern for BAd-GFP and HAd-GFP was evident. In addition, following the development of vector-specific immune responses, animals were inoculated intratumorally (i.t.) with HAd-GFP or BAd-GFP. HAd-GFP immunity did not hamper the transduction and persistence of BAd-GFP into the tumors and other organs, and, similarly, BAd-GFP immunity did not hamper the transduction and persistence of HAd-GFP. Both BAd3 and HAd5 vectors showed relatively higher transgene expression in the presence of heterologous vector immunity. In contrast, the homologous vector immunity was associated with a rapid vector clearance and decline in transgene expression levels. Histopathological changes in BAd-GFP inoculated animals were generally mild with some acute but recoverable hepatic perturbations. Overall, the data suggest the importance of BAd3 vectors for sequential vector administration in overcoming the vector immunity for cancer gene therapy.  相似文献   

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