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Spinal arachnoiditis is a rare disease caused by fibrosis and adhesion of the arachnoid membrane due to chronic inflammation. The causes of arachnoiditis are infection, spinal surgery, intraspinal injection of steroid or myelography dye, and spinal anesthesia.


Case report.


A 60-year-old woman presented with progressive weakness and sensory change of both legs and urinary symptoms. She had received a single caudal block 6 months before symptom onset. Magnetic resonance imaging of the thoraco-lumbar spine showed an intradural extramedullary tumor at the T5–T7 level. She underwent laminectomy and tumor resection. The pathological finding was arachnoiditis. After surgery, a rehabilitation program of strengthening exercises of both lower extremities and gait training was started. At 2-month follow-up, she was able to walk with orthoses and performed daily activities with minimal assistance.


Symptoms of spinal arachnoiditis occurred 6 months after a single caudal block in this woman. Clinicians should be aware of this possible delayed complication.  相似文献   

Background and Aims: Patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) suffer significant morbidity from neurogenic bowel. Chronic constipation has long-been a proposed risk factor for polyp development. We performed a retrospective cohort study in veterans with SCI to assess polyp presence in the setting of colonic stasis.

Methods: All consecutive patients at the James A. Haley Veterans Affairs Hospital with SCI and neurogenic bowel who completed screening colonoscopy between January 1, 2004 to June 30, 2013 were included. Colonoscopies were excluded if they were aborted, not completed to the cecum, of less than adequate preparation, or if polypectomy was precluded. Patient data included level, duration, and completeness of SCI. Polyp data included number, location, and histology.

Results: 325 patients ultimately met inclusion criteria. Most were male (96%). The average age at screening colonoscopy was 62.8 years. The majority of patients had injury to the cervical spine (41.5%). Colon polyps were detected in 130 patients (40%). Adenomatous change was seen in 95 (73%) of these patients. The adenoma detection rate (ADR) across all patients was 29.2%. Polyp presence and ADR demonstrated no statistically significant correlation with level, degree, or duration of SCI. Only patient age at time of screening colonoscopy had a significant correlation with polyp and adenoma presence (P<0.05).

Conclusions: SCI had no statistically significant correlation with polyp or adenoma presence. The ADR in our veteran SCI population with chronic constipation is comparable with that reported in the general population.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the neurological and functional recovery patterns of ischemic spinal cord injury (ISCI) compared with traumatic spinal cord injury (TSCI) in the acute to chronic phase.Design: Retrospective cohort study.Settings: Department of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Rehabilitation Medicine at a tertiary hospital.Participants: Fifty-four patients with ISCI and 86 patients with TSCI.Interventions: Not applicable.Outcome measures: MRI findings, American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS), modified Rankin Scale (mRS), Korean Spinal Cord Independence Measure (KSCIM), ambulatory status, and bladder status were reviewed. The functional outcomes were measured at admission, discharge, and >6 months after discharge.Results: AIS classification did not significantly change after 6 months in both ISCI and TSCI groups. Between admission and discharge, the proportion of patients needing a wheelchair or assistive device to ambulate decreased more in the ISCI group compared with the TSCI group [odds ratio (OR) 0.40, P = 0.04]. In addition, the proportion of catheterized voiding in the ISCI group was significantly higher than in the TSCI group at all time points (OR 5.12, P < 0.001). Lastly, both groups showed that functional improvement was the greatest between admission and discharge. In addition, the proportion of catheterized voiding decreased (Diff = −0.12, P = 0.019) and mRS score decreased (Diff=−0.48, P < 0.001) significantly in the ISCI group at >6 months post discharge.Conclusion: The ISCI group showed better recovery of mobility during inpatient rehabilitation period and worse recovery of bladder function as demonstrated by higher number of patients requiring bladder catheterization at all time points when compared with the TSCI group.  相似文献   



To describe neurological and functional outcomes after traumatic paraplegia.


Retrospective analysis of longitudinal database.


Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems.


Six hundred sixty-one subjects enrolled in the Spinal Cord Injury Model Systems database, injured between 2000 and 2011, with initial neurological level of injury from T2–12. Two hundred sixty-five subjects had second neurological exams and 400 subjects had Functional Independence Measure (FIM) scores ≥6 months after injury.

Outcome Measures

American Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale (AIS) grade, sensory level (SL), lower extremity motor scores (LEMS), and FIM.


At baseline, 73% of subjects were AIS A, and among them, 15.5% converted to motor incomplete. The mean SL increase for subjects with an AIS A grade was 0.33 ± 0.21; 86% remained within two levels of baseline. Subjects with low thoracic paraplegia (T10–12) demonstrated greater LEMS gain than high paraplegia (T2–9), and also had higher 1-year FIM scores, which had not been noted in earlier reports. Better FIM scores were also correlated with better AIS grades, younger age and increase in AIS grade. Ability to walk at 1 year was associated with low thoracic injury, higher initial LEMS, incomplete injury and increase in AIS grade.


Little neurological recovery is seen in persons with complete thoracic SCI, especially with levels above T10. Persons who are older at the time of injury have poorer functional recovery than younger persons. Conversion to a better AIS grade is associated with improvement in self-care and mobility at 1 year.  相似文献   

Prior abstract publication: 2nd Medical Rehabilitation Congress; Nov 4–7, 2010; Ankara, Turkey

Objective: This study aims to investigate the process of breaking bad news from the perspective of spinal cord injury survivors.

Design: A cross sectional, qualitative study.

Setting: Community.

Participants: Fourteen spinal cord injury survivors.

Interventions: Subjects participated in a semi-structured interview about ‘when’, ‘where’ ‘by whom’ and ‘how’ they received and ‘would’ prefer to receive bad news.

Outcome measures: Answers to ‘how’ questions were coded according to SPIKES protocol (Setting, Perception, Invitation, Knowledge, Empathizing, Summary).

Results: Eight participants (57%) reported that they received bad news from a physician, mostly during rehabilitation. All would prefer to be informed by a physician and majority preferred to be gradually informed during rehabilitation. Half were not satisfied with the content of information. Only half felt that his/her physiatrist understood his/her emotional distress. Majority of participants who received bad news from physicians reported that the setting was private and their family members accompanied them.

Conclusion: Most spinal cord injury survivors were unsatisfied with knowledge and emotional support provided by rehabilitation physicians. Participants would prefer to receive bad news by a senior physiatrist in a planned meeting during rehabilitation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spinal cord injury (SCI) is a devastating trauma suffered by many of the victims of an earthquake that struck Northern Pakistan on October 8, 2005. It rendered approximately 600 patients paraplegic, which is the highest number ever reported in any disaster. This study was conducted to evaluate the risk of complications. METHODS: The cross-sectional retrospective study covering a 2-month period was conducted on 194 patients admitted to the surgical/neurosurgical wards of Rawalpindi Medical College and allied hospitals (Holy Family Hospital, Rawalpindi General Hospital, and District Headquarter Hospital) and Melody Relief and Rehabilitation Center, Islamabad. RESULTS: The male-to-female ratio was approximately 1:3 (n = 50 [26%] and n = 144 [74%], respectively). The majority (78% [n = 151]) were 16 to 39 years of age; 62% (n = 120) had lumbar-level injuries, 25% (n = 48) had thoracic-level injuries, 9% (n = 18) had thoracolumbar-level injuries, and a few had cervical- or sacral-level injuries. Forty-six percent (n = 90) had American Spinal Injury Association type A injuries; 4% (n = 8) were graded B, 11% (n = 21) were graded C, 9% (n = 18) were graded D, and 14% (n = 27) were graded E. Twenty percent (n = 39) developed pressure ulcers, of which 38% (n = 15) had grade 1, 36% (n = 14) had grade 2, 23% (n = 9) had grade 3, and 3% (n = 1) had grade 4. All patients developed urinary tract infections; 15% (n = 30) had bowel complaints; 2% (n = 3) developed deep-vein thrombosis (1 died of pulmonary embolism); and 0.05% (n = 1) developed wound infection. CONCLUSION: Awareness of potential complications in patients with paraplegia is essential to care planning in the disaster setting. The priorities include skin, bowel, and bladder care and provision of prophylactic heparin. SCI post-disaster care requires comprehensive long-term planning.  相似文献   



To describe a distinctive clinical and radiographic pattern of myelopathy following intrathecal chemotherapy. Myelopathy is a rare complication of intrathecal chemotherapy used in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We present a 42-year-old female with T-cell ALL who developed a myelopathy primarily involving the dorsal columns.


Case report and literature review.


Within 24 hours of an injection of intrathecal methotrexate, cytarabine, and hydrocortisone, the patient developed ascending lower limb numbness and balance difficulties progressing to the inability to ambulate. Clinical examination showed profound loss of lower limb proprioception and light touch sensation below T5, mild proximal limb weakness, but preserved pinprick and temperature sensation with intact bowel and bladder function. Initial thoracic and lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1 week revealed no abnormalities. However, repeat imaging at 6 weeks showed abnormal signal in the posterior cord with sparing of the anterior and lateral columns, diffusely involving the lower cervical cord through the conus medullaris. Dermatomal somatosensory-evoked potential (DSEP) conduction abnormalities were consistent with thoracic myelopathy. An empiric trial of high-dose intravenous corticosteroids during inpatient rehabilitation more than 6 weeks later produced no significant clinical improvement.

Conclusion/clinical relevance

Preferential and persistent dorsal column myelopathy is a distinctive clinical and radiographic presentation of a rare complication of intrathecal chemotherapy. The MRI abnormalities were initially absent, but evolved to consist of multi-level spinal cord T2 and STIR hyperintensity with regional gadolinium enhancement. DSEPs more accurately reflected the clinical level of spinal cord dysfunction.  相似文献   



To examine the effects of transcutaneous spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) on lower-limb spasticity.


Interventional pilot study to produce preliminary data.


Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Wilhelminenspital, Vienna, Austria.


Three subjects with chronic motor-incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI) who could walk ≥10 m.


Two interconnected stimulating skin electrodes (Ø 5 cm) were placed paraspinally at the T11/T12 vertebral levels, and two rectangular electrodes (8 × 13 cm) on the abdomen for the reference. Biphasic 2 ms-width pulses were delivered at 50 Hz for 30 minutes at intensities producing paraesthesias but no motor responses in the lower limbs.

Outcome measures

The Wartenberg pendulum test and neurological recordings of surface-electromyography (EMG) were used to assess effects on exaggerated reflex excitability. Non-functional co-activation during volitional movement was evaluated. The timed 10-m walk test provided measures of clinical function.


The index of spasticity derived from the pendulum test changed from 0.8 ± 0.4 pre- to 0.9 ± 0.3 post-stimulation, with an improvement in the subject with the lowest pre-stimulation index. Exaggerated reflex responsiveness was decreased after tSCS across all subjects, with the most profound effect on passive lower-limb movement (pre- to post-tSCS EMG ratio: 0.2 ± 0.1), as was non-functional co-activation during voluntary movement. Gait speed values increased in two subjects by 39%.


These preliminary results suggest that tSCS, similar to epidurally delivered stimulation, may be used for spasticity control, without negatively impacting residual motor control in incomplete SCI. Further study in a larger population is warranted.  相似文献   



To describe a distinctive clinical and radiographic pattern of myelopathy following intrathecal chemotherapy. Myelopathy is a rare complication of intrathecal chemotherapy used in the treatment of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). We present a 42-year-old female with T-cell ALL who developed a myelopathy primarily involving the dorsal columns.


Case report and literature review.


Within 24 hours of an injection of intrathecal methotrexate, cytarabine, and hydrocortisone, the patient developed ascending lower limb numbness and balance difficulties progressing to the inability to ambulate. Clinical examination showed profound loss of lower limb proprioception and light touch sensation below T5, mild proximal limb weakness, but preserved pinprick and temperature sensation with intact bowel and bladder function. Initial thoracic and lumbar spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 1 week revealed no abnormalities. However, repeat imaging at 6 weeks showed abnormal signal in the posterior cord with sparing of the anterior and lateral columns, diffusely involving the lower cervical cord through the conus medullaris. Dermatomal somatosensory-evoked potential (DSEP) conduction abnormalities were consistent with thoracic myelopathy. An empiric trial of high-dose intravenous corticosteroids during inpatient rehabilitation more than 6 weeks later produced no significant clinical improvement.

Conclusion/clinical relevance

Preferential and persistent dorsal column myelopathy is a distinctive clinical and radiographic presentation of a rare complication of intrathecal chemotherapy. The MRI abnormalities were initially absent, but evolved to consist of multi-level spinal cord T2 and STIR hyperintensity with regional gadolinium enhancement. DSEPs more accurately reflected the clinical level of spinal cord dysfunction.  相似文献   

身体活动对于脊髓损伤患者的身体健康非常有益。闲暇时间身体活动是指脊髓损伤患者选择进行的身体活动,被推荐为健康干预措施。脊髓损伤患者进行身体活动需要克服多重障碍,在遵循身体活动指南的基础上,医疗相关人员应制定适合脊髓损伤患者个体的活动计划。  相似文献   

Objective: To examine long-term compliance with bladder management in patients with spinal cord injury (SCI) at a tertiary care rehabilitation facility in Saudi Arabia.

Design: Cross-sectional survey.

Setting: Tertiary care rehabilitation facility in Saudi Arabia.

Participants: A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to patients with SCI during their clinic visits. 50 patients (41 males and nine females) participated in the survey. Data documentation included demographic characteristics, type and level of injury, compliance with bladder management and barriers in compliance.

Main outcome measures: The type of bladder management employed at first follow-up visit was compared with that employed at discharge.

Results: Eleven out of 41 patients who were discharged on clean intermittent catheterization (CIC) stopped it within 3 months of discharge, mainly due to lack of accessibility and financial support to buy catheters. Of the total sample, 23% reported that they did not know the difference between catheter types and their advantages, and 49% stated that they did not receive proper health education regarding bladder management.

Conclusion: CIC was the most commonly used bladder management technique in patients with SCI following up at a tertiary care rehabilitation facility in Saudi Arabia. Compliance with CIC may be improved by ensuring access to catheters post-discharge and by providing appropriate education about bladder management during inpatient rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Fifteen cases of spinal arachnoiditis of noninfective etiology were treated with intrathecal hyaluronidase. In 10 patients, no obvious cause was evident; in four patients, arachnoiditis was the result of disk prolapse; and in one it followed spinal surgery. Fifteen hundred international units of hyaluronidase was injected intrathecally at intervals of 7-14 days. Four to nine injections (mean, 5.9) were given to each patient, and the patients were observed for 3-30 months (mean, 9.7). The effect of the treatment was assessed by the change in clinical grading from the pretreatment phase to the last examination. Satisfactory improvement was observed in 11 patients (73.3%) and "mild" recovery was observed in three patients. Because of this therapeutic efficacy and lack of serious toxic effects, intrathecally administered hyaluronidase appears to be of value in the management of spinal arachnoiditis.  相似文献   



The long-term urologic outcome in a large series of patients with neural tube defects was evaluated.


The following clinical parameters in 398 patients ranging from 1 to 37 years of age—69 with caudal regression syndrome (CRS), 244 with meningomyelocele (MMC), and 85 with spinal lipoma (SL)—were studied: congenital renal anomalies, renal function, vesico-ureteric reflux, upper tract dilatation, urodynamic pattern, and urinary continence.


Single kidney was much more frequent in CRS (20.3%), compared with MMC (1.2%) and SL (0%). Vesico-ureteric reflux was found in 37.7% of patients with CRS, 43.0% of MMC, and 21.2% of SL. Patients with CRS had a higher risk of impaired renal function (8.7%), compared with MMC (5.3%) and SL (1.2%). Neuropathic bladder was found in 61% of patients with CRS, 98% of MMC, and 42% of SL. Among them, clean intermittent catheterization and drugs allowed 30% of patients with CRS, 45% of MMC, and 71% of SL to be dry for more than 4 hours.


Diagnosis influences the urologic outcome in neural tube defect. In CRS, the incidence of renal agenesis and vesico-ureteric reflux was unexpectedly high. The risk of renal damage and, in those with neuropathic bladder, of urinary incontinence, was similar to patients with MMC.  相似文献   

This scoping review systematically reviewed relevant research to summarize the literature addressing the significance of monitoring spinal cord perfusion pressure (SCPP) in acute traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). The objectives of the review were to (1) examine the nature of research in the field of SCPP monitoring in SCI, (2) summarize the key research findings in the field, and (3) identify research gaps in the existing literature and future research priorities.Primary literature searches were conducted using databases (Medline and Embase) and expanded searches were conducted by reviewing the references of eligible articles and searches of Scopus, Web of Science core collection, Google Scholar, and conference abstracts. Relevant data were extracted from the studies and synthesis of findings was guided by the identification of patterns across studies to identify key themes and research gaps within the literature.Following primary and expanded searches, a total of 883 articles were screened. Seventy-three articles met the review inclusion criteria, including 34 original research articles. Other articles were categorized as conference abstracts, literature reviews, systematic reviews, letters to the editor, perspective articles, and editorials. Key themes relevant to the research question that emerged from the review included the relationship between SCPP and neurological recovery, the safety of monitoring pressures within the intrathecal space, and methods of intervention to enhance SCPP in the setting of acute traumatic SCI.Original research that aims to enhance SCPP by targeting increases in mean arterial pressure or reducing pressure in the intrathecal space is reviewed. Further discussion regarding where pressure within the intrathecal space should be measured is provided. Finally, we highlight research gaps in the literature such as determining the feasibility of invasive monitoring at smaller centers, the need for a better understanding of cerebrospinal fluid physiology following SCI, and novel pharmacological interventions to enhance SCPP in the setting of acute traumatic SCI. Ultimately, despite a growing body of literature on the significance of SCPP monitoring following SCI, there are still a number of important knowledge gaps that will require further investigation.  相似文献   



To investigate associations of therapeutic recreation (TR) interventions during inpatient rehabilitation for patients with traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) with functional, participation, and quality of life outcomes.


In this prospective observational study, data were obtained from systematic recording of TR services by certified TR specialists, chart review, and patient interview.


TR interventions, including exposure to community settings and leisure activities, add to the variance explained (in addition to the strong predictors of injury classification, admission motor Functional Independence Measure (FIM), and other patient characteristics) in outcomes at the time of rehabilitation discharge (FIM, discharge to home) and at the 1-year injury anniversary (FIM, working or being in school, residing at home, and societal participation as measured by the Craig Handicap Assessment and Reporting Technique (CHART)). They also are associated with less rehospitalization and less pressure development after discharge. In addition, more time spent in specific TR activities during rehabilitation is associated with more participation in the same type of activities at the 1-year injury anniversary.


Greater participation in TR-led leisure skill and community activities during rehabilitation is a positive predictor of multiple outcomes at rehabilitation discharge and the 1-year injury anniversary demonstrating that TR activities are associated with a return to a productive and healthy life after SCI. Further research should focus on the impact of TR on longer-term outcomes to determine whether relationships continue or change as persons continue to adapt to their life after SCI.


This is the fourth of nine articles in the SCIRehab series.  相似文献   

Objective: To provide an overview of clinical assessments and diagnostic tools, self-report measures (SRMs) and data sets used in neurogenic bladder and bowel (NBB) dysfunction and recommendations for their use with persons with spinal cord injury /disease (SCI/D).

Methods: Experts in SCI/D conducted literature reviews, compiled a list of NBB related assessments and measures, reviewed their psychometric properties, discussed their use in SCI/D and issued recommendations for the National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) Common Data Elements (CDEs) guidelines.

Results: Clinical assessments included 15 objective tests and diagnostic tools for neurogenic bladder and 12 for neurogenic bowel. Following a two-phase evaluation, eight SRMs were selected for final review with the Qualiveen and Short-Form (SF) Qualiveen and the Neurogenic Bowel Dysfunction Score (NBDS) being recommended as supplemental, highly-recommended due to their strong psychometrics and extensive use in SCI/D. Two datasets and other SRM measures were recommended as supplemental.

Conclusion: There is no one single measure that can be used to assess NBB dysfunction across all clinical research studies. Clinical and diagnostic tools are here recommended based on specific medical needs of the person with SCI/D. Following the CDE for SCI studies guidelines, we recommend both the SF-Qualiveen for bladder and the NBDS for bowel as relatively short measures with strong psychometrics. Other measures are also recommended. A combination of assessment tools (objective and subjective) to be used jointly across the spectrum of care seems critical to best capture changes related to NBB and develop better treatments.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: To study the effectiveness of knee-tendon to bladder artificial reflex arc in dogs.

Methods: In 6 beagles, the proximal end of the right L5 anterior motor root and the distal end of the right S2 anterior root were anastomosed to build a knee-tendon to bladder reflex, whereas the right L5 posterior sensory root was kept intact. Action potential (AP) curves and electromyograms (EMGs) of the detrusor muscle, the intravesical pressure, horseradish peroxidase (HRP)-labeled neurons, and the passing rates of myelinic nerve fibers were calculated to evaluate its feasibility.

Results: AP curves and EMG detected in all 6 dogs were similar to those of the control. Six and 18 months after surgery, the means for bladder contraction induced by percussion of the right knee-tendon were 38 ± 27% and 62 ± 5% that of the normal control, respectively. The mean duration times induced by percussion of the right knee-tendon at 6 and 18 months after surgery were 51 ± 37% and 84 ± 12% that of the normal control, respectively. HRP retrograde tracing and neurohistologic observation indicated the feasibility of the artificial reflex arc.

Conclusions: Our data showed the effectiveness of bladder innervation below the level of spinal cord injury producing urination by knee-tendon to bladder reflex contractions, and therefore, might provide a new clinical approach for restoring bladder function in individuals with paraplegia.  相似文献   

Spinal cord injury (SCI) is the injury of the spinal cord from the foramen magnum to the cauda equina which occurs as a result of compulsion, incision or contusion. The most common causes of SCI in the world are traffic accidents, gunshot injuries, knife injuries, falls and sports injuries. There is a strong relationship between functional status and whether the injury is complete or not complete, as well as the level of the injury. The results of SCI bring not only damage to independence and physical function, but also include many complications from the injury. Neurogenic bladder and bowel, urinary tract infections, pressure ulcers, orthostatic hypotension, fractures, deep vein thrombosis, spasticity, autonomic dysreflexia, pulmonary and cardiovascular problems, and depressive disorders are frequent complications after SCI. SCI leads to serious disability in the patient resulting in the loss of work, which brings psychosocial and economic problems. The treatment and rehabilitation period is long, expensive and exhausting in SCI. Whether complete or incomplete, SCI rehabilitation is a long process that requires patience and motivation of the patient and relatives. Early rehabilitation is important to prevent joint contractures and the loss of muscle strength, conservation of bone density, and to ensure normal functioning of the respiratory and digestive system. An interdisciplinary approach is essential in rehabilitation in SCI, as in the other types of rehabilitation. The team is led by a physiatrist and consists of the patients’ family, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, dietician, psychologist, speech therapist, social worker and other consultant specialists as necessary.  相似文献   

After damage to the spinal cord, some of the most frequent and severe complications are due to the neurogenic bladder and bowel, in spite of a variety of methods of management.Bladder and bowel emptying is usually impaired, but electrical stimulation of nerves surviving after spinal cord injury can produce controlled contraction of muscle, including the smooth muscle of the bladder and lower bowel, and this can be used to produce safe and effective bladder emptying on demand without catheters. It can also aid emptying of the bowel and reduce constipation. Hyper-reflexia of the bladder and lower bowel after spinal cord injury can produce reflex incontinence of urine and stool, and while this can sometimes be reduced by neuromodulation, it can be more predictably reduced by rhizotomy of the sacral sensory roots, while preserving the motor roots for stimulation. This combination of electrical stimulation and rhizotomy has restored bladder and bowel emptying and continence to several thousand patients, with reduced complications and improved quality of life over many years.  相似文献   

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