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Objective To investigate the localizations and activities of the Mg^2+-ATPase and G-6- Pase in lymphocytes of the human normal lymph nodes and lymph nodes around the cancer, Methods To determine the localization and activities of the Mg^2+-ATPase and G-6-Pase in lymphocytes of the human lymph nodes and lymph nodes around the cancer by using the electron enzyme cytochemical method. Results 1. The reaction granules of Mg^2+-ATPase could be seen clearly beneath the cell membrane and endoplasmic reticulum. 2. Granules of G-6-Pase were mainly observed on the surface of endoplasmic reticulum and mitochondria, 3. The activities of the Mg^2+-ATPase and G-6-Pase became lower in lymphocytes of lymph nodes around the cancer. 4. The positive rates of lower differentiated cancer were lower than of high-differentiated cancer. 5. The positive rates of the Mg^2+-ATPase and G-6-Pase in no lymph node metastasis were higher than that of lymph node lnetastasis. Conclusion The cytochemical investigation of lymphoprotease in lymphocytes of lymph nodes and lymph nodes around the cancer can be useful in determining its biologic behaviors and estimating prognosis indicator of the patients.  相似文献   

Histochemical,cell-chemical and light micro-scopic studies on diabetic,nondiabetic and normalgingivae were made qualitatively, quantitativelyand locationally. Gingival histologic changes were observed inboth diabetics and non-diabetics. Neutrophilicgranulocytes,plasma cells and lymphocytes werefound on each slide under light microscope. But  相似文献   

Nowdays the application of immunohistochemical techniques and ultrastructuralanalysis and correlation with clinical and biochemical findings have led to a moredetailed functional classification,in which growth hormone (GH)-producing andprolactin (PRL)-producing adenomas have been shown to comprise more than halfof pituitary adenomaso.Few immunoelectron microscopic studies on GH and PRLadenomas have been made,however,in limited cases so far,though a numberof authors have described the characteristics of pituitary adenomas by conventionalelectron microscopy.In addition to routine electron microscopy,immuno-.electron microscopical technique using protein A-gold probes was applied in this  相似文献   

AnUltrastructuralStudyofPhagocytosisandTransportofFormalizedCampylobacterjejunibyMCellsintoMousePeyer'sPatchesWangWeiya(王维亚);...  相似文献   

Human epidermal cells (ECs) were grown in vitro from normalhuman foreskin and the changes of Langerhans cells (LCs) within theoriginal explants and the epidermal outgrowth were observed in culturewith ATPase staining, HLA - Dr monoclonal antibody indirectimmuno-fluorescence and enzyme labelling avidin-biotin complex (ABC)staining. The capacity of ECs to stimulate the proliferation of allogeniclymhocytes was tested in the mixed skin-lymphocyte culture response(MSLR). The ATPase HLA-Dr positive LCs were gradually decreasedand significantly deformed within the original explants in culture. 70% ofLCs was decreased 3 days after culture. 90% of LCs was lost and the LCsremained in the original explants were only seen their outline 7 days afterculture. LCs approximatively disappeared within the original explants 14to 21 days after culture. The ATPase, HLA - Dr positive LCs have neverbeen found within the epidermal outgrowth. The ECs which were freshlyisolated from skin explants potently stimulated the proliferation ofallogenic lymphocytes in the MSLR. The ECs which were separated fromthe original explants after 3 days of culture were significantly declinedtheir ability to stimulate the proliferation of allogenic lymphocytes in theMSLR. The ECs separated from the original explants after 7 days ofculture were lost their ability to stimulate the proliferation of allogeniclymphocytes in the MSLR. The ECs separated from the epidermaloutgrowth failed to stimulate the proliferation of allogenic lymphocytes inthe MSLR. These results suggested that the ECs grown in our culturesystem were declined their immunogenety of skin allografts.  相似文献   

Study on Angiogenesis Factor of Human Osteosarcoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rapid growing ofthe solid tumors is usuallydue to the rapid development of blood vessels[1] .Os-teosarcoma emerges a typical clinical appearance ofsolid tumors in which histologicalsections often showa great number of pathological nutritional blood ves-sels. Investigation of the tumor neovascularizationcould not only understand the mechanism of thegrowth and metastasis of osteosarcoma,but also ex-pect to deduce a therapeutic program targeting theneovascularization.Thus,we cultured the huma…  相似文献   

To exactly observe the phagocytosis ofBCG by human B cell and the presenta-tion of BCG particulate antigen by hu-man B cell to T cell, an ABC-acid fast  相似文献   

Immunochemical rnethods,viral tissue culture and dlectron microscopic observationtechiniques were used to study the distribution of HFRS virus in the tissues and cells of patients withHFRS and sorne of their abotive faus.The results showed that HFRS virus could infect many hu-man organs and cells and pass through plaoenta and blood-brain barrier,and was characteristic ofpantropical infection,the duration of the viremia of the patients being mostly near a week.Thestudy is valuable for elucidation pathogenesis of the disease.  相似文献   

The crossreactivities of McAbs against human sperm with trophoblast antigens were determined with Bio-dot assay,IIF and Western blotting assay.The results showed that 6 out of 8 McAbs to human sperm including A14,26-4,C43,B33-1,B33-2 and C13-2 could crossreact with trophoblast antigens obtained from microvilli of early gestation in both Bio-dot assay and IIF.The results of Western blotting assay showed that 4 out of 8 McAbs tested,i.e.C43,B33-1,B33-2 as well as C13-2 could bind to trophoblast antigens.These McAbs exhibited hinding to more than one protein band of trophoblast antigen.Based on above findings,it is clear that there are common antigens existing both in sperm cells and early trophoblast tissues.It is speculated that the tissues of early embryo also expressed in some degree determinants of germ antigens.  相似文献   

AComparisononFourMethodsforCryopreserved SpermatozoaJinYan,etal.(ACTAACADEMIAEMEDICINAENANJING,1994,14(1):9-12)Abstract:There...  相似文献   

采用四种不同的精液冷冻保存方法,对43例健康、正常、有生育力的新鲜精液,进行了172例次的冷冻复温后精子的活率和活动力的变化比较研究,经过统计分析结果表明麦管法较为理想,以后依次是冰晶球法,安瓿法,试管法。同时还对四种方法的特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

自体颅骨深低温保存再植修补与有机玻璃修补的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :通过深低温冷冻自体颅骨瓣与有机玻璃修补颅骨缺损的对比分析 ,探讨自体颅骨瓣经深低温冷冻再植修补的优点和完善措施。方法 :对 3 5例患者行自体颅骨瓣深低温冷冻后再植修补其颅骨缺损 ,通过皮下积液及感染发生率、大体观察、X线检查、组织病理学变化、平均手术时间等方面研究 ,并与同期 4 6例采用有机玻璃修补颅骨缺损的患者做对比。结果 :自体骨瓣深低温冷冻保存后再植修补明显优于有机玻璃修补 (P <0 0 1 )。结论 :深低温冷冻保存自体骨瓣修补颅骨缺损具有诸如形态上符合头部生理、皮下积液及感染机会少、尤其适用于儿童、可明显缩短手术时间等优点 ,其社会效益和经济效益很大。  相似文献   

同时用放射免疫法(RIA)、反向间接血凝法(RPHA)、普通对流免疫电泳(CIE)及放射免疫自显影四种方法检测340份血清的HBsAg。结果表明:自显影法与CIE敏感度相近,RPHA优于前面两种方法,虽不及RIA敏感度高,但操作简便,故仍然是适用于大规模血清流行病学研究的检测方法。  相似文献   

小鼠精子冷冻的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:探索、建立一套小鼠精子冷冻方法。方法:通过CPS和RS318两种冷冻液对比试验;进行不同解冻法试验;对B6DF1、CD-1、DBA、C57BL/6四种品系小鼠精子分别进行快速冷冻和缓速冷冻,将解冻精子、鲜精与卵母细胞进行体外受精,并进行体外培养、胚胎移植,通过受精率和受孕率对冷冻方法进行筛选。结果:两种冷冻液试验、不同解冻法试验的受精率差异均无显著性。B6DF1、CD-1、C57BL-6品系小鼠快速冷冻精子解冻后与卵母细胞的体外受精率(35%、34%、17%)显著低于鲜精(60%、59%、34%)、缓速冷冻精子的受精率(62%、58%、30%),此三种品系小鼠快速、缓速冷冻精子体外受精试验的受孕率均显著低于鲜精试验的受孕率。结论:缓速冷冻法是小鼠精子冷冻的适宜方法,干解冻法和稀释法处理冷冻液可简单有效地解冻精子。  相似文献   

低温冷冻同种异体软骨移植在整形外科的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的:探讨低温冷冻同种异体软骨移植在整形外科的应用。方法:在无菌条件下,切取引产胎儿的四肢及胸肋软骨。以15%二甲基亚砜为低温保护剂,进行超低温冷冻(-80℃),保存于-196℃的液氮中。经复温后用于临床,38例,其中,鞍鼻畸形24例,外耳缺损修复4例,唇裂继发畸形修复6例,下颌成形4例。结果:经30个月随访观察,除2例外耳再造术出现变形外,其余均无吸收变形,排异反应,外形较为满意,结论:同种异体  相似文献   

目的 观察长爪沙鼠精子的形态和结构。方法 应用光学显微镜、透射电镜和扫描电镜进行观察。结果与结论 长爪沙鼠精子由头、颈、尾三部分组成 ,全长为 ( 15 6 3 2± 6 61) μm ,头长为 ( 10 4 3± 2 12 ) μm ,颈、尾部长为 ( 14 5 89± 5 14 ) μm ,具典型的啮齿类动物的精子形态 ;长爪沙鼠精子的尾部轴丝是 9+ 2模式 ,轴丝外围有 9条大小、形态不一的外周致密纤维 ,外周致密纤维从主段到末端逐渐变细 ,并在主段的近末端处分 4批终止 ;主段的纤维鞘具有腹侧纵柱、背侧纵柱、内嵴等结构。在精子尾部的末段 ,外层仍保留有纤维鞘的结构 ,但无外周致密纤维 ,轴丝仍然为 9+ 2模式  相似文献   

Itisknownthattherewereantispermantibodies(AsAbs)intheseraandsemenaftervasectomyorvasovasotomy"--".In1978ModeratorandModeraterlalraisedaquestionofwhetherAsAbscancoattheepididymalspermatozoaaftervasectomy,orexistonthesurfaceoftheepididymalspermatozoabeforeejaculation.Unforturnately,sofartherehasbeennoreportabouttheAsAbsonthehumanspermatozoaoftheepididymisorproximalvasdeferensaftervasectomy,becauseitisverydifficulttoobtainthehumanspermatozoabeforeejaculation(SBE).Nowthetechniqueofcannulationo…  相似文献   

目的:评价一种新型的冷冻载体cell sleeper用于微量人类精子的冷冻效果。方法:将60例患者的精液标本液化,PureSperm梯度离心处理后进行两部分实验。第一部分运用cell sleeper在不同液量(0.5μl,1μl和2μl)含有冷冻保护剂的液滴进行精子冷冻,液氮中冷冻2周,比较冻融前后各组精子存活率和活力,以找到cellsleeper用于微量精子冷冻的最佳液量条件。在第一部分实验摸索的液量条件下,进行第二部分cell sleeper中进行单精子冷冻,并与常规冻存管进行比较。结果:第一部分实验中,三组精子解冻后的活力和存活率均较冷冻前下降,但三组间解冻后精子存活率和活力比较无差异。第二部分实验中,cell sleeper组精子解冻后的回收率和存活率明显高于常规冻存管组。结论:cell sleeper是一种理想的微量精子冷冻载体,解冻后可保证较高的精子回收率和存活率。  相似文献   

We present here a comparative study on the transplantation of freshand cryopreserved fetal liver cells(FLC)in mice.The results indicated that the30-day survival rates after transplantation were 38.8%(26/67)for recipients infusedwith fresh fetal liver cells and 54.5%(42/77)for those received cells cryopreservedin liquid nitrogen for 2-103 days.The viability assay showed that the frozen-thawed cells still had an intact viability and repopulating capacity.Ourinvestigations demonstrate that the infusion of fetal liver cells preserved in-196℃ and thawed rapidly could achieve hematopoietic reconstitution in lethallyirradiated mice.  相似文献   

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