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Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) depends on adequate cognitive functioning in patients, but prolonged cocaine use may impair cognitive functioning. Therefore, cognitive impairment may impede the ability of cocaine abusers to benefit from CBT. To begin to address this issue, we investigated the relationship between cognitive impairment and two treatment outcomes, therapy completion and abstention. Eighteen carefully screened non-depressed cocaine-dependent patients in a psychopharmacological clinical trial were administered the MicroCog computerized battery to assess cognitive performance at treatment entry. T-tests were used to compare cognitive functioning between completers (patients remaining in treatment at least 12 weeks) and dropouts. The results indicated that treatment completers had demonstrated significantly better cognitive performance at baseline than patients who dropped out of treatment. Cognitive domains that significantly distinguished between treatment completers and dropouts were attention, mental reasoning and spatial processing. This study provides preliminary evidence that cognitive impairments may decrease treatment retention and abstinence in CBT of cocaine dependence.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Prior research has shown that cocaine dependence is associated with dysfunction of brain systems involved in emotions and motivational states. OBJECTIVES: To examine whether difficulties in emotion regulation are associated with early cocaine abstinence using the recently validated Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale (DERS). METHOD: Recently abstinent treatment-seeking cocaine patients (n=60) completed the DERS during their first week of inpatient treatment and at discharge (3-4 weeks later), and scores were compared with community controls (n=50). RESULTS: Compared with controls, cocaine-dependent individuals reported difficulties relating to understanding emotions, managing emotions and impulse control in the first week of abstinence. With continued abstinence, cocaine-dependent individuals showed continued difficulties only in impulse control. CONCLUSION: Cocaine-dependent individuals report emotion regulation difficulties, particularly during early abstinence. Additionally, protracted distress-related impulse control problems suggest potential relapse vulnerability.  相似文献   

Alcohol use in wife abusers and their spouses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The present study provided an assessment of alcohol use in couples characterized by wife abuse. The Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, Quantity-Frequency Index, Impairment Index, and a questionnaire tapping frequency and magnitude of violent episodes were administered to couples who were: (a) physically abusive, (b) maritally discordant but nonviolent, and (c) satisfactorily married. Results indicated significantly higher scores on the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test in physically abusive males based on their self-reports as well as wives' reports of husbands' drinking behavior. No significant differences were found between groups of wives on alcohol measures. In addition, correlational analyses revealed a number of significant relationships between husbands' self-reported drinking and wives' responses concerning their spouses' alcohol use. Findings are discussed in terms of the need for more extensive assessment of physically abusive males, and the utility of examining the interactive influences of alcohol and other factors on marital violence.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cession of heroin use may be followed by a protracted-abstinence (PA) syndrome consisting of craving, negative mood, and physiological changes. PA symptoms have rarely been compared between drug-free and methadone-maintained former heroin users after similar lengths of heroin abstinence. METHODS: Seventy former heroin users were included in one of four groups: in day 15-45 of methadone maintenance therapy (short-term MMT), in month 5-6 of MMT (long-term MMT), opiate-free for 15-45 days after methadone-assisted heroin detoxification (short-term post-methadone), and opiate-free for 5-6 months after methadone-assisted heroin detoxification (long-term post-methadone). PA symptoms (negative mood, dyssomnia, somatization, and craving), and blood pressure and pulse were assessed pre- and post-neutral videotape and pre- and post-heroin videotape. RESULTS: Dyssomnia and the total PA score were worst in short-term post-methadone participants, mood was best in long-term MMT participants, and cue-induced craving was least severe in long-term MMT participants. Blood pressure and pulse did not differ across groups. CONCLUSIONS: Even after acute withdrawal, the first months of heroin abstinence after methadone-assisted detoxification may be more difficult in terms of cue-induced craving and other PA symptoms than the first months of heroin abstinence during MMT. Our findings add to the literature supporting MMT for prevention of cue-induced heroin craving.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Although adolescent smokers appear to display some of the hallmark features of dependence, the biological and behavioral effects of smoking in this population are poorly understood. OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to define empirically the effects of abstinence and smoking in adolescent smokers, using indices validated in adult smokers. METHODS: Subjects were 16 young novice smokers (five male, 11 female), ages 14-18 years. A modified Stroop task measured the ability to inhibit attention to smoking-related cues; the classic Stroop task measured the ability to inhibit a pre-potent response (i.e. reading a word); a rapid information processing (RIP) task measured vigilance. RESULTS: Abstinence increased and smoking decreased the intrusiveness of smoking cues. Parallel effects were seen in commission errors on the RIP task. These effects were restricted to heavier smokers (>11 cigarettes/day). Subjective withdrawal effects predicted the intrusiveness of smoking words during abstinence. The number of cigarettes smoked per day predicted the beneficial effect of smoking on the classic as well as modified Stroop tasks. The physiological effects of abstinence and smoking predicted RIP performance. CONCLUSIONS: Abstinence impairs and smoking improves inhibitory information processing in young novice smokers in a manner similar to adult smokers. Daily frequency of smoking is a critical moderator of these effects.  相似文献   

We used a novel computerized decision-making task to compare the decision-making behavior of chronic amphetamine abusers, chronic opiate abusers, and patients with focal lesions of orbital prefrontal cortex (PFC) or dorsolateral/medial PFC. We also assessed the effects of reducing central 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) activity using a tryptophan-depleting amino acid drink in normal volunteers. Chronic amphetamine abusers showed suboptimal decisions (correlated with years of abuse), and deliberated for significantly longer before making their choices. The opiate abusers exhibited only the second of these behavioral changes. Importantly, both sub-optimal choices and increased deliberation times were evident in the patients with damage to orbitofrontal PFC but not other sectors of PFC. Qualitatively, the performance of the subjects with lowered plasma tryptophan was similar to that associated with amphetamine abuse, consistent with recent reports of depleted 5-HT in the orbital regions of PFC of methamphetamine abusers. Overall, these data suggest that chronic amphetamine abusers show similar decision-making deficits to those seen after focal damage to orbitofrontal PFC. These deficits may reflect altered neuromodulation of the orbitofrontal PFC and interconnected limbic-striatal systems by both the ascending 5-HT and mesocortical dopamine (DA) projections.  相似文献   



Chronic cocaine use results in long-lasting neurochemical changes that persist beyond the acute withdrawal period. Previous work from our group reported a profound reduction in the acoustic startle response (ASR) in chronic cocaine-dependent subjects in early abstinence compared to healthy controls that may be related to long-lasting neuroadaptations following withdrawal from chronic cocaine use.  相似文献   

The clinical relevance of neuropsychological deficits in addicted individuals has fostered interest in treatment strategies aimed to effectively target executive and decision-making dysfunction. One of the best-validated interventions for executive dysfunction is Goal Management Training (GMT) (Robertson et al., 2005), an interactive program aimed at improving participants’ organization and ability to achieve goals. Mindfulness-based meditation can complement GMT training in order to improve attentional scanning and “reading” of emotional signals involved in adaptive decision-making. In this pilot study we investigated the efficacy of a 7-week program including GMT + Mindfulness (GMT + MF), as compared to standard treatment alone (STx), for reducing executive and decision-making deficits in an outpatient sample of alcohol and polysubstance abusers. Eighteen participants were enrolled in the GMT + MF group, whereas 16 participants formed the STx group; both groups were matched for relevant demographic and clinical variables, and pre-treatment degree of executive dysfunction. Results showed that the individuals enrolled in GMT + MF significantly improved their performance on neuropsychological measures of working memory (Letter Number Sequencing), response inhibition (Stroop) and decision-making (Iowa Gambling Task) after the treatment; whereas individuals enrolled in STx alone failed to show significant changes. These preliminary results indicate that the GMT + MF intervention may be effective in reducing executive and decision-making deficits in polysubstance abusers, and they support future randomized controlled studies aimed at examining the extent to which these improvements may generalize to every day functioning and may affect the capacity of addicted individuals to achieve and maintain abstinence.  相似文献   

The impact of change in smoking status on 12-month substance abuse (SA) treatment outcomes was examined among an HMO population seeking SA treatment. Of the 749 participants who entered the study at baseline, 649 (86.9%) were retained at the 12-month follow-up. At treatment entry, 395 participants were smokers and 254 were nonsmokers. At 12-month follow-up, 13% of the 395 baseline smokers reported quitting smoking and 12% of the 254 baseline nonsmokers reported starting/relapsing to smoking. Those who quit smoking were less likely to be diagnosed as alcohol dependent compared to those that remained smokers. Those who started/resumed smoking were more likely to be diagnosed as both alcohol and drug dependent at treatment entry compared to all other groups. Total days abstinent from alcohol and illicit drugs was greatest for individuals who quit smoking (adjusted M=310.6) or who were nonsmokers (adjusted M=294.7) and lowest for those who started/resumed smoking (adjusted M=246.6) or remained smokers (adjusted M=258.2), even after controlling for demographic (i.e. age, income), psychosocial (ASI psychiatric severity), and other treatment characteristics (length of treatment stay, prescribed bupropion) that were associated with days abstinent at 12 months. Self-initiated smoking cessation does not appear to be detrimental to SA treatment outcomes, and may be beneficial. Starting/resuming smoking after entering SA treatment may be a clinical marker for individuals at greater risk of relapse. Future studies may want to measure the smoking status of all participants at all time points in order to include this higher-risk group of substance using smokers.  相似文献   

In New Zealand, routine infant health surveillance is carried out by the nurses of the Royal New Zealand Plunket Society. The full scheduled number of contacts for the first year of life was 15. The pattern of these nurse contacts was examined during the first year of life for babies born between 1979 to 1984. Data was available for 492 randomly selected infants. There was no record of any Plunket contact in 102 (20.7%). Of those infants who had some Plunket contact, only 71 (19.4%) had the full number of contacts or more, and 51 (13.9%) had only seven or fewer contacts. Infants with a high Christchurch-Invercargill-Dunedin (CID) birthscore were more likely not to have any contacts, and when contact was made these infants were seen less often than compared to the low risk group, during this period. More stringent efforts are needed to engage those infants who are at present not being seen, as they appear to be the infants who are most at risk.  相似文献   

Renal failure in the first year of life   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

Circulating antibodies to poliovirus were estimated in a group of 300 British and 84 foreign first year students who registered at the health centre of Nottingham University in 1984. Detectable antibodies to all three poliovirus serotypes were found in 212 (71%) of the British students but in only 47 (56%) of those from abroad. Most of the British students (280; 93%) had been born in 1965 or 1966, when uptake of poliomyelitis vaccine was declining. Immunisation histories showed that 10 British and 29 foreign students (3% and 35%) had no record of any immunisation; only five British and two foreign students, however, were negative for all three poliovirus serotypes. These findings provide evidence that a high proportion of British born people aged 18-29 have adequate circulating poliovirus antibodies despite incomplete immunisation schedules. Though this is reassuring, the absence of antibodies in some students and the lack of previous immunisation against poliomyelitis in 39 suggest that reinforcing doses of vaccine at the time of leaving school or beginning further education are still warranted, particularly for students from other countries. The findings also emphasise the need for accurate immunisation records.  相似文献   

RATIONALE: Caffeine is present in a wide variety of beverages, often together with a number of other ingredients, such as sugars, taurine, glucuronolactone and vitamins. However, the majority of psychopharmacological studies have used pure caffeine tablets or drinks with doses in excess of those normally consumed in daily life. In addition, all the participants are usually deprived of caffeine for 10 h or more before the study. Consequently, it has been argued that any improvement in performance is only due to a reversal of caffeine withdrawal. OBJECTIVE: The present two studies tested participants who had minimal deprivation from caffeine (an hour or less) with an 80-mg caffeinated (80 mg/250 ml), taurine-containing beverage (commercially available) verum, which also contained sugars, glucuronolactone and vitamins. The placebos in the two studies were a sugar-free and a sugar-containing drink, in order to examine the effects of the sugar. METHODS: In total, 42 participants were tested with a rapid visual information test, a verbal reasoning test, a verbal and non-verbal memory test and a set of mood measures. Prior to testing, they were allowed ad libitum caffeinated beverages until 1 h before testing (study 1) and unrestricted caffeine use before testing (study 2). RESULTS: In both studies, the caffeinated, taurine-containing beverage produced improved attention and verbal reasoning, in comparison with a sugar-free and the sugar-containing drinks. The improvement with the verum drink was manifested in terms of both the mean number correct and the reaction times. Another important finding was the reduction in the variability of attentional performance between participants. No effects on memory were found. There were no differences in performance between the glucose and sugar-free drinks. CONCLUSIONS: Moderate doses of caffeine and taurine can improve information processing in individuals who could not have been in caffeine withdrawal.  相似文献   

The presence of abnormalities in emotional decision-making and reward processing among bipolar patients (BP) has been well rehearsed. These disturbances are not limited to acute phases and are common even during remission. In recent years, the existence of discrete cognitive profiles in this psychiatric population has been replicated. However, emotional decision making and reward processing domains have barely been studied. Therefore, our aim was to explore the existence of different profiles on the aforementioned cognitive dimensions in BP. The sample consisted of 126 euthymic BP. Main sociodemographic, clinical, functioning, and neurocognitive variables were gathered. A hierarchical-clustering technique was used to identify discrete neurocognitive profiles based on the performance in the Iowa Gambling Task. Afterward, the resulting clusters were compared using ANOVA or Chi-squared Test, as appropriate. Evidence for the existence of three different profiles was provided. Cluster 1 was mainly characterized by poor decision ability. Cluster 2 presented the lowest sensitivity to punishment. Finally, cluster 3 presented the best decision-making ability and the highest levels of punishment sensitivity. Comparison between the three clusters indicated that cluster 2 was the most functionally impaired group. The poorest outcomes in attention, executive function domains, and social cognition were also observed within the same group. In conclusion, similarly to that observed in “cold cognitive” domains, our results suggest the existence of three discrete cognitive profiles concerning emotional decision making and reward processing. Amongst all the indexes explored, low punishment sensitivity emerge as a potential correlate of poorer cognitive and functional outcomes in bipolar disorder.  相似文献   

Many recovering persons report quitting their drug use because they are "sick and tired" of the drug life. Recovery is the path to a better life, but that path is often challenging and stressful. There has been little research on the millions of recovering persons in the United States, and most research has focused on substance use outcomes rather than on broader functioning domains. This study builds on our previous cross-sectional findings that recovery capital (social supports, spirituality, religiousness, life meaning, and 12-step affiliation) enhances the ability to cope with stress and enhances life satisfaction. This study (a) tests the hypothesis that higher levels of recovery capital prospectively predict sustained recovery, higher quality of life, and lower stress one year later, and (b) examines the differential effects of recovery capital on outcomes across the stages of recovery. Recovering persons (N = 312), mostly inner-city ethnic minority members whose primary substance had been crack or heroin, were interviewed twice at a one-year interval in New York City between April 2003 and April 2005. Participants were classified into one of four baseline recovery stages: under 6 months, 6-18 months, 18-36 months, and over 3 years. Multiple regression findings generally supported the central hypothesis and suggested that different domains of recovery capital were salient at different recovery stages. The study's limitations are noted and implications of findings for clinical practice and for future research are discussed, including the need for a theoretical framework to elucidate the recovery process.  相似文献   

Perinatal factors and physical development in the first year were studied in a group of 30 small-for-gestational age (SGA) infants and matched controls. Mothers of small-for-gestational age infants were significantly lighter (p less than 0.01), had shorter labours (p less than 0.01), had higher reported caffeine intake (p less than 0.01) and were more likely to have smoked in pregnancy than mothers of control infants (p less than 0.05). Small-for-gestational age infants had lower ponderal indices (p less than 0.001), were more likely to exhibit head sparing at birth (p less than 0.02) and to be short-for-dates (p less than 0.001), and to have had hypoglycaemia in the first 24 hours (p less than 0.02). Their growth trajectories exhibited growth catchup in the first 3 months but at 12 months they remained lighter, shorter and had smaller head circumferences than the control infants (p less than 0.001) with mean weight and length percentiles of 23% each in small-for-gestational age infants and 50% and 57% in appropriately grown infants.  相似文献   



Most widely used antidepressant drugs affect the serotonergic and noradrenergic pathways. However, there are currently no neurobiological criteria for selecting between these targets and predicting the treatment response in individual depressed patients.


The current study is aimed at differentiating brain regions known to be pathophysiologically and functionally involved in depression-related emotion processing with respect to their susceptibility to serotonergic and noradrenergic modulation.


In a single-blind pseudo-randomized crossover study, 16 healthy subjects (out of 21 enrolled) were included in analysis after ingesting a single dose of citalopram (a selective serotonin-reuptake inhibitor, 40?mg), reboxetine (a selective noradrenaline-reuptake inhibitor, 8?mg), or placebo at three time points prior to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). During fMRI, subjects anticipated and subsequently viewed emotional pictures. Effects of serotonergic and noradrenergic modulation versus placebo on brain activity during the perception of negative pictures were analyzed with a repeated measures ANOVA in the whole brain and in specific regions of interest relevant to depression.


Noradrenergic modulation by reboxetine increased brain activity in the thalamus, right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and occipital regions during the perception of negative emotional stimuli. Citalopram primarily affected the ventrolateral prefrontal cortical regions.


The brain regions involved in the processing of negative emotional stimuli were differentially modulated by selective noradrenergic and serotonergic drugs: thalamic activity was increased by reboxetine, whereas citalopram primarily affected ventrolateral prefrontal regions. Thus, dysfunction in these regions, which could be identified in depressed patients, may predict treatment responses to either noradrenergic or serotonergic antidepressants.  相似文献   

The urges to smoke reported by 215 former smokers were measured 1 day, 7 days, 14 days and 30 days after they quit to examine: (a) the time course of smoking urges, (b) the relationship of urges to relapse, and (c) predictors of urges to smoke. Urges to smoke were strongest 1 day after quitting, and decreased at each subsequent measurement point. Urges were a powerful predictor of relapse. At each of the four assessment points, abstinent subjects who reported stronger urges to smoke were more likely to relapse by the next measurement point. Urges to smoke at a given day (e.g., day 1) were consistently the best predictors of the persistence of urges at the next assessment (e.g., day 7). Greater negative emotion (e.g., anxiety, sadness, anger, and confusion) and psychosocial stress also predicted stronger urges to smoke. Nicotine gum significantly reduced urges during week 1 post-cessation. Clinical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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