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目的探讨不同表面处理和不同粘结剂对氧化锆粘结强度的影响。方法将氧化锆分别制成直径为12.0mm和4.0mm的瓷片,各120个,分别随机分成12组。粘结剂选用磷酸锌粘结剂、聚羧酸锌粘结剂、BifixQM和Super-Bond CB。对氧化锆的表面分别进行不处理、喷砂、硅烷化、先喷砂后硅烷化处理。用上述4种粘结剂将4.0mm瓷片粘结在12.0mm瓷片上,置于37℃蒸馏水中保存24h后,进行剪切粘结强度测试。结果粘结剂相同时,不同表面处理时的粘结强度有显著统计学差异(P0.01),由小到大依次为不处理喷砂硅烷化先喷砂后硅烷化处理;表面处理相同时,不同粘结剂之间的粘结强度有显著统计学差异(P0.01),由小到大依次为磷酸锌粘结剂聚羧酸锌粘结剂Bifix QMSuper-Bond CB。结论粘结剂相同时,表面处理提高了粘结强度。Super-Bond CB的粘结强度比较理想。使用Super-Bond CB时,喷砂后硅烷化处理是一种比较理想的表面处理方法。 相似文献
喷砂对不同粘接剂与氧化锆粘接强度的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的研究喷砂对不同粘接剂与氧化锆粘接强度的影响,筛选出比较理想的粘接剂。方法将由ZrO2制成的大瓷片(140个)和小瓷片(140个)随机配对分成14组。对ZrO2的表面分别不作处理和喷砂处理,选用临床常用的7种粘接剂,将较小瓷片粘接在较大瓷片上。置于37℃蒸馏水里保存24h后,进行剪切粘接强度测试,并进行统计学分析。结果喷砂组的粘接强度明显高于非喷砂组(P〈0.01)。PanaviaF、Super-BondC&B与ZrO2的粘接强度明显高于BifixQM与ZrO2的粘接强度(P〈0.01)。结论喷砂能明显提高粘接剂与ZrO2的粘接强度,Panavia F、Super-Bond C&B是比较理想的粘接剂。 相似文献
目的 比较树脂加强型玻璃离子和自粘接树脂型水门汀粘接剂对氧化锆全瓷冠的临床粘接效果.方法 选取66例患者100颗需要进行氧化锆全瓷冠修复的患牙,随机分为两组(n=50),分别采用3M RelyXTMLuting树脂加强型玻璃离子粘固剂(RelyX L组)和3M RelyXTM U200通用自粘接树脂水门汀(RelyX U组)粘接.两年后复查,检查修复体的固位情况及边缘密合性,比较两组修复的成功率.结果 RelyX L组修复成功率98.0%;RelyX U组修复成功率100.0%,两组间差异无统计学意义.结论 在进行氧化锆全瓷冠修复时,采用树脂加强型玻璃离子和自粘接树脂型水门汀粘接剂均能取得良好的临床粘接效果. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to characterize the effects of either acidic or combined alkaline/heat treatments on the surface of grit-blasted commercially pure (cp) titanium. The effects of the previous treatments on the shear bond strength (SBS) of cp titanium to conventional glass ionomer, resin-reinforced glass ionomer and self-adhesive resin luting cements were evaluated.Methods
Titanium discs were machined and received one of the following treatments; grit-blasting (GB), grit-blasting followed either by etching in HNO3/HF solution (GB/Ac) or by combined 5 M NaOH treatment/heat treatment at 600 °C for 1 h, then immersed for 24 h in SBF solution before cementation (GB/Ak). The treated surfaces were characterized by atomic force microscope (AFM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and laser-induced brake-down spectroscopy (LIBS). Discs were cemented either by Fuji I, Fuji Plus or Rely X™ Unicem luting cements. The SBS was evaluated and the debonded discs were investigated by SEM.Results
Two prominent results were revealed; first, GB/Ak treatment showed the highest SBS than the other treatments (P < 0.0001). Second, Rely X™ Unicem showed the highest SBS than the other cements (P < 0.0001). Fuji I and Fuji Plus showed predominant cohesive type of failure, whereas Rely X™ showed predominant adhesive type of failure.Significance
Combined alkaline/heat treatments of commercially pure titanium surface shows to be of beneficial effect in enhancing SBS to glass ionomer, resin-modified glass ionomer and adhesive resin luting cements. 相似文献5.
目的 研究Cercon氧化锆陶瓷表面不同处理方法对含有磷酸酯粘接单体的Panavia F的剪切强度的影响.方法 采用600号砂纸打磨、喷砂、硅烷化、喷砂加硅烷化4种表面处理方法,对完全随机分组的4组氧化锆陶瓷试样进行单面处理.在玻璃模具的辅助下,将两块不同规格的试样中心相对地用Panavia F树脂类水门汀加压粘接固定,万能实验机测定剪切强度并进行统计学分析.结果 600号砂纸打磨试样剪切强度(21.50±1.98)、喷砂组剪切强度(23.68±2.31)、硅烷化剪切强度(20.69±1.55)、喷砂+硅烷化(24.01±2.19) MPa,其总体均数不相等,其中,喷砂组和喷砂加硅烷化组高于600号砂纸打磨组和硅烷化组,P <0.05;喷砂组和喷砂加硅烷化组之间,以及600号砂纸打磨组和硅烷化组之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 喷砂是提高树脂粘接剂与氧化锆陶瓷剪切强度的有效方法,而砂纸打磨和硅烷化并不能显著提高剪切强度. 相似文献
To measure the shear bond strengths of various luting cements to a sandblasted zirconia ceramic and to determine the surface energy parameters of the luting cements.Methods
Two conventional glass ionomer cements, two resin-modified glass ionomer cements, two compomer cements, and two adhesive resin cements were prepared and bonded to sandblasted zirconia (Lava). All bonded specimens were stored in water at 37 °C for 48 h and then half of them additionally thermocycled 10,000 times prior to the shear bond strength test (n = 10). Surface roughness (Ra) values and surface energy parameters of the eight luting cements and polished zirconia ceramic were evaluated using a profilometer and contact angle measurements, respectively (n = 10). The bond strength and surface roughness data were statistically analysed using non-parametric and parametric procedures, respectively (α = 0.05). Relationships between surface energy parameters and measured shear bond strengths were investigated using the Spearman rank correlation test.Results
Panavia F 2.0 and Principle produced higher bond strengths than the other cements, with no significant changes before and after thermocycling. Fuji I, Ketac Cem Easymix, and Ionotite F yielded near-zero or zero values after thermocycling. All debonded specimens showed adhesive failure. Mean Ra values ranged from 0.104 to 0.167 μm. We found the base (hydrogen bond accepting) components of the luting cements significantly affected the bond strengths both before and after thermocycling.Conclusion
It is recommended that the surface energy parameters of luting cements be considered in evaluating their adhesive properties with zirconia ceramic. 相似文献7.
PURPOSEThis study aimed to compare the effect of different surface treatments and luting agent types on the shear bond strength of two ceramics to commercially pure titanium (Cp Ti).MATERIALS AND METHODSA total of 160 Cp Ti specimens were divided into 4 subgroups (n = 40) according to surface treatments received (control, 50 µm airborne-particle abrasion, 110 µm airborne-particle abrasion, and tribochemical coating). The cementation surfaces of titanium and all-ceramic specimens were treated with a universal primer. Two cubic all-ceramic discs (lithium disilicate ceramic (LDC) and zirconia-reinforced lithium silicate ceramic (ZLC)) were cemented to titanium using two types of resin-based luting agents: self-cure and dual-cure (n = 10). After cementation, all specimens were subjected to 5000 cycles of thermal aging. A shear bond strength (SBS) test was conducted, and the failure mode was determined using a scanning electron microscope. Data were analyzed using three-way ANOVA, and the Tukey-HSD test was used for post hoc comparisons (P < .05).RESULTSSignificant differences were found among the groups based on surface treatment, resin-based luting agent, and ceramic type (P < .05). Among the surface treatments, 50 µm air-abrasion showed the highest SBS, while the control group showed the lowest. SBS was higher for dual-cure resin-based luting agent than self-cure luting agent. ZLC showed better SBS values than LDC.CONCLUSIONThe cementation of ZLC with dual-cure resin-based luting agent showed better bonding effectiveness to commercially pure titanium treated with 50 µm airborne-particle abrasion. 相似文献
Peumans M Hikita K De Munck J Van Landuyt K Poitevin A Lambrechts P Van Meerbeek B 《Journal of dentistry》2007,35(4):282-288
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on the micro-tensile bond strength (microTBS) of an adhesive luting agent to CAD-CAM ceramic. The hypothesis tested was that neither of the surface treatments would produce higher bond strength of the adhesive luting agent to CAD-CAM ceramic. METHODS: Ceramic specimens of two different sizes (6 mm x 8 mm x 3 mm; 13 mm x 8 mm x 4 mm) were fabricated from ProCAD ceramic blocs (Ivoclar-Vivadent) with a low-speed diamond saw. The ceramic blocks were divided into seven groups and submitted to the following surface treatments: group 1: no treatment; group 2: etching with 37% H(3)PO(4); group 3: etching with 37% H(3)PO(4)+silane; group 4: etching with 37% H(3)PO(4)+silane+adhesive resin; group 5: etching with 4.9% HF acid; group 6: etching with 4.9% HF acid+silane; group 7: etching with HF acid+silane+adhesive resin. After surface treatment, two differently sized porcelain disks were bonded together with a composite luting agent (Variolink II, Ivoclar-Vivadent). The specimens were stored for 24h in distilled water at 37 degrees C prior to microTBS testing. One-way analysis of variance was used to test the influence of surface treatment and Scheffe multiple comparisons test determined pair-wise statistical differences (p<0.05) in microTBS between the experimental groups. RESULTS: The mean microTBSs (standard deviation) are: group 1: 12.8 (+/-4.6)MPa; group 2: 19.1 (+/-5.0)MPa; group 3: 27.4 (+/-11.1)MPa; group 4: 34.0 (+/-8.9)MPa; group 5: 37.6 (+/-8.4) MPa; group 6: 34.6 (+/-12.8)MPa; group 7: 34.5 (+/-5.1)MPa. Statistical significant differences were found between group 1 and groups 3-7, and between group 2 and groups 4-7. All specimens of groups 1-4 exhibited adhesive failures, while a combination of adhesive and mixed (adhesive and cohesive) failures was observed in the specimens of groups 5-7. CONCLUSIONS: The results show that surface treatment is important to bond to ceramic and suggests that etching is needed preferably with hydrofluoric acid than with phosphoric acid. 相似文献
Shogo Yagawa Futoshi Komine Ryosuke Fushiki Kei Kubochi Fumiaki Kimura Hideo Matsumura 《Journal of prosthodontic research》2018,62(2):204-209
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of priming agents and artificial aging with thermocycling on shear bond strengths of two resin-based luting agents to a translucent zirconia material.Methods
A total of 308 pairs of translucent zirconia disk specimens were divided into seven treatment groups: Alloy Primer (ALP), Clearfil Ceramic Primer Plus (CCP), Meta Fast Bonding Liner (MFB), MR. bond (MRB), Super-Bond PZ Primer Liquid B (PZB), V-Primer (VPR), and an unprimed group (UP). The specimens in each group were bonded with Panavia V5 Universal (UNI) and Opaque shade (OPA). Shear bond strengths (n = 11 each) were tested before and after 5000 thermocycles. The data were analyzed with the Kruskal–Wallis test and the Steel–Dwass test.Results
For both 0 and 5000 thermocycles, the ALP (47.8 and 41.5 MPa, respectively) and CCP (45.8 and 42.3 MPa, respectively) groups showed significantly higher bond strengths than other groups in the UNI luting agent. For the OPA luting agent, CCP group (45.8 MPa) exhibited the highest pre-thermocycling bond strength in all groups. The ALP (32.4 MPa) and CCP (36.5 MPa) groups had significantly higher post-thermocycling shear bond strengths than other groups. In several groups, the shear bond strengths of the UNI luting agent were significantly higher than those of the OPA luting agent before and after thermocycling.Conclusions
Application of priming agents containing hydrophobic phosphate monomer (MDP) yielded the durable bond strengths of resin-based luting agents to a translucent zirconia material. 相似文献10.
Alessio CasucciFrancesca Monticelli Cecilia GoracciClaudia Mazzitelli Amerigo CantoroFederica Papacchini Marco Ferrari 《Dental materials》2011,27(10):1024-1030
To evaluate the influence of different surface treatments on the microtensile bond strength of resin cement to zirconia ceramic.Materials and methods
Twelve cylinder-shaped (∅ 12 × 5.25 mm high) blocks of a commercial zirconium-oxide ceramic (Cercon® Zirconia, DENTSPLY) were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 3), based on the surface treatment to be performed: (1) airborne particle abrasion with 125 μm Al2O3 particles (S); (2) selective infiltration etching (SIE); (3) experimental hot etching solution applied for 30 min (ST) and (4) no treatment (C). Paradigm MZ100 blocks (3M ESPE) were cut into twelve cylinders of 4 mm in thickness. Composite cylinders were bonded to conditioned ceramics using a resin cement (Calibra®, DENTSPLY), in combination with the proprietary adhesive system. After 24 h bonded specimens were cut into microtensile sticks and loaded in tension until failure. Bond strength data were analyzed with Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn's Multiple Range test for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05). Failure mode distribution was recorded and the interfacial morphology of debonded specimens was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM).Results
Bond strength values achieved after SIE and ST treatment were significantly higher than after S treatment and without any treatment (p < 0.05). Premature failures were mostly recorded in the S group.Significance
Conditioning the high-strength ceramic surface with SIE and ST treatments yielded higher bond strengths of the resin cement than when zirconia ceramic was treated with airborne particle abrasion or left untreated. 相似文献11.
Attia A 《Journal of applied oral science : revista FOB》2011,19(4):388-395
This in vitro study aimed to evaluate the influence of different surface treatments, 3 luting agents and thermocycling on microtensile bond strength (µTBS) to zirconia ceramic.Material and Methods
A total of 18 blocks (5x5x4 mm) were fabricated from zirconia ceramic (ICE Zirkonia) and duplicated into composite blocks (Alphadent). Ceramic blocks were divided into 3 groups (n=6) according to the following surface treatments: airborne-particle abrasion (AA), silica-coating, (SC) (CoJet) and silica coating followed by silane application (SCSI) (ESPE Sil). Each group was divided into 3 subgroups (n=2) according to the 3 luting agents used. Resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (RMGIC, Ketac Cem Plus), self-adhesive resin cement (UN, RelyX Unicem) and adhesive resin cement (ML, MultiLink Automix) were used for bonding composite and zirconia blocks. Each bonding assembly was cut into microbars (10 mm long and 1±0.1 mm2). Seven specimens of each subgroup were stored in water bath at 37ºC for 1 week. The o ther 7 specimens were stored in water bath at 37ºC for 30 days then thermocycled (TC) for 7,500 cycles. µTBS values were recorded for each specimen using a universal testing machine. Statistical analyses were performed using a 3-way ANOVA model followed by serial 1-way ANOVAs. Comparison of means was performed with Tukey''s HSD test at (α=0.05).Results
µTBS ranged from 16.8 to 31.8 MPa after 1 week and from 7.3 to 16.4 MPa after 30 days of storage in water and thermocycling. Artificial aging significantly decreased µTBS (p<0.05). Considering surface treatment, SCSI significantly increased µTBS (p<0.05) compared to SC and AA. Resin cements (UN and ML) demonstrated significantly higher µTBS (p<0.05) compared to RMGIC cement.Conclusions
Silica coating followed by silane application together with adhesive resin cements significantly increased µTBS, while thermocycling significantly decreased µTBS. 相似文献12.
目的:评价不同粘接剂及表面处理方法对氧化锆陶瓷与粘接剂的粘接强度的影响.方法:将较大氧化锆瓷片和较小氧化锆瓷片派对,随机分成12组,每组10对.粘接剂选用Ketac Cem Easymix、Rely X luting、Bifix QM和Panavia F,对氧化锆的表面分别喷砂、硅烷化或喷砂联合硅烷化处理,并进行剪切粘接强度测试.结果:在使用Ketac Cem Easymix和Rely X luting时,喷砂提高了粘接强度(P<0.01).在使用Bifix QM和Panavia F时,喷砂、硅烷化或喷砂联合硅烷化处理提高了粘接强度(P<0.01).表面处理相同时,Panavia F与氧化锆的粘接强度高于其它粘接剂(P<0.01).结论:使用Panavia F联合喷砂加硅烷化处理的粘接强度最高. 相似文献
目的:探讨氧化锆陶瓷与牙本质间合适的黏结材料。方法:将烧结喷砂后的氧化锆陶瓷片分为4组,每组8片,将经过唾液污染→水冲洗→磷酸凝胶(含35%正磷酸)酸蚀→水冲洗处理过的氧化锆陶瓷片分别选用Multilink Automix、3M RelyXTM Unicem AplicapTM、Tokuso Ionomer和Shofu Polycarboxylate Cement等4种黏结材料与牙本质进行黏结,水浴24h后,测试其黏结剪切强度。采用SPSS12.0软件包比较不同黏结剂所得的黏结剪切强度以及黏结的破坏形式。结果:Multilink Automix的黏结抗剪强度最高,3M RelyXTM Unicem AplicapTM次之,但亦显著高于Tokuso Ionomer和Shofu Polycarboxylate Cement,差别有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:全酸蚀树脂黏结系统是牙科氧化锆陶瓷黏结的理想选择,可以获得较高的黏结强度。 相似文献
黄润玮 《口腔材料器械杂志》2015,24(1):10-13
目的探讨计算机辅助设计/计算机辅助制造(CAD/CAM)切削表面形貌对氧化锆瓷与饰瓷结合强度的影响。方法将40个Upcare氧化锆基底材料以CAD/CAM切削烧结瓷块试件,随机等分为4组。其中对照组按常规操作进行打磨、喷砂及抛光等处理。实验组均采用CAD/CAM时预设程序,分别使切削产生的刀路与剪切强度测试加力方向呈垂直(A组)、平行(B组)及突起(C组),并对试件进行喷砂处理。测量并比较各组试件的表面粗糙度和剪切强度。扫描电镜观察断裂界面的情况。结果各组的剪切强度分别为:A组(27.64±4.24)MPa、B组(27.12±5.32)、C组(36.86±7.21)MPa、对照组(24.14±2.74)MPa,其中对照组与A组、B组之间差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05),对照组与C组之间的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。各组的表面粗糙度分别为:A组(5578.34±1165.58)Ra、B组(5227.98±1440.29)Ra、C组(5699.97±1234.28)Ra、对照组(5964.92±1013.834)Ra,各组之间的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。Pearson相关性分析显示,试件表面粗糙度与剪切强度之间无线性相关关系(P>0.05)。扫描电镜观察显示C组较其他组氧化锆瓷与饰瓷结合更致密,未见气泡,无孔隙存在。结论固位突起的锆瓷表面形貌可有效增加锆瓷与饰瓷间的结合强度,而表面粗糙度对界面的结合强度无明显影响。 相似文献
目的:评价酸蚀一喷砂处理以及4种不同水门汀材料Fuji I(FUI)、Fuji Cem(FUC)、RelyX Unicem(RX—U)、RelyXARC(RXA))对纤维桩粘固性能的影响。方法:选取80颗无龋坏单根管人前磨牙,根据对应纤维桩表面处理与否随机分为2组,进而根据粘接材料的不同分为4个亚组。常规根管充填和桩道预备后,分别选用4种水门汀材料将表面处理前后的玻璃纤维桩粘接到预备根管内;观察纤维桩表面及每组试件粘接界面扫描电镜(SEM)下微观形貌,测试即刻拉出强度(pull—outtest)。结果:表面处理前后纤维桩的各水门汀材料拉出强度以RXA组最高,随后依次为RXU、FUC、FUI组,且各组间均相差显著(P〈0.05);纤维桩表面处理后与各水门汀材料的拉出强度较之处理前均显著提高(P〈0.05):SEM观察显示:表面处理后纤维桩的表面粗糙度纤维暴露数量均有明显增加;表面处理前后各组粘接界面微观形貌存在差异,各组的粘接界面均较处理前更致密。结论:酸蚀一喷砂处理纤维桩表面后可以提高其与不同水门汀材料的粘接固位力。 相似文献
目的 评价表面处理方法对玻璃纤维桩粘接强度的影响.方法 选用MATCHPOST玻璃纤维桩和Relyx玻璃纤维桩各16根,按照表面处理方法随机分为4组:对照组(无表面处理);单独硅烷偶联剂处理组;单独粘接剂处理组;硅烷偶联剂+粘接剂联合处理组,每组每种纤维桩4根.用树脂水门汀将纤维桩粘接就位至圆筒模具,再用自凝塑料包埋.37C蒸馏水水浴24h后从垂直于纤维桩长轴的方向将样本从底部切割2个1 mm薄片.对64个薄片进行微推出测试.所得数据用SPSS19.0统计软件进行分析.结果 MATCHPOST玻璃纤维桩四组中,硅烷偶联剂+粘接剂联合处理组的粘接强度最高,与对照组相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),与单独粘接剂处理组相比统计学上具有非常显著差异(P<0.01);其他各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).Relyx玻璃纤维桩四组中,硅烷偶联剂+粘接剂联合处理组粘接强度最高,但各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 硅烷偶联剂和粘接剂联合处理后可以增强玻璃纤维桩与树脂水门汀的粘接强度. 相似文献
表面处理对粘结剂与氧化锆粘结强度的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:评价出比较理想的粘结剂和ZrO2表面处理方法。方法:将由ZrO2制成的较大瓷片(120个)和较小瓷片(120个),随机派对分成12组。对ZrO2的表面分别不作处理、喷砂、硅烷化,先喷砂后硅烷化处理。用Bifix QM、Super-BondC&B和Panavia F三种树脂粘结剂将较小瓷片粘结在较大瓷片上。置于37℃蒸馏水里保存24h后,进行剪切粘结强度测试。结果:3种表面处理都提高了粘结强度(P〈0.01),其中,先喷砂后硅烷化处理对粘结强度提高得最明显(P〈0.01)。Panavia F、Super-Bond C&B与ZrO2的粘结强度明显高于BifixQM与ZrO2的粘结强度(P〈0.01)。结论:先喷砂后硅烷化处理是一种比较理想的表面处理方法,Panavia F、Super-Bond C&B是比较理想的树脂粘结剂。 相似文献
To evaluate the effect of different surface treatments on the bond strength between polyetheretherketone (PEEK) composite materials and each of two different luting cements.Methods
One hundred specimens were randomly divided into five groups (n = 20/group) as follows: (A) no treatment, (B) 98% sulfuric acid, (C) 9.5% hydrofluoric acid, (D) argon plasma treatment, and (E) sandblast with 50 μm Al2O3 particles. Each group was divided into two subgroups of different cements: RelyX™ Unicem and SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X™. The cements were bonded onto the specimens. All specimens were stored in distilled water at 37° for 24 h. Bond strength was measured in a shear test, and failure modes were assessed by stereomicroscopy. The surfaces were observed by SEM after the different pretreatments.Results
Etching with 98% sulfuric acid and argon plasma treatment can significantly enforce the bond strength of RelyX™ Unicem or SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X™ to PEEK composite materials in comparison to the group of no treatment, hydrofluoric acid or sandblasting (p < 0.05). No adhesion was established on the groups of no treatment and hydrofluoric acid when RelyX™ Unicem was used. Applying the SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X™ system, no statistical differences were found whether hydrofluoric acid was applied or not (p > 0.05). The shear bond strength value of using SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X™ was higher than that of using RelyX™ Unicem with the same surface conditioning method (p < 0.05).Significance
The use of SE Bond/Clearfil AP-X™ after the surface of PEEK composite material treated with sulfuric acid or argon plasma can be recommended as an effective bonding method. 相似文献19.
Esam Tashkandi 《Saudi Dental Journal》2009,21(3):113-116
The constant quest for finding the ultimate esthetic dental restorative material has led to numerous alternatives. These materials, in addition to possessing optical properties simulating natural teeth, should also have physical properties that can withstand the harsh oral environment. Due to their greater toughness, zirconium oxide materials have been used as a core material for all-ceramic restorations.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the resin-composite micro-shear bond strength to zirconia using different techniques of surface treatment.Materials and methods
Fully sintered zirconia (LAVA, 3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) discs were used in combination with resin-composite (Filtek Supreme, 3M-ESPE, Seefeld, Germany) discs and divided into four groups of surface treatments. The micro-shear bond strength was measured by applying an axial load on the bonded interface until failure occurred. Failure load (N) was determined and the samples were examined under a SEM and the failure type was identified. One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to analyze the data with the level of significance α = 0.05.Results
Data analysis revealed significant difference between the different tested surface treatments with the group using sandblasting and coated with an experimental primer showing the highest failure load and a cohesive fracture pattern.Conclusion
Within the limitations of this in vitro study the use of an experimental primer achieved a better bond strength in combination with air-abrasion particles. 相似文献20.
瓷表面不同处理方法及粘结剂对全瓷剪切强度的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
目的:观察喷砂、酸蚀及硅烷偶联剂等表面处理方法对热压铸陶瓷,玻璃渗透陶瓷和氧化锆陶瓷与不同种粘结剂的粘结强度的影响。方法:样本分为热压铸陶瓷组,渗透陶瓷组和氧化锆陶瓷组。分别应用不同表面处理方法和粘结剂,测其剪切强度。结果:方差分析表明,热压铸陶瓷组中酸蚀涂硅烷树脂粘结组粘结强度最高,渗透陶瓷组中喷砂玻璃离子粘结组粘结强度最高,氧化锆陶瓷组中喷砂玻璃离子粘结组粘结强度最高。结论:应用常规树脂粘结剂粘固热压铸陶瓷修复体取得较好的粘固效果,采用酸蚀和硅烷偶联剂的表面处理,可取得最大粘结强度。 相似文献