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The complete sequence of the gene coding for the S antigen from the Wellcome (West African) strain of Plasmodium falciparum has been obtained. It contains a central repetitive region consisting of 65 copies of a partially degenerate 24 bp sequence, coding for a conserved 8 amino acid repeat (Gly Pro Asn Ser Asp Gly Asp Lys). The repeat sequence is different from those of S antigens characterised in other strains and thus represents a new S antigen serotype.  相似文献   

We have determined the complete sequence of two structurally distinct 18S ribosomal RNA genes from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum. S1 nuclease analyses demonstrate that only one of the genes is represented in stable rRNA populations isolated from blood-stage parasites. Comparisons of homologous rRNA genes from Plasmodium berghei and P. falciparum reveal that they are identical at 86% of their positions. From comparisons of the Plasmodium genes to that of humans, it was possible to design genus-specific as well as species-specific oligonucleotide probes that can be used to distinguish the parasite 18S ribosomal RNA from that of its host. The utilization of these probes as diagnostic reagents is discussed.  相似文献   

Human antibodies to the block 2 region of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 1 (MSP1) are associated with a reduced prospective risk of clinical malaria. Block 2 is highly polymorphic, but all known alleles can be grouped into three major types. Two of these types (the K1-like and MAD20-like types) contain type-specific sequences (found in all alleles of a particular type) that flank polymorphic tripeptide repeats. These repeats contain both type-specific and subtype-specific sequences. To evaluate the antibody recognition of these parts of block 2, a new panel of six recombinant proteins was used (fused type-specific flanking sequences and two representative repeat sequences for each of the K1-like and MAD20-like types separately). Extensive testing of these antigens and full-length block 2 antigens showed that human serum immunoglobulin G antibodies induced by infection can recognize (i) type-specific epitopes in the repeats, (ii) subtype-specific epitopes in the repeats, or (iii) type-specific epitopes in flanking sequences. A large prospective study in The Gambia showed that antibodies to the repeats are strongly associated with protection from clinical malaria. The results are important for design of a vaccine to induce protective antibodies, and they address hypotheses about repeat sequences in malaria antigens.  相似文献   

Plasmodium falciparum infections can be fatal, while P. vivax infections usually are not. A possible factor involved in the greater virulence of P. falciparum is that this parasite grows in red blood cells (RBCs) of all maturities whereas P. vivax is restricted to growth in reticulocytes, which represent only approximately 1% of total RBCs in the periphery. Two proteins, expressed at the apical end of the invasive merozoite stage from P. vivax, have been implicated in the targeting of reticulocytes for invasion by this parasite. A search of the P. falciparum genome databases has identified genes that are homologous to the P. vivax rbp-1 and -2 genes. Two of these genes are virtually identical over a large region of the 5' end but are highly divergent at the 3' end. They encode high-molecular-mass proteins of >300 kDa that are expressed in late schizonts and localized to the apical end of the merozoite. To test a potential role in merozoite invasion of RBCs, we analyzed the ability of these proteins to bind to mature RBCs and reticulocytes. No binding to mature RBCs or cell preparations enriched for reticulocytes was detected. We identified a parasite clone that lacks the gene for one of these proteins, showing that the gene is not required for normal in vitro growth. Antibodies to these proteins can inhibit merozoite invasion of RBCs.  相似文献   

Structure and expression of the Plasmodium falciparum SERA gene   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Plasmodium falciparum, strain FCR3, genomic DNA that encodes the SERA gene of P. falciparum was isolated and sequenced. The SERA gene coding region was interrupted by 3 introns, the largest number observed, so far, in any Plasmodium gene. Two SERA gene alleles, allele I and allele II, were identified in the FCR3 strain, while only allele I was found in the Honduras-1 strain. Allele I mRNA was abundant in vivo during the late trophozoite and schizont stages. Allele II mRNA was either not expressed, or it was labile.  相似文献   

We have developed a recombinant system that directs the functional expression from Escherichia coli of both dihydrofolate reductase-thymidylate synthetase (DHFR-TS) and the isolated DHFR domain from Plasmodium falciparum. Both products are inhibitory to a number of E. coli cell lines to the extent that cell growth ceases immediately upon induction. This dramatic inhibition is not seen in strain AB1899, in which amounts of plasmodial protein of up to 100 times the basal E. coli TS level can be accumulated. However, as well as the full-length DHFR-TS molecule, smaller proteins carrying an intact TS substrate-binding site are produced. These represent ca. 60-75% of the total plasmodial protein expressed and are observed in every E. coli strain examined. We show that they are not derived by degradation of the parent DHFR-TS molecule, but can be correlated with the sizes of proteins expected to be produced if erroneous initiation of translation were occurring at 3 internal methionine residues.  相似文献   

Coccidiosis, caused by Eimeria spp., is a major disease of economic importance to the poultry industry. The cloning and characterisation of genes coding for antigens of those species infecting chickens is an initial step in the identification of protective antigens suitable for the development of a genetically engineered vaccine. This report describes the molecular characterisation of an antigen of E. tenella produced by the recombinant lambda amp3 bacteriophage EtHL6. Three native polypeptides corresponding to the EtHL6 antigen, with sizes between 110 and 94 kDa, have been identified on both sporozoites and second generation merozoites of E. tenella by mouse antisera raised against the EtHL6 fusion protein. The DNA insert is a 722-bp EcoRI fragment encoding a polypeptide comprising three tandem blocks of amino acids which are highly homologous to each other. Each region, A, B and C, contains a strongly hydrophilic domain and two pairs of cysteine residues. Computer analysis has identified similarities with a group of proteins which include the circumsporozoite antigen and thrombospondin-related anonymous protein (TRAP) of malaria parasites, human thrombospondin, mouse properdin and the terminal components of the complement pathway.  相似文献   

The previously described Plasmodium falciparum blood stage antigen, 5.1 (also referred to as exp-1) was expressed at a high level in Escherichia coli. Saimiri monkeys immunised with purified recombinant antigen 5.1 were partially protected from P. falciparum blood stage parasite challenge. The gene coding for 5.1 was combined with DNA coding for an (Asn-Ala-Asn-Pro)19 sequence (abbreviated (NANP)19 in the one-letter amino acid code). To facilitate purification of the recombinant protein, DNA coding for a hexahistidine (His6) sequence was introduced at the 5' end of the gene (proteins containing His6 have high affinity for Ni(2+)-chelate columns even in the presence of 6 M guanidine HCl). The recombinant protein, His6-5.1-(NANP)19 with an apparent molecular size of 40 kDa could be highly purified by a combination of 4 steps: (1) release and solubilization of the recombinant fusion protein from E. coli in the presence of 6 M guanidine-HCl; (2) precipitation of over 60% of the bacterial proteins by the addition of ammonium sulphate to 50% saturation; (3) affinity chromatography on a Ni(2+)-chelate column in the presence of 6 M guanidine-HCl; (4) adsorption onto a cation exchange resin in the presence of 6 M urea, and elution with an increasing NaCl gradient. Compared with the previously tested tetanus toxoid-(NANP)3 malaria vaccine, this protein elicits an anti-(NANP)n response which more closely resembles that evoked by native sporozoites. The recombinant vaccine also induces the production of antibodies against the blood stages of the malaria parasite.  相似文献   

AIMS: Resistance of Plasmodium falciparum to drugs has led to renewed interest of redox-active methylene blue (MB) for which no resistance has been reported so far. Moreover, MB displays unique interactions with glutathione reductase (GR). However, the mechanisms of action/interaction with potential targets of MB are yet to be elucidated. Our physico-biochemical study on MB and relevant hematin-containing targets was performed under quasi-physiological conditions. RESULTS: The water deprotonation of the Fe(III)protoporphyrin dimer, the major building block of β-hematin, was studied. At pH 6, the predominant dimer possesses water coordinated to both metals. Below pH 6, spontaneous precipitation of β-hematin occurred reminiscent of hemozoin biomineralization at pH 5.0-5.5 in the food vacuole of the malarial parasite. MB also forms dimers (K(Dim)=6800 M(-1)) and firmly binds to hematin in a 2:1 hematin:MB sandwich complex (K(D)=3.16 μM). MB bioactivation catalyzed by GR induces efficient methemoglobin(Fe(III)) [metHb(Fe(III))] reduction to hemoglobin(Fe(II)). The reduction rate, mediated by leucomethylene blue (LMB), was determined (k(metHb)(red)=991 M(-1)·s(-1)) in an assay coupled to the GR/reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate system. INNOVATION AND CONCLUSION: Our work provides new insights into the understanding of (i) how MB interacts with hematin-containing targets, (ii) other relevant MB properties in corroboration with the distribution of the three major LMB species as a function of pH, and (iii) how this redox-active cycler induces efficient catalytic reduction of metHb(Fe(III)) to hemoglobin(Fe(II)) mediated by oxidoreductases. These physico-biochemical parameters of MB open promising perspectives for the interpretation of the pharmacology and pathophysiology of malaria and possibly new routes for antimalarial drug development.  相似文献   

We report here the isolation, sequence analysis, structure, and expression of the gene encoding the largest subunit of RNA polymerase III (RPIII) from Plasmodium falciparum. The P. falciparum RPIII gene consists of 5 exons and 4 introns, is expressed in all of the asexual erythrocytic stages of the parasite as a 8.5-kb mRNA, and is present in a single copy on chromosome 13. The predicted 2339 amino acid residue RPIII subunit contained 5 regions that were conserved between different eukaryotic RPIII subunits, and 4 variable regions that separated the conserved regions. Three of the variable regions were greatly enlarged in comparison to the corresponding variable regions in other RPIII subunits. Variable region C' represented nearly one-third of the P. falciparum RPIII subunit (750 amino acid residues), included a unique repeated decapeptide sequence, and had some homology with yeast DNA topoisomerase II. Noteworthy amino acid sequences and structures were identified in both the conserved regions and in the enlarged variable regions, and their possible role(s) as domains that regulate RPIII enzyme activity is discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies are known to play an important role in the control of malaria infection. However, they can modulate parasite development enhancing infection. The effect of anti-Plasmodium antibodies on the expression of circumsporozoite protein gene (csp) was investigated. Plasmodium falciparum 3D7 in vitro cultures were submitted to: i) anti- circumsporozoite protein monoclonal antibody (anti-CSP-mAb) [1microg/ml, 0.1microg/ml, 0.01microg/ml and 0.001microg/ml] and ii) purified IgG Fab fragment from a pool of malaria patients [1mg/ml and 1microg/ml]; and compared to control cultures. After 24h the number of ring infected erythrocytes was determined in order to calculate invasion efficacy. At 48h culture supernatant was collected, and the amount of circumsporozoite protein determined by ELISA, parasitaemia was calculated and cells were processed for RNA preparation. Expression of csp gene was quantified using Real time RT-PCR. There was an increase in parasite growth when treated with lower anti-CSP-mAb concentration, which was associated with lower csp expression, while 1mug/ml anti-CSP-mAb treatment presented a growth inhibitory effect accompanied by high csp expression.  相似文献   

While genes encoding antigens and other highly polymorphic proteins are commonly found in subtelomeres, it is unusual to find a small family of housekeeping genes in these regions. We found that in the species Plasmodium falciparum only, a non-subtelomeric acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS) gene has expanded into a family of duplicated genes mainly located in the subtelomeres of the genome. We identified the putative parent of the duplicated family by analysis of synteny and phylogeny relative to other Plasmodium ACS genes. All ten ACS paralogs are transcribed in erythrocytic stages of laboratory and field isolates. We identified and confirmed a recent double gene conversion event involving ACS genes on three different chromosomes of isolate 3D7, resulting in the creation of a new hybrid gene. Southern hybridization analysis of geographically diverse P. falciparum isolates provides evidence for the strikingly global conservation of the ACS gene family, but also for some chromosomal events, including deletion and recombination, involving the duplicated paralogs. We found a dramatically higher rate of non-synonymous substitutions per non-synonymous site than synonymous substitutions per synonymous site in the closely related ACS paralogs we sequenced, suggesting that these genes are under a form of selection that favors change in the state of the protein. We also found that the gene encoding acyl-CoA binding protein has expanded and diversified in P. falciparum. We have described a new class of subtelomeric gene family with a unique capacity for diversity in P. falciparum.  相似文献   

The human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum contains two nucleosome assembly proteins, which we have termed PfNAPS and PfNAPL. We have over-expressed, purified and characterized these proteins using biochemical and biophysical techniques. PfNAPS and PfNAPL exist as dimers in solution and circular dichroism studies suggest that they may have different three-dimensional protein structures. ELISA-based binding data also suggest that PfNAPS and PfNAPL preferentially interact with the H3-H4 tetramer histones over H2A and H2B histones. We show that the parasite lysate phosphorylates only PfNAPL and this phosphorylation can be inhibited by heparin suggesting a potential role of casein kinase II in this process. Immuno-fluorescence experiments revealed that both PfNAPS and PfNAPL were expressed in all erythrocytic stages of the parasite. PfNAPL was predominantly localised in the cytoplasm in asexual and sexual stages of the parasite. PfNAPS did not co-localise with PfNAPL and was more intimately associated with the parasite nucleus, most strikingly in P. falciparum gametocytes. Taken together, our data show that although PfNAPS and PfNAPL share histone chaperone acitivities, they are regulated differently by phosphorylation and are spatially segregated within the parasite. These proteins are therefore likely to play non-redundant roles as nucleosome assembly motors in the parasite.  相似文献   

The gene encoding merozoite surface protein 5 (MSP5) of Plasmodium falciparum is situated between the genes encoding MSP2 and MSP4 on chromosome 2. Both MSP4 and MSP5 encode proteins that contain hydrophobic signal and glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) attachment signals and a single epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like domain at their carboxyl termini. The similar gene organization, location and similar structural features of the two genes suggest that they have arisen from a gene duplication event. In this study we provide further evidence for the merozoite surface location of MSP5 by demonstrating that MSP5 is present in isolated merozoites, partitions in the detergent-enriched phase following Triton X-114 fractionation and shows a staining pattern consistent with merozoite surface location by indirect immunofluorescence confocal microscopy. Analysis of antigenic diversity of MSP5 shows a lack of sequence variation between various isolates of P. falciparum from different geographical locations, a feature unusual for surface proteins of merozoites and one that may simplify vaccine formulation.  相似文献   

The merozoite surface of the pathogenic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum is comprised of proteins that are important for the identification and invasion of human red cells. Merozoite surface protein (MSP)3 is a polymorphic protein associated with the surface of merozoites and is also a vaccine candidate. A distinct feature of the MSP3 sequence is three blocks of alanine-rich heptad repeats that are predicted to form an intramolecular coiled-coil. Three orthologues of MSP3 that also contain alanine-rich heptad repeats have been described in P. vivax and we therefore searched the P. falciparum genome database for MSP3 paralogues. We have identified two genes, H101 and H103 related to MSP3, however like another MSP3 paralogue, MSP6, H101 and H103 do not contain heptad repeats. H101 and H103 are expressed during the asexual cycle and immunofluorescence indicates H103 localises to the merozoite surface as a peripheral membrane protein. Transfected parasite lines that express truncated forms of H101 or H103 were viable and grew at the same rate as the parental parasite line. This result may reflect redundancy in function among members of the MSP3/MSP6 gene family as has been described for other families of paralogue genes in P. falciparum.  相似文献   

The low-molecular-mass rhoptry complex of Plasmodium falciparum consists of three proteins, rhoptry-associated protein 1 (RAP1), RAP2, and RAP3. The genes encoding RAP1 and RAP2 are known; however, the RAP3 gene has not been identified. In this study we identify the RAP3 gene from the P. falciparum genome database and show that this protein is part of the low-molecular-mass rhoptry complex. Disruption of RAP3 demonstrated that it is not essential for merozoite invasion, probably because RAP2 can complement the loss of RAP3. RAP3 has homology with RAP2, and the genes are encoded on chromosome 5 in a head-to-tail fashion. Analysis of the genome databases has identified homologous genes in all Plasmodium spp., suggesting that this protein plays a role in merozoite invasion. The region surrounding the RAP3 homologue in the Plasmodium yoelii genome is syntenic with the same region in P. falciparum; however, there is a single gene. Phylogenetic comparison of the RAP2/3 protein family from Plasmodium spp. suggests that the RAP2/3 duplication occurred after divergence of these parasite species.  相似文献   

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