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Joint infections of the hand may lead to irreversible lesions and impairment of hand function due to early cartilage damage. Furthermore, persistent infections which are not treated immediately can cause osteitis and/or spread systemically. Finger joints are prone to infection due to bite wounds or crush and sharp injuries. Whereas the wrist is often affected in patients with immunosuppression or chronic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus. If diagnosis and therapy are delayed, joint damage may be inevitable. Therefore, urgent treatment of the infected joint is imperative to preserve the function of the hand. This article reviews the current diagnostics and treatment of joint infections of the hand.  相似文献   

Delayed treatment of any diabetic foot infection can lead to a limb- or life-threatening scenario. Urgent and/or emergent surgery may be necessary in the early diagnosis of a severe diabetic foot infection that is followed by staged reconstructive procedures. This article provides the reader with a thorough understanding of the surgical management of severe diabetic foot infections and describes and guides treatment based on a rational schematic approach that identifies the anatomic location of the diabetic foot infection.  相似文献   

Parasitic infections are important complications of organ transplantation that are often overlooked in the differential diagnosis of post-transplantation pyrexial illness. Although their frequency is unknown, they seem to be much less prevalent than bacterial and viral infections. Only 5% of human pathogenic parasites have been reported to cause significant illness in transplant recipients. Infection can occur via transmission with the graft or blood transfusion, or be acquired de novo from the environment. Recrudescence of dormant infection can lead to active disease. Post-transplantation parasitic disorders tend to cluster into two clinical profiles. First, an acute systemic illness with anemia, constitutional manifestations and variable stigmata of organ involvement; acute graft dysfunction can lead to confusion and acute rejection. Protozoa including malarial Plasmodium, Leishmania, Trypanosoma and Toxoplasma are associated with this profile. The second typical manifestation encompasses a few localized syndromes, usually associated with the lower gastrointestinal tract, caused by either protozoa (Cryptosporidium and microsporidia) or nematodes (Strongyloides and Ascaris). Dissemination of localized infections can lead to life-threatening systemic manifestations. A high index of suspicion is essential, as diagnosis requires special sampling techniques and laboratory procedures. Definitive diagnosis is usually achieved by detecting the parasite in the patient's tissues or body fluids by histological examination or culture, or by polymerase chain reaction amplification of the parasite-specific antigen sequence. Antibody detection using serological techniques is also possible in a few parasitic infections. Certain lesions have characteristic radiological appearances, hence the value of imaging, particularly in the cerebral syndromes. Treatment is usually straightforward (broad spectrum or specific drugs), yet some species are drug resistant.  相似文献   

These updated guidelines from the Infectious Diseases Community of Practice of the American Society of Transplantation review the diagnosis, prevention, and management of Nocardia infections after solid organ transplantation (SOT). Nocardia infections have increased in the last two decades, likely due to improved detection and identification methods and an expanding immunocompromised population. The risk of developing nocardiosis after transplantation varies with the type of organ transplanted and the immunosuppression regimen used. Nocardia infection most commonly involves the lung. Disseminated infection can occur, with spread to the bloodstream, skin, or central nervous system. Early recognition of the infection and initial appropriate treatment is important to achieve good outcomes. Species identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing are strongly recommended, as inter‐ and intraspecies susceptibility patterns can vary. Sulfonamide is the first‐line treatment of Nocardia infections, and combination therapy with at least two antimicrobial agents should be used initially for disseminated or severe nocardiosis. Trimethoprim‐sulfamethoxazole (TMP‐SMX) prophylaxis may be helpful in preventing Nocardia infection after SOT.  相似文献   

Every neurosurgeon can appreciate Dandy's recognition that the drainage of brain abscesses causes trauma to the delicate parenchyma. Over the years, brain surgery has evolved toward management of problems by using less and less invasive techniques and thus gaining ever lower morbidity. Clearly, the advent of better imaging techniques has improved the outcome in patients afflicted with intracerebral infections. The combination of stereotaxy with these imaging techniques is contributing a "zero mortality" in the treatment of these infections. In our series of 29 consecutive patients with non-AIDS-related infections, no patient died as a direct result of a stereotactic surgical procedure. Two patients (7%) had new neurologic deficits after surgery. The only patient left with a permanent disability had a kidney allograft and subacute bacterial endocarditis. His condition deteriorated 6 hours after aspiration of a sterile abscess, when an intra-abscess hematoma was diagnosed and evacuated. In retrospect, this complication may have been avoided by less vigorous aspiration. Three of the four patients with nonviral infections who died were iatrogenically immunosuppressed for their organ transplants. These patients are difficult to treat, and given the current popularity of transplantation procedures, neurosurgeons will face more and more opportunistic infections. In general, the patients with abscesses did well. On the other hand, nonoperative mortality was extremely high for patients with viral encephalitides. This high mortality may have resulted from a delay in diagnosis and treatment or from the unavailability of highly effective antiviral agents at the time the biopsies were performed. The importance of early diagnosis and treatment of infection cannot be overemphasized. T.H. Flewett's warning about the management of HSE applies to the management of all cerebral infections: "It seems clear from everybody's published results [in the papers already given] if we wait to do biopsy until the clinical indications are unmistakable, we have waited so long that the patient, if he survives, will be left a severe neurological cripple." Because it is relatively noninvasive, stereotactic neurosurgery has been used increasingly to diagnose brain masses in patients with AIDS. We recommend its use for establishing diagnoses in all suspected cases of cerebral infection. We agree with Rosenblum et al: Empiric treatment of brain infections should be regarded as "radical." Such treatment should be reserved for patients who have an identifiable source of infection and causative organism or for patients who are clinically too unstable to undergo surgery.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Group A streptococci (GAS) may cause a variety of infections, some of which are severe and may be life-threatening. Patients affected by severe invasive GAS infections may develop, early in the course of the infection, a syndrome characterized by circulatory insufficiency with multiple organ failure: Streptococcal Toxic Shock-Like syndrome (Strep-TSLS). The presence of shock and organ failure differentiate it from other types of invasive GAS infections. Three cases patients presenting with the Strep-TSLS, over a period of 16 months in our multidisciplinary 10-bed ICU are described. The Strep-TSLS was of nosocomial origin in the first case, due to poststernotomy wound infection, caused from erysipela in the second patient, and associated to a puerperal sepsis in the third case, respectively. In this small series the primary sources of streptococcal infection associated with the syndrome are confirmed to be in soft tissues and skin. One patient died early after the admission to the ICU, whereas the other two patients completely recovered with appropriate antibiotic and supportive treatment although early diagnosis and radical operative debridement may have been conclusive in one case. All 3 observed cases fulfilled the consensus case definition of "certain case of Strep-TSLS", whose criteria have been recently revised.  相似文献   

M Wannske 《Der Orthop?de》1988,17(1):89-95
Sometimes severe bacterial infections of the hand arise quickly and lead to damage of anatomical structures and loss of function. In this paper pathophysiology and clinical signs are presented. The most important priority in therapy is to prevent the infection from extending to deeper structures in the hand, such as tendon sheaths, and along them to the mid palmar space and Parona's space. The therapy most often indicated is therefore surgical treatment at the very beginning, depending on the severity of pain and swelling.  相似文献   

Up to now one of the major problems for successful organ transplantation has been the reaction of the immune system of the recipient against the donor organ. This could lead to acute and chronic rejection, and in cases of unsuccessful treatment to the loss of the transplant. In organ graft recipients, immunosuppressive agents are used to prevent or treat rejection episodes and to maintain graft function. Although there is an increasing number of immunosuppressive substances, the immunosuppressive therapy currently in use is relatively unspecific and targets many immunological functions. The net state of immunosuppression is a complex function determined by the interaction of a number of factors, the most important of these are the dose, duration and temporal sequence in which immunosuppressive drugs are employed. Any kind of immunosuppressive protocol is thus associated with an increased infection rate. This has an important socioecological impact, because frequent hospitalizations resulting from infectious complications are necessary, having an overall mortality rate of 3.5% within 2 weeks of admission. The most common cause of septicaemia is urinary tract infection. Frequent urinary tract infections are associated with the early onset of chronic rejection, suggesting a pathogenetic relationship between these two features. The occurrence of chronic rejection has led to reduced transplant survival. The prevention of urinary tract infections, or the early diagnosis and accurate treatment of urinary tract infections is important in renal transplant recipients.  相似文献   

We report three cases of mycobacterium marinum infection, characterized by the long duration before a proper diagnosis was made. Mycobacterium marinum is a so-called atypical non-tuberculous mycobacterium, found in salt and fresh water, occasionally infecting humans. Most of the infections involve the fingers and hand, after exposure to contaminated water. It is commonly called fish tank infection.

The clinical pictures can be very different: from a small cutaneous lesion to deep-seated infections of the tendon sheet or joint.

Special transport and culture techniques are required for proper diagnosis. Besides surgical treatment of chronic skin lesions and deep infections, prolonged treatment with appropriate antibiotics is required.  相似文献   

Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculous hand infection present a distinctive challenge for the hand surgeons. Infection caused by these uncommon organism occurs more often in immunocompromised patient. This contribution emphasizes the salient feature of mycobacterial hand infection. Prompt surgical débridement and tissue diagnosis are essential for the diagnosis and treatment of this type of infection. With an accurate and timely diagnosis, appropriate surgical and anti-tuberculous treatment may eradicate these unusual infections.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a significant pathogen complicating the post-transplant course of organ recipients. In liver transplant patients, the febrile clinical illness caused by CMV may be associated with end-organ disease, such as hepatitis or infection of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition to direct effects, CMV may have indirect effects including the risk of other infections or graft rejection. Recently, major advances in the management of CMV infection have been achieved through the development of new diagnostic techniques and antiviral strategies to prevent CMV disease. Quantitative nucleic acid testing to monitor viral load is now commonly used to diagnose and guide the treatment of CMV infections. The standardization of the testing, however, needs to be improved. There are two main strategies to prevent CMV disease after liver transplantation: prophylaxis and pre-emptive therapy. Both strategies are effective, but also have disadvantages. The disadvantages of prophylaxis include prolonged drug exposure, the development of resistance and, most of all, the development of delayed and late-onset CMV disease. On the other hand, the pre-emptive strategy is based on frequent laboratory monitoring of viral loads, and some patients may develop symptomatic infection before the diagnosis of CMV. This overview summarizes the current status of CMV in liver transplantation.  相似文献   

Human parvovirus B19 infection in organ transplant recipients   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
We report a 61-yr-old kidney transplant recipient with human Parvovirus B19 (HPV B19) infection presenting as a severe pancytopenia 1 month after transplantation. Bone marrow aspiration revealed severe erythroid hypoplasia with giant and dystrophic proerythroblasts. Bone marrow cells were positive for HPV B19 DNA detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Pancytopenia resolved shortly after administration of intravenous immunoglobulins. Nineteen cases of HPV B19 infection in organ transplant recipients have been so far reported in the literature. Immunocompromised patients should be considered at risk from developing symptomatic HPV B19 infections. In such patients, specific anti-HPV B19 IgM and IgG antibodies may be absent or transient and therefore their negativity cannot rule out the diagnosis of HPV B19 infestation. Bone marrow smear morphological findings may suggest the diagnosis but testing for viral DNA by PCR is mandatory. Patients may spontaneously recover. However, since specific anti-viral therapy is not currently available, intravenous immunoglobulin administration appears to be the more efficacious treatment.  相似文献   

Infections in genitourinary prostheses   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
During the past two decades, the use of implantable prostheses has experienced exponential growth. In urology, penile prostheses have been especially popular. Although many mechanical problems have been reported, the most disastrous complication is infection, which usually mandates prosthesis removal and often leads to severe disability or loss of function of the organ in which the prosthesis was implanted. The author reviews the pathogenesis, microbiology, diagnosis, and treatment of genitourinary prosthesis infections.  相似文献   

目的 探讨原位肝移植术后手术部位曲毛霉菌感染的防治.方法 回顾性分析我院肝胆外科2例感染曲毛霉菌患者的临床资料,对其症状、诊断及治疗进行总结.结果 例1患者术后移植物动脉感染曲霉菌及毛霉菌,导致血管突发破裂出血,终因多器官功能衰竭死亡.另1例患者术后出现手术切口深部毛霉菌感染并合并肺曲霉菌感染,给予强效抗真菌支持治疗后无明显好转,最终死于全身严重感染及呼吸功能衰竭.结论 肝移植术后以手术部位为首发临床表现的曲毛霉菌混合感染临床表现隐匿,病情进展快,预后凶险.  相似文献   

Viral infections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J R Fowler 《Hand Clinics》1989,5(4):613-627

Infections of the hand are always very serious conditions and should therefore be treated aggressively. Early diagnosis, adequate anaesthesia, a bloodless field and thorough drainage including debridement, elevation and early active mobilization are the cornerstones of treatment. Antibiotics need not be given routinely, but under certain circumstances (for example in the case of human bites) combination antibiotic treatment is imperative. Management of hand infections along these lines is most rewarding and should prevent a chronic infection or a disastrous osteitis which would result in a permanent lesion and disablement. The management of specific hand infections is discussed.  相似文献   

Pseudallescheria boydii and its asexual form, Scedosporium apiospermum, are ubiquitous filamentous fungi that rarely cause central nervous system (CNS) infection. Brain abscess caused by P. boydii is a highly lethal infection, usually seen in organ transplant recipients who receive a number of immunosuppressive agents. We have presented a case of a 48-year-old man 6 years after renal transplantation who received methylprednisolone followed by antithymocyte globulin for treatment of acute cellular rejection. Eight weeks later, he developed fever, headache, and left-sided hemiparesis. Further investigation with magnetic resonance imaging of the brain showed multiple ring-enhancing hypodense lesions with marked edema which were compatible with brain abscesses. Following surgical drainage, multiple fungal elements were initially described as Aspergillus species. The patient failed to improve and died from rapidly progressive infection despite treatment with amphotericin B. Later a diagnosis was finally made by the isolation of P. boydii in pus culture. The specific diagnosis is difficult to rapidly make, because P. boydii mimics other fungi morphologically in tissue sections and may produce infections clinically similar to other mycoses. Culture of the organism is required for definitive diagnosis. P. boydii infections are important complications of transplantation. They are difficult to treat due to resistance to amphotericin B. Physicians should consider P. boydii a possible cause of brain abscess in organ transplant recipients, especially with heavy immunosuppressive agents. This is the first case report of CNS infection due to P. boydii in a renal transplant patient in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Flexor tendon sheath infections of the hand must be diagnosed and treated expeditiously to avoid poor clinical outcomes. Knowledge of the sheath's anatomy is essential for diagnosis and to help to guide treatment. The Kanavel cardinal signs are useful for differentiating conditions with similar presentations. Management of all but the earliest cases of pyogenic flexor tenosynovitis consists of intravenous antibiotics and surgical drainage of the sheath with open or closed irrigation. Closed irrigation may be continued postoperatively. Experimental data from an animal study have shown that local administration of antibiotics and/or corticosteroids can help lessen morbidity from the infection; however, additional research is required. Despite aggressive and prompt antibiotic therapy and surgical intervention, even otherwise healthy patients can expect some residual digital stiffness following flexor tendon sheath infection. Patients with medical comorbidities or those who present late with advanced infection can expect poorer outcomes, including severe digital stiffness or amputation.  相似文献   

Individuals who are immunocompromised, such as those with a diagnosis of diabetes or acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), as well as patients immunosuppressed after transplantation or chemotherapy for oncologic reasons, are more prone to the development of infections in general, and, more specifically, infections of the hand. Most commonly, these hand infections are caused by organisms that are common to the skin but may show an unusual aggressive or atypical course. A small percentage of these patients are infected by atypical organisms that rarely cause infections in an immunocompetent individual. The surgeon who treats hand infections also must be aware of systemic conditions that can negatively impact the treatment of hand infections.  相似文献   

S Kall  P M Vogt 《Der Chirurg》2005,76(7):721-30; quiz 731
Due to its function, anatomy, and exposition to multiple pathogens, the hand is highly susceptible to infection. Most of these infections are post-traumatic. Isolates of pathogens from infected hands contain mainly Staphylococcus aureus and ss-haemolytic group A streptococci. But differential diagnosis also includes pyoderma gangrenosum, tumors of the hand, rheumatoid arthritis, and articular gout, as they may mimic hand infections. Infections of the hand can lead to massive tissue damage that needs to be reconstructed. The selection of methods depends on the localization and size of defects and includes primary closure, split- and full-thickness skin grafts, and more complex operations such as local, regional, and distant flaps.  相似文献   

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