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This study depicts the long-term change in youths' alcohol use and impaired driving behaviors associated with the establishment of the drinking age laws. Five telephone surveys were conducted with youths aged 16 to 24 in 10 sampled New York State counties in 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, and 1996. Analysis of the self-reported data showed that, 10 years after the enactment of the 21 drinking age law, alcohol use among la-, 19-, and 20-year-olds decreased by up to 58%. Alcohol purchase rates of 19- and 20-year-olds were reduced by ∼70% from 1985 to 1996. Although impaired driving rates declined over the survey years for each age group, ∼25% of all underage respondents in 1996 reported that they had ridden in a vehicle with an impaired driver. Findings from this research indicate that alcohol purchase, alcohol use, and impaired driving have declined among the targeted youth groups as a result of the 21 drinking age law. However, continued efforts need to focus on both underage drinking and impaired driving/riding with impaired drivers, because they remain serious public health risks among the youth population.  相似文献   

Background: The association between average alcohol consumption and self‐rated ill‐health is “J‐shaped” in Scandinavian and Anglo‐Saxon countries, but it has shown an inverse linear relationship in the few studies conducted in Mediterranean countries, based on average volume solely. Objective: To examine the relationship between alcohol and self‐rated health in the general population of a Mediterranean country, by simultaneously taking into account average volume, drinking pattern, and alcohol abuse. Methods: From 2000 to 2005, we conducted telephone interviews on 12,037 persons, representative of the population aged 18 to 64 years in Madrid, Spain. The drinking pattern encompassed binge drinking, beverage preference, and drinking at mealtimes. Alcohol abuse was estimated by the CAGE test. The association between each alcohol‐related variable and self‐rated suboptimal (fair, poor, or very poor) health was estimated from logistic regression, with adjustment for the remaining alcohol‐related variables and other potential confounders. Results: In comparison with never‐drinkers, suboptimal health was less frequent among occasional drinkers [odds ratio (OR) 0.72; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.61 to 0.86], average moderate drinkers (OR 0.57; 95% CI: 0.48 to 0.69), and excessive drinkers (OR 0.51; 95% CI: 0.36 to 0.72), but more frequent among former drinkers with ≥1 year of abstinence (OR 1.30; 95% CI: 1.03 to 1.64). Frequency of suboptimal health was likewise higher in subjects with ≥3 episodes of binge drinking (OR 1.55; 95% CI: 1.12 to 2.14) or alcohol abuse (OR 1.47; 95% CI: 1.22 to 1.76). No differences were observed in suboptimal health according to beverage preference or drinking at mealtimes. Results in each gender were similar to those for total study participants. Conclusions: Occasional, moderate, and excessive consumption of alcohol are associated with better self‐rated health, even after adjustment for drinking pattern and alcohol abuse. In contrast, former‐drinking, frequent binge drinking, and alcohol abuse are all associated with suboptimal self‐rated health.  相似文献   

Background: This study used a pre‐ to post‐design to evaluate the influence on drinking‐and‐driving fatal crashes of 6 laws directed at youth aged 20 and younger and 4 laws targeting all drivers. Methods: Data on the laws were drawn from the Alcohol Policy Information System data set (1998 to 2005), the Digests of State Alcohol Highway Safety Related Legislation (1983 to 2006), and the Westlaw database. The Fatality Analysis Reporting System data set (1982 to 2004) was used to assess the ratio of drinking to nondrinking drivers involved in fatal crashes [fatal crash incidence ratio (CIR)]. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling techniques. Results: Significant decreases in the underage fatal CIR were associated with presence of 4 of the laws targeting youth (possession, purchase, use and lose, and zero tolerance) and 3 of the laws targeting all drivers (0.08 blood alcohol concentration illegal per se law, secondary or upgrade to a primary seat belt law, and an administrative license revocation law). Beer consumption was associated with a significant increase in the underage fatal CIR. The direct effects of laws targeting drivers of all ages on adult drinking drivers aged 26 and older were similar but of a smaller magnitude compared to the findings for those aged 20 and younger. It is estimated that the 2 core underage drinking laws (purchase and possession) and the zero tolerance law are currently saving an estimated 732 lives per year controlling for other exposure factors. If all states adopted use and lose laws, an additional 165 lives could be saved annually. Conclusions: These results provide substantial support for the effectiveness of under age 21 drinking laws with 4 of the 6 laws examined having significant associations with reductions in underage drinking‐and‐driving fatal crashes. These findings point to the importance of key underage drinking and traffic safety laws in efforts to reduce underage drinking‐driver crashes.  相似文献   

The present review reports on the influence of alcohol drinking and alcohol use disorders on psychiatric disorders and suicidal behaviour. The base of the study was previous reviews of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism publication Alcohol and Health in 1993 and by Helgason in 1996. Using a defined search strategy in Medline, another 42 articles from 1994 to 1996 were included in the comorbidity part and 19 in the suicidal part. Epidemio-logical and clinical studies confirm high comorbidity of substance use disorders and other mental disorders. Alcohol abuse worsens the course of psychiatric disorders. Light to moderate alcohol consumption has no documented positive effect on the course. Levels of risk consumption of alcohol in psychiatric disorders have not been well defined. One-fifth to one-third of increased deaths rate among alcoholics is explained by suicide. In countries with high alcohol consumption, the suicide rate is also high and is increasing with total increased alcohol consumption. Comorbidity is common among suicide victims, and substance use disorders is most frequently combined with depressive disorders. Interpersonal loss within 6 weeks before suicide is more often present among alcoholics than nonalcoholic suicide victims.  相似文献   

A Review of Research on the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Research on the core version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) is reviewed. Sensitivities and specificities of the AUDIT for criteria of current hazardous use and, to a slightly lesser extent, lifetime alcohol dependence are high. In general, AUDIT scores are at least moderately related to other self-report alcohol screening tests. Several studies also show them as correlated with biochemical measures of drinking. Results of the AUDIT have also been associated with more distal indicators of problematic drinking. Indices of internal consistency, including Cronbach's α and item-total correlations, are generally in the 0.80's. Future directions for research on the AUDIT are suggested.  相似文献   

In 1994, DSM-IV will be published, with new criteria for alcohol abuse and dependence. Implications of the changes in criteria for alcohol use disorders were investigated by comparing the diagnoses made by the DSM-IV criteria and DSM-III-R criteria. The study was conducted in a sample of 424 patients in an inpatient alcohol rehabilitation unit in the New York metropolitan area. DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria showed similar results and high agreement for any alcohol use disorder (abuse and dependence combined). Alcohol dependence was also consistently diagnosed with DSM-III-R and DSM-IV criteria. Agreement between DSM-III-R and DSM-IV abuse diagnoses was very low. Compared with DSM-III-R, DSM-IV classified over three times as many patients as alcohol abusers, although those with alcohol dependence still overwhelmingly dominated the sample. With some fluctuations, the results were stable over Black, Hispanic, and White subgroups of patients. The direction of the findings was consistent with results from a national general population survey in that the prevalence of alcohol abuse increased in both studies. However, the clinical results alone would not have suggested the marked changes in relative prevalence of abuse and dependence that occurred in the general population when DSM-IV criteria were used in place of DSM-III-R. Research on diagnostic criteria limited to patient samples omits important information on the implications of changing aspects of the diagnostic criteria. The need for a coherent theory of alcohol abuse is highlighted.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to compare DSM-III-R and the proposed DSM-IV diagnostic criteria for alcohol abuse and dependence in a representative sample of the United States general population. Alcohol abuse and dependence diagnostic categories were contrasted in terms of prevalence and overlap. The prevalence of DSM-III-R diagnoses of alcohol abuse and dependence combined (8.63%) was greater than the corresponding DSM-IV diagnoses (6.00%). Disaggregation of abuse and dependence diagnoses showed that the major discrepancy between the classification systems resided between the abuse categories. Reasons for the discrepancies are discussed in terms of differences in the content of the DSM-III-R and DSM-IV abuse categories, in the relationship that each abuse category shares with its respective dependence category, and the impact of the DSM-III-R duration criterion.  相似文献   

Background:  Research has shown that adolescents who begin drinking at an early stage in life are at greater risk of developing alcohol dependency, as well as a variety of negative outcomes, for instance, delinquent behavior. Most of these studies have focused on those who begin drinking in middle adolescence, but little attention has been paid to youth who initiate drinking under the age of 13. Twenty percent of adolescents have begun using alcohol by the age of 13. The purpose of the study is to examine whether initiating alcohol use before the age of 13 exacerbates negative outcomes in late adolescence.
Methods:  Data for the study were derived from 2 school-based statewide surveys conducted in Florida: the 2005 YRBS and the 2006 FYSAS. The sample included 12,352 11th and 12th grade students divided into 3 groups: students who initiated alcohol use under the age of 13, students who initiated alcohol use at age 13 or later, and students who never used alcohol.
Results:  Results showed that after adjusting for gender, ethnicity/race, and grade, adolescents who initiated alcohol use before age 13 were more likely to report problems with school performance and display delinquent behaviors (carrying a gun, carrying a weapon to school, and recent marijuana use).
Conclusion:  Although no temporal relationships can be determined between drinking alcohol before age 13 and delinquent behavior outcomes, the results suggested that adolescents under the age of 13 need to be included in national epidemiological surveys on alcohol use and more efforts need to be directed toward the implementation of prevention programs early in elementary and middle schools.  相似文献   

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