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不同水氟浓度对脱齿影响的调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水氟浓度与氟斑牙的患病率呈正相关关系,与龋齿的患病率呈负相关关系,已为国内外的众多报道所证实。不同水氟浓度对脱齿的影响还未见报道。我们通过对不同水氟浓度的4个村和1个非病区的人群脱齿情况作了广泛调查。发现病区与非病区村的脱齿率有非常显著差异,且出现病区脱齿年龄提前的现象。现将结果报告如下。  相似文献   

氟斑牙的危险因素研究进展   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
氟斑牙的危害因素除与不中氟化物的含量、氟化物的应用、营养及饮食、氟化物的暴露时间有关外,还与母乳喂养时间、居住地的海拔高度、环境污染、父母所受教育的程序、社区健康保健服务水平有关。另外,牙医的常识水平、个人卫生生活习惯、家庭经济状况等因素对氟斑牙的发病了有一定的影响。随着社会的发展,氟化物的暴露因素日趋增多,对氟化物应用的卫生政策应因地制宜。  相似文献   

福建省永定县地处闽西山区,先后于1983和1987年的调查发现了5个地方性饮水型氟中毒(地氟病)痫区,这些病区分散,病区人口少,病情较轻,饮水氟为1.3-2.7 mg/L。1988年开始,在各  相似文献   

青海省地方性氟中毒流行于20个县(市)、120个乡(镇)、415个村,自1982年采取以改水降氟为主的防治措施以来.已取得了较好的社会和经济效益。但近年来由于种种原因,致使青海省地方性氟中毒防治状况不清,各县防治措施不均衡,有些县防治措施落实缓慢。为了解和掌握青海省地方性氟中毒防治现状,作者于2005、2006年对青海省11个  相似文献   

目的了解改水后广东省韶关市所辖乐昌市和始兴县地方性氟中毒(地氟病)病区病情现状。方法采用流行病学调查方法,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙采用Deans法分度诊断;饮水氟测定采用离子选择电极法。结果乐昌市廊田镇岩前村委的5个村饮冷泉水的水氟均值1.63mg/L,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率44.45%,16岁以上人群氟骨症临床检出率3.80%,氟骨症X线临床检出率8.0%。始兴县的6个病区村改水后饮水氟范围在0.23~0.59mg/L,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙总检出率8.61%;罗坝镇廖屋村饮水氟均值为2.10 mg/L,8~12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率68.75%。结论乐昌市廊田镇岩前村委5个饮用冷泉水的自然村为饮水型氟中毒轻病区;始兴县罗坝镇廖屋村还是饮水型地氟病病区,需要改换饮用水源,才能控制地氟病的流行。  相似文献   

目的 了解山东省鲁西南地区地方性氟中毒防治现状.方法 2007年对鲁西南地区主要地方性氟中毒病区嘉祥、郓城、梁山3个县降氟改水措施落实情况、改水设施使用运行状况、饮水含氟量(采用离子选择性电极法)及居民的有关氟中毒病情指标『尿氟、8~12岁儿童氟斑牙(采用Dean法)、成人临床及X线氟骨症、成人心电图改变]进行了调查与检测.结果 3个县共有病村1371个,改水降氟工程完成率为53.61%(735/1371),嘉祥、郓城、梁山3个县完成率分别为38.0%(220/579)、65.51%(378/577)、63.72%(137/215);改水设施使用正常的病村占已改水病村的76.73%(564/735),报废率为23.27%(171/735);抽查3个县改水工程水263处,含氟量符合国家标准(≤1.0 mg/L)的占64.64%(170/263),超标率为35.36%(93/263),水氟最大值为4.17mg/L.检测3个县13个病村440例8~12岁儿童与484例30岁以上成人即时尿氟,几何均值分别为2.98、3.06 mg/L,个体最大值分别是12.83、14.49 mg/L;8~12岁儿童氟斑牙检出率为84.28%(649/770),缺损率为17.66%(136/770),氟斑牙指数为1.89;30岁以上成人临床与X线氟骨症检出率分别为44.40%(234/527)、24.67%(130/527);成人心电图异常检出率为32.43%(168/518),主要表现为T波异常.结论 山东省鲁西南地区改水降氟措施落实进度比较缓慢,改水工程水含氟量超标严重,病情尚未得到有效控制.  相似文献   

山东省改水降氟措施效果评价标准的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

实验性氟中毒大鼠胶原代谢的研究:兼论...   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

使用离子选择性电极法测定氟化物早已被确定为标准分析方法。它具有其他分析手段所不能比拟的优点。但在实际应用时,由于偶然的因素,会造成各种各样的误差[1],如标准曲线法中,电位漂移就是其中一种,为了有效地避免这类误差,使结果准确可靠,就此对氟离子选择性电极在测定过程中的漂移问题做一简析。1误差来源 离子选择性电极法在测定中易产生的误差有许多种,美国国家标准局计量实验室分析化学中心的Richard A Durst博士,曾将离子选择性电极的误差来源归纳为5个方面:(1)仪器(pH/mV)计;(2)指示电极…  相似文献   

藐小棘隙吸虫病感染方式的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
经流行病学调查及实验研究表明,居民感染藐小棘隙吸虫系由于生饮含有该吸虫见蚴的水或食入其活囊蚴。经常喝生水的居民的感染率为20.1%,较不喝生水居民的感染率1.5%高12.6倍。该地水体中仅检到该吸虫尾蚴.未发现囊蚴。因此可以认为,藐小棘隙吸虫感染人体的主要方式是尾蚴直接经口,而囊蚴经口感染为次要。  相似文献   

目的 评价通江河道综合治理控制血吸虫病的应用价值,为制定防治对策提供依据。方法 采用对主河道深埋有螺土灭螺,混凝土护坡,支河道持续药物喷洒灭螺,人畜同步查治血吸虫病,开展血防健康教育,改变人的行为等综合治理措施,观察综合治理对河坡、河滩钉螺消长的影响,对人畜血吸虫病病情消长的影响和对人的行为的影响。结果 主河道钉螺面积、有螺框出现率、钉螺平均密度1998年为6.26hm^2,82.1%和11.7只/框,到2001年已连续2年查不到钉螺。支河道钉螺面积、有螺框出现率和钉螺平均密度分别从3.95hm^2、83.2%和15.51只/框下降到3.55hm^2、57.7%和13.32只/框;阳性钉螺面积从2.81hm^2降为0。人群血吸虫感染率从3.9%(COPT环沉率≥3%)降至2.3%,未检出血吸虫病人及“急性感染”病例,未查出血吸虫病畜。接触河水人数从1998年的260人下降到2001年的39人,下降了85.0%。结论 实施通江河道综合治理是控制血吸虫病的有效措施,有广泛的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

The effects of endogenous and exogenous oestrogen on serum concentrations of oestrogen stimulated neurophysin (ESN) were studied in women with regular menstrual cycles and patients with anovulation. In ten menstrual cycles serum ESN concentrations rose steadily from 305 ± 16 ng/l (mean ± SEM) in the early follicular phase to reach maximum concentrations at about the time of ovulation (601 ± 106 ng/l). There were significant correlations between ESN and oestradiol concentrations in nine of the ten cycles (P < 0·05). The concentration in the mid luteal phase (386 ± 43 ng/l) was also significantly greater than at the beginning of the cycle (P < 0·05). Stimulation of endogenous oestrogens by treatment with clomiphene was accompanied by a release of ESN. Oestrogen concentrations were significantly lower in 5 months in which ovulation did not occur than in ten treatments in which ovulation did occur (P < 0·05). The amount of ESN produced however, was similar in the two groups. The basal concentration of ESN was within the range found in the early follicular phase of the cycle in twenty of the thirty-seven patients with anovulation in whom it was measured. Concentrations tended to be low in patients with anorexia nervosa or hyperprolactinaemia and oestrogen concentrations were also low. Levels were high in oligomenorrhoea but oestradiol concentrations were normal. Serum ESN concentrations in oestrogen provocation and amplification tests reached maximum values in normal subjects 48 h after the administration of oestradiol benzoate: LH concentrations continued to rise until 72 h. In twenty-one of forty-one provocation tests on anovular patients the amount of ESN released was within the range for normal controls: twelve released less and eight released more. There was no correlation between the basal ESN values and the ESN released. There was intact positive LH feedback in sixteen of the forty-one tests performed. In all except two tests with positive LH feedback, ESN was also released, but in the twenty-five tests with no evidence of LH positive feedback there was normal release of ESN in twelve, reduced release in ten and excessive release in three. In the amplification tests LHRH was without effect on the ESN concentrations before or after oestrogen administration. It is concluded that either the release of LH stimulated by oestrogen is independent of the release of ESN, or it is stimulated at different threshold levels of oestrogen. ESN is more readily released than LH and the mechanism is probably less involved.  相似文献   

Eighty-six patients were diagnosed by ultrasound to have polycystic ovaries. Twelve have fairly regular but anovular cycles (P1), 56 had oligomenorrhoea (P2) and eight had primary or secondary amenorrhoea (P3). The remaining 10 patients had raised progesterone concentrations and were excluded from the hormonal studies. Gonadotrophins, steroid hormones and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) were measured in all patients and the results were compared with those of 29 normal women who acted as controls. A high LH:FSH ratio was the most frequently found abnormality (raised in 68.4% of patients) followed by LH (65.8%), free testosterone (FT, calculated from total testosterone (T) and SHBG) (59.2%) and 17-OHP (48.7%). Each of these four estimations was above the normal ranges in 25% of patients: proportionally most of the results outside the normal range occurred in group P3 followed by P2 and P1 respectively. To obtain a quantitative measure of the abnormalities, results were expressed as percentages of the mean control value for each hormone and these percentages were then summated. The four measurements, LH:FSH ratio, LH, FT and 17-OHP gave abnormality scores ranging from a mean of 667 in P1 to 1189 in P3 compared with 405 in controls. Twenty-one of the 76 patients were hirsute with significantly higher androgens than the nonhirsute patients. Their mean abnormality score was 1141 compared with 855 in the non-hirsute group and they all had at least one hormonal abnormality. The study demonstrates that there is a relationship between the degree of hormonal abnormality and the menstrual irregularities and hirsutism in women with PCOS suggesting that there may be a progressive nature to the syndrome.  相似文献   

目的 对中国不同自然隔离群的湖北钉螺进行遗传变异研究 ,并为其种及种下分类提供依据。 方法 采用微卫星锚定 PCR(SSR- PCR)技术对中国 7省 15地湖北钉螺基因组 DNA进行 PCR扩增 ,根据扩增产物 ,计算遗传距离(D) ,并构建系统进化树。 结果 各地域标本 PCR扩增产物均呈多态性 ,其中中国大陆与中国台湾湖北钉螺之间的遗传距离为 0 .35 1± 0 .0 4 8(0 .2 6 3~ 0 .4 4 5 ) ;中国大陆湖北钉螺山区型之间的遗传距离为 0 .0 4 3;湖区型之间的遗传距离为0 .0 0 0~ 0 .2 17;山区型与湖区型之间的遗传距离为 0 .182~ 0 .30 8;来自湖北省境内 9个地域的湖北钉螺 ,其遗传距离为0 .0 0 0~ 0 .16 7。 结论 根据所采集的湖北钉螺标本和 SSR- PCR的实验结果 ,认为中国大陆湖北钉螺在基因分类水平上至少可分为不同层次的 4类 :1云南洱源、四川天全为一类 ;2安徽贵池、湖南岳阳、湖北荆门、江西新建为一类 ;3湖北武汉、湖北钟祥、湖北阳新、湖北松滋、湖北沙市、湖北石首、湖北应城为一类 ;4湖北赤壁单独为一类。其中 1与 2 34在总体上可分为两大类 ,2 34又可再分为 2 3与 4两类 ,2 3还可再分为单独的两类。此外 ,台湾钉螺为单独的一类。  相似文献   

用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测123例乙型肝炎表面抗原(HBsAg)阳性的各期血吸虫病患者及50例HBsAg阳性的非血吸虫病对照人群血清丁型肝炎病毒(HDV)标志物,用斑点杂交检测晚期血吸虫病(晚血,AS)患者HBV-DNA。结果表明,HBsAg阳性的晚血患者HDV标志物(HDV-M)检出率14.5%,显著高于急性血吸虫病(急血)、慢性血吸虫病(慢血)患者(2.5%)及对照人群(2.0%)(P<0.05)。随访观察发现,HBV/HDV双重感染的晚血患者病死率40%,显著高于单纯HBV感染的晚血患者(8.5%,P<0.05),提示晚血患者是HDV感染的易感人群,HDV感染是HBsAg阳性晚血患者病情加重或恶化的一个重要原因,HBV/HDV双重感染与晚血患者死亡密切相关。  相似文献   

将黄牛超入已被湖水淹没的鄱阳湖二类易感草洲上,接触疫水24h,100d后处死实验黄牛,收集体内成虫并检查组织中的虫卵数。结果发现:黄牛自然感染率高达100%,虫负荷与牛龄及性别无显著性差异(P>0.05)。感染后不同时间血吸虫病检出率不同,随时间呈上升趋势。此外,不同检查方法,其检出率也不同,肠粘膜刮取法高于顶管法,结果表明,黄牛对血吸虫高度易感,是日本血吸虫疫苗现场效果评价的理想实验模型动物。  相似文献   

感染血吸虫的家兔,在血吸虫发育的早期成虫阶段(25—35d虫龄),采用吡喹酮100mg/kg顿服治疗.能控制其发热、肝脾肿大和急性发病,减虫率达94.2%—100%.  相似文献   

We have studied clinical and endocrine parameters in a group (group A) of forth men referred to us because of persistent idiopathic gynaecomastia (of more than 18 months duration), before and during the administration of percutaneous dihydrotestosterone (DHT). The endocrine parameters (testosterone (T), 17 beta-oestradiol (E2), DHT, gonadotrophins (FSH and LH) and prolactin (PRL), were compared to those of control groups of 12 healthy men on DHT therapy (group B) and 10 on placebo (group C). Local administration of DHT was followed by the complete disappearance of gynaecomastia in 10 patients, partial regression in 19 and no change in 11 patients after 4 to 20 weeks of percutaneous DHT (125 mg twice daily). Before treatment the T + DHT/E2 ratio was significantly (P less than 0.001) lower in group A 244 +/- 21 (SEM) than in groups B and C (361 +/- 21) while T, DHT and E2 concentrations were all within the normal range. During DHT treatment plasma hormone levels were measured in 26 patients from group A: DHT levels increases significantly (day 0: 1.63 +/- 0.14 nmol/l; day 15: 12.8 +/- 1.6 nmol/l, P less than 0.001) while T and E2 levels fell significantly (T: day 0: 22.6 +/- 1.2 nmol/l; day 15: 11.0 +/- 1.5 nmol/l, P less than 0.001; E2: day 0: 110.5 +/- 7.12 pmol/l; day 15: 86.79 +/- 9.4 pmol/l, P less than 0.01). The T/E2 ratio decreased from 231 +/- 20 to 164 +/- 27 (P less than 0.05) while the T + DHT/E2 ratio increased significantly (P less than 0.02) to a normal mean value (day 15: 354 +/- 57).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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