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To study the effect of acute stress on ACTH secretion and synthesis in rat pituitary and hypothalamus, ACTH content and POMC mRNA levels (measured by use of Northern blot analysis) in these tissues as well as the levels of ACTH in plasma and those of CRF in the hypothalamus were determined after insulin-induced hypoglycemia. Plasma ACTH levels increased at 30 and 60 min. ACTH levels in the anterior pituitary lobe (AP) decreased at 30 min, and then returned to control levels at 60 min. No change was seen in the intermediate-posterior pituitary (IP) or the hypothalamus after insulin injection. CRF levels decreased at 30 and 60 min, then returned to control levels at 90 min in the medial basal hypothalamus, including the median eminence. Hybridization with a cDNA probe revealed a single size class of POMC mRNA in AP, IP, and hypothalamus, and the size of POMC mRNA in these tissues did not change during the experimental period. POMC mRNA levels in AP increased at 60 min and reached a peak at 120 min, but those in IP and hypothalamus did not change. These results suggest that 1) insulin-induced hypoglycemia stimulates both secretion and synthesis of ACTH (at least by increasing POMC mRNA levels) in the AP, and 2) the levels of ACTH and POMC mRNA in the IP and hypothalamus are not affected by insulin-induced hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

The effects of estrogen on the synthesis of pituitary PRL mRNA and PRL and the release of PRL into plasma were investigated in male and female normal and hypogonadal (hpg) mice. Because the hpg mouse is totally deficient in hypothalamic GnRH, it provides an excellent model for investigating the effects of estrogen and GnRH on PRL synthesis and release in the presence of a totally inactive gonadotropin-gonadal system. Estrogen stimulated the synthesis and release of pituitary PRL in both sexes of normal and hpg mice, and this marked increase in PRL synthesis correlated with an equally dramatic increase in pituitary PRL mRNA levels. Administration of GnRH alone produced a slight but significant increase in pituitary PRL content, which is consistent with an action of GnRH on prolactotropes, either directly or by way of a paracrine action involving gonadotropes.  相似文献   

Synthesis and secretion of POMC-derived peptides appear to be differentially regulated in the anterior pituitary (AP) and neurointermediate lobe (NIL). In the AP, glucocorticoids inhibit, and CRF and arginine vasopressin stimulate, synthesis of POMC and release of immunoreactive (ir)-beta-endorphin (beta EP); in the NIL, synthesis and release of POMC and its derivatives are under tonic inhibitory dopaminergic control. There is, however, evidence for some overlap of these control mechanisms under certain circumstances. In the present study we have used specific RIA and Northern blot analysis to examine the effects of chronic treatment with dopaminergic agents and dexamethasone (DM) (both alone and in combination) on AP and NIL content of ir-beta EP and POMC messenger RNA (mRNA), and/or hypothalamic ir-arginine vasopressin and ir-CRF content. In the NIL, the dopamine agonist bromocriptine reduced and the antagonist haloperidol raised both POMC mRNA and ir-beta EP content. Long term DM treatment did not alter NIL ir-beta EP content in the intact rat, but increased levels of POMC mRNA. DM abolished the haloperidol-induced increase in NIL ir-beta EP content but further increased the haloperidol-induced rise in POMC mRNA. DM treatment lowered both ir-beta EP and POMC mRNA in the AP as well as lowering levels of hypothalamic ir-CRF. In DM-treated rats, haloperidol partially restored AP ir-beta EP and POMC mRNA to control untreated levels. These findings further support the proposition that both dopaminergic agents and glucocorticoids can modulate POMC mRNA levels and/or tissue content of ir-beta EP in both the NIL and AP of the rat. The effects of DM on the NIL, both alone or with haloperidol, suggest that glucocorticoids may have both direct and indirect effects on POMC gene expression in this tissue.  相似文献   

Parturition in sheep is dependent upon maturation of the fetal hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis. Anterior pituitary expression of the ACTH precursor, proopiomelanocortin (POMC), increases during the final days of gestation in spite of exponentially increasing fetal plasma cortisol levels. Lesion of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus prevents the late gestation increase in POMC mRNA. The purpose of this study was to examine glucocorticoid, corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) and arginine vasopressin (AVP) regulation of POMC mRNA levels in fetal anterior pituitary corticotropes in vitro and to address potential interactions between glucocorticoids and neuropeptides in regulating POMC. Anterior pituitaries from fetal sheep at two gestational ages (dGA; 118–125 dGA, n=9; 140–144 dGA, n=7) were enzymatically dispersed. POMC mRNA levels were determined at 24, 48 and 72 h post-dispersion. CRF, AVP and dexamethasone (DEX) regulation of POMC mRNA were determined at 24 and 72 h post-dispersion. The capacity of CRF and AVP to modulate DEX suppression of POMC mRNA levels was also examined. POMC mRNA was elevated at 24 h (P<0.01) and 48 h (P<0.05) post-dispersion compared to 0 h (immediately post-dispersion) in 140–144 dGA but not 118–125 dGA corticotropes. DEX suppressed POMC mRNA in a dose-dependent manner (when administered at 24 h post-dispersion) in the 140–144 dGA anterior pituitary cells but not 118–125 dGA anterior pituitary cells. Administration of DEX (10 nM) at 0 h prevented the increase in POMC mRNA levels observed at 24 h post dispersion in the 140–144 dGA group. Neither CRF nor AVP (administered at either 24 or 72 h post-dispersion) altered POMC mRNA levels in either 118–125 or 140–144 dGA anterior pituitary cells. Continuous exposure of anterior pituitary cells with either CRF or AVP (50 pM) through 96 h increased (P<0.05) POMC mRNA. No synergistic or additive effects were observed with CRF and AVP. Four hour pretreatment with CRF but not AVP (100 nM at 24 h post-dispersion) attenuated (P<0.05) DEX suppression of POMC mRNA levels in 140–144 dGA corticotropes. In conclusion, our results indicate that direct glucocorticoid suppression of POMC expression in fetal sheep initiates between 120 and 140 dGA, coincident with the period of gestation when fetal plasma cortisol is exponentially rising. Further, while short duration exposure of fetal corticotropes to either CRF or AVP had no effect on POMC mRNA, CRF appears capable of interfering with glucocorticoid suppression of POMC mRNA. The latter observation provides a potential mechanism via which the fetal PVN may counter rising fetal plasma cortisol concentrations resulting in the previously observed late gestation increase in anterior pituitary POMC mRNA.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive (IR) POMC peptides have been found in several rat nonpituitary tissues. We found IR-ACTH, IR-beta-endorphin (beta END), and IR-gamma MSH in extracts from the following eight rat nonpituitary tissues, listed in order of decreasing POMC peptide concentrations: testis, duodenum, kidney, colon, liver, lung, stomach, and spleen, but not in adrenal or muscle extracts. Concentrations were very low and ranged from less than 0.00003% to 0.0005% of pituitary levels. In testis, duodenum, and colon, IR-gamma MSH and IR-beta END concentrations were only 5-37% of IR-ACTH levels. Gel filtration chromatography showed that IR-ACTH and IR-beta END coeluted in a major peak of 15,000 daltons, which is slightly larger than expected for a C-terminal peptide containing rat ACTH and beta-lipotropin. There were also a minor higher mol wt peak of IR-ACTH and IR-beta END and a minor IR-beta END peak that eluted in the position of mature beta END. There was no peak of IR-ACTH that corresponded to the size of mature ACTH. To determine whether these nonpituitary tissues also contained a POMC-like mRNA, which would confirm that the peptides were synthesized locally within the tissues, we examined poly(A) RNA prepared from 10 nonpituitary tissues and total RNA from pituitary by Northern blot hybridization for the presence of a POMC-like mRNA with an exon 3 riboprobe. Pituitary contained a single POMC mRNA species of about 1000 nucleotides. A short POMC-like mRNA of about 800 bases was found in all nonpituitary tissues, except spleen and muscle. Compared to POMC mRNA levels in pituitary, the concentration of POMC-like mRNA was 0.5% in testis and 0.03-0.07% in the other tissues. The ratio of POMC-like mRNA to IR-POMC peptide concentrations in nonpituitary tissues was at least 1000 times greater than that in the pituitary. We conclude that the POMC gene is expressed in many nonpituitary tissues and that either the short POMC-like mRNA is translated much less efficiently or POMC peptides are released or degraded much more rapidly in nonpituitary tissues than in the pituitary.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein hormone and/or subunit secretion has been increasingly recognized in patients with pituitary nonsecretory adenomas and alpha-subunit secretion has been reported to occur in 5-10% of all pituitary tumors. We investigated the dopaminergic regulation of alpha-subunit secretion in four patients with alpha-subunit secreting pituitary adenomas documented by serum and immunocytochemical studies. In three of the four patients there was a significant decrease in serum alpha-subunit concentrations during 6 weeks of bromocriptine administration. Tumor size decreased in two patients. In pituitary tumor cells from one patient cultured in vitro, dopamine caused a highly significant decrease in media alpha-subunit concentrations. To investigate whether dopaminergic regulation of alpha-subunit secretion occurs at a pre- or posttranslational level, messenger RNA (mRNA) from cultured tumor cells from one patient was analyzed by Northern blot techniques. A decrease in alpha-subunit mRNA occurred in cells incubated with 10(-10), 10(-8), and 10(-6) M dopamine. We conclude that dopamine suppressed pituitary tumor alpha-subunit secretion and mRNA levels. Dopamine agonists may be of benefit in the therapy of patients with such tumors.  相似文献   

The synthesis of renin and other biologically active polypeptides in the granular convoluted tubule cells of the mouse submandibular gland (SMG) is regulated by androgen and thyroid hormones. In this study genetically hypothyroid (hyt/hyt) mice carrying a single renin structural gene (Ren-1) were used to investigate the mechanism of hormonal action in mouse SMG. Treatment of female mice with 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and/or thyroxine (T4) enhanced renin-1 activity and increased renin-1 mRNA, determined by Northern analysis. Compared to euthyroid (hyt/+) littermates, hyt/hyt mice had lower basal levels of renin-1 mRNA and a blunted response to either hormone alone. DHT and T4 acted synergistically to increase renin-1 activity and renin-1 mRNA in the SMG of hyt/hyt females. Furthermore, levels of renin-1 activity and renin-1 mRNA varied concordantly in the SMG of these animals. These data indicate that androgen and thyroid hormones influence levels of renin-1 in mouse SMG primarily by regulating the amount of renin-1 mRNA available for translation.  相似文献   

Altered neuroendocrine sensitivity to estrogen is a characteristic of reproductive aging in female rodents, but its molecular basis is not well understood. The objective of this study was to determine whether altered modulation of hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) mRNA by estradiol (E2) is a component of reduced neuroendocrine sensitivity to estrogen in the aging mouse. Young (4 month-old), middle-aged (13 month-old), and old (25 month-old) C57BL/6J mice were ovariectomized, implanted 2 weeks later with Silastic capsules containing E2 or cholesterol (CHOL), and sacrificed 3 days later. Hypothalamic POMC mRNA was measured by solution hybridization/RNase protection, using a RNA probe complementary to a fragment of mouse POMC mRNA. In the group with CHOL implants, POMC mRNA was 36% lower in middle-aged and old mice compared to young mice. E2 treatment reduced POMC mRNA levels by 44% in young mice but failed to lower POMC mRNA in middle-aged and old animals. These results confirm earlier evidence of reduced levels of POMC mRNA in hypothalami of aging rodents and indicate that the ability of E2 to reduce hypothalamic POMC mRNA is lost by middle age.  相似文献   

The role of the second messengers cAMP and Ca++ in the control of proopiomelanocortin (POMC) gene expression was investigated with the use of hybridization with cloned complementary DNA probes. The effects of cAMP-related drugs on POMC messenger RNA (mRNA) levels were assessed in primary cultures of intermediate (IL) and anterior rat pituitary cells maintained in serum-free medium. 8-Bromo-cAMP (1 mM), but not 8-bromo-cGMP (1 mM), induced a 2-fold increase in IL and anterior lobe cell after 2 days of treatment. A similar increase was obtained with the adenylate cyclase-activating drugs forskolin (1 microM) and cholera toxin (100 ng/ml) or the phosphodiesterase inhibitor RO 20-1724 (100 microM). At 48 h, all these treatments had increased beta-endorphin accumulation in the medium and transiently decreased the cellular beta-endorphin content in IL cells, suggesting a parallel effect of cAMP-related drugs on secretion and biosynthesis. Incubating the cells with the Ca++ channel antagonists D600 (50 microM), verapamil (50 microM), and the dihydropyridine nifedipine (0.1 microM) decreased basal POMC mRNA levels, whereas the dihydropyridine BAYK 8644 (0.1 microM), which activates the Ca++ channel, increased POMC mRNA levels after 2 days. In addition, nifedipine decreased the stimulatory effect of forskolin, whereas BAYK 8644 further stimulated the forskolin-increased POMC mRNA levels in IL cells. We conclude that both Ca++ and cAMP may regulate the gene expression of POMC.  相似文献   

Ghrelin, a 28-amino-acid acylated peptide, strongly stimulates GH release and food intake. In the present study, we found that ghrelin is expressed in somatotrophs, lactotrophs, and thyrotrophs but not in corticotrophs or gonadotrophs of rat pituitary. Persistent expression of the ghrelin gene is found during postnatal development in male and female rats, although the levels significantly decrease in both cases from pituitaries of 20-d-old rats onward, but at 60 d old, the levels were higher in male than female rats. This sexually dimorphic pattern appears to be mediated by estrogens because ovariectomy, but not orchidectomy, increases pituitary ghrelin mRNA levels. Taking into account that somatotroph cell function is markedly influenced by thyroid hormones, glucocorticoids, GH, and metabolic status, we also assessed such influence. We found that ghrelin mRNA levels decrease in hypothyroid- and glucocorticoid-treated rats, increase in GH-deficient rats (dwarf rats), and remain unaffected by food deprivation. In conclusion, we have defined the specific cell types that express ghrelin in the rat anterior pituitary gland. These data provide direct morphological evidence that ghrelin may well be acting in a paracrine-like fashion in the regulation of anterior pituitary cell function. In addition, we clearly demonstrate that pituitary ghrelin mRNA levels are age and gender dependent. Finally, we show that pituitary ghrelin mRNA levels are influenced by alteration on thyroid hormone, glucocorticoids, and GH levels but not by fasting, which indicates that the regulation of ghrelin gene expression is tissue specific.  相似文献   

GH secretion and mRNA levels were measured in cultured human GH adenoma cells incubated in serum-free medium for up to 48 h. A human recombinant insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) analog, Thr-59-IGF-I (6.5 nM), inhibited basal GH secretion by up to 60% in tumor cell cultures. The 30-50% stimulation of GH secretion by GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) was prevented by simultaneous exposure of the cells to IGF-I (6.5 nM). Gel electrophoresis of total RNA derived from GH cell adenoma tissue, followed by transfer and hybridization with 32P-labeled human GH cDNA, revealed a distinct mRNA species of about 1.0 kilobases. Using cytoplasmic dot blot hybridization, IGF-I inhibited the levels of human GH mRNA sequences in these cells and also prevented the GHRH-induced stimulation of GH mRNA. A monoclonal antibody to the type I IGF-I receptor (alpha IR3) prevented the inhibitory effects of IGF-I on basal and GHRH-stimulated GH secretion. This antibody also prevented the IGF-I-induced suppression of GH mRNA sequences. PRL secretion in these cells was not altered by IGF-I. Furthermore, relative levels of beta-actin mRNA were unaltered by IGF-I. Thus, IGF-I suppresses basal and GHRH-stimulated GH secretion and GH mRNA levels in pituitary adenoma cells, indicating that IGF-I acts selectively on the somatotroph to directly regulate GH gene expression.  相似文献   

Coexistence of hyperinsulinemia and hyperandrogenism in women has been frequently described. Most of the studies addressing this issue have focused on the mechanisms by which insulin produces hyperandrogenism. In the present study, we analyzed the effects of testosterone in vivo and in vitro upon insulin gene expression and release in the rat. Our studies demonstrate that testosterone increases insulin messenger RNA (mRNA) levels in vitro as well as in vivo. In both prepuberal and intact adult rats, serum testosterone concentrations were positively correlated with insulin mRNA levels and insulin concentration in serum. Testosterone deprivation after gonadectomy decreased both insulin gene expression and serum insulin concentration. Insulin mRNA levels were partially restored after 3 days of testosterone administration and serum insulin was 80% and 27% above baseline values at 5 and 7 days posttreatment. Primary cultured pancreatic islets treated with the sexual steroid increased about 80% insulin mRNA, as well as protein, and release. In transfected islets, testosterone increased the activity of the -410 bp rat insulin promoter I by 154%. These data demonstrate that testosterone has a direct effect upon pancreatic islet function by favoring insulin gene expression and release.  相似文献   

In the ovine fetus, adrenalectomy at 90-120 days gestational age (dGA) results in a gradual increase in basal concentrations of fetal plasma ACTH beginning at approximately 122 dGA. Bilateral adrenalectomy at 116-119 dGA also results in an increase in POMC mRNA in the fetal pituitary. It is not known whether both the paraventricular nuclei (PVN) of the hypothalamus and the anterior pituitary of the ovine fetus are responsive in late gestation to the removal of cortisol negative feedback. The purpose of this study was to determine the subsequent effect of fetal adrenalectomy at 118-121 dGA on the CRH mRNA content in fetal PVN and on POMC mRNA in the fetal anterior pituitary at 134 dGA. Mature Rambouellet-Columbia cross-bred ewes (n = 10), bred on a single occasion only and carrying fetuses of known gestational ages, were used. Both fetal adrenal glands were exposed via a retroperitoneal approach and removed [adrenalectomized (ADX); n = 5]. In control fetuses (CONT; n = 5) adrenal glands were exposed and isolated, but not removed. At 134 dGA, fetal plasma cortisol concentrations were significantly greater in CONT fetuses (7.2 +/- 2.5 ng/ml) than in ADX fetuses (mean +/- SD, 1.97 +/- 0.9 ng/ml; P less than 0.025). At 134 dGA the fetal PVN was removed by micropunching, and the anterior pituitary was separated from neurointermediate and posterior lobes after necropsy. Total RNA was prepared by the guanidium isothiocyanate-cesium chloride method and subjected to Northern analysis using specific cDNA probes to CRH and POMC. After autoradiography, quantification of mRNA was performed by scanning densitometry. Quantities of specific hybridization signal for POMC and CRH were normalized to the content of actin mRNA in each individual sample. RNA prepared from PVN exhibited a single specifically hybridizing band for CRH of approximately 1300 nucleotides. RNA prepared from anterior pituitary exhibited a single specifically hybridizing band for POMC at approximately 1300 nucleotides. Anterior pituitary POMC mRNA was significantly increased (P less than 0.025) in ADX fetuses (236 +/- 32% of CONT). CRH mRNA in PVN was greater in ADX fetuses than in CONT fetuses (P less than 0.05; mean +/- SEM, 179 +/- 21% of CONT). Adrenalectomy in fetal sheep significantly increased expression of CRH and POMC. We conclude that the increased levels of mRNA for CRH and POMC indicate that both the fetal PVN (CRH) and the anterior pituitary (POMC) are responsive to removal of the primary source of circulating glucocorticoid at this gestational age.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Female Wistar-Furth rats were implanted sc with GH3 rat pituitary tumor cells. Tumors were palpable by 4 weeks, and animals were killed periodically from 5-9 weeks. Tumor-bearing rats (n = 10) were heavier than their respective controls, reaching a weight of 372 +/- 3 by 9 weeks vs. 195 +/- 5 g in controls (mean +/- SE). Circulating serum GH levels increased in tumor-bearing animals from 218 +/- 50 to 9067 +/- 962 ng/ml. Serum insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) levels were elevated 3-fold in tumor-bearing rats. After death, pituitary glands were excised, and their total RNA was extracted. GH mRNA was assayed by dot hybridization of immobilized pituitary RNA with [32P]cDNA for rat GH. The hybridization signal was quantified by densitometry of autoradiographs. Pituitary rat GH mRNA levels were suppressed 50% in tumor-bearing animals after 5 weeks. By the end of the 9-week period, pituitary GH mRNA levels were undetectable in tumor-bearing animals. The results show that GH tumor-bearing animals exhibit high levels of circulating GH and IGF-I and suppressed endogenous pituitary GH mRNA levels. This may be caused by autoregulation of pituitary GH gene expression either at the level of the hypothalamus or by a direct effect of GH on the pituitary. Alternatively, the elevated levels of IGF-I may be responsible for the suppression of pituitary GH gene expression .  相似文献   

Synthetic GH secretagogues (GHSs) act via a receptor (GHS-R) distinct from that of GH-releasing hormone. The GHS-R has been cloned from the pituitary and is expressed not only in the pituitary but also in specific areas of the brain, including the hypothalamus. Recent studies suggest that hypothalamic GHS-R expression is regulated by GH. This study was designed to investigate whether pituitary GHS-R expression is modulated by GH. Female Wistar-Furth rats were injected sc with either saline (control) or GC tumor cells (GC) that secrete rat GH. The tumors were allowed to develop for 1-4 weeks. At weeks 1-4, control (n = 4-8) and GC rats (n = 3-8) were killed. Pituitary GHS-R messenger RNA (mRNA) was measured by a quantitative competitive PCR assay. The endogenous GHS-R mRNA levels were measured by determining the amount of competitive template RNA required to produce equimolar amounts of native and competitive template PCR products. The mean log plasma GH levels were significantly greater in the GC rat group than in the control group at weeks 2, 3, and 4. At these times, the mean log pituitary GHS-R mRNA contents were significantly lower in the GC rat group than in the control group. No relationship could be established between log estradiol levels and GHS-R levels. These data indicate that pituitary GHS-R expression is modulated by GH.  相似文献   

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