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Alagille综合征诊断治疗进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Alagille 综合征(Alagille syndrome, ALGS)又称为动脉-肝脏发育不良,是一种常染色体显性遗传的多系统疾病.该病患者JAG1 基因(1 型ALGS)或者NOTCH2 基因突变(2 型ALGS)导致Notch 信号通路缺陷,从而影响肝脏、心脏、眼睛、脊椎和面部等多个器官或系统.其主要的临床特征有慢性胆汁淤积、先天性心脏病、轻微椎体分割异常、特征性面容、角膜后胚胎环,以及肾脏发育不良等.该文从ALGS 的病因、发病机制、诊断和治疗等方面的进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Alagille综合征五例临床和病理特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Alagiue综合征是一种可累及肝脏、心脏、骨骼、眼睛和颜面等多系统或器官的显性遗传性疾病,常以婴儿期胆汁淤积为突出表现,临床上和胆道闭锁鉴别困难。国内以往未见该病报道。我院自2004年开始在婴儿期胆汁淤积患儿中明确诊断Alagille综合征5例,并进行了较系统的临床随访和肝脏病理研究,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的:对慢性胆汁淤积症患儿开展 JAGI 基因检测,以提高对 Alagille 综合征临床特征的认识和诊断水平。方法选取2例慢性胆汁淤积症伴多器官受累患儿为研究对象,收集其临床资料、实验室检查结果。抽取患儿外周静脉肝素抗凝血2 mL,采用聚合酶链反应和基因测序技术对 JAGI 基因26个外显子及其侧翼序列进行突变基因检测。结果1例患儿临床表现为慢性胆汁淤积、心脏杂音和特殊面容,肝穿刺病理检查显示胆管上皮缺乏,JAGI 基因检测6号外显子新 c.809809delG(p. G270Dfs*142)杂合突变,为异常氨基酸代替 JAG1蛋白,导致 JAG1蛋白截断,表皮生长因子(EGF)样重复序列部分丢失以及富含半胱氨酸区完全丢失;1例患儿典型的临床表现仅包括慢性胆汁淤积和特殊面容,JAGI 基因检测第20内含子剪切位点已知 IVS20-25delTAAG 杂合突变,导致剪切位点改变。结论发现1种尚未报道的 JAGI 基因新突变 c.809809delG(p. G270Dfs*142)。对慢性胆汁淤积症伴多器官受累患儿开展 Notch 信号通路 JAGI 致病基因筛查,有助于临床 Alagille 综合征的诊断。  相似文献   

Alagille综合征(Alagille syndrome,ALGS)是具有表型特征的慢性胆汁淤积的最常见原因,是一种累及多器官的罕见常染色体显性遗传性疾病.受损器官或部位包括肝脏、心脏、骨骼、眼、面部、肾脏、血管和皮肤.ALGS产生的原因是配体JAG1或受体NOTCH2突变导致Notch信号通路缺陷而引起的机体多个系统和器官损害.肝内胆管缺乏或消失伴临床上五项主要临床特征:[胆汁淤积、心脏缺陷、脊柱畸形(蝴蝶状椎骨)、眼部异常(角膜后胚胎环)和突出的面部特征(倒三角形)]中的三项及其以上就可以进行确诊.近些年,随着分子诊断技术的进步和各系统表型发病原因的不断研究,ALGS越来越受到重视,该文就这两种突变导致的ALGS的临床表现、发病机制和诊断作一综述.  相似文献   

活体肝移植治疗肝豆状核变性5例   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 探讨活体肝移植治疗小儿肝豆状核变性的临床疗效。方法 采用亲体部分肝移植术及术后监测临床生命体征、血生化指标,抗感染、免疫抑制、营养支持等综合方法,治疗肝豆状核变性5例。结果 供体术后顺利康复;患儿术后健康存活,至今分别为3(3例)、2、1年。肝脏功能、血铜蓝蛋白已恢复正常,正常饮食,均无复发。结论 活体肝移植可纠正小儿肝豆状核变性的肝脏病变及原有的代谢缺陷,提高患儿生活质量,挽救其生命,是治疗小儿肝豆状核变性终末期肝病的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

Alagille综合征 (ALGS)是一种主要由JAG1基因突变导致的常染色体显性遗传病,可累及肝脏、心脏、骨骼、眼和面部等多器官。本文报道1例ALGS患儿的临床和遗传学特征。患儿,男,2岁9个月,因发现肝功能异常及心脏杂音2年余就诊。查体:发育营养稍差,皮肤巩膜无黄染。前额突起,左眼内斜视,鼻梁低平,小下颌。双肺呼吸音清,胸骨左缘2~3肋间可闻及2/6级收缩期杂音,肝脾不大。血生化发现胆汁酸、胆红素、转氨酶等均升高。心脏彩超提示房间隔缺损 (静脉窦型)和左肺动脉狭窄;脊柱正位片发现第6、8胸椎蝴蝶椎畸形。患儿明显左眼内斜,眼科诊断眼球后退综合征。因此,该患儿符合ALGS在肝脏、心脏、脊柱和面部的特殊表现,且DNA直接测序发现JAG1基因存在一个新突变c.2419delG (p.Glu807AsnfsX819),ALGS诊断明确。确诊后予以对症支持治疗。目前已随访至4岁2个月,病情平稳,但面部畸形、左眼内斜视、心脏杂音和肝功能异常持续存在,其远期预后有待观察。  相似文献   

目的探讨遗传代谢相关婴儿胆汁淤积性肝病(ICH)的临床特征及基因特点, 为指导该类疾病的诊断及治疗提供依据。方法回顾性分析2014年1月至2019年12月于首都儿科研究所附属儿童医院消化内科诊断为ICH的住院患儿80例的临床资料, 并随访患儿出院后的临床转归。80例患儿中, 女27例, 男53例;发病年龄(39±18) d。通过高通量基因测序明确病因的患儿为遗传代谢组(44例), 未能明确病因的36例特发性婴儿肝内胆汁淤积症(INC)患儿为INC组。采用t检验或独立样本秩和检验比较实验室检查结果和生化指标;采用χ2检验比较巨细胞病毒感染率。结果 1.共纳入80例, 通过高通量测序明确诊断44例, 阳性率为55.0%, 其中希特林蛋白缺陷病(CD)23例, Alagille综合征(ALGS)10例, 进行性家族性肝内胆汁淤积症(PFIC) 6例, 先天性胆汁酸合成障碍2例, 尼曼匹克病2例, 囊性纤维化1例。2.遗传代谢组血清总胆汁酸水平[180.6(115.5, 271.6) μmol/L]、活化部分凝血酶原时间[40.6(37.1, 45.2) s]较INC组[123.3(98.8,...  相似文献   

婴儿期活体部分肝移植的新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肝移植是治疗小儿终末期肝脏疾病的有效手段。活体部分肝移植(1ivingrelatedpartiallivertransplantation,LRLT或LRPLT)是近年来逐步发展起来的一种新的肝移植方法[1],已在小儿肝移植中广泛的应用。以往认为小于1岁的婴儿进行肝移植具有相当大的危险性[2],但近年来随着经验积累,婴儿期活体肝移植也较广泛开展,并取得良好的效果[3]。现就近3年来的婴儿期活体部分肝移植的新进展综述如下。一、目前状况1989年Strong等[4]首次报道了1例成功的活体部分肝移植…  相似文献   

目的分析20p12缺失致Alagille综合征(ALGS)患儿的临床表现和肝脏病理。方法回顾分析1例20p12微缺失致ALGS患儿的临床资料。结果患儿,男,1月龄起病,以胆汁淤积为首发表现,伴特殊面容,蝶形椎,肾脏和心脏病变;肝脏穿刺术病理学检测提示肝脏淤胆改变,肝细胞中度损害(G2S3),无胆管减少表现。采集患儿及父母血标本,采用二代基因测序检测发现chr20p12.2:(9288462-10654178)处1.36 Mb的杂合缺失,缺失片段中包含JAG1基因,为新发突变。确诊后予以对症支持治疗,随访半年,患儿生长发育无异常,黄疸仍迁延不退,远期预后有待进一步随访。结论ALGS是一种常染色体显性遗传病,临床表现多样,基因检测和肝活检有助于诊断。  相似文献   

目的 总结儿童重型肝炎行儿童亲体肝移植术后并发噬血细胞综合征的治疗经验.方法 1例6岁女孩,因不明原因急性进行性黄疸、腹水及全身出血等住院,经化验、彩色多普勒、螺旋CT等确诊为亚急性重型肝炎,于2008年2月26日施行亲体肝移植术,供肝为患儿父亲的左外叶.术后3 d开始出现全血象进行性下降,13 d降至最低,血清铁蛋白升高,EB病毒DNA阳性,骨髓细胞学检查发现噬血细胞,确诊为儿童亲体肝移植术后EB病毒相关性噬血细胞综合征,用环孢素A、地塞米松和静脉注射丙种球蛋白等治疗,并进入层流病房,加强抗感染治疗.结果 术后患儿肝功能恢复顺利,各种酶学指标术后3d各种开始下降,7d接近正常,14d完全正常.术后20 d全血象开始逐渐上升,40 d升至正常水平,准予出院随访,至今无复发,情况良好.结论 儿童亲体肝移植手术后出现不明原因的全血象下降时应想到并发噬血细胞综合征的可能,早期诊断,及时正确的治疗能使患儿顺利康复.  相似文献   

We described a case of Alagille syndrome with severe peripheral pulmonary artery stenosis and very high right ventricular pressure that underwent successful living-related liver transplantation without any peri-operative and mid-term postoperative complication because of this cardiac malformation. The aim of this report is to point out that the severe pulmonary artery stenosis may be a risk factor but not a contraindication to liver transplantation in patients with Alagille syndrome.  相似文献   

Alagille syndrome (AGS) was described more than 35 years ago as a genetic entity characterised by five major features: chronic cholestasis owing to paucity of interiobular bile ducts; peripheral pulmonary stenosis; butterfly like vertebral arch defect; posterior embryotoxon and peculiar facies. AGS has long been said to have a relative good prognosis but overall survival at twenty years averages 70%. Complex congenital heart disease and hepatic disease with or without liver transplantation contribute significantly to mortality.JAGGED1 has been identified as a responsible gene by demonstration of mutations in AGS patients. Studies ofJAGGED1 expression pattern demonstrate that minor features and almost all the elements in the long list of manifestations described in AGS patients are not coincidental. This suggests that Alagille syndrome definition may be revisited in the light ofJAGGED1 mutations.  相似文献   

Alagille syndrome   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Alagille syndrome (AGS) was described more than 35 years ago as a genetic entity characterised by five major features: chronic cholestasis owing to paucity of interlobular bile ducts; peripheral pulmonary stenosis; butterfly like vertebral arch defect; posterior embryotoxon and peculiar facies. AGS has long been said to have a relative good prognosis but overall survival at twenty years averages 70%. Complex congenital heart disease and hepatic disease with or without liver transplantation contribute significantly to mortality. JAGGED1 has been identified as a responsible gene by demonstration of mutations in AGS patients. Studies of JAGGED1 expression pattern demonstrate that minor features and almost all the elements in the long list of manifestations described in AGS patients are not coincidental. This suggests that Alagille syndrome definition may be revisited in the light of JAGGED1 mutations.  相似文献   

An AGS is a dominant inherited multisystem disorder caused by mutations in the Notch signaling pathway (JAG1). In our center, 5.3% of liver transplantations (OLT) are performed in children with AGS. Some of the affected children fulfilled criteria for OLT, despite the absence of liver cirrhosis. The aim of our present study was to evaluate the indications and outcome for OLT in children with this complex disorder as clear criteria are difficult to establish in clinical practice. A total of 37 patients were included in a retrospective analysis. Twenty-four children underwent OLT for chronic end-stage liver failure (n = 8) or symptomatic liver disease (n = 16). Patient survival post-OLT was 91.7% after 1 yr, that of graft survival was 87.5%, respectively. Significant post-transplant vascular complications included a mid-aortic syndrome (n = 1) and severe lethal bleeding due to suspected vascular malformation (n = 1). Severe hypercholesterolemia (>800 mg/dL) and xanthomata resolved completely in affected patients. We conclude from our data that indications for OLT in AGS should be extended to patients with severe symptomatic liver disease, even in the absence of liver cirrhosis because of the significantly improved outcome after pediatric OLT in the last decade. Future studies must identify underlying mechanisms of hypercholesterolemia and vascular malformation.  相似文献   

We report our success in employing LDLT as a course of treatment for extensive hepatic VM. A 14‐yr‐old pediatric patient presented at our hospital with nosebleed, fatigability, orthopnea, and abdominal distension. He had a history of right hemicolectomy with primary anastomosis due to VM of the transverse colon at age seven. Coagulation abnormalities were apparent, characterized by high international normalized ratio of prothrombin time, decreased fibrinogen level, increased FDPs, and D‐dimer. T2‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging revealed numerous, variable‐sized high signal intensity nodules. Abdominal ultrasonography and CT scan showed hepatomegaly with multiple hypo‐echogenic lesions and arteriovenous shunting in the liver. Doppler ultrasound showed hypokinetic flow in the hypo‐echogenic lesions of liver. Immediate LDLT was performed to avoid spontaneous rupture and DIC. The right lobe of the liver was implanted with temporary portocaval shunt to prevent intestinal congestion and bleeding. Pathologic examination of the explanted liver confirmed the presence of an extensive hepatic VM. The postoperative course was uneventful, and the patient remained symptom‐free with normal liver function throughout the 12‐month follow‐up period.  相似文献   

目的 回顾分析22例胆道闭锁患儿(23例次,其中1例行再次肝移植)肝移植术后的重症监护管理经验,探讨并发症的发生率以及病原菌与患儿并发症预后之间的联系.方法 统计分析22例平均体重<8.8 kg的婴幼儿在ICU的相关临床资料,包括药物的使用情况(肾上腺素能激动剂、抗高血压药、利尿剂、镇静止痛药)及主要并发症(排异反应11例,外科并发症16例,感染18例)的诊断、评估及治疗,其中抗生素的选用主要根据药敏试验结果决定.结果 最常见的术后并发症包括感染(18例)、消化道出血(3例)、血管并发症(4例).1例死于原发性无功能肝,11例出现排异反应.最常见的病原微生物包括表皮葡萄球菌(7例),不动杆菌属(6例),铜绿假单胞菌(7例).ICU平均住院时间为10 d,机械通气平均时间37.6 h.多巴酚丁胺、前列腺素E1、多巴胺的平均使用时间分别为3.3 d,7.5 d,8.8 d.术后胃肠外营养的平均起始时间为12 h,进食起始时间平均72 h.结论 术后监护是保证婴幼儿肝移植成功的关键之一.
Objective To summarize experience of pediatric intensive care and explore the incidence of complications, the involved pathogens among liver recipients to determine the effective strategies for preventing complications. Methods Between June 2006 and July 2009, 35 children under the age of 14 yr received 35 liver transplantations (LTs) performed at the center. A retrospective review of 22 infants weighing 8. 8 kg or less underwent 23 transplants was conducted. Indication for transplantation was biliary atresia. Central venous pressure and arterial blood pressure were monitored continuously and fluid monitoring was performed every 2 hours in the first postoperative week. Blood loss, ascites, and intraoperative transudate loss were primarily replaced with 5% albumin and crystalloids to maintain a central venous pressure between 4 and 6 cm H2O. Oral food intake was allowed as soon as possible. To identify vascular or biliary complications, liver doppler ultrasound was performed intraoperatively immediately after reperfusion and after closure of the abdominal wall and postoperatively, twice daily during the first week after surgery.Immunosuppression was initially cyclosporine based, in combination with steroids. Cyclosporine was begun one day prior to transplantation at a dose of 10 mg/( kg · d) divided into two doses, except for cases with hepatic encephalopathy and severe infection. The subsequent doses were adjusted on the basis ofrecommended trough blood concentrations at different stages. Steroids were eventually discontinued at a time point exceeding 6 months after transplantation. The diagnosis of rejection was confirmed by histology on needle biopsy specimens. Acute graft rejection episodes were treated with a 3-day scheme of Ⅳ methylprednisolone 10 mg/( kg · d) followed by recycling doses during the following 3 days (7.5, 5 and 2. 5mg/(kg · d). Results The most common postoperative complications were infections (18 cases),gastrointestinal bleeding (3 cases), and vascular complications (4 cases). Rejection occurred in 25% of patients. There was one perioperative death from primary graft non-function. The most common isolated bacteria of the pathogen spectrum were Staphylococcus epidermidis. The median length of stay (LOS) in the PICU for 22 patients (23 transplants) was 10 days ( range 5-21 ) and the mean length of stay in the hospital was ( 18.5 ± 116) days ( range, 11-48 days). Mean requirement for artificial ventilation was 37.6 h. Mean use of dobutamine, prostaglandin E1 and dopamine was 3.3, 7.5 and 8.8 days, respectively.Preoperatively, 3 children had gastrointestinal bleeding, 18 had ascites, 2 had encephalopathy, 22 had jaundice, and 16 had coagulopathy. There were multiple early operative complications in these infants,including one graft with primary non-function (4. 5% ). Two patients (9. 1% ) returned for a total of three times for gastrointestinal bleeding or intra-abdominal hematoma. Three patients (13.6%) had early postoperative intestinal perforations related to adhesions or enterotomy, one was associated with a bowel obstruction. There were 26 episodes of bacterial or fungal infections in 18 (81.8%) patients in the early postoperative period, and infection was the direct/contributing cause of death in one infant. These infections included pneumonia, intra-abdominal abscess or sepsis. All of the bacterial and fungal infections were successfully treated with the appropriate antibacterial and antifungal agents, except for one patient who developed overwhelming sepsis after small bowel perforation. Four (18.2%) patients developed five episodes of acute allograft rejection during the first 15 days after LT. Three of the four patients who developed rejection were transplanted before 2007. All episodes of rejection were treated successfully with intravenous steroid pulse and optimization of cyclosporine levels or FK506 conversion. Of the 20 survivors beyond the perioperative period, two cases ( 10% ) had hypertension requiring therapy. Conclusions Liver transplantation in infants with biliary atresia appears technically demanding but acceptable. There should be essentially no age or size restriction for infants and transplantation can be performed with good outcome,although the frequency of complications is much higher than that seen in older children. The improvement in medical and nursing expertise in this group of very sick infants is based on judicious preoperative donor and recipient selection, meticulous surgical technique (vascular reconstruction and abdominal closure ),immediate detection and prompt intervention of complications, and keen postoperative surveillance, which reflect a learning curve for both the technical aspects of liver transplantation and post-operative care of these very small patients in our institution. Liver transplantation for infants can be technically challenging.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the direct health care cost of living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) with that of cadaver donor liver transplantation (CDLT) in children and identify predictors of cost. STUDY DESIGN: All 16 children who underwent LDLT from January 1997 through January 2002 at Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center comprised the study population. They were matched for age, diagnosis, and nutritional status with 31 children who received CDLT during the same era. A historic cohort analysis was performed. RESULTS: There was no difference in the 1-year mortality rates between both groups. Costs associated with graft retrieval contributed 15.3% and 31% of the initial transplant cost for LDLT and CDLT, respectively. Mean cost of care in the first year was 60.3% higher for LDLT than CDLT (P=.01). Multivariate analysis identified biliary complications and insurance status as predictors of cost for initial transplantation (R(2)=0.57), whereas biliary complications and pediatric end stage liver disease scores were identified as predictors of cost of care in the first year after transplantation (R(2)=0.77). CONCLUSIONS: The comprehensive cost of LDLT in the first year after transplantation is higher than cadaveric transplantation. This must be balanced against the time spent and care needs of patients on the waiting list.  相似文献   

Two children were weaned from long-term tube feeding after liver transplant because of Alagille syndrome. The children were successfully weaned, one in seven days and the other in 13 days, using our standard and highly specialized intensive treatment protocol. Normal feeding behavior and stabilization of body weight were established. Children fed by long-term enteral tubes can be weaned from enteral feeding even after a long period of treatment. The return to age-appropriate self-feeding should be introduced as early as possible. Our weaning program time is brief and effective and can be recommended generally to improve quality of life and withhold unintended side-effects of enteral nutrition.  相似文献   

Arnon R, Annunziato R, Miloh T, Suchy F, Sakworawich A, Hiroshi S, Kishore I, Kerkar N. Orthotopic liver transplantation for children with Alagille syndrome.
Pediatr Transplantation 2010: 14:622–628. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: AGS is an inherited disorder involving the liver, heart, eyes, face, and skeleton. Aim: To determine the outcome of LT in children with AGS compared to those with BA. Methods: Children with AGS and BA who had a LT between 10/1987 and 5/2008 were identified from the UNOS database. Results: Of 11 467 children who received a liver transplant, 461 (4.0%) had AGS and 3056 (26.7%) had BA. One‐ and five‐yr patient survival was significantly lower in patients with AGS in comparison with patients with BA (AGS; 82.9%, 78.4%, BA; 89.9%, 84%, respectively). Early death (<30 days from transplant) was significantly higher in AGS than in BA. One‐ and five‐yr graft survival was significantly lower in AGS than in BA (AGS; 74.7%, 61.5%, BA; 81.6%, 70.0%, respectively). Death from graft failure, neurological, and cardiac complications was significantly higher in patients with AGS than in patients with BA. Serum creatinine at transplant, prior LT, and cold ischemic time >12 h were identified as risk factors for death. Conclusion: Children with AGS were older at the time of LT and their one‐ and five‐yr patient and graft survival were significantly lower compared to BA. Risk factors for poor outcome in AGS after LT were identified.  相似文献   

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