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Compared two sets of summary scores for the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Revised (WISC-R). The traditional scores used to summarize information about WISC-R performance (i.e., Verbal IQ (VIQ), Performance IQ (PIQ) and discrepancy between VIQ and PIQ) were compared to scores based on the three factors identified by Kaufman (1975) (i.e., Verbal Comprehension (VC), Perceptual Organization (PO) and Freedom from Distractibility (FD). Ss were 260 psychiatric outpatients who were administered the WISC-R during a 4-year period. The independent variables were sex and DSM II diagnosis. There were significant main effects for diagnosis for the VC and FD scales. There was a significant interaction for VIQ and nonsignificant results for the VIQ-PIQ discrepancy score. The groups did not differ in perceptual organization skills as assessed by PO and PIQ. Delinquents performed particularly poorly on the VC scale; hyperactive children had the highest VC score and relatively low scores on the FD factor; learning disabled children had low VC and FD scores. These findings suggest that the scores based on Kaufman's factors provided important clinical summary information that was not available from the traditional scores.  相似文献   

Compared the subtest and IQ scores obtained by a sample of 75 learning disabled and retarded children and youth (50 boys, 25 girls) on the WISC-R after a 2-year time interval. Stability coefficients (test-retest) were obtained for the sample. The evidence obtained from the present study indicated that the WISC-R provides stable full-scale IQs.  相似文献   

Investigated the concurrent validity of the WISC-R 11 subtests and three IQs as related to the WRAT standard scores. Correlations were computed for a sample of 28 children (20 boys, 8 girls), aged 7–9 to 16-5 (X̄ of 11-8), who were diagnosed learning disabled by LEA placement terms according to state and federal guidelines. Regression analysis used all three Wide Range Achievement subtests as criteria, and the 11 subtests and three IQ scale scores of the WISC-R as predictors. The results did not support the concurrent validity of the WISC-R for this sample of disabled children and youth.  相似文献   

Examined the generalizability of the Bannatyne WISC-R profile of learning-disabled children to a sample of children from Mexican-American culture. A sample of 64 Mexican-Americans diagnosed as learning disabled were used in the study. Recategorized scores were subjected to 1 X 3 repeated measures ANOVAs and the differences between mean categorized scores were analyzed by Newman-Keuls tests for simple effects. Analysis of the obtained data suggested that learning-disabled Mexican-American children were not characterized by Spatial greater than Conceptual greater than Sequential patterns as predicted by Bannatyne. The WISC-R performance of these children was found to be similar on Sequential and Conceptual categories. In spite of the lack of generalizability of the Bannatyne profile to the Mexican-American group, some interesting similarities and differences in performance patterns of the two groups of Ss were observed.  相似文献   

Intelligence and achievement test scores of 100 school-identified, learning-disabled boys were analyzed. WISC-R students were analyzed for strengths and weaknesses, and patterns were identified through factor analysis. The factor loadings, as well as WISC-R IQs, were used as predictor variables, and the Woodcock-Johnson Achievement cluster scores comprised the achievement variables. A stepwise multiple regression indicated that the most powerful intelligence predictor for all three areas of achievement was the WISC-R Performance IQ. Four factor patterns significantly increased the prediction of Woodcock-Johnson Written Language scores.  相似文献   

Presents a table that provides a simplified procedure for obtaining WISC-R factor scores expressed as IQ equivalents. Three factors, based on Kaufman's recent analysis of the 1974 Revised WISC, were included: (1) Verbal Comprehension (Information, Similarities, Vocabulary, and Comprehension); (2) Perceptual Analytic (Picture Completion, Picture Arrangement, Block Design, Object Assembly, and the optional subtest, Mazes); and (3) Attention Concentration (Arithmetic, Digit Span, and Coding). The techniques for deriving the factor score equivalents and the use of the table, both procedurally and clinically, are discussed.  相似文献   

The internal reliability of the WISC-R was examined with a sample of 200 male delinquents. Scale IQ reliabilities ranged from .92 to .80, and subtest reliabilities ranged from .90 to .52. The standard errors of measurement for Scale IQs were approximately 1 point and for individual subtests significantly differed from that reported in the WISC-R manual. The results indicated the WISC-R to be acceptably internally consistent when used with male juvenile delinquents.  相似文献   

The comparability of WISC and WISC-R IQ scores was studied in a sample of 48 mildly retarded and borderline children. All WISC-R and WISC IQ and subtest scores were found to be related significantly, but not directly comparable. Generally, the WISC-R yielded lower scores with the exceptions of the Performance IQ score and the PC, PA, and OA subtest scores. Subtest patterning on the WISC-R for this group was similar to previously reported data on the WISC. Caution was suggested in making direct comparisons of WISC and WISC-R scores, at least within the ability range studied.  相似文献   

Investigated the performance of learning-disabled (LD) and behaviordisorder (BD) children and youth on the WISC-R. A stepwise discriminant function analysis and chi-square analysis were used to analyze the performance of 135 children and youth (83 males, 52 females) on the WISC-R. The sample consisted of 68 LD and 67 BD Ss, whose ages ranged from 81-1 month to 168-6 months with a mean age of 123-1 months. Results suggest that discriminant function analysis can be useful as one criterion in differentiating LD children from BD children. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined correlations between WISC-R and K-ABC subtests in a sample of 101 children referred for learning disabilities. A considerable overlap between the two instruments was found. Separate factor analyses of the WISC-R and K-ABC were conducted. By and large, the WISC-R factor structure was similar to that found for standardization samples. Three factors emerged, namely Verbal Comprehension, Perceptual Organization, and Freedom From Distractibility. In line with earlier findings, the K-ABC factor analysis resulted in two factors: Simultaneous and Sequential Processing. A shorter battery combining subtests from both instruments is discussed. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Clin Psychol 54: 1053–1061, 1998.  相似文献   

Normative bases for the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised (WAIS-R) and the Wechsler Memory Scale-Revised (WMS-R) recently were extended through age 97 with the publication of norms that permit computation of MAYO IQs for the WAIS-R and MAYO Memory Indices for the WMS-R. This study compares traditional Wechsler summary scores with their corresponding MAYO values in a clinical sample. MAYO summary scores are correlated highly with traditional Wechsler values, and concordance rates are also strong. Despite their similarities MAYO summary scores and traditional Wechsler values are not interchangeable. Cautions are discussed relative to the use of both MAYO and traditional Wechsler IQs and Memory Indices.  相似文献   

Investigated the relationship of WISC-R, P > V sign and cognitive defense style to juvenile recidivism. Sixty-eight male juvenile recidivists and 68 nonrecidivists were administered the WISC-R and Byrne's R-S scale as part of a standard diagnostic battery. Although recidivists were found to have significantly higher P > V differences than non-recidivists, presence of P > V sign did not distinguish recidivists from non-recidivists. While recidivists were found to be significantly more sensitizing than non-recidivists, R-S scores were not found to be related to magnitude of P > V sign. Two separate classes of behaviors were suggested as increasing the probability of recidivism.  相似文献   

Forty-one young normal adults were administered the Shipley Institute of Living Scale (SILS) and the WAIS-R as part of a validation study of previously published procedures for estimating WAIS-R Full-Scale IQ scores from SILS Vocabulary and Abstraction Scores. Correlations between SILS scores and WAIS-R scores were lower than expected from the literature. Prediction of WAIS-R FSIQ from SILS Vocabulary and Abstraction scores was poor (r = .46, p < .01). Partial support for the use of new procedures for estimating WAIS-R IQ from SILS was obtained. Implications for interpreting SILS scores obtained from subjects similar to those studied were discussed.  相似文献   

The present study explored the MMPI-2 correlates of criminal history in a sample of prison inmates. Although Ma was the only basic scale to demonstrate a significant positive association to crime history, three Harris-Lingoes subscales also bore significant associations to this criterion. The Ma1 (amorality), Pd2 (authority problems), and Pd5 (self-alienation) subscales demonstrated positive associations with crime history. Hierarchical multiple-regression analyses were used to examine the incremental validity of the D, Pd, and Ma Harris-Lingoes subscales when added to their parent scales in the prediction of crime history. Only the Pd Harris-Lingoes subscales demonstrated incremental validity in the prediction of this criterion. The value of including the Ma and Pd Harris-Lingoes subscales in criminal risk assessment is discussed.  相似文献   

Explored the relationships of the Performance IQ (PIQ) greater than Verbal IQ (VIQ) to type of crime, ethnicity, and reading disability in a corrections sample of 70 adult males incarcerated on felony charges. The PIQ greater than VIQ sign was not related to Full Scale IQ or to violent vs. nonviolent crime, per se. The PIQ greater than VIQ sign showed a trend toward association with Ethnicity (black vs. white) and was related significantly to reading disability, with the reading disabled inmates more likely to show the sign, and to type of crime, with perpetrators of sex crimes most likely (87%) to show the sign and those incarcerated for murder or attempted murder least likely (33%) to show it. The difference in the proportion of inmates who showed the sign in these two classes of violent crimes (murder and sex crimes) was significant, and further analysis showed that with murder excluded, PIQ greater than VIQ occurred significantly more frequently in those accused of violent crimes than for nonviolent crimes. The latter findings suggested that differences between studies in the relationship of PIQ greater than VIQ and violence may be the result of differences in the proportion of murderers in the violent samples. Additional analyses indicated that the significant relationships between PIQ greater than VIQ and both type of crime and reading disability were most likely independent of ethnicity and each other.  相似文献   

Factor analyzed intercorrelations of the 12 WISC-R subtests separately for males and females (N = 2,200) at two age levels. Through the method of principal factors, with R2 as initial communality estimates, a three-factor solution was obtained for each of the four groups. The three principal factors were rotated according to the Varimax criteria. Coefficients of congruence were calculated to determine the degree of stability of the three-factor solution across sex at the two age levels. Consistently high coefficients of congruence indicated that the WISC-R factor structure is essentially invariant with regard to sex and age.  相似文献   

Compared the WISC-R Verbal-Performance IQ discrepancies of learning-disabled children (N = 100) and of the normative sample. There were frequent occurrences of statistically significant discrepancies in both groups, as well as similar mean discrepancy scores and distributions of Verbal > Performance and Performance > Verbal patterns. It was concluded that without clinical evidence to suggest otherwise, it cannot be assumed automatically that a child's discrepancy score, unless of extreme magnitude, is related to the learning disability itself. The importance to clinicians of making both normative and statistical interpretations of WISC-R discrepancy scores was stressed.  相似文献   

Examined the validity of the Vocabulary-Block Design subtest combination as an astimate of the WISC-R Full Scale IQ in a clinical population. One hundred and twenty children (67 males, 53 females) with school and/or be havioral problems between the ages of 6-6 and 16-6 were administered the standard WISC-R. Satisfactory correlations (0.78-0.88) were found between the short form IQ and the Full scale IQ. Approximately one-third of the Ss showed changes in intelligence claasification levels when the short form was used. The short form did not allow for precise IQ estimation. However, the short form showed promise as a screening device to identify children with atypical cognitive functions and/or mental deficiency. The short form achieved a correct classification rate of 83%.  相似文献   

Three-hundred and two psychiatric inpatients (166 women and 136 men) completed Masling, Rabie, and Blondheim's Rorschach Oral Dependency (ROD) Scale and the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale Revised (WAIS-R). As predicted. ROD scale scores were unrelated to WAIS-R scores in subjects of either sex. These findings support the discriminant validity of the ROD scale as a measure of interpersonal dependency, and suggest that deficits in intellectual ability do not underlie the dependency-related behaviors (e.g., suggestibility, conformity, interpersonal yielding) that are associated with high scores on the ROD scale. Implications of these findings for research on the dependency-academic performance relationship are discussed, and suggestions for future studies assessing the convergent and discriminant validity of the ROD scale are offered. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The factor structure of the WISC-R was examined with a large metropolitan pediatric clinic population of referred children. The robustness of the two-factor solution, which parallels the verbal-performance dichotomy, was supported for a group of non-LD children (n = 272) and, with the exception of the Coding subtest, for a cohort of LD children (n = 155), as well as with the entire pediatric population (n = 427). Kaufman's (1975) three-factor solution was applicable only for the LD cohort. The validity and utility of the factor analytic model for interpreting the WISC-R were supported and extended to include a pediatric referred population. Cautious interpretation of the third factor, however, is recommended on the basis of the present results, as well as those of other investigations.  相似文献   

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