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目的 通过比较动静脉短路环(AV环)和动静脉束(AV束)植入珊瑚后诱导血管新生的程度,探讨构建带血管蒂的组织工程骨支架材料动物模犁的可行性.方法 新西兰兔36只,解剖分离出左侧股静脉和股动脉及腘动脉分支.AV环组(A组)将胭动脉和股静脉末端切断,近心端行血管端端吻合,形成动静脉短路环,环绕套入天然珊瑚块的侧槽中.AV束绀(B组)股动静脉血管束保持血流通畅,不切断,动静脉分开套人珊瑚块的两边侧槽中.植人体外加ePTFE膜包裹隔绝,固定于大腿皮下.2、4、6周行标本的墨汁灌注和血管铸型,墨汁灌注后珊瑚脱钙、HF染色、组织学观察,分析珊瑚孔隙中组织结构和血管新生情况,计数每份标小的平均血管密度,血管密度做计量统计学分析;血管铸型标本行大体解剖和腐蚀后血管分栉等观察,了解血管与珊瑚的火系,以及新生血管程度和米源.结果 珊瑚植入体内后表面和深部有大量纤维血管样组织生长.墨汁灌注显示血管广泛分布在珊瑚表层和间隙内,结构成熟,4周已贯穿珊瑚块的全层.2、4、6周血管密度逐渐加大,A组(2周276.6±4.67;4周517.20±10.66,6周707.00±11.87)较B组(2周153.60±7.16,4周269.40±6.80,6周279.20±6.53)血管生成密度更大,筹异有统计学意义(P<0.01).血管铸型显示A组血管环周边和珊瑚表层充满小血管,B组血管明显稀疏.腐蚀铸型显示A组血管环动静脉段芽生和伴行有丰富的小血管,在入口处形成网状结构,并相互吻合;B组主干动脉血管无发芽新生血管,仅有周边伴行的部分小血管长入.结论 AV环方法和AV束方法均可以促进驯瑚的血管化,前者诱导血管新生的能力更强.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

Objective To compare the effects of 2 vascular carriers, arteriovenous loop and arteri-ovenous bundle, on inducing angiogenesis in coral scaffold of vascularized tissue-engineered bone in animal models.Methods Thirty-six adult male New Zealand rabbits were randomized into 2 even groups.In group A, an arteriovenous loop (AVL) was formed by microsurgical anastomosis at the proximal ends between the femoral poptiteal artery and vein, and placed in the circular side groove of the coral block (6 mm × 8 mm × 10 mm) .In group B, flow-through vessels bundles of both femoral artery and vein were placed in the side grooves of the coral block.All the implants in 2 groups were wrapped by a micro-porous expand-ed-polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) membrane, and fixed subcutaneously by suturing.Evaluation methods included gross morphological observations, histological examinations, India ink perfusion and vascular casting after 2, 4, 6 weeks.The density of blood vessels was analyzed by the statistical software SPSS 10.0.Results All the corals were encased by newly formed fibrovascular tissues in 2 groups.Ink-stained vessels distributed the surfaces and side grooves, and invaded the interspaces of corals.The degree of vascularization increased over the course of experiment.Blood vessel density demonstrated a significant continuous increase between 2 and 6 weeks after implantation in group A.The mean value of blood vessel density in group A (2 weeks 276.60±4.67, 4 weeks 517.20±10.66, 6 weeks 707.00 ±11.87) was significantly higher than in group B (2 weeks 153.60 ±7.16, 4 weeks 269.40±6.80, 6 weeks 279.20±6.53) (P <0.01).Vascular casting showed that in group A, significant blood vessels sprouted from all areas of the loop, espe-cially at the entrance of the arteriovenous pediele where the small tubes were densely interconnected.In group B, however, no blood vessels sprouted from the arteriovenous bundles and only some small vessels grew from the entrance and exit.Conclusions A vascularized coral model can be constructed by inserting an ar-teriovenous loop or an arteriovenous bundle, useful in vascular bone tissue engineering.The former, however, have stronger abilities to induce angiogenesis than the latter.  相似文献   

目的对组织工程骨血管生成过程中种子细胞及相关细胞因子研究作一综述。方法广泛查阅近年来组织工程骨血管生成相关文献,对常见种子细胞来源、生物学特性、转变机制、相关细胞因子及信号通路等进行综述。结果随着显微外科技术、基因工程技术的发展,组织工程骨血管化细胞共培养体系的研究已有长足进展,无论是诱导性多能干细胞的引入,还是VEGF和血管生成素1双转染MSCs-内皮祖细胞共培养体系,均在骨生成和血管生成中显示出明显优势,但距临床应用仍有距离。结论采用基因修饰构建的种子细胞-细胞因子-支架材料复合物具有血管生成速度快、效率高、稳定性好的优势,在组织工程骨血管化中具有良好应用前景。  相似文献   

目的 探讨丝素蛋白/羟基磷灰石(SF/HA)组织工程化骨的成骨作用,以期为临床治疗骨缺损提供新的人工骨材料.方法 将SF/HA与成骨诱导的兔骨髓基质干细胞(BMSCs)复合,构建组织工程化骨.取54只兔于左侧桡骨中上段制备15 mm节段性骨缺损.实验分3组(A、B组各24只,C组6只):A组:植入SF/HA组织工程化骨,B组:单纯植入SF/HA;C组:骨缺损区不植入任何材料.于术后4、8、12及16周摄X线片,并于16周行螺旋CT扫描重建,观察骨缺损修复及骨塑形情况,参照Lane-Sandhu X线评分标准对各组骨缺损的骨修复程度评分.骨痂标本行 HE染色组织学观察,按照Lane-Sandhu组织学评分法比较12周和16周时各组的骨修复情况. 结果 术后16周,X线片示A组髓腔通畅,新骨塑形好,骨皮质连续;B组缺损区有缩小,两断端不连接;C组缺损区无明显骨痂生长.16周时螺旋CT扫描重建显示:A组骨塑形明显,骨缺损完全修复;B组有部分皮质骨形成,缺损区不能完全修复;C组骨缺损基本无修复.每组术后4、8、12、16周不同时间点的放射学评分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).术后12、16周时3组间Lane-Sandhu组织学评分差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05). 结论 SF/HA组织工程化骨具有良好的节段性骨缺损修复能力,但SF/HA本身缺乏骨诱导作用,单独修复节段性骨缺损作用有限.  相似文献   

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