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金雪静  郑飞云 《中国妇幼保健》2011,26(23):3586-3588
目的:探讨妊娠与非妊娠妇女下生殖道感染状况。方法:随机选取常规围产期保健妇女180例(早期妊娠60例、中期妊娠60例、晚期妊娠60例)采集阴道分泌物,测定pH值,检测外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病、滴虫性阴道炎、细菌性阴道病,宫颈分泌物,利用DNA杂交导流技术检测人乳头瘤病毒(HPV)及基因分型。选择60例非妊娠期健康妇女进行相同的检查作为对照。结果:阴道pH值在妊娠各期均低于非妊娠期(P<0.01)。妊娠期细菌性阴道病(BV)、外阴阴道假丝酵母菌病(VVC)及HPV感染率分别是19.4%、21.7%、28.9%,非妊娠期三项感染率分别为8.3%、10.0%、15.0%,妊娠期高于非妊娠期妇女(P<0.05)。不同妊娠期别HPV感染率及基因亚型不同,妊娠晚期HPV感染率最高,达46.7%,明显高于早、中妊娠期HPV感染率(P<0.05)。妊娠妇女高危型HPV感染率高于非妊娠妇女,以妊娠晚期明显,且部分伴有多重型感染。结论:妊娠期妇女下生殖道感染发生率高,尤应注意HPV感染,需要重复检测,加强随访。  相似文献   



The tobacco control community assumes that the most effective interventions are personalized. Nevertheless, little attention is paid to understanding differences between pregnant and non-pregnant European women in terms of the social factors that influence tobacco use and the processes of change used to quit smoking.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to evaluate the level of knowledge about the influence of diet during pregnancy on the development and health of a child, among pregnant women in relation to their eating habits. The diet of a woman before and during pregnancy has immense influence on the course of pregnancy and health of a child--both after its delivery and in the future. Lack of dietary knowledge and the knowledge about consequences of malnutrition among future mothers may result in a lot of dietary indiscretion, which in turn can cause deficiency or excess of energy and particular nutrients, as well as abnormal course of pregnancy. Hence, for keeping a proper diet during pregnancy a woman must not only know the healthy eating guidelines, but also realise how a diet influences the course of pregnancy and child's health. The study was conducted with the use of 3 specially prepared questionnaires, among 77 women in the III trimester of pregnancy, participating in the Parturition School course. The first questionnaire referred to general data (age, education, antropometric data) and the way of supplementing diet with medicinal compounds supplying vitamins and minerals. The second questionnaire showed the dietary habits before pregnancy, while the third questioned the influence of diet on the course of pregnancy and health of the infant. In the second stage the eating habits of the subjects were studied also with the use of a 24-hour interview and an album of food products issued by the Institute of Food and Nutrition. Summing it up, the analysis of the results of the study showed that though pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman, it did not make the subjects pay particular attention to their diet. The study showed also that the majority of women does have knowledge on the influence of diet and the influence of her nourishment before pregnancy on the development of foetus, however, it hardly results in the change of their eating habits.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解现阶段城市女性在孕中晚期膳食营养素摄入情况,为孕妇合理膳食提供科学依据。方法 采用现况调查的方法,调查于2012-2014年在北京市某三甲医院建档产检并生产的孕妇172例,采用称重法分别于孕16、20、24、28、32、36周由调查对象填写连续3 d膳食摄入记录。结果 本次调查提示北京城镇孕妇每日膳食营养素总体摄入状况有所好转。但总能量摄入略为不足,孕中期维生素B1摄入量偏低;维生素A及维生素E超标;矿物质中以硒的摄入量最低,铁、钙的摄入明显增加,但存在阶段性摄入不足;三大供能营养素的构成比中脂肪供能比较高。结论 与近年来全国调查结果相比较,本次调查者的膳食营养素摄入有较大程度的改善,但仍然存在能量及部分微量营养素摄入不足的问题。  相似文献   

Dietary fat intakes for pregnant and lactating women   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dietary fat intake in pregnancy and lactation affects pregnancy outcomes and child growth, development and health. The European Commission charged the research project PERILIP, jointly with the Early Nutrition Programming Project, to develop recommendations on dietary fat intake in pregnancy and lactation. Literature reviews were performed and a consensus conference held with international experts in the field, including representatives of international scientific associations. The adopted conclusions include: dietary fat intake in pregnancy and lactation (energy%) should be as recommended for the general population; pregnant and lactating women should aim to achieve an average dietary intake of at least 200 mg DHA/d; intakes of up to 1 g/d DHA or 2.7 g/d n-3 long-chain PUFA have been used in randomized clinical trials without significant adverse effects; women of childbearing age should aim to consume one to two portions of sea fish per week, including oily fish; intake of the DHA precursor, alpha-linolenic acid, is far less effective with regard to DHA deposition in fetal brain than preformed DHA; intake of fish or other sources of long-chain n-3 fatty acids results in a slightly longer pregnancy duration; dietary inadequacies should be screened for during pregnancy and individual counselling be offered if needed.  相似文献   

Three groups of young pregnant women living in maternity residences--those who intended to place their babies for adoption, those who considered adoption but planned to parent and those who never considered adoption--were compared regarding their socioeconomic characteristics, attitudes toward adoption and the personal influences on their decisions. Of the 430 young women, those who intended to place their babies for adoption tended to be at one extreme on most profile variables, those who had considered placing were in an intermediate position, and those who never considered placing their babies were at the other extreme. Placers were both the most advantaged socioeconomically and held the most positive attitudes toward adoption, while young women who never considered adoption were the least advantaged and held the least favorable attitudes. Placers consistently reported that their choice to place their babies rather than parent would increase the likelihood of outcomes such as continuing with school, having enough money to live comfortably and benefiting the baby's emotional development, while those young women who did not consider adoption tended to feel that these outcomes would be more likely if they parented, or that the likelihood of the outcomes would not be affected by their choice. Young women who intended to place their babies were encouraged in that direction by their mothers, fathers and boyfriends, while the two groups of women who chose parenting were encouraged to do so by those in their social networks.  相似文献   

One-hundred-ninety-three pregnant and seventy five non-pregnant women, aged 18–35 years, were examined for endocervical infection with Chlamydia trachomatis using an enzyme immunoassay technique on cervical specimens. Chlamydia trachomatis was discovered in 7.2% of the pregnant women and in 10.6% of the non-pregnant ones. There was no correlation between chlamydia infection and either previous vulvovaginitis, previous pregnancies or pregnancy outcome. However, younger, more highly educated women with high sexual promiscuity tended to be more frequently colonized.  相似文献   

RU 486 is a synthetic steroid which acts as an antiprogestin at the receptor level. The clinical usefulness of the compound for menstrual regulation and termination of early pregnancy is currently being evaluated. The aim of the present study was to determine the plasma levels of RU 486 following the oral administration of the compound to 42 pregnant and 10 non-pregnant women. The levels of RU 486 were measured by a radioimmunoassay method which uses chromatography on Sephadex LH 20 columns. The identity of the compound assayed as RU 486 was confirmed, but the presence of small amounts of two highly cross-reacting metabolites (monodemethyl and didemethyl RU 486) in the analyzed fractions could not be excluded. Following the ingestion of a single tablet containing 25 and 50 mg of the compound, a peak plasma value of approximately 3.5 to 4.0 mumol/l in both the pregnant and non-pregnant subjects was reached one to two hours later. The half-lives of elimination were about 20 hours in both the pregnant and the non-pregnant women. Following the repeated oral administration of 50, 100 or 200 mg of RU 486 daily for four days, maximum plasma levels of 2.9, 4.5 and 5.4 mumol/l, respectively, were found. Thus, the increase in plasma levels was not directly proportional to the increase in the dose. No accumulation of RU 486 in the plasma was found, even when the duration of treatment was prolonged to six days. The data partly explain the reported lack of relation between ingested dose and frequency of induced abortion and they may be useful for designing future studies on the use of compound to prevent implantation, induce menstruation or terminate an early pregnancy.  相似文献   

Zinc intakes of low-income pregnant women of Mexican descent were estimated by the use of 24-hr dietary recalls. Recalls were obtained during the first two trimesters for 344 women and again during the third trimester of pregnancy for 279 of the same women. The daily mean zinc intake was calculated as 9.4 +/- 3.8 mg during the first two trimesters and as 10.0 +/- 4.3 mg during the third trimester. For about 85% of the women, the reported intakes were below two-thirds of the Recommended Dietary Allowance for zinc. In a subsample of the women, no significant correlation was shown between low dietary zinc intakes and low serum zinc levels during either early or late pregnancy. Zinc and protein intakes were highly correlated in both early and late pregnancy (r = 0.83 and 0.89, respectively). Diets that provided 90 to 100 g of protein (about 125% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance) provided a mean of 13.6 g of zinc (67% of the Recommended Dietary Allowance).  相似文献   

目的 了解江苏省常州市钟楼区孕期妇女的膳食营养状况,为指导合理膳食提供依据.方法 采用称量法和记账法相结合的方法,对常州市钟楼区342名孕妇进行膳食调查,采用膳食营养评价软件分析食物及营养素摄入量,并与孕期妇女平衡膳食宝塔和中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)进行比较和评价.结果 钟楼区孕期妇女谷类、豆类等食物摄入不足,动物类食物摄入过量,能量和多种营养素存在不同程度的摄入不足,以钙、铁最为严重,蛋白质多来源于动物性食物,三大营养素供能比不合理.结论 钟楼区孕期妇女膳食结构不合理,营养素摄入不足,应加强营养教育和指导,调整饮食结构,使孕妇膳食合理均衡,促进母婴健康.  相似文献   



There is conflicting evidence as to whether anthropometric parameters are related to resting energy expenditure (REE) during pregnancy. The aim of this prospective longitudinal study was to precisely assess a major anthropometric determinant of REE for pregnant and non-pregnant women with verification of its use as a possible predictor.


One hundred fifty-two randomly recruited, healthy, pregnant Czech women were divided into groups G1 and G2. G1 (n = 31) was used for determination of the association between anthropometric parameters and REE. G2 (n = 121) and a group of non-pregnant women (G0; n = 24) were used for verification that observed relations were suitable for the prediction of REE during pregnancy. The women in the study groups were measured during four periods of pregnancy for REE by indirect calorimetry and anthropometric parameters after 12 h of fasting.


Associations were found in all groups between measured REE by indirect calorimetry and anthropometric parameters such as weight, fat mass, fat-free mass (FFM), body surface area, and body mass index (P < 0.0001). The best derived predictor, REE/FFM (29.5 kcal/kg, r = 0.70, P < 0.0001), in group G1 was statistically verified in group G2 and compared with G0.


Anthropometrically measured FFM with its metabolically active components is an essential determinant of REE in pregnancy. REE/FFM can be used for the prediction of REE in pregnant and non-pregnant woman.  相似文献   

The red blood cell (RBC) glutathione peroxidase (GSHPx) activity and selenium (Se) concentration were measured in healthy Japanese pregnant women and in non-pregnant controls. The GSHPx activities in RBC of full-term pregnant women were significantly higher than in non-pregnant women (p less than 0.01). The Se concentrations in RBC of full-term pregnant women were significantly higher than in non-pregnant controls (p less than 0.05). In the whole blood of full-term pregnant women a positive correlation was found between Se concentration and hemoglobin content (p less than 0.05). The Se concentrations in RBC of cord blood were significantly higher than in non-pregnant controls (p less than 0.01). The GSHPx activities in RBC of cord blood were significantly lower than in non-pregnant controls (p less than 0.01).  相似文献   

The nutrition knowledge, attitudes and dietary behaviour of a group of women in early pregnancy and a group of non-pregnant women were compared to ascertain the impact of pregnancy on diet. The main results indicate that pregnant women do eat differently from non-pregnant women, in particular intakes of zinc and vitamin C, and the nutrient density of protein and sodium were higher and intakes of alcohol lower in the pregnancy group compared to the non-pregnant group. The group of pregnant women also tended to consume more milk and fruit and less chocolate, cakes and pastries compared to nonpregnant women. However, the differences in dietary behaviour between the two groups could not be accounted for by nutrition knowledge (the same in both groups). Higher scores for beliefs about 'healthier eating' and subjective norm were found in the early pregnancy group which might account for some of the observed differences between the groups. In addition, it is concluded that 'historicity' or a basic 'knowledge' of which foods to consume is prevalent in early pregnancy.  相似文献   

Smoking behaviour among pregnant women prior to antenatal care registration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Changes in smoking behaviour during early pregnancy and factors influencing such changes were studied in an unselected, area-based population. During 1987, all women registered at the antenatal care clinics in Uppsala county. Sweden, received a self-administered questionnaire regarding past and present smoking habits. Thirty-two per cent (n = 1160) were daily smokers at the time of conception. Almost one-fourth of the smokers (n = 263) had quit smoking at the first visit to antenatal care 6-10 weeks later. Using logistic regression analyses, we found that low education, not living with infants's father and whether others smoked at home or at work were factors that were independently associated with increased risks of smoking at time of conception as well as continued smoking in early pregnancy. Continued smoking was also significantly more common among women with previous births, women who started smoking at an early age and women who smoked heavily.  相似文献   

The present study examined the dietary intakes of a population of pregnant women living in the North of England. The objectives of the paper were to assess and describe the dietary intakes of the population and relate the findings to existing data on the diet of pregnant and non-pregnant women in the UK. A total of 250 pregnant women attending their first antenatal appointment at the Jessop Wing Hospital, Sheffield, UK were recruited. Information on their diet was assessed by an interviewer-administered semi-quantified food frequency questionnaire (FFQ). The mean intakes as assessed by the FFQ were similar to other studies of UK pregnant population; however Sheffield pregnant women had lower intakes of calcium and folate. Study findings were also related to the National Diet and Nutrition Survey and to the Estimated Nutrient Intakes (EAR). Of the study participants, 40 % did not meet the EAR for calcium, 67 % for iron and 69 % for folate. Subgroup comparisons suggested lower nutrient intakes of participants living in the 40 % most deprived electoral wards. The study findings suggest that the diet of pregnant women in Sheffield is characterised by low intakes of important nutrients for pregnancy such as folate and nutrient variations by electoral wards.  相似文献   

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