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Car repair painters usually experience long-term exposure to many different solvents. In Italy, the greater part of car painting shops are "handicraft", i.e. 2-5 workers and small premises. Usually workers do not have specific duties, but everyone takes part in all different operations. Moreover, working time is not standardized but varies according to the workload, working methods tend to be traditional, and compliance to individual protection devices is poor. We have hence assessed, on a sample of 8 italian handicraft car painting shops, the exposure levels to solvents, implementing three classic exposure monitoring methods: environmental sampling with charcoal tubes, personal sampling with diffusive charcoal samplers, and urinary determination of unmetabolised solvents. A simple regression analysis was performed to evaluate relationships between the three series of data. The solvents analysed were toluene, ethylbenzene, 1, 2-dichloropropane, n-butylacetate, n-amylacetate, xylene isomers, ethylacetate, and benzene. Benzene was included due to several factors, among others its presence (1% v/v) in the italian unleaded gasoline. Benzene was found in all shops, at levels around or higher than the 8-h time-weighted average limit (8-h TLV-TWA). Other solvents were found in the different shops at various levels, 10(-2) - 10(-1) times the 8-h TLV-TWA. Air concentrations of toluene, n-butylacetate, xylenes, and benzene were positively correlated with urinary levels of the parent compounds, while a negative correlation was found for ethylbenzene. The health implications of workers' exposure level was briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A full clinical neurological examination was used to study the possible effects of long-term exposure to low concentrations of mixtures of organic solvents on the nervous system. The exposed group consisted of 102 male car painters and the referents of 102 age- and sex-matched locomotive engineers and assistants. The psychoorganic syndrome, a decrease in the sense of light touch and pain, and an increase in the vibration threshold were more frequent among the car painters than among the referents, and the observed differences of these frequencies were statistically significant. The sense of vibration had been affected in the lower extremities of 65 of the 102 car painters and in 25 of the referents. Sensory functions seem to be the most vulnerable part of the nervous system of workers chronically exposed to different organic solvents.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study of 101 construction painters was performed to investigate the relation between exposure to mixed organic solvents and changes in central nervous system function. Solvent exposure was estimated using questionnaire data to derive an exposure index (a measure of intensity of exposure) and to estimate the duration and frequency of exposure. Adverse effects on the central nervous system were assessed by self reported questionnaires and eight tests of a computer administered neurobehavioural evaluation system. Factor analysis of both measures of effect yielded factors both biologically plausible and in agreement with other empirical evidence. A consistent positive association was observed between most measures of exposure and the occurrence of neurotoxic symptoms, notably dizziness, nausea, fatigue, problems with arm strength, and feelings of getting "high" from chemicals at work. Associations with exposure were found with the neurobehavioural evaluation system tests of symbol digit substitution and digit span; however, no consistent pattern of effect on neurobehavioural function was observed. This pattern of the occurrence of neurotoxic symptoms without clear evidence of function deficit is consistent with the type 1 toxic central nervous system disorder as classified by the World Health Organisation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to document the conditions regarding solvent exposure at offset printing offices in Norway at present and to study the variation of exposure between printing office technologies. Measurements were made at seven offset printing offices. The measurements consisted of five to 10 whole day personal exposure measurements at each office performed over a period of 2 months. Variables that may influence the level of exposure were registered by the occupational hygienist at the end of each measuring day using a check list. The influence of the variables on the "additive factor" was examined by linear regression analysis.The main contributor to the "additive factor" was isopropanol. The exposure to isopropanol sometimes exceeded the Norwegian TLV. The exposure decreased when a separate exhaust ventilation was used. The exposure increased when the machine had automatic cleaning. The variables automatic cleaning and separate exhaust ventilation explained 59% of the variation in the "additive factor". The results of this study indicate that the most important source of solvent exposure in printing offices at present is the moisturizer used in the printing machines. We think it is worth giving attention to this exposure and making efforts to reduce it.  相似文献   

Olfactory function in painters exposed to organic solvents   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The olfactory receptor cells are in direct contact with the exterior environment, and some chemical agents can impair olfactory function. The olfactory function of 54 painters exposed to organic solvents was compared with that of 42 unexposed referents. A new clinical test validated for the sense of smell was used, the University of Pennsylvania Smell Identification Test. Age, smoking habits, exposure to organic solvents, and medical disorders of importance for the sense of smell were recorded. The painters had a somewhat lower test score than the referents. However, the influence of the exposure variable was not statistically significant in a multiple regression analysis including age and smoking habits. The exposure to organic solvents was low, and therefore an effect of high exposure on olfactory function cannot be ruled out. Since some of the painters had earlier been highly exposed, the effects of high exposure are likely to be reversible.  相似文献   

A cross sectional study of 101 construction painters was performed to investigate the relation between exposure to mixed organic solvents and changes in central nervous system function. Solvent exposure was estimated using questionnaire data to derive an exposure index (a measure of intensity of exposure) and to estimate the duration and frequency of exposure. Adverse effects on the central nervous system were assessed by self reported questionnaires and eight tests of a computer administered neurobehavioural evaluation system. Factor analysis of both measures of effect yielded factors both biologically plausible and in agreement with other empirical evidence. A consistent positive association was observed between most measures of exposure and the occurrence of neurotoxic symptoms, notably dizziness, nausea, fatigue, problems with arm strength, and feelings of getting "high" from chemicals at work. Associations with exposure were found with the neurobehavioural evaluation system tests of symbol digit substitution and digit span; however, no consistent pattern of effect on neurobehavioural function was observed. This pattern of the occurrence of neurotoxic symptoms without clear evidence of function deficit is consistent with the type 1 toxic central nervous system disorder as classified by the World Health Organisation.  相似文献   



To assess the risks of reproductive disorders and birth defects in offspring of male painters with exposure to organic solvents, and to determine the shape of the dose‐response relationship.


Random samples of painters and carpenters were drawn from workers affiliated with the Dutch Trade Union for Construction Workers, the Netherlands, 2001. Information on reproductive outcomes, occupational exposures, and lifestyle habits was retrospectively obtained through self‐administered questionnaires filled in by 398 painters exposed to organic solvents in paints, thinners, and cleansers in the period of three months before the last pregnancy, and 302 carpenters with little or no exposure to solvents. A statistical model was used to estimate quantitative exposure measures.


Workers employed as painters at three months before pregnancy had an increased risk (odds ratio 6.2, 95% CI 1.4 to 27.9) of congenital malformations in offspring compared to carpenters. There was a positive exposure‐response trend with increasing exposure to organic solvents based on quantitative model predicted exposure estimates using toluene as a marker. There was some indication of an increased risk of functional developmental disorders in offspring among painters with intermediate and high model predicted exposure. The risk of low birth weight children seemed to be slightly increased among painters as well. Results for other reproductive outcomes (time to pregnancy, spontaneous abortion, and preterm birth) did not show increased risks.


This study showed a positive association between paternal occupational exposure to organic solvents and congenital malformations in offspring. However, the small numbers of cases, especially when examining different exposure levels, as well as the self‐reported nature of exposure and outcome variables, may hamper interpretation of the results.  相似文献   

Neurobehavioral changes among shipyard painters exposed to solvents   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Painters in three shipyards, exposed to a wide variety of solvents, were examined. A short battery of performance tests, a detailed occupational history, and a special questionnaire to assess acute (prenarcotic, transitory) and chronic (persistent) neurologic symptoms was administered. The results of the neurobehavioral performance tests demonstrated decrements in central nervous system function in painters when compared with a control group matched for age, sex, race, and education. The prevalence of reported acute neurological symptoms among painters was increased significantly compared to other occupational groups in the same yards; for chronic, persistent symptoms the difference was not statistically significant. Performance test scores were significantly, negatively correlated with chronic symptoms but not with acute symptoms. No significant correlations between performance test scores and duration of solvent exposure or between symptoms and duration of solvent exposure were observed. The reversibility of such symptoms and of decrements in central nervous system function after cessation of exposure is still uncertain.  相似文献   

Mikulski, P. I., Wiglusz, Renata, Bublewska, Anna, and Uselis, J. (1972).Brit. J. industr. Med.,29, 450-453. Investigation of exposure of ships' painters to organic solvents. An analysis was carried out of the hazard to ships' painters working at different concentrations of toluene and xylene vapours in air. The authors point out that it is possible to use a joint determination of hippuric and methylhippuric acids for the assessment of mixed exposure. The problem of benzene contamination of solvents is considered. During the investigations exposure to toluene and xylene was found to impair the excretion of uric acid.  相似文献   

Twelve car painters occupationally exposed to mixtures of solvents and organic isocyanates were investigated concerning serotonin uptake in platelets. The data from the exposed workers were compared to data from a reference group consisting of 50 nonexposed volunteers. The mean platelet count in whole blood of the exposed workers was markedly lower than the corresponding value of the reference group. Three workers had values below the lower limit of the 95% tolerance interval of the referents. In both groups the serotonin transport strictly obeyed Michaelis-Menten's simple saturation kinetics. Nine of the twelve exposed workers had uptake rates which were significantly higher (p = 0.05) than those of the referents. The obtained data suggest that the present method may be used to reveal early organ damage, prior to the appearance of clinical symptoms, due to intermittent exposure to organic solvents and isocyanates.  相似文献   

Lee CR  Jeong KS  Kim Y  Yoo CI  Lee JH  Choi YH 《Industrial health》2005,43(2):320-326
This study was conducted to evaluate neurobehavioral changes arising from occupational exposure to organic solvents among shipyard painters and to establish whether a dose-effect relation existed where there was any observed impairment of neurobehavioral performance by running the test of Simple Reaction Time (SRT), Symbol Digit Substitution (SD), and Finger Tapping Speed (FT) with a computer-assisted neurobehavioral test battery. The study group consisted of 180 shipyard painters and 60 reference workers. The workers answered a self-administered questionnaire on occupational, medical history, and demographic characteristics including age, work duration, education level, and quantity and frequency of alcohol and smoking, and performed three psychometric tests on the Korean Computerized Neurobehavioral tests. To estimate cumulative exposure level, samples of ambient air on 61 painters were analyzed using a gas chromatograph. Shipyard painters and the reference group showed significant differences in the results of test of SD, FT of dominant hand, and FT of non-dominant hand. The test results of SD of shipyard painters also showed significant difference by duration of work. This suggests that occupational exposure of organic solvent could induce neurobehavioral changes in the shipyard painters. Therefore an objective neurobehavioral tests recommended on evaluating neurobehavioral performance of long-term solvent-exposed shipyard workers.  相似文献   

Exposure to organic solvents and personality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES—Although cognitive and neuropsychological changes have been found after high cumulative exposures to solvents, it is not clear whether such exposures are associated with personality characteristics. To study this two groups of British and Chinese dockyard painters who had been heavily exposed to paint solvents have been investigated.
METHODS—260 Male dockyard painters in the United Kingdom, 539 local community controls, 109 Chinese dockyard painters, and 255 dockyard controls completed the Eysenck personality questionnaire, neuroticism (N) and social conformity or dissimulation (L) scales. The non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test was used to evaluate differences in scores of personality traits between painters and controls. Adjusted relative risks for painters having high N and L scores were calculated in a Breslow-Cox regression analysis, and exposure-response relations were examined in multivariate logistic regression analysis. Non-parametric Spearman's correlation was used to examine relations between previously determined neuropsychological symptoms and personality.
RESULTS—Both British and Chinese data showed that mean neuroticism scores of painters were significantly higher than controls, whereas scores of social conformity did not differ. Relative risk of being a painter increased significantly with increasing N scores, but L scores showed no such trend. In a case-control analysis, there were significant exposure-response relations for the N score. In the United Kingdom the odds ratios (ORs) (95% confidence interval (95% CI), were 2.03 (0.79 to 5.22) for 1-4 years of exposure, 2.38 (0.82 to 6.91) for 5-9 years, 7.05 (1.27 to 39.25) for 10-14 years, and 1.76 (0.63 to 4.89) for 15-41 years. In the Chinese painters, ORs were 4.66 (1.38 to 15.75) for 2-14 years, 10.03 (2.96 to 34.04) for 15-18 years, and 13.56 (3.78 to 48.59) for 19-43 years. Neuroticism was significantly positively related to neuropsychological symptoms in all subjects. Social conformity showed no association with neuropsychological symptoms in British painters and a negative relation among the Chinese painters.
CONCLUSION—Increasing symptoms suggesting neuroticism seemed to relate to the duration of painting whereas scores for social conformity and dissimulation did not. The relation between exposure time and response suggests that increased neuroticism may be caused by long term occupational exposure to organic solvents.

Keywords: organic solvents; painter; dockyards; personality; neuroticism; social conformity  相似文献   

Prevalence of airway symptoms among hairdressers in Bergen, Norway   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVE—To assess respiratory symptoms among hairdressers in Norway.
METHODS—The study was based on a questionnaire sent to 100 hairdressers (91% responding) and 95 office workers (84% responding). The questionnaire sought information about allergy, respiratory symptoms in the past year, and symptoms after exposures to different types of pollutants, working conditions, and smoking habits. A population based control group was established because the hairdressers and office workers differed in age and smoking habits.
RESULTS—The prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the past year did not differ significantly between hairdressers and office workers after adjusting for age, atopy, and smoking. The hairdressers over 40 years of age reported significantly more symptoms—such as wheezing and breathlessness—in the past year than the office workers of the same age. Compared with the population based control group, both hairdressers younger than 30 and those over 40 reported more symptoms—such as breathlessness in the past year. The oldest hairdressers reported such symptoms as wheezing and breathlessness more often than did the younger hairdressers. These differences in breathlessness were significant after adjusting for smoking and wheezing. The same trend was not found among the office workers. The hairdressers reported significantly more wheezing, breathlessness, runny eyes, and blocked or runny nose from exposure to hair dyes, permanent oils, bleaching powder, and other chemicals used in a hairdressing salon, compared with the office workers. Prevalence of symptoms during exposure to other types of generel pollutants was similar in the two groups.
CONCLUSIONS—Hairdressers are exposed to low levels of various irritating chemicals every day. The prevalences of acute symptoms related to the exposure of hairdressers to hairdressing chemicals are very high. Hairdressers, especially the oldest hairdressers, have more asthma-like symptoms than the control groups.

Keywords: hairdresser; allergy; asthma  相似文献   

Individuals who paint cars often complain to doctors about respiratory problems. Car painters are exposed to isocyanates, especially hexamethylendiisocyanate (HDI), and biuret modified HDI (HDI-BT). The mean exposure to HDI-BT was 115 micrograms/m3 in the air (range 10-385 micrograms/m3), which exceeds the time-weighted Swedish threshold level of 90 micrograms/m3. Exposure to HDI was about 1.0 microgram/m3 with brief peaks. This study investigated the effect of HDI and HDI-BT on lung function and included two control groups: (1) car platers, exposed to the same solvents and grinding dust as car painters, but not to isocyanates, and (2) car mechanics (controls), not exposed to the mentioned agents. Car painters and car platers were compared to car mechanics on Monday before work. Acute effects of car painting were tested by comparing the lung function values on Monday morning with those on Friday afternoon. Pulmonary function was evaluated by means of spirometry and a single breath nitrogen washout. Spirometry in painters and platers did not differ from that in controls, i.e., car mechanics. Closing volume in relation to vital capacity (CV%) was increased in car painters, suggestive of a "small airways disease" on Monday before work and tended to increase during a work week. Car platers did not differ from controls.  相似文献   

Subjective symptoms and blood findings were studied in 16 construction workers and 30 vehicle repairmen using organic solvent and compared to 30 workers who were not exposed to organic solvents. A statistically significant increase was observed in the prevalence of subjective symptoms, serum phospholipid, lipoprotein fraction and IgE in construction workers and vehicle repairmen. A statistically significant decrease in neutrophils function was observed in construction workers.  相似文献   

Exposure to organic solvents and adverse pregnancy outcome   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In a large case-control study (n = 1,926) of spontaneous abortion (SAB), exposure to solvents was ascertained by a telephone interview that asked about occupational use of 18 specific solvents or products, as well as an open-ended "other" solvent category. The adjusted odds ratio for use of any solvent was 1.1 (0.8, 1.5). Solvents for which at least a doubled crude risk of SAB was found included perchlorethylene (OR = 4.7, 95% CI = 1.1, 21.1), trichloroethylene (OR = 3.1, CI = 0.9, 10.4), and paint thinners (OR = 2.3, CI = 1.0, 5.1). Comparing exposure greater than 10 hours per week versus less did not show consistent dose-response effects. By solvent class, an association was seen with aliphatic solvents (adjusted OR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.1, 3.0), but there was no dose-response effect by hours of use. Household use of solvent-containing products was generally not strongly associated with SAB, nor did it appear to confound the association seen with occupational use. From this and other studies, occupational exposure to at least some solvents appears associated with SAB. The associations of solvent exposure and fetal growth among liveborn offspring of controls was also examined.  相似文献   

Environmental and biological monitoring of lead, cadmium and chromium levels in spray painters is reported. All of the study subjects worked in automobile body repair shops that had no standard spraying room. They were divided into 2 groups, those who wore an aerosol-removing respirator while spraying (n=20) and those who did not wear the respirator (n=50). Air in the breathing zone of each subject was sampled and analyzed for lead, cadmium and chromium levels. The subjects' blood lead levels and urinary cadmium and chromium levels were also measured along with those of a control group. The mean environmental and biological levels of these metals between the two groups of the painters were not significantly different (p>0.05). However, the biological levels of the metals were significantly higher in the study groups than in the control group (p<0.01). On-site observations revealed that improper use of an aerosol-removing respirator, lack of an isolated spraying room and poor personal hygiene habits caused the failure to prevent heavy metal exposure among the automobile spray painters.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to assess the exposure to organic solvents during degreasing, washing and polishing of cars, and to obtain information about acute health symptoms in car-finishing workers. Fifteen car shops participated in this study, and at these locations 36 workers had car finishing as their main working task. All 36 car-finishing workers and 17 randomly selected office workers from six of these car shops completed questionnaires on acute health symptoms. Personal monitoring of exposure to organic solvents was carried out in three representative shops. The highest exposure levels were found during degreasing of new cars, the median level of aliphatic hydrocarbons (C9-C13) being 22 p.p.m. (range 7-215 p.p.m.). This exposure level represents 50% (range 20-540%) of the Norwegian 8 h limit value for additive factor for these compounds. Only 28% of the workers used gas respirators regularly during this process. Very low exposure levels were detected during washing of second-hand cars and during polishing processes. The present study shows that car-finishing workers are exposed to high levels of organic solvents only for short periods of time. It seems that they are not adequately protected during these periods. However, the presence of acute symptoms was low, i.e. comparable to the prevalences in the reference group.  相似文献   

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