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癌症疼痛患者及家属对疼痛治疗顾虑的相关性研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 确定癌症疼痛患者及家属对疼痛治疗的顾虑 ,并探讨家属与患者的顾虑之间的关系。方法 采用描述性和相关性的研究方法。调查对象为来自北京肿瘤医院病房和宁养院的癌症疼痛患者及其家属 10 0对。应用疼痛控制障碍问卷 (BQ)调查患者及家属的顾虑 ,应用SPSS10 .0统计软件分析资料。结果  1)所有的癌症疼痛患者及家属对疼痛治疗存在着不同方面不同程度的顾虑 ;2 )家属与患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑总分相关系数没有统计学意义(P >0 .0 5 ) ,但两者担心疼痛无法控制、担心长期用止痛药会成瘾以及担心药物耐受的顾虑呈正相关 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论  1)癌症疼痛患者及家属对疼痛治疗的顾虑普遍存在 ,为临床医护人员有效评估患者及家属对疼痛治疗的态度提供依据。 2 )家属对疼痛治疗的顾虑与患者的顾虑有关 ,提示应重视家属在疼痛治疗中的作用 ,并提示教育对象应由以患者为中心扩展到以家庭为中心上来 ,这不但对患者的疼痛控制有益 ,并对改善癌症疼痛患者及家属的生活质量有益  相似文献   

癌症疼痛患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑调查研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的确定癌症疼痛患者对疼痛治疗存在的顾虑,以探讨影响疼痛控制的因素。方法采用描述性研究设计方法。调查对象为来自北京肿瘤医院病房和宁养院的癌症疼痛患者100例。应用疼痛控制障碍问卷(BQ)测量患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑。收集的资料应用SPSS10.0统计软件进行分析。结果100%患者存在不同程度的顾虑,其顾虑分值较高。结论癌症疼痛患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑普遍存在。结果是一方面为临床评估患者对疼痛治疗的态度提供依据;另一方面提出了开展疼痛教育项目,减轻患者对疼痛治疗的顺虑,提高患者治疗依从性的意义和迫切性。  相似文献   

癌症疼痛患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑与遵医行为   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
目的(1)确定癌症疼痛患者对疼痛治疗存在的顾虑和不遵医行为;(2)探讨患者的顾虑与遵医行为的关系。方法采用描述性研究设计方法。调查对象为来自北京肿瘤医院病房和宁养院的癌症疼痛患者100例。应用疼痛控制障碍问卷(BQ)测量患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑,应用自拟遵医行为问卷调查患者遵医嘱用止痛药的情况。结果(1)所有的癌症疼痛患者对疼痛治疗都存在着不同方面不同程度的顾虑;(2)54%的患者有未遵医嘱用止痛药的行为;(3)能否完全遵医嘱用止痛药的患者顾虑差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05),两组患者大部分项目顾虑均较重。(4)疼痛缓解程度、所用止痛药及患者正在接受的治疗与顾虑有关。结论(1)癌症疼痛患者普遍存在对疼痛治疗的顾虑及不遵医行为。(2)能否完全遵医嘱用药的患者顾虑均较重。结果一方面为临床评估患者对疼痛治疗的态度提供依据;另一方面提出了开展疼痛教育项目,减轻患者对疼痛治疗的顾虑,进一步提高其遵医行为的意义和迫切性。  相似文献   

徐斌  王景阳 《疼痛》2001,9(3):120-124

癌症是当前危害人类健康,导致死亡的重大疾病之一,然而在癌症病人的自觉症状中,疼痛的发生率最高。晚期癌症病人至少有80%有中度或重度的疼痛。疼痛是造成癌症患者恐惧的主要原因之一。有时病人对疼痛的恐惧胜过对死亡的威胁。持续性疼痛不仅影响病人的正常生活,而且引起严重的心理变化,甚至丧失了生存的希望。这些疼痛严重影响了患者的  相似文献   

癌症患者家属需求的调查分析   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
癌症是威胁人类生命的最严重的疾病之一,随着环境的恶化和生活方式的改变,癌症发病率逐年增加。然而,随着癌症治疗水平的提高,癌症病人的存活率和生存时间也有逐渐提高的趋势,许多家庭都笼罩在癌症的阴影之下。癌症的诊断与治疗,不仅对病人是一个重大的打击,他们的亲属也同样感受危机的存在。癌症患家属在身体上、精神上都承受着极大的压力,他们的需要与感受同样应该成为医护人员关注的焦点。  相似文献   

癌症疼痛治疗进展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
于世英 《医学临床研究》2003,20(10):744-747
疼痛是癌症病人的常见症状 ,癌症疼痛 (癌痛 )未得到足够止痛治疗的现象普遍存在[1] 。随着WHO癌症三阶梯止痛治疗原则的推广应用 ,癌痛治疗工作取得了较大的进步。癌痛治疗工作的主要进展表现在重新认识癌痛治疗工作的重要性 ,重视癌痛规范化处理 ,调整止痛药管理供应政策 ,重视止痛新药及新剂型的研制和开发。1 解除疼痛是癌痛病人的基本权利癌痛大多为持续性慢性疼痛。慢性癌痛不仅造成病人躯体痛苦 ,而且还导致病人精神和心理痛苦。慢性癌痛严重干扰病人的生活质量 ,同时也加重病人家属的精神压力和经济负担。止痛治疗是癌症治疗的重…  相似文献   

王艳  姜莉  左宁 《护理学报》2010,17(1):73-75
目的探讨老年血液透析患者家庭照顾者工作量与其压力负荷的相关性,为护理干预提供依据。方法选取90例老年血液透析患者家庭照顾者,采用自设问卷、照顾工作量表和照顾压力负荷量表进行调查,并分析其工作量与压力负荷之间的相关性。结果家庭照顾者工作量与压力负荷之间呈正相关(r=0.85,P〈0.01)。照顾者工作量调查结果显示,陪伴就医工作量居首,平均2.24分;照顾者的压力负荷中,心理压力负荷最大,平均2.57分。结论老年血液透析患者的家庭照顾者面临的照顾工作量是产生压力的重要因素。  相似文献   

癌性疼痛,简称癌痛,主要由癌症、癌症相关性病变及抗癌治疗所引起,是癌症患者最常见且最具挑战性的症状之一.报告[1-2]显示,约有 33%~64%的患者会出现癌性疼痛,其中 31%~45%患者报告的疼痛为中重度,严重影响患者生活质量,并给社会带来巨大经济负担.与癌症相关的疼痛通常难以控制,但癌症疼痛管理不足也是一个不争的...  相似文献   

目的 总结了108名主要家庭照顾者参与妇科肿瘤患者术后疼痛管理的方法.方法 选取吉林省某三级甲等医院肿瘤妇科择期开腹或腹腔镜患者的主要家庭照顾者108名作为研究对象,鼓励照顾者参与患者术后疼痛管理,通过做好术前健康宣教,纠正患者及照顾者对疼痛及镇痛药物使用的错误认识,教会照顾者帮助患者减轻术后疼痛的常用方法:帮助患者按压手术切口、疏导不良情绪、穴位按摩、按压镇痛泵,术后常规疼痛评估、床旁指导及加强对照顾者的关注.结果 照顾者感受到了通过自己的付出促进了患者舒适,并刷新了对疼痛的认识,患者术后疼痛程度控制良好,疼痛程度评分为(3.06±0.84)分.结论 妇科肿瘤患者主要照顾者参与术后疼痛管理,可以提高主要照顾者的术后照护能力及照顾者的自我价值感,消除患者及照顾者对术后疼痛的恐惧,减轻患者术后疼痛的同时也降低疼痛对照顾者的负面影响.同时让患者切实感受到家人的关心和陪伴,以积极的态度配合开展术后功能锻炼如有效咳嗽、深呼吸及早期离床活动等,促进患者术后康复.  相似文献   

目的调查老年期痴呆患者照顾者负担及其与社会支持的相关性.方法采用照顾者负担量表及社会支持评定量表,对153对老年期痴呆患者及其照顾者进行调查.结果照顾者负担处于轻、中度水平,社会支持处于中度水平;照顾者照顾负担总分与患者记忆行为问题总分呈正相关(r=0.336,P<0.01);与社会支持总分呈负相关(r=-0.348,P<0.01).生活部分自理患者的照顾者,家中无人或有1~2人分担照顾的照顾者,市医保患者的照顾者负担高(P<0.05).结论老年期痴呆患者的照顾者承受轻、中度照顾负担,应关注生活部分自理患者的照顾者、少人/无人分担的照顾者、市医保患者的照顾者,提供足够的社会支持有助于减负.提示应加强社会保障建设,完善医疗保障体系,加快建立支持老年期痴呆患者家庭的服务机构,与患者家庭共同承担照顾任务.  相似文献   

Pharmacologic agents are considered to be a cornerstone of cancer pain management. Patients' concerns about use of analgesics are likely to lead to poor pain management. The purpose of this study was to describe participants' responses to their beliefs regarding pain and prescribed opioids. Ninety-two outpatients age ≥18 years who had taken prescribed opioid analgesics for cancer-related pain in two teaching hospitals in the Taipei area completed the Pain Opioid Analgesics Beliefs Scale–Cancer. An important finding of this study is that large numbers of patients had misconceptions about using opioids for pain. Between 33.7% and 68.5% of the patients in this study held negative beliefs about opioids and beliefs about pain. Specifically, 68.5% of the patients agreed that “opioid medication is not good for a person's body.” Many patients (62%) agreed that “the more opioid medicine a patient used, the greater the possibility that he/she might rely on the medicine forever,” and 61.0% agreed that “if a patient starts to use opioid medicine at too early a stage, the medicine will have less of an effect later.” Two-thirds (66.3%) of the sample agreed that adult patients should not use opioid medicine frequently. The findings provide empirical support for the need for better programmatic efforts to improve beliefs of pain and analgesics in Taiwanese oncology outpatients.  相似文献   

《Pain Management Nursing》2020,21(3):238-244
BackgroundPain is one of the most common and undesired symptoms in cancer patients, affecting patients’ physical and psychological well-being. Barriers to effective pain management in cancer patients need to be identified and addressed by clinicians.AimsThe purpose of this study was to explore the barriers to effective cancer pain management from the perspective of cancer patients and their family members.MethodsA qualitative research design was employed. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 10 patients and 10 family caregivers to elucidate their perspectives regarding the barriers to effective cancer pain management in Jordan.ResultsRegulatory factors, knowledge deficit, and the use of religious and cultural strategies to cope with pain were major barriers to effective cancer pain management. Although effective cancer pain management is highly recommended, the participants’ cultural beliefs deeply appreciated pain tolerance and discouraged effective treatment of cancer pain.ConclusionTailoring culturally appropriate educational programs regarding effective cancer pain management could facilitate pain management among patients with cancer.  相似文献   

《The journal of pain》2020,21(11-12):1198-1211
Pain catastrophizing has been recognized as an important and consistent psychosocial predictor of nearly every key pain-related outcome. The purpose of this study was to develop a new measure of pain catastrophizing using modern psychometric methodology. People with chronic pain (N = 795) responded to thirty items. Data were analyzed using item response theory, including assessment of differential item functioning and reliability. Sensitivity to change and validity were examined using data collected from patients undergoing spinal fusion surgery (n = 184) and participating in an ongoing longitudinal aging with a disability survey study (n = 1,388). The final 24-item bank had no items with significant local dependence, misfit, or differential item functioning. Results provided strong evidence of reliability and validity. Six- and 2-item short forms were developed for use when computer adaptive testing is not feasible or desirable. The item bank was named the University of Washington Concerns About Pain scale because the term “catastrophizing” was considered stigmatizing by people with chronic pain. Guidance for score interpretation was developed with extensive feedback from individuals with chronic pain. The Concerns About Pain item bank, short forms, and user manuals are free and publicly available to all users and can be accessed online at https://uwcorr.washington.edu/measures/.PerspectiveThis article presents the development of the University of Washington Concerns About Pain scale, the first item response theory-based item bank of pain catastrophizing. The measure is intended for clinicians interested in improving outcomes of patients with chronic pain and for researchers who study impact of and treatment interventions aimed at reducing pain catastrophizing.  相似文献   

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