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牙周病与冠心病的相关性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
牙周病是一种常见的口腔慢性感染性疾病,是成年人牙齿缺失的主要原因之一,近年来的研究显示牙周病还是冠心病的一个重要危险因素。本文着重对这两种疾病相关的流行病学资料和可能机制进行综述。  相似文献   

牙周病与冠心病的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牙周病是一种常见的口腔慢性感染性疾病,是成年人牙齿缺失的主要原因之一。近年来的研究显示牙周病还是冠心病的一个重要危险因素。本文着重对这两种疾病相关的流行病学资料和可能机制进行综述。  相似文献   

牙周病学该报告较全面地综述了牙周病的流行病学与诊断、牙周病病因、药物治疗、牙周病非外科治疗、牙周外科再生术及牙周病维持治疗。这对了解牙周病学研究的现代状况是十分有价值的。流行病学及诊断关于牙周病的流行率调查结果,各家报告不一Perry等对洛杉矶307例12—15岁中学生的调查发现牙周病患者占总人数的12.7%。牙周病的分布和严  相似文献   

世界卫生组织于1977年11月23日—12月2日在莫斯科中央口腔医学研究所召开了关于牙周病的流行病学、病因学及预防会议。  相似文献   

牙周病的细菌病因学简评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物在牙周病病因学中占着极为重要的地位,它是牙周病病因中的主要因素。目前对细菌在牙周病的过程中,其确切状态及其它病因的关系已作了长期充分的研究。许多资料证明:牙菌斑是牙周病大多数类型中的主要病原因素,它引起炎症,如牙龈炎和牙周病中,细菌与牙菌斑的密切关系。因此近十多年来菌斑细菌是越来越清楚地说明,在牙周病病因学中起着决定性作用;而流行病学也已阐明了牙周病的严重性同牙菌斑的数量之间有正的相互关系。牙菌斑是原因而不是结果。  相似文献   

牙周病的流行病学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牙周病流行病学研究推动了牙周病病因学探讨以及防治、治疗措施的完善。本文就近年来国内外有关牙周病流行病学研究的方法(包括评价牙周组织的炎症状况、记录牙周探诊深度、临床附着丧失、X线片评价支持骨丧失的情况等几方面)以及牙周病自然发展的纵向观察两方面的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

牙周病与糖尿病均为常见病,流行病学研究表明牙周病和糖尿病具有相关性,且两者相互影响。牙周病与糖尿病之间的相互作用已成为研究热点之一。本文就糖尿病对牙周组织的影响进行综述。探讨老年牙周病伴糖尿病患者牙周组织损伤的特点、牙周病的发生发展,为进一步的研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

牙周病是由细菌引起的牙支持组织的疾病,可导致全身的慢性低度炎症。一旦全身慢性炎症持续存在,可能诱发神经炎症。神经炎症是多种神经系统疾病的重要特征,提示牙周病与神经系统疾病之间可能存在潜在联系。本文列举了牙周病诱发和加重神经系统疾病(包括阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病、多发性硬化以及重度抑郁症)的流行病学和生物学证据,分析牙周病...  相似文献   

牙周病是一种常见的慢性感染性疾病,是菌斑生物膜、环境、遗传和表观基因组学等多种风险因素相互作用的结果。近年来,越来越多的研究发现牙周病与恶性肿瘤密切关联。文章就牙周病与口腔癌、胃癌、结直肠癌、胰腺癌、肺癌、乳腺癌、前列腺癌相关的流行病学研究进展,以及牙周病与恶性肿瘤相关致病机制做一综述,为相关疾病的早期防治和临床研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

早产是指新生儿出生时胎龄未满37周,低体重儿是指新生儿出生时体重未满2 500 g,早产常伴发低体重儿。早产被认为是新生儿死亡的主要原因。牙周病是一种口腔常见的慢性感染性疾病,与全身多种系统性疾病具有相关性。流行病学资料表明牙周病与早产低体重儿具有一定相关性,牙周病是早产低体重儿等不良妊娠结局的危险因素之一,可能的机制包括牙周致病菌菌体的直接作用,引起机体炎症反应和过激免疫反应等,然而具体的机制尚未明确。本文就牙周病与早产低体重儿的相关性,开展牙周治疗对早产低体重儿发生率的影响,以及牙周病引发早产低体重儿的相关机制作一综述。  相似文献   

Abstract –The purpose of this study was to collect information on the main causes of tooth loss in the western states of Germany as perceived by dentists and their patients. Sixty-eight dentists, out of 80 that were selected with a systematic random method for an epidemiological study in the western states of Germany, recorded their reason for tooth extraction. Included in the study were only extractions of permanent teeth during a period of 2 weeks (March 1990). up to a maximum of 20 patients per dentist. Of 926 returned questionnaires, 882 could be evaluated. In all 1215 teeth in 882 patients were extracted. The extraction of third molars was included as a reason, when caries, periodontal reasons and others were not indicated. Caries was the reason given for 20.7% of all extractions; periodontal diseases for 27.3%; caries and periodontal reasons for 18.7%; third molars for 14.7%: prosthetic reasons for 1 1.2%; orthodontic reasons for 4.1%; trauma for 0.4% and others for 2.9%. While caries is a major reason in all age groups, periodontal diseases and the combination of caries and periodontal reasons are more frequent than all other reasons for the age groups beyond 40 or 45 yr, respectively. The third molar was the most often extracted tooth. The patients were asked for their main reason for tooth extraction. For the patients, pain was the major reason for extraction (47.2%). According to the participating dentists periodontal disease is the most frequent cause of tooth extraction for people over 40 yr of age, while for those below 40 yr of age, caries and third molar extractions are the most frequent reasons.  相似文献   

One hundred and ninety-five teeth in 35 patients with periodontitis who had received both endodontic and periodontal treatment were evaluated 9 years after endodontic treatment and 8 years after periodntal treatment. Some 91.4% of cases were well maintained and 8.6% showed a deterioration in their periodontal condition. Twelve of the 195 teeth with endodontic treatment were lost, eight for periodontal codition. Twelve of the 195 teeth with endodontic treatment were lost, eight for periodontal reasons, three as a result of fracture and one because of caries, and the periodontal condition of 10 teeth had worsened. An apical lesion formed on one tooth. The results indicate that the risk of endodontic failure in this group of 195 teeth is very low, and that there is little risk of tooth loss for periodontal reasons, provided that the patients receive suppportive periodontal treatment.  相似文献   

Periodontal diseases constitute one of the major global oral health burdens, and periodontitis remains a major cause of tooth loss in adults worldwide. The World Health Organization recently reported that severe periodontitis exists in 5-20% of adult populations, and most children and adolescents exhibit signs of gingivitis. Likely reasons to account for these prevalent diseases include genetic, epigenetic, and environmental risk factors, as well as individual and socio-economic determinants. Currently, there are fundamental gaps in knowledge of such fundamental issues as the mechanisms of initiation and progression of periodontal diseases, which are undefined; inability to identify high-risk forms of gingivitis that progress to periodontitis; lack of evidence on how to prevent the diseases effectively; inability to detect disease activity and predict treatment efficacy; and limited information on the effects of integration of periodontal health as a part of the health care program designed to promote general health and prevent chronic diseases. In the present report, 12 basic, translational, and applied research areas have been proposed to address the issue of global periodontal health inequality. We believe that the oral health burden caused by periodontal diseases could be relieved significantly in the near future through an effective global collaboration.  相似文献   

目的观察套筒冠义齿修复中重度牙周病伴牙列缺损的老年患者的临床疗效。方法:临床追踪观察10例中重度牙周病伴牙列缺损的老年病例,患牙经过牙周基础治疗和根管治疗后,共制作12副套筒冠义齿,共65颗基牙,其中Ⅰ度松动21颗,Ⅱ度松动37颗,Ⅲ度松动7颗。内冠设计为圆锥型或圆柱状,使用钴铬合金制作套筒冠内外冠。平均随访2.5年,观察基牙牙周状态、牙松动度以及影像学改变。结果:所有患者的基牙松动度降低。X线片显示修复后基牙牙周膜无明显增宽,骨小梁致密,排列整齐,骨质密度明显增高。牙槽骨高度未见降低,部分可见增高。结论:根据基牙状态设计圆锥型或圆柱状套筒冠义齿对中重度牙周病伴牙列缺损是一种较理想的修复治疗方法。  相似文献   

老年人牙周病基础治疗6年疗效观察   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的:经过6年牙周基础治疗,观察老年人的牙周疾病情况是否得到有效的控制和改善。方法:对67例老年牙周病患者进行系统的牙周治疗:牙周洁治、龈下刮治,待炎症得到控制后,进行口腔卫生宣教,并定期进行牙周维护,摄口腔曲面断层片进行对比,定期复诊观察。结果:口腔卫生状况得到明显的改善,通过对比观察,可见牙槽骨的高度未发生明显的改变。结论:老年人的牙周健康状况及牙周疾病造成牙齿缺失的情况得到了明显改善。  相似文献   

Causes of Tooth Loss in a Veteran Population   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tooth loss in adults over age 35 usually is attributed to periodontal diseases. However, certain adult populations are known to have high caries rates. It is not clear to what extent caries contributes to tooth loss in adults. This pilot study examined the causes of tooth loss in a veteran population residing in an 800-bed, primarily long-term care facility. The study retrospectively reviewed 572 patients' dental records and documented causes for dental extractions. Of the sample population, 168 teeth were extracted in 51 patients who had 860 teeth present before treatment. Mean age of the patients undergoing extractions was 57.7 years, lower than the sample population of 60.1 years. Of the 168 teeth extracted, 105 (63%) were attributed to caries and 33 (20%) were documented as root tips, suggesting the presence of root caries. Fifty-five (33%) were extracted due to periodontal disease and six (4%) were extracted for prosthodontic reasons. Of the maxillary teeth, 67 percent were extracted for caries and 25 percent of periodontal reasons. Caries accounted for 57 percent and periodontal disease accounted for 42 percent of the mandibular teeth extracted. The order in which teeth were most frequently extracted was maxillary anteriors, mandibular anteriors, maxillary and mandibular premolars, and maxillary and mandibular molars. This study supports the recent work of authors who have found caries contributing significantly to tooth loss in adult populations.  相似文献   

Abstract The purpose of the study is to collect information on the reasons given by dentists, randomly selected from the Italian Dental and Maxillo-Facial Association's, for extracting permanent teeth in Italy. From the 164 dentists responding, 1056 teeth in 839 patients were extracted during two weeks of working activity. More than two-thirds of the teeth were extracted for dental caries (34.4%) and periodontal disease (33.1%). The mean number of teeth extracted per patient showed a significant increasing trend with increasing age, being 1.09 in those from 16 to 39 yr, 1.25 in the 40–59-yr-old group, to 1.54 in those over 59 yr of age (F = 21.44; P<0.0001). The third molar was the most frequently extracted tooth and 41.3% were removed due to impaction reasons, in particular from the mandible. The first and second molars and the premolars were extracted most often because of caries; more than half of the incisors and the canines were extracted for periodontal reasons; the majority of the teeth removed for prosthetic reasons, 57.1%, were incisors and canines, especially in the mandible; of the teeth extracted for orthodontic reasons, 47.4% were first and second premolars. The prevalence of subjects with at least one tooth extracted for dental caries and for orthodontic reasons were respectively significantly higher in the irregular than the regular attenders (chi-square=46.55; P<0.0001), and in the regular than the irregular dental attenders (chi-square=63.12; P<0.0001). Dental practitioners should promote targeted initiatives for prevention and treatment of diseases in order to reduce in particular the incidence of tooth extraction because of caries and periodontal disease.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to study the pattern of and reasons for permanent tooth extraction in a group of Afghan patients attending a dental clinic in the North of Afghanistan. METHODS: A simple clinical survey was done in Afghan population sample that has undergone or planned for tooth extraction. RESULTS: A total of 184 permanent teeth were extracted from 123 patients ranging in age from 9 to 62 years during the three-month study period. Males were 54.5% while females formed 45.5%. Overall, caries was the most frequent reason for tooth extraction (59.2%), followed by periodontal disease (35.3%), surgical indications (4.9%) and patient request (0.5%). Caries was the main reason for tooth loss up to 50 years of age. However, periodontal disease became the principal reason in 51 years old and over. Posterior teeth represented the highest percentage (84.2%) of extraction. CONCLUSIONS: Both caries and periodontal disease were the main reasons for tooth extraction in the North of Afghanistan, so that proper oral health system including efficient programs focusing on prevention and treatment of these diseases should be created and developed.  相似文献   

牙周治疗对系统性疾病影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于牙周炎与多种系统性疾病密切相关,因此牙周治疗对系统性疾病是否有影响引起了学者们的广泛关注.研究证实,牙周治疗有利于系统性疾病的预防或治疗,其机制可能是牙周治疗改变了患者的全身状态.本文就牙周治疗对系统性疾病的影响和可能机制的研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

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