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S E Keilty  J Ponte  T A Fleming    J Moxham 《Thorax》1994,49(10):990-994
BACKGROUND--In patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exercise tolerance is commonly limited by breathlessness. These patients have an increased ventilatory load at rest which is exacerbated during exercise. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of supporting ventilation by non-invasive inspiratory pressure support (IPS) during submaximal treadmill exercise in such patients to see if they would experience less breathlessness and improve their exercise capacity. METHODS--Eight men with disabling breathlessness due to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (mean (SD) FEV1 0.73 (0.2) 1) were studied. Patients walked on a treadmill until their sensation of breathlessness, scored at one minute intervals, reached level 5 ("severe") on the 10-point Borg scale. Studies were performed with IPS (mean airway pressure 12-15 cm H2O), continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP 6 cm H2O), and with oxygen (2 l/min via a mask) in random order on three separate days. Each of these walks was compared with a control walk using a sham circuit (breathing air via an oxygen mask at 2 l/min from an unlabelled cylinder), and with a baseline walk in which patients walked freely on the treadmill. On cessation of exercise, distance achieved and a leg fatigue score were recorded. RESULTS--No patients stopped due to leg fatigue, all stopping only when their sensation of breathlessness had reached level 5 on the Borg scale. IPS improved median walking distance by 62% compared with the control walk (sham circuit). There was no change in walking distance with either CPAP or oxygen at 2 l/min. There was no difference between the control and the baseline walks. CONCLUSIONS--Inspiratory pressure support can reduce breathlessness and increase exercise tolerance to submaximal treadmill exercise in patients with COPD. This could have implications for the rehabilitation of these severely disabled patients.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of single and chronic dosing with salmeterol on exercise capacity and lung function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. METHODS: Twenty nine patients of mean (SE) age 64 (1.5) years, forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 42(3)% of predicted, and 5-15% reversibility to salbutamol 200 micrograms were randomised to receive four weeks treatment with salmeterol 50 micrograms twice daily or placebo in a double blind crossover fashion with a one week washout period in between. Measurements of spirometric parameters, static lung volumes, and exercise capacity were made one and six hours after a single dose, and six hours after the final dose of salmeterol or placebo. RESULTS: Salmeterol produced a small increase in FEV1 at one and six hours after a single dose, and this was maintained after chronic dosing (mean difference and 95% CI versus placebo): single dosing at one hour 0.07 (95% CI 0.02 to 0.11) 1, single dosing at six hours 0.16 (95% CI 0.09 to 0.22) 1, chronic dosing at six hours 0.11 (95% CI 0.03 to 0.19) 1. The increase in forced vital capacity (FVC) was greater with salmeterol than with placebo six hours after single but not chronic dosing: single dosing at six hours 0.17 (95% CI 0.04 to 0.29) 1, chronic dosing at six hours 0.02 (95% CI -0.18 to 0.22) 1. Slow vital capacity was increased after treatment with salmeterol compared with placebo one and six hours after single but not after chronic dosing. There were no significant differences in static lung volumes or exercise capacity after single or chronic dosing with salmeterol compared with placebo. Patients reported a significantly lower Borg score for perceived exertion following the six minute walk after chronic treatment with salmeterol compared with placebo. CONCLUSIONS: Salmeterol produced a small improvement in spirometric values compared with placebo consistent with the degree of reversibility originally shown by the subjects to salbutamol 200 micrograms. This was not associated with improvements in static lung volumes or exercise capacity, but there was some symptomatic benefit in that patients were able to walk the same distance in six minutes with less perceived exertion.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The consequences of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on daily life, encapsulated by the term "health-related quality of life" (HRQL), are important in determining appropriate home care. There is a need to understand the relative contribution of respiratory impairment, physical disability, coping, age, and socioeconomic variables on HRQL. METHODS: Patients with COPD were recruited on admission to a pulmonary rehabilitation centre. Respiratory impairment was assessed by lung function tests and physical disability was evaluated by a 12 minute walking test. HRQL was assessed by means of the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ) measuring "symptoms", "activity", and "impact". Because the SGRQ does not include a measure of "well being", this was taken from the medical psychological questionnaire for lung diseases. The COPD coping questionnaire and a questionnaire covering basic socioeconomic variables were also used. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty six patients of mean (SD) age 65 (9) years and mean (SD) forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 39 (9)% predicted were included. The scores on the SGRQ indicated severe impairment. Correlations were found between lung function parameters, 12 minute walking test, and the HRQL "activity" and "impact" components. Coping strategies were correlated with the "activity", "impact", and "well being" components. No correlations were found between age, socioeconomic variables, and HRQL. FEV1, 12 minute walking test, and the coping strategies "avoidance" and "emotional reaction" were the best predictors of HRQL. CONCLUSION: In patients with COPD methods of improving physical performance and teaching adequate coping strategies should be considered in order to improve HRQL.  相似文献   

Stevenson NJ  Calverley PM 《Thorax》2004,59(8):668-672
BACKGROUND: The effects of oxygen on recovery from exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are not clearly known. A study was undertaken to determine whether oxygen given after maximal exercise reduced the degree of dynamic hyperinflation and so reduced the perception of breathlessness. METHODS: Eighteen patients with moderate to severe COPD performed maximal symptom limited exercise on a cycle ergometer. During recovery they received either air or oxygen at identical flow rates in a randomised, single blind, crossover design. Inspiratory capacity, breathing pattern data, dyspnoea intensity, and leg fatigue scores were collected at regular intervals during recovery. At a subsequent visit patients underwent a similar protocol but with a face mask in situ to eliminate the effects of instrumentation. RESULTS: When oxygen was given the time taken for resolution of dynamic hyperinflation was significantly shorter (mean difference between air and oxygen 6.61(1.65) minutes (95% CI 3.13 to 10.09), p = 0.001). Oxygen did not, however, reduce the perception of breathlessness during recovery nor did it affect the time taken to return to baseline dyspnoea scores in either the instrumented or non-instrumented state (mean difference 2.11 (1.41) minutes (95% CI -0.88 to 5.10), p = 0.15). CONCLUSIONS: Oxygen reduces the degree of dynamic hyperinflation during recovery from exercise but does not make patients feel less breathless than breathing air. This suggests that factors other than lung mechanics may be important during recovery from exercise, or it may reflect the cooling effect of both air and oxygen.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND--To date there are no data on the effects of lung transplantation on diaphragmatic function in patients with end stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It is not known whether the relation between the transdiaphragmatic pressure (PDI) and lung volume is altered in recipients after transplantation as a result of changes in diaphragmatic structure caused by chronic hyperinflation. The effect of lung transplantation on diaphragmatic strength was determined in patients with COPD and the relation between postoperative PDI and lung volume analysed. METHODS--Diaphragmatic strength was assessed in eight double lung transplant recipients, six single lung transplant recipients, and in 14 patients with COPD whose lung function was similar to those of the transplant recipients preoperatively. PDI obtained during unilateral and bilateral phrenic nerve stimulation at 1 Hz (twitch PDI) at functional residual capacity (FRC) and during maximal sniff manoeuvres (sniff PDI) at various levels of inspiratory vital capacity (VCin) served as parameters for diaphragmatic strength. Sniff PDI assessed at the various VCin levels were used to analyse the PDI/lung volume relation. RESULTS--Lung transplantation caused a reduction in lung volume, especially in the double lung transplant recipients. As a consequence sniff PDI was higher in the double lung transplant recipients than in the patients with COPD at all levels of VCin analysed. However, sniff PDI values analysed at comparable intrathoracic gas volumes were not reduced in the patients with COPD when compared with those who underwent lung transplantation. Bilateral twitch PDI values were similar in the patients with COPD and in the lung transplant recipients. In the single lung transplant recipients unilateral twitch PDI values were similar on the transplanted and the non-transplanted side. The relation between PDI and lung volume was similar in the patients with COPD and in the lung transplant recipients. CONCLUSIONS--In patients with COPD lung transplantation leads to an increase the maximal sniff induced PDI values by placing the diaphragm in a more favourable position for pressure generation. Since patients with COPD and postoperative lung transplant recipients showed similar PDI/lung volume relations, this suggests that chronic pulmonary hyperinflation does not cause major functional alterations of the diaphragm.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND--Pulmonary rehabilitation has been shown to have short term subjective and objective benefits for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). However, appropriately controlled studies have not previously been performed, nor have the benefits of different types of continuation programme for rehabilitation been investigated. Both these problems have been addressed in a single study of the long term effects of once monthly physiotherapy versus once weekly physiotherapy at home after a comprehensive home rehabilitation programme on quality of life and exercise tolerance in patients with COPD. METHODS--Thirty six patients with severe airways obstruction (mean SD) forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 1.3(0.4) 1, FEV1/inspiratory vital capacity (IVC) 37.2(7.9)%) were studied. Twenty three patients followed a rehabilitation programme at home for 18 months consisting of physiotherapy and supervision by a nurse and general practitioner. During the first three months all 23 patients visited the physiotherapist twice a week for a 0.5 hour session. Thereafter, 11 patients (group A) received a session of physiotherapy once weekly while 12 patients (group B) received a session of physiotherapy once a month. The control group C (13 patients) received no rehabilitation at all. Quality of life was assessed by the Chronic Respiratory Questionnaire, exercise tolerance by the six minute walking distance, and lung function by FEV1 and IVC. Outcome measures were assessed at baseline and at three, six, 12, and 18 months. RESULTS--Long term improvements in quality of life were found in patients in groups A and B, but not in those in group C compared with baseline, but these only reached significance in group B at all time points. Patients in group B had a higher quality of life than those in group C only at three and 12 months. There was a decrease in both six minute walking distance (at 12 and 18 months) and IVC (at three, 12, and 18 months) in patients in group C compared with the baseline measurement. Between groups analysis showed no differences for six minute walking distance, FEV1, and IVC. CONCLUSIONS--This study is the first to show that rehabilitation at home for three months followed by once monthly physiotherapy sessions improves quality of life over 18 months. The change in quality of life was not associated with a change in exercise tolerance.  相似文献   

A M Schols  R Mostert  P B Soeters    E F Wouters 《Thorax》1991,46(10):695-699
To investigate whether a compromised nutritional state may limit exercise performance in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease we studied 54 such patients (FEV1 less than 50% and arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) greater than 7.3 kPa) whose clinical condition was stable and who were admitted to a pulmonary rehabilitation centre. Fat free mass was assessed anthropometrically (from skinfold measurements at four sites) and by bioelectrical impedance; creatinine height index and arm muscle circumference were also assessed. The mean (SD) distance walked in 12 minutes was 845 (178) m. No association was established between the distance walked and spirometric measures. A good correlation was found between the distance walked and fat free mass in the whole group (r = 0.73 for impedance measurements and 0.65 for skinfold thickness) and in a subgroup of 23 lean patients (body weight less than 90% of ideal weight; r = 0.66 for impedance measurements and 0.46 for skinfold thickness). Body weight correlated with the distance walked only in the whole group (r = 0.61). On stepwise regression analysis fat free mass measured by bioelectrical impedance, maximal inspiratory mouth pressure, and PaO2 accounted for 60% of the variation in the distance walked in 12 minutes. We conclude that fat free mass, independently of airflow obstruction, is an important determinant of exercise performance in patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND--The pathogenesis of dyspnoea in patients with chronic heart failure is poorly understood. Static lung compliance is reduced in chronic heart failure. The relation between static lung compliance and exercise capacity and dyspnoea in chronic heart failure has been investigated. METHODS--Static lung compliance was calculated from expiratory pressure-volume curves in 18 patients with chronic heart failure (three women, mean age 62 years). Catheter mounted pressure transducers were used to measure changes in oesophageal pressure. Changes in lung volume were determined by integrating flow at the mouth, measured by a pneumotachograph. New York Heart Association (NYHA) class for dyspnoea was determined by a single observer. Patients underwent treadmill exercise to symptom limited maximum using staged and fixed rate protocols. Borg ratings for dyspnoea at submaximal exercise were measured. RESULTS--Static lung compliance, whether expressed as % total lung capacity (TLC)/cm H2O or % predicted TLC/cm H2O, was unrelated to NYHA class. Similarly, there was no relation between static lung compliance and exercise capacity with either protocol or with Borg ratings for dyspnoea at submaximal exercise, with the exception of that measured after 11 minutes of the staged protocol. CONCLUSIONS--Static lung compliance at rest has no relation with treadmill exercise capacity in chronic heart failure, and its relation with measures of dyspnoea is variable. No role for lung elasticity in determining the symptomatology of chronic heart failure was found.  相似文献   

A M Schols  R Mostert  P B Soeters  L H Greve    E F Wouters 《Thorax》1989,44(11):937-941
The relation between exercise performance and certain measures of nutritional state was investigated in 83 patients with stable chronic obstructive lung disease (mean age 62 (8) years). All patients had a forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) less than 50% predicted, an arterial oxygen tension of more than 7.3 kPa, and no severe locomotor, cardiovascular, neurological, or endocrine disorders. Exercise performance was assessed from a 12 minute walking test; body weight (as a percentage of ideal weight), creatinine height index, and serum concentrations of albumin, transferrin, and prealbumin were assessed as measures of nutritional state. Mean values of the nutritional variables were within the normal range. The mean (SD) 12 minute walking distance was 686 (254) metres. Walking distance was positively associated with serum albumin concentration and creatinine height index but not with body weight, serum prealbumin, or serum transferrin concentrations. When patients were categorised into low, medium and high performance groups on the basis of their walking distance, a very low creatinine height index (mean (SD) 59% (19%] was found in the low performance group. Albumin explained part of the variance in walking distance independently of pulmonary function in a stepwise regression analysis. The findings suggest that in patients with chronic airflow obstruction skeletal muscle mass and serum albumin concentration are positively associated with exercise performance as measured with a 12 minute walk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Muscle wasting and decreased muscle oxidative capacity commonly occur in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) have been shown to mediate several inflammatory and metabolic pathways which may be involved in the pathogenesis of muscle impairment in COPD. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of PUFA modulation on systemic inflammation, reversal of muscle wasting, and functional status in COPD. METHODS: Eighty patients with COPD (57 men) with forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) 37.3 (13.8)% predicted received 9 g PUFA or placebo daily in a double blind randomised fashion during an 8 week rehabilitation programme. Body composition (bioelectrical impedance), functional capacity (lung function, incremental cycle ergometry test, submaximal cycle test, isokinetic quadriceps strength) and inflammatory markers (C-reactive protein (CRP), interleukin (IL)-6 and tumour necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha) were assessed at baseline and after 8 weeks. RESULTS: Both groups had similar increases in weight, fat-free mass (FFM), and muscle strength. The peak load of the incremental exercise test increased more in the PUFA group than in the placebo group (difference in increase 9.7 W (95% CI 2.5 to 17.0), p = 0.009) even after adjustment for FFM. The duration of the constant work rate test also increased more in patients receiving PUFA (difference in increase 4.3 min (95% CI 0.6 to 7.9), p = 0.023). The positive effects of PUFA could not be attributed to a decrease in systemic levels of CRP, IL-6 and TNF-alpha. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to show beneficial effects of PUFA on exercise capacity in patients with COPD.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (COPD) on postoperative pulmonary function and to elucidate the factors for decreasing the reduction of pulmonary function after lobectomy. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective chart review of 521 patients who had undergone lobectomy for lung cancer at Chiba University Hospital between 1990 and 2000. Forty-eight patients were categorized as COPD, defined as percentage of predicted forced expiratory volume at 1 second (FEV1) less than or equal to 70% and percentage of FEV1 to forced vital capacity less than or equal to 70%. The remaining 473 patients were categorized as non-COPD. RESULTS: Although all preoperative pulmonary function test data and arterial oxygen tension were significantly lower in the COPD group, postoperative arterial oxygen tension and FEV1 were equivalent between the two groups, and the ratio of actual postoperative to predicted postoperative FEV1 was significantly better in the COPD group (p < 0.001). With multivariable analysis, COPD and pulmonary resection of the lower portion of the lung (lower or middle-lower lobectomies) were identified as independent factors for the minimal deterioration of FEV1. Actual postoperative FEV1 was 15% lower and higher than predicted, respectively, in the non-COPD patients with upper portion lobectomy and the COPD patients with lower portion lobectomy. Finally, we created a new equation for predicting postoperative FEV1, and it produced a higher coefficient of determination (R(2)) than the conventional one. CONCLUSIONS: The postoperative ventilatory function in patients with COPD who had lower or middle-lower lobectomies was better preserved than predicted.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to clarify whether patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) lose less exercise capacity after lobectomy than do those without COPD, to the same extent as ventilatory capacity and lobectomy for selected patients with severe emphysema improve exercise capacity like ventilatory capacity. Seventy non-COPD patients (N group), 16 mild COPD patients (M group), and 14 moderate-to-severe COPD patients (S group) participated. Pulmonary function and exercise capacity tests were performed on the same day preoperatively and six months to one year after lobectomy. The S group lost significantly less FEV(1) (forced expiratory volume in 1 s) after lobectomy than did the N or M group (P<0.0001 and P<0.005). However, their loss of exercise capacity was equivalent to that for the N and M groups. For the S group, there was a significant, negative correlation between preoperative FEV(1) % of predicted and percentage change in FEV(1) and maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) after lobectomy (r=-0.93, P<0.0001 and r=-0.64, P=0.01). In moderate-to-severe COPD patients, patients with a lower preoperative FEV(1) % of predicted experienced a smaller decrease in FEV(1) and VO2 max after lobectomy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Patients with severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) have impairment in most areas of quality of life, but a relationship between impairment of the partial pressure of oxygen in arterial blood (PaO2) and quality of life has not been established. Previous studies used general health measures such as the Sickness Impact Profile (SIP). In this study a disease-specific health measure, the St George's Respiratory Questionnaire (SGRQ), was used to examine the relationship. METHODS: Forty one patients (20 men) of median age 71 years (range 47-85) with COPD were assessed. Forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1), PaO2 and partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the arterial blood (PaCO2) were measured, and the patients completed the SGRQ, SIP, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD). RESULTS: The mean (SD) values were: FEV1, 0.83 (0.29) litres; PaO2, 7.49 (1.03) kPa; PaCO2, 6.30 (1.05) kPa; SGRQ total score, 55.3 (18.2); SIP total score 15.4 (9.2); anxiety score, 5.7 (4.3); depression score, 5.3 (3.4). PaO2 was significantly correlated with the SGRQ total scores but not with the SIP total score. The SGRQ total score also correlated with anxiety and depression. Multivariate analysis showed that depression score and PaO2 were both significant covariates of the SGRQ total score. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that, in patients with severe COPD, quality of life is related to the severity of hypoxaemia, but this relationship is only detectable when using a disease-specific health measure.  相似文献   

Meyers BF  Patterson GA 《Thorax》2003,58(7):634-638
There are currently three surgical treatments for emphysema: bullectomy, lung transplantation, and lung volume reduction surgery (LVRS). Unfortunately, most emphysema patients are poor candidates for any surgical intervention. A meticulous selection process is favoured in which indications and contraindications are considered and the best solution is devised for each patient. Patients with giant bullae filling half the thoracic volume and compressing relatively normal adjacent parenchyma are offered bullectomy; those with hyperinflation, heterogeneous distribution of destruction, forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV(1)) >20%, and a normal carbon dioxide tension (PCO(2)) are offered LVRS; and patients with diffuse disease, lower FEV(1), hypercapnia, and associated pulmonary hypertension are directed towards transplantation. Using these criteria, few patients are serious candidates for surgical procedures. Combinations of LVRS and lung transplantation, either simultaneously or sequentially, are possible but rarely necessary.  相似文献   

W Cormick  L G Olson  M J Hensley    N A Saunders 《Thorax》1986,41(11):846-854
Fifty patients with chronic obstructive lung disease were questioned about their sleep quality and their responses were compared with those of 40 similarly aged patients without symptomatic lung disease. Patients with chronic obstructive lung disease reported more difficulty in getting to sleep and staying asleep and more daytime sleepiness than the control group. More than twice as many patients (28%) as controls (10%) reported regular use of hypnotics. In a subgroup of 16 patients with chronic obstructive lung disease (mean FEV1 0.88 (SD 0.44) sleep, breathing, and oxygenation were measured to examine the relationship between night time hypoxaemia and sleep quality. Sleep architecture was disturbed in most patients, arousals occurring from three to 46 times an hour (mean 15 (SD 14)/h). Arterial hypoxaemia during sleep was common and frequently severe. The mean (SD) arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) at the onset of sleep was 91% (7%). Nine patients spent at least 40% of cumulative sleeping time at an SaO2 of less than 90% and six of these patients spent 90% of sleeping time below this level. Only four of 15 patients did not develop arterial desaturation during sleep. The mean minimum SaO2 during episodes of desaturation was less in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (72% (17%)) than in non-REM sleep (78% (10%), p less than 0.05). The predominant breathing abnormality associated with desaturation was hypoventilation; only one patient had obstructive sleep apnoea. Arousals were related to oxygenation during sleep such that the poorer a patient's arterial oxygenation throughout the night the more disturbed his sleep (arousals/h v SaO2 at or below which 40% of the total sleep time was spent: r = 0.71, p less than 0.01). Hypoxaemia during sleep was related to waking values of SaO2 and PaCO2 but not to other daytime measures of lung function.  相似文献   

J L McKeon  K Murree-Allen    N A Saunders 《Thorax》1989,44(3):184-188
The hypothesis that supplemental oxygen could improve the quality of sleep was tested in 23 consecutive patients (14 male, nine female; age 42-74 years) with chronic obstructive lung disease (mean (SD) FEV1 0.81 (0.32) litre, FEV1/FVC 37% (12%). Patients breathed compressed air or supplemental oxygen via nasal cannulas on consecutive nights in a randomised, double blind, crossover trial. Quality of sleep was assessed by questionnaire and by electroencephalographic sleep staging. The study had a power of 80% to detect, at the 0.05 level, a 20% improvement in total sleep time. Seventeen patients slept for two nights in the laboratory. Oxygenation during sleep was improved by oxygen administration, but there was no improvement in quality of sleep. There was an acclimatisation effect with better sleep on the second night. Six patients spent an additional acclimatisation night in the laboratory as well as the two study nights. There was no difference in sleep quality between the second and third nights or between the compressed air and the oxygen nights in these patients. Subgroups of patients with an arterial carbon dioxide tension of over 43 mm Hg (5.7 kPa) (n = 12) and arterial oxygen saturation of less than 90% (n = 11) while awake did not show any improvement in quality of sleep on the oxygen night. It is concluded that supplemental oxygen improves nocturnal oxygenation but does not immediately improve the quality of sleep in the laboratory in patients with chronic obstructive lung disease.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND--Nocturnal desaturations, mainly caused by hypoventilation, occur frequently in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Daytime arterial oxygen and carbon dioxide tensions (PaO2 and PaCO2) appear to predict which patients will desaturate at night. It is unknown if respiratory muscle strength, which may be decreased in these patients, plays an additional part. METHODS--Polysomnography, maximal respiratory pressures, lung function, and arterial blood gas tensions were measured in 34 patients with COPD (mean (SD) forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 41.7 (19.9)% pred). RESULTS--Significant correlations were found between the mean nocturnal arterial oxygen saturation and maximal inspiratory mouth pressure (r = 0.65), maximal inspiratory transdiaphragmatic pressure (r = 0.53), FEV1 (r = 0.61), transfer coefficient (KCO) (r = 0.38), arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) (r = 0.75), and PaCO2 (r = -0.44). Multiple regression analysis showed that 75% of the variance in nocturnal SaO2 (70%) and FEV1 (5%). CONCLUSION--Inspiratory muscle strength and nocturnal saturation data are correlated, but daytime SaO2 and FEV1 remain the most important predictors of nocturnal saturation.  相似文献   

Exercise in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
M J Belman 《Thorax》1993,48(9):936-946
Sporadic visits to the local doctor followed sometimes by changes in oral and inhaled bronchodilators and occasionally by the addition of steroids frequently does little to significantly improve symptoms and function in the disabled patient with COPD. As in other chronic diseases, the management of these patients is facilitated by a team approach in conjunction with general rehabilitation principles. The rationale and practical implementation of such a programme has recently been outlined by the American Association of Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation. These are multifaceted programmes but a key component, as outlined above, is exercise training. In this brief review the various approaches available have been described. Controversy still reigns regarding the optimal modes of training and there are important differences among the several approaches. Two main groups can be delineated. One emphasises the detailed definition of the impaired physiology with therapeutic measures targeted to specific defects. There is good documentation that, conversely, unstructured programmes that use treadmill and free range walking and cycling also improve endurance for walking. Upper extremity training is of additional benefit. Programmes with as little as three sessions per week of 1-2 hours of low intensity activity have achieved success so we know that simple programmes can be helpful. Moreover, without the necessity for complex testing and training methods these programmes can be implemented with relatively low costs. Future investigations to examine the relationship between improved exercise capacity for walking and arm exercise on the one hand, and the ease of performance of activities of daily living on the other, will help to reinforce the effectiveness of exercise programmes.  相似文献   

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