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The sixth example of a late appearing Ph1 chromosome in a patient with typical chronic myelogenous leukemia is the subject of the present report. Knowledge of the true frequency of this apparently rare event awaits systematic longitudinal cytogenetic studies of patients with Ph1-negative CML.  相似文献   

An unusual case of congenital generalized fibromatosis in which involvement of the spinal dura mater was accompanied by flaccid paralysis in the lower limbs is presented.  相似文献   

In rats, immunoreactivity was demonstrated in the brush border of the choroid plexus, in the wall of blood vessels in the brain, and in the brush border of the proximal tubules of the kidney, using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique (PAP) and an anti-pulmonary converting-enzyme antibody. These findings correlate with biochemical data of converting-enzyme activity in the choroid plexus and in other tissues. Possible functions of the enzyme in relation to its localization are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of systemic morphine (5 mg/kg) on the C-fibre evoked activity in the dorsal horn of decerebrate spinalized rats has been investigated. Activity in units recorded from lamina 5 was inhibited in a naloxone-reversible fashion by morphine. However, morphine produced variable changes in the C-evoked activity of units recorded within the substantia gelatinosa, some units showing excitation, some inhibition and some an alteration in the timing and pattern of the C-evoked activity.  相似文献   

The developmental and senescent patterns of a number of heart enzyme activities linked to energy metabolism have been studied in rats aged between 4 days and 21 months. A morphometric study of mitochondrial volume fractions and numbers has been also carried out. Developmental changes result in a rise of most mitochondrial enzymes (NADP+-isocitrate dehydrogenase, malic enzyme, succinate dehydrogenase, citrate synthase) and mitochondrial volume fractions. Exceptions are NAD+-isocitarte dehydrogenase, which declines from 4 days onwards, and NAD+-malate dehydrogenase, which declines and then rises over the same period. Senescent changes follow two different trends. While pyruvate kinase and those mitochondrial enzymes lying between citrate formation and isocitrate oxidation (citrate synthase, NADP+- and NAD+-isocitrate dehydrogenases) decline to some degree, mitochondrial succinate dehydrogenase and NAD+-malate dehydrogenase activities increase over the same period. This could point towards a partial impairment of Krebs cycle function, and a reduced energy-producing capacity in the aged rat heart.  相似文献   

Homozygote genotype V247 of the β2-glycoprotein-I (β2GP-I) gene has been associated with anti-β2GP-I and thrombosis in patients with primary anti-phospholipid syndrome APS (PAPS). However, the cellular immune response to β2GP-I247 has been little studied.


To evaluate the immune cellular proliferation in response to native and non-native β2GP-I247 valine/leucine phenotype from Mexican patients with PAPS.


We studied 10 patients with PAPS and 10 healthy control subjects (HC). The polymorphism at position 247 of the β2GP-I gene was determined by PCR-RFLP and the corresponding β2GP-I protein was subsequently purified from normal human plasma by affinity chromatography. PBMC purified from patients and controls were stimulated with β2GP-I under native and in non native (reduced) conditions. We also determined the anti-β2GP-I production in vitro by B cell clones (EBV) generated in cocultures experiments. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) was studied to determine the structural differences between the β2GP-I247 valine/leucine isoforms. Cytokine profile (IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, TNFα, INFγ) was evaluated in culture supernatants.


PAPS and healthy control PBMCs had a higher proliferative response when stimulated with β2GP-I under reduced cultures conditions compared to non-denatured conditions. PBMCs response from PAPS patients was higher. We observed more cell proliferation in response to β2GP-I247 valine/leucine or valine isoforms in non-native conditions. In contrast, this response was not significant against β2GP-I247 leucine. These findings were T CD4+-dependent. Similar results were obtained with B cell clones derived from PAPS patients, which showed more pronounced proliferation in non native conditions and higher against β2GP-I247 valine. No differences were found in anti-β2GP-I production, but high levels of IL-6 in vitro were identified. The structural analysis of both β2GP-I247 isoforms by DSC showed a major conformational change due to a single mutation in the β2GP-I variants.


PAPS PBMCs had a higher cellular response against β2GP-I247 in non-native culture conditions preferentially to the β2GP-I247 valine phenotype. This effect is T CD4+ dependent and appears to be driven by tertiary structural changes adopted by β2GP-I247 polymorphism.  相似文献   

The natural killer group 2 (NKG2) family of receptors, encoded within the NK complex gene region (NKC), modulate the cytotoxic activity of NK cells. Two haplotype blocks throughout the NKC, hb-1 and hb-2 have been associated with different levels of overall natural cytotoxicity. Here, we evaluated allelic and genotype frequencies at rs1049174, rs2617160, rs2617170, rs2617171, rs1983526 (hb-1 haplotype), and rs2255336 and rs2246809 (hb-2 haplotype) in 928 subjects examined from Mexico City. The most frequent alleles and genotypes were as follows: C, CG to rs1049174; G, GG to rs2255336; T, AT to rs2617160; G, GG to rs2246809; C, CT to rs2617170; G, CG to rs2617171; and G, CG to rs1983526. Linkage disequilibrium analysis revealed that rs1049174, rs2617160, rs2617170, and rs2617171 constituted the haplotype block-1 variant (hb-1v) (r2 ≥ 0.89). Two predominant haplotypes of hb-1v were identified based on the allele content and included CTCG and GATC. This study is the first to evaluate the allelic and genotype frequency distribution of rs1049174, rs2255336, rs2617160, rs2246809, rs2617170, rs2617171, and rs1983526 in the population of Mexico City.  相似文献   

Genetic and cytogenetic studies in children with retinoblastoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Genetic and cytogenetic studies were performed in 110 children with retinoblastoma (57 girls and 53 boys), with 70% of cases being unilateral and 30% bilateral. The mean age of the patients at diagnosis was 22.6 months in unilateral and 11.1 months in bilateral cases. Sporadic cases were 94.5%, and the remaining were familial. There was no difference when the paternal age of sporadic cases was compared with that of familial cases. Three patients from a family exhibiting unilateral retinoblastoma had an interstitial deletion at band 13q14. The presence of other neoplasms and the importance of the genetic and chromosomic studies, for the purpose of genetic counseling, are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors describe cytogenetic aberrations observed in a case of T prolymphocytic leukemia. C11 deletion (q14) B5 deletion (pter), D14q+, E20 trisomy, and two markers are the main anomalies of the complement.  相似文献   

The chance discovery of two mouse strains, one with and one without a high presence of serum T-agglutinin, permitted the investigation of the role of this antibody in the disappearance of desialylated erythrocytes, which may be regarded as a model for ageing. The proportional relationship between the quantity of sialic acid removed and the diminution of half-life is not affected by the presence or absence of T-agglutinin. Opsonization by T-agglutinin would therefore appear to be an improbable mechanism. Other possible theories are discussed.  相似文献   

The relation between incorporation of 14C from 14CCl4 into liver lipids and damage to the mixed functional oxygenase system of liver microsomes was investigated in rats of different sex or differently pretreated. Under the respective conditions of pretreatment the 14C incorporation rate and the relative decrease of the cytochrome P-450 level as the parameters most influenced by CCl4 were compared with those for untreated female rats. Induction by 3-methylcholanthrene does not after both parameters. Induction by sodium phenobarbital enhances the 14C incorporation rate as well as the cytochrome P-450 decrease but the latter is more affected. In male rats only the 14C incorporation rate increased. Vitamin D3-pretreated rats showed a smaller decrease of cytochrome P-450 but an enhanced 14C incorporation rate. Therefore, there is no correlation between the cytochrome P-450 decrease and 14C incorporation rate. Reasons for the lack of that correlation are discussed with regard to the mechanism of liver cell damage by carbon tetrachloride.  相似文献   

Male rats dark-reared from birth until 50 days of age and then exposed to light for 3 h show significant increases in specific [3H]serotonin (5-[3H]HT) binding to P2 membranes from visual and motor cortex and superior colliculus (25, 65 and 23% respectively) as compared with normal and dark-reared littermates. These increases are transient and return to normal levels after 7 days. The role of 5-HT as a transmitter in the visual system is discussed.  相似文献   

Eighty-nine patients with leprosy, 65 classified as lepromatous and 24 as tuberculoid, were examined in this study. Skin test responses to protein antigens and dinitrochlorobenzene (DNCB) were depressed in lepromatous patients compared to controls. Tuberculoid patients did not exhibit a significant depression to microbial antigens, but they showed a definite depression in the ability to be sensitized with DNCB. The transfer of delayed hypersensitivity reactions to tuberculin, trichophytin, and lepromin (Fernandez and Mitsuda reactions) was accomplished in lepromatous and indeterminate leprosy patients using viable lymphocytes from donors presenting positive reactions to these antigens. The lepromin reaction was also transferred to patients with South American blastomycosis and cutaneous leishmaniasis. The positive reactions of adoptive immunity were confirmed by histologic examination of skin biopsies.  相似文献   

Using an antiserum raised in b(bas)/b(bas)-suppressed rabbits to kappa 2 light chain we have shown that the kappa 2 light chain is an isotype of kappa 1, present in the majority of, if not all, rabbits. It probably exists in at least 2 allelic forms. It is capable of producing a functional antibody molecule (auto anti-b6) and compensates for the absence of kappa 1 light chain in homozygous b6-suppressed rabbits.  相似文献   

Nuclear envelopes of mammalian cells contain a nucleoside triphosphatase which is probably involved in mRNA transport through the nuclear membrane. The activity of the enzyme, studied in RNA-depleted nuclear ghosts, can be stimulated by poly(A) or by poly(A) (+)mRNA. Using nuclear ghost preparations from mature (8–10 months' old) and old (40–42 months' old) Wistar rats, it was shown that in “old” preparations the basal activity of the enzyme is significantly reduced (by 15%). In addition, the enzyme from old animals responds only very little to poly(A) or poly(A) (+)mRNA, compared to preparations from mature animals. Using a concentration of 6.8 × 1011 poly(A) (+)mRNA molecules per μg of enzyme preparation, the nucleoside triphosphatase from mature animals is stimulated by 77% and the enzyme from old animals by only 26%.

Binding studies of poly(A) to pore laminae revealed that the number of binding sites in unphosphorylated preparations from old animals is significantly reduced (by 24%) compared to “mature” preparations. As a consequence of in vitro phosphorylation, no difference is observable in the number of binding sites between the two age groups. The values for half-maximal saturation binding constants for poly(A) are identical in unphosphorylated and phosphorylated pore-laminae preparations, irrespective of the age group studied. The results presented indicate that in old animals the pathway from the phosphorylated to the dephosphorylated nuclear-envelope protein which is controlled by poly(A) is impaired in the proposed cycle for mRNA efflux from nuclei.  相似文献   

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