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目的 通过对解放军总医院研制的12张普通话儿童语句测听词表的难度等价性研究,判断该套材料是否符合言语测听材料的标准,以期挑选出具有难度一致性的词表应用于临床.方法 选取36名听力正常青年受试者,采用听说复述的方式,进行12组句表的测试(每组句表有50个关键词),以关键词计分,然后对各表得分进行统计学分析.结果 进行双因素(表号和强度)方差分析和Post-Hoc两两比较,12张测试表无统计学差异.结论 12张语句识别表具有较好的难度等价性,可应用于临床测试和实验研究.  相似文献   

目的 探讨言语声调信息对于感音神经性听力损失(sensorineural hearing loss,SNHL)患者噪声下言语识别的作用.方法 选取听力正常者10例(平均22.5±1.02岁)、S N H L患者38例(平均36.92±12.38岁,轻度听力损失10例,中度听力损失18例,重度听力损失10例)、听神经病谱...  相似文献   

目的开发一套标准的普通话版快速噪声下言语测听材料,评估依据听力学要求和语言学特征选取的300个语句材料的等价性,并获得其在50%正确识别时所对应的信噪比(记为SNR-50)的正常值。方法首先将这些语句材料按照数字化录制原则录制为女声音频材料,背景噪声为4人同时谈话的言语噪声。言语声和噪声混合在一起。选取30例正常受试者,采用听说复述方式,分别在+6、+3、0、-3、-6 dB信噪比条件下测试。对测试所得结果使用SPSS17.0统计软件进行数据分析和强度-识别率函数曲线的拟合。结果 300个语句在噪声环境下测试结果分析显示,斜率和阈值不呈正态分布。剔除斜率过大(>0.72)的语句,及曲线拟合相关系数过小(r<0.7)的语句,精选出等价性较好的78句。后者呈正态分布。结论经过对300个语句的等价性评估,经过严格的筛选及精细调整,最终保留的78个语句在正常人中的等价性较好,下一步可进行这些语句复测信度的测试。  相似文献   

嘈杂语噪声下汉语语句测听中的学习效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 验证采用噪声下语句识别表进行言语测听时是否存在"学习效应"(learning effect),并确定在使用本测试材料时需要几张练习表才能抵消学习效应.方法 选取年龄18~25岁、听力/言语发育正常且日常以汉语普通话为交流方式的64名受试者,在-3、-5、-7、-9 dB四种信噪比(signal-to-noise ratio, SNR)条件下进行语句识别率测试.采用32张嘈杂语噪声下汉语普通话语句识别表(每表10句,每句3~7个  相似文献   

目的对普通话测听词汇表(mandarin speechtest materials,MSTM)中的语句测试材料进行等价性测试,以期得到难度平衡的若干张句表。方法选取听力正常青年受试者61名(61耳)采用听说复述方式,进行30组句表(每组10句)的测试,以关键词记分,然后对各表得分进行统计学分析。结果30组句表大体上可分为三套,初步认定两套29组句表(290句)分别具有等价性。结论初步认定经实验筛选出难度平衡的两套29组句表可以用于临床言语评估测试。  相似文献   

目的 验证自适应噪声下句子识别阈测试方法 的可靠性,获得自适应噪声下语句识别阈算法的正常青年男性参考值.方法 21名正常听力男性青年(平均年龄21±1.56岁)接受测试.采用嘈杂语噪声下汉语短句识别测听材料,使用自行编制的自适应算法经言语测听软件进行噪声下句子识别阈测试.受试者每人每耳各测试2表.使用u 检验将获得的平均识别阈SNR50a与所采用材料的整体识别阈SNR50进行比较.结果 自适应方法 测得噪声下平均句子识别阈SNR50a为(-5.75±0.92)dB.左右耳识别阈之间无统计学差异(P=0.0796).正常青年男性95%医学参考值范围为(-7.55 dB,-3.95 dB).使用自适应算法获得的噪声下句子识别阈略高于正常听力人群中通过多强度测试获得的识别阈(P<0.0001).结论 该自适应噪声下语句识别阈算法快速、可靠,为临床提供了一种评价噪声下言语识别能力的测听方法.  相似文献   

目的 研究嘈杂语噪声下普通话语句识别测听材料在学龄前儿童言语测听中的效度、信度和敏感度指标,并分析年龄、性别因素对测听结果的影响.方法 招募54名北京市4~6岁听力言语正常儿童(分成4.0~、4.5~、5.0~6.0岁三组,每组18名,男女各半),应用27张中文嘈杂语噪声下普通话语句识别表,采用随机区组裂区设计,在幼儿园简易声场(本底噪声<40 dB A)在SNR=+1、-2、-5 dB三种条件下由同一扬声器播放语句(强度固定为65 dB SPL)和噪声,由儿童复述所听到的语句,逐一计算各表的言语识别率.结果 ①多种信噪比下的识别率得分在各表之间的差异无统计学意义;②各表对学龄前儿童的识别率(performance)-信噪比(SNR)函数显示,SNR50阈值为-1.96±0.19 dB SNR,斜率为15.8%±1.1%/dB;③各表得分经"合理化的"反正弦变换,推定在95%置信度下的临界差值(critical difference,CD)为24.6%;④4~4.5岁儿童与另两组儿童之间的得分差异有统计学意义(P=0.000 000),另二组儿童之间的得分差异无统计学意义(P=0.895 199).男女之间的差异也有统计学意义(P=0.000 000).结论 ①27张中文嘈杂语噪声下的普通话语句识别表,对学龄前儿童彼此等价;②学龄前儿童50%语句识别率所对应的SNR50接近-2 dB,测试的敏感度为15.8%/dB,均低于成人水平;③男女儿童在噪声下的语句识别能力虽略有差异,但远小于信度指标所对应的24.6%的临界差值;④每表测试时间仅1.5分钟,适用于4.5岁以上的城市儿童.  相似文献   

正常人汉语噪声竞争下言语测听的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
选用自行录制的单音节语音材料,对46名听力正常青年人在3种不同噪声竞争下进行言语测听。选用的噪声为白噪声(whitenoise,WN)、言语噪声(speechnoise,SN)和自行录制合成的多人谈话声(Babblenoise,BN)。将测得言语识别率结果用两个参数的数学模型来表达信噪比(signal-to-noiseratio,S/N)与识别率间的关系。对正常人同时测试了安静条件下5个言语声级和3种噪声条件下5个S/N时的言语识别率。安静条件下测得的结果与沈晔结果相近,平均言语接受阈只相差1.8dB。噪声条件下言语识别率皆随S/N的变化而变化,同一噪声下,S/N越小识别率越低,S/N越大识别率越高。不同噪声下,50%识别率水平时的S/N有明显差别,S/N在BN下最大,在WN下最小,说明不同噪声对言语识别的影响不同。噪声下测得言语清晰度曲线斜率比安静条件下要陡,不同噪声间清晰度曲线斜率无明显差别。本研究同时证实言语识别率的标准差与识别率水平和测试词表中词的数目相关。  相似文献   

噪声下言语识别速测表(Quick SIN)普通话版的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的编制普通话版的噪声下言语识别速测表(QuickSpeech-In-Noise,Quick SIN)并进行等价性筛选。方法从嘈杂语噪声下的普通话儿童短句库中抽取90个句子组成15张噪声下旬表。每张表6句话,每句包含5个关键词,表中各句的信噪比依次为+15,+10,+5,0,-5,-10dB。选择15名18~25岁听力正常人为受试者,每位受试者依次测试15张表,计算各自的信噪比损失。对15张句表的信噪比损失进行单因素方差分析,并使用TukeyHSD检验进行表间两两比较和等价性分析。结果15名受试者的信噪比损失为(0.84±1.77)dB。经统计学分析,15张句表中有12张表相互等价,表5、8、14不等价。单侧80%医学参考值范围是小于+2.32dB,95%医学参考值范围是小于+3。74dB。结论普通话版的Ouick SIN为临床提供了一种简单、快捷地评价患者在噪声下言语识别能力的测听方法,并为助听装置的选配提供了客观依据。  相似文献   

嘈杂语噪声下汉语整句识别的同质性研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 获得嘈杂语噪声背景下汉语短句识别率一信噪比(Performance-Intensity,P-I)函数的斜率和50%的得分所对应的信噪比(记为SNR50),并对所有短句的同质性进行评估和调整.方法 采用16张(每张20句)新编嘈杂语噪声下汉语普通话短句识别表作为测试材料.选取年龄为21~25岁之间、听力/言语发育正常且日常以汉语普通话为交流方式的48名受试者按"随机区组设计"在-1、-4、-7、-10 dB四种信噪比条件下进行言语识别率的心理声学测量.使用Statistica7.0软件进行P-I函数拟合和统计分析.结果 320句语句在嘈杂语噪声下的言语识别P-I函数曲线的阈值呈正态分布,斜率呈不规则分布.剔除P-I函数强健性增长(斜率>55%/dB)的语句,并保留阈值变异度在±2σ内的语句,精选出同质性良好的240句.结论 逐个调整每句的SNR以实现同质性,可为编制"等言语识别阈级"的句表奠定扎实的心理声学基础.  相似文献   

Objective: The ability to use visual speech cues and integrate them with auditory information is important, especially in noisy environments and for hearing-impaired (HI) listeners. Providing data on measures of integration skills that encompass accuracy and processing speed will benefit researchers and clinicians. Design: The study consisted of two experiments: First, accuracy scores were obtained using City University of New York (CUNY) sentences, and capacity measures that assessed reaction-time distributions were obtained from a monosyllabic word recognition task. Study sample: We report data on two measures of integration obtained from a sample comprised of 86 young and middle-age adult listeners: Results: To summarize our results, capacity showed a positive correlation with accuracy measures of audiovisual benefit obtained from sentence recognition. More relevant, factor analysis indicated that a single-factor model captured audiovisual speech integration better than models containing more factors. Capacity exhibited strong loadings on the factor, while the accuracy-based measures from sentence recognition exhibited weaker loadings. Conclusions: Results suggest that a listener’s integration skills may be assessed optimally using a measure that incorporates both processing speed and accuracy.  相似文献   

目的通过听力正常人对正弦波处理的汉语普通话的音调及句子识别,探讨正弦波汉语普通话的识别机制。方法测试包括正弦波处理的汉语四声调识别及句子识别。45名听力正常的年轻人,首先进行正弦波处理的汉语四声调及句子训练,然后进行测试。在训练过程中,给予受试者反馈,使其适应,学习正弦波处理的信号。正式测试中,不给予受试者反馈。声调识别测试中,受试者需要在四个声调中选择所听到的声调,在训练和测试过程中,每个声信号只能播放一次,以受试者答对的百分数计分。句子识别采用MHINT,受试者可以反复听测试材料,直至受试者完全识别正确或识别不出为止。以受试者答对的百分数进行评分。结果正弦波四声调识别的正确率平均值为32.6%,仅稍高于机率得分(25%)。受试者得分在23.5%~42.3%之间,其中绝大部分得分在25%至35%之间。在四声调识别中,一声的识别正确率最高,为42.3%;三声的识别正确率次之,为34.9%;二声和四声的识别正确率则均分别为23.5%和29.6%。正弦波汉语普通话句子识别的正确率平均值为92.3%,受试者得分在78%至100%之间,绝大部分在90%以上。配对t检验结果表明,正弦波汉语普通话四声调识别和句子识别的差异具有统计学显著性意义(P<0.05)。结论汉语普通话经过正弦波处理后,声调识别较差,句子识别很好,从上向下机制在正弦波汉语普通话句子识别中起重要作用。  相似文献   

中文广东话版与普通话版噪声下言语测试材料的开发   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
开发两种中文版本的噪声下言语测试材料(hearinginnoisetest,HINT)–广东话版(Cantonesehearinginnoisetest,CHINT)和普通话版(Mandarinhearinginnoisetest,MHINT),用于评估讲广东话和普通话者的言语理解能力。共168名听力正常的受试者参与本研究,短句材料均选用日常用语。通过调整短句在噪声下的给声强度达到每个短句难度均等,得到每表20句音素平衡的句表。使用这些句表测试受试者的短句接受阈(ReceptionThresholdsforSentences,RTSs),RTSs定义为:短句重复的正确率为50%时的信噪比。受试者佩戴耳机分别在安静和三种噪声条件下—噪声在两侧、左侧和右侧进行测试。噪声固定在65dB(A),通过调整言语声强度来改变信噪比。句表间测试的可比性和同一句表重复测试的可靠性均非常高,表明使用任意句表均能得到一致的结果。同时得到了测试结果的置信区间,并将CHINT和MHINT的正常值与英文版进行了比较。  相似文献   

Objective: The purpose of this study was to collect and analyse data necessary for expansion of the NSRT item pool and to evaluate the NSRT adaptive testing software. Design: Participants were administered pure-tone and speech recognition tests including W-22 and QuickSIN, as well as a set of 323 new NSRT items and NSRT adaptive tests in quiet and background noise. Performance on the adaptive tests was compared to pure-tone thresholds and performance on other speech recognition measures. The 323 new items were subjected to Rasch scaling analysis. Study sample: Seventy adults with mild to moderately severe hearing loss participated in this study. Their mean age was 62.4 years (sd = 20.8). Results: The 323 new NSRT items fit very well with the original item bank, enabling the item pool to be more than doubled in size. Data indicate high reliability coefficients for the NSRT and moderate correlations with pure-tone thresholds (PTA and HFPTA) and other speech recognition measures (W-22, QuickSIN, and SRT). Conclusion: The adaptive NSRT is an efficient and effective measure of speech recognition, providing valid and reliable information concerning respondents’ speech perception abilities.  相似文献   


Tests of sentence recognition in noise constitute an essential tool for the assessment of auditory abilities that are representative of everyday listening experiences. A number of recent articles have reported on the development of such tests, documenting different approaches and methods. However, both the development and interpretation of these tests require careful consideration of many variables. This article reviews and categorizes the stimulus, presentation, subject, response, and performance variables influencing the development and interpretation of tests of sentence recognition in noise. A systematic framework is utilized to document published findings on these variables. Recommendations and guidelines, based on test performance requirements and test objectives, are provided concerning the interpretation of results and the development of new test materials.


La ECoG ha mostrado desde hace mucho que complementa el diagnóstico de la MD, primariamente por la medición de la tasa de amplitud SP/AP. Aunque se reporta en la literatura como una prueba de alta especificidad para este trastorno, la sensibilidad de la ECoG, en la población general de MD, se mantiene relativamente baja (rango de 20-65%), El presente estudio evaluó la sensibilidad y la especificidad del protocolo de ECoG que empleamos para pacientes con sospecha de MD, que incluyó la medición de la amplitud y las áreas de los SP y AP ante clicks (para derivar las tasas de amplitud y de área de SP/AP) y la amplitud del SP ante bursts tonales de 1000 y 2000 Hz. Se condujo un cuadro de revisión retrospectivo para comparar los resultados de de la ECoG de 178 pacientes sospechosos de MD, con su diagnóstico eventual. Las medidas de la mayor sensibilidad y especificidad (determinadas utilizando un análisis logístico de regresión) incluyeron: amplitud del PS, área del PS, tasa de área SP/AP y área total de SP-AP. Los valores de sensibilidad y especificidad asociados con esas medidas fueron de 92% y 84%, respectivamente. El valor de sensibilidad fue considerablemente mayor que el previamente reportado y esto es atribuible a la inclusión de mediciones de área en nuestro protocolo.  相似文献   

Objective: Development of an Italian matrix sentence test for the assessment of speech intelligibility in noise. Design: The development of the test included the selection, recording, optimization with level adjustment, and evaluation of speech material. The training effect was assessed adaptively during the evaluation measurements with six lists of 20 sentences, using open- and closed-set response formats. Reference data were established for normal-hearing listeners with adaptive measurements. Equivalence of the test lists was investigated using the open-set response format at three signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Study sample: A total of 55 normal-hearing Italian mother-tongue listeners. Results: The evaluation measurements at fixed SNRs resulted in a mean speech reception threshold (SRT) of ? 7.3 ± 0.2 dB SNR and slope of 13.3 ± 1.2 %/dB. The major training effect of 1.5 dB was observed for the first two consecutive measurements. Mean SRTs of ? 6.7 ± 0.7 dB SNR and ? 7.4 ± 0.7 dB SNR were found from the third to the sixth adaptive measurement for open- and closed-set test response formats, respectively. Conclusions: A good agreement has been found between the SRTs and slope and those of other matrix tests. Since sentences are difficult to memorize, the Italian matrix test is suitable for repeated measurements.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop, optimize, and evaluate a new Spanish sentence test in noise. Design: The test comprises a basic matrix of ten names, verbs, numerals, nouns, and adjectives. From this matrix, test lists of ten sentences with an equal syntactical structure can be formed at random, with each list containing the whole speech material. The speech material represents the phoneme distribution of the Spanish language. The test was optimized for measuring speech reception thresholds (SRTs) in noise by adjusting the presentation levels of the individual words. Subsequently, the test was evaluated by independent measurements investigating the training effects, the comparability of test lists, open-set vs. closed-set test format, and performance of listeners of different Spanish varieties. Study sample: In total, 68 normal-hearing native Spanish-speaking listeners. Results: SRTs measured using an adaptive procedure were 6.2 ± 0.8 dB SNR for the open-set and 7.2 ± 0.7 dB SNR for the closed-set test format. The residual training effect was less than 1 dB after using two double-lists before data collection. Conclusions: No significant differences were found for listeners of different Spanish varieties indicating that the test is applicable to Spanish as well as Latin American listeners. Test lists can be used interchangeably.  相似文献   

Objectives: The Turkish matrix sentence test, TURMatrix, was developed for precise, internationally comparable speech intelligibility testing. Design: The TURMatrix comprises a base matrix of ten well-known Turkish names, numbers, adjectives, objects, verbs, from which syntactically fixed sentences were randomly composed. Test conduction may be in an open-set (standard), or closed-set response format. Homogeneity in intelligibility of the test material was optimized by applying level adaptations (maximal ± 3 dB) based on word-specific speech reception thresholds (SRTs). Test list equivalence was verified and reference values were determined. Study sample: Thirty-eight native listeners of Turkish with normal hearing. Results: After training, mean SRT and slope of the final test lists were ? 8.3 ± 0.2 dB SNR and 14.1 ± 1.0%/dB, respectively (fixed SNR measurements; inter-list variability). For adaptive measurements, average across listeners was ? 7.2 ± 0.7 dB SNR in the open-set and ? 7.9 ± 0.7 dB SNR in the closed-set response format. Mean SRT for adaptive measurements in the open-set response format in quiet was 20.3 ± 4.1 dB. Individual SRTs in quiet correlated more closely with audiograms than with SRTs in noise. Conclusions: The TURMatrix was developed according to European standards and provides reliable speech intelligibility measurements in noise and quiet.  相似文献   

Objective: This study aimed to develop and assess a method to measure word recognition abilities using a smartphone application (App) connected to an audiometer.

Design: Word lists were recorded in South African English and Afrikaans. Analyses were conducted to determine the effect of hardware used for presentation (computer, compact-disc player, or smartphone) on the frequency content of recordings. An Android App was developed to enable presentation of recorded materials via a smartphone connected to the auxiliary input of the audiometer. Experiments were performed to test feasibility and validity of the developed App and recordings.

Study sample: Participants were 100 young adults (18–30 years) with pure tone thresholds ≤15?dB across the frequency spectrum (250–8000?Hz).

Results: Hardware used for presentation had no significant effect on the frequency content of recordings. Listening experiments indicated good inter-list reliability for recordings in both languages, with no significant differences between scores on different lists at each of the tested intensities. Performance-intensity functions had slopes of 4.05%/dB for English and 4.75%/dB for Afrikaans lists at the 50% point.

Conclusions: The developed smartphone App constitutes a feasible and valid method for measuring word recognition scores, and can support standardisation and accessibility of recorded speech audiometry.  相似文献   

The effect of fast-acting compression on speech recognitionin fully modulated (FUM) noise in listeners with normaland impaired hearing was investigated in two experiments. We wanted to determine the relationships between the benefitfrom compression and some audiological factors.Furthermore, the sensitivity to changes in compressionparameters was also evaluated. The results showed thattwo-thirds of the listeners performed worse with fast-actingcompression than with linear processing. Normal-hearinglisteners showed the most benefit from compression. A significantrelationship was found between benefit from compressionand speech-to-noise ratio at threshold (SNRT) inslightly modulated (SM) noise. Pure-tone threshold wasfound to be a weak predictor of benefit from compression.No relationship was found between benefit from compressionand the release of masking for the FUM noise. Thevariability in the results across different compressionparameters was related to SNRT in SM noise. The resultssuggest an inverse relationship between benefit from compressionand the severity of the suprathreshold hearing loss.  相似文献   

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