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目的:探讨临床药师对布氏菌性脊柱炎患者的药学监护内容,为临床药师的药学实践提供参考。方法:临床药师以2017年5月-2017年12月某院骨科收治的30例布氏菌性脊柱炎患者为研究对象,采取跟踪服务方法,参与药物治疗方案的制定,对患者进行用药教育、监护围手术期药物不良反应(ADR)和相互作用(DDI)。结果:30例患者中男性25例,女性5例,年龄25~69岁,平均(53.63±10.39)岁;入院前病程20 d~14个月,病程中位时间为3个月;17例患者有明确的牛羊接触史;临床药师发现药物不良反应(ADR)17人次(肠道菌群失调8人次,药物性肝损伤8人次,左氧氟沙星导致精神异常1人次),药物相互作用(DDI)31人次(利福平与奥美拉唑14人次,利福平与氟康唑6人次,利福平与硝苯地平2人次,利福平与酒石酸美托洛尔2人次,利福平与利伐沙班1人次,利福平与多西环素1人次,多西环素与琥珀酸亚铁3人次,多西环素与铝镁加混悬液1人次,多西环素与卡马西平1人次),并提出停药和/或合理的治疗方案。结论:临床药师深入临床,以患者为中心,以健康宣教、用药教育、ADR和DDI为切入点,开展个体化药学服务,确保用药安全。  相似文献   

目的探讨临床药师主导的药学服务对他汀类药物治疗服务系统构建及评价的影响。方法200例服用他汀类药物治疗的老年(62~88岁)患者,按随机原则分为药师干预组和对照组,每组100例。对照组通过传统用药护理、发放宣教手册、电话回访实施干预;药师干预组在对照组基础上结合药师小组在临床前行讨论模式,经由本社区居委会领导精选交流及协调,每周按时由合格教师或临床药师构建成服务小组,为社区提供免费药学服务和充分培训,进而可更好完成药品使用审评数据分析及收集。对比两组干预前后用药相关问题(DRP)发生情况及药物治疗收益(安全性、有效性、经济性、适当性)。结果干预后,药师干预组DRP发生率30.0%低于对照组的70.0%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。干预后,两组的DRP出现条目数、DRP总药物数量、DRP处方药数量均较干预前减少,且药师干预组减少量更多。干预后,药师干预组药品不良反应(ADR)、重复用药、相互作用、潜在不适当用药(PIM)、其他用药问题发生率分别为13.0%、1.0%、1.0%、2.0%、25.0%,均低于对照组的26.0%、7.0%、7.0%、10.0%、40.0%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);药师干预组用药信念好、用药认知好的占比和近3个月就诊率均高于对照组,欧洲视觉模拟标尺法(QOL EQ-VAS)评分低于对照组,医保用药数量、用药数量、月药费均少于对照组,剂量不当、治疗不足的占比均低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组干预后用药依从性好、超适应证、无适应证的占比和欧洲五维健康量表(QOL EQ-5D)评分比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论以临床药师为主导的药学服务,能显著提高老年患者用药安全性、有效性、经济性和适当性,临床药师地位得到提高以及公众的认同。  相似文献   

Recent changes in the United Kingdom national health service (NHS) have increased the need for pharmacy services in primary care. Government documents have advocated a role for hospital pharmacists in the provision of clinical pharmacy services to primary care. A census survey was carried out to establish the extent to which hospital pharmacists have become involved in the provision of clinical pharmacy services to primary care patients and health professionals. Questionnaires were sent to district pharmaceutical officers in England (and their equivalents in the rest of the UK). One hundred and ninety-three questionnaires were returned (92 per cent). Hospital pharmacists provided few advisory, educational or information services to patients and primary care health professionals, with the exception of primary care nurses. Pronounced variations in service provision were observed in different parts of the UK. Respondents gave reasons for their limited involvement and indicated that the provision of services is increasing. The survey shows that government policy on the provision of hospital clinical pharmacy services to patients and health professionals in primary care has not been implemented. The provision of such service is, however, increasing, mainly as a consequence of the NHS reforms and the movement of resources to primary care.  相似文献   

目的探讨临床药师对术后院内感染患者的抗感染治疗进行药学监护的重要性。方法从药物选择、相关实验室指标监测、不良反应等方面,临床药师对1例"开颅血肿清除术+去骨瓣减压术"术后合并颅内感染、肺部感染患者的治疗过程实施药学监护。结果通过联合使用万古霉素静脉及鞘内注射,患者颅内感染、肺部感染得到有效控制,在治疗过程中脑脊液白细胞逐渐下降,腺苷脱氨酶(ADA)逐渐正常,且在治疗过程中无神经根刺激症状、癫疒间、肾功能损害等不良反应的发生。结论临床药师参与患者抗感染治疗过程中个体化治疗方案的制订、开展药学监护,对促进药物治疗的有效性、减少药物不良反应的发生具有重要作用。  相似文献   

BackgroundCare for children who are hospitalized can be optimized if the pharmacist, in conjunction with the multidisciplinary team, promotes the rational use of medicines. In this sense, the evaluation of the quality of these clinical services through indicators is important in the planning, decision making of pharmacists and managers of these services.ObjectiveTo characterize which health indicators were influenced by the pharmaceutical clinical services for the care of children in hospitals.MethodsA systematic review was performed. The search for data was made on the bases: Cochrane, Embase, Lilacs, Pubmed and Web of Science. Then, the search included studies in which evaluated the impact of pharmaceutical clinical services on clinical, economic and humanistic outcomes.ResultsThe search resulted in 11 included studies. In this review, four pharmaceutical clinical services were found: pharmacotherapy review, multiprofessional team interventions, antimicrobial stewardship program and pharmaceutical services at discharge hospital. The most influenced outcome indicators were length of hospital stay, with average time in the group that received the pharmacotherapy review service, and interventions multiprofessional team with a 6.45-day vs. 10.83 days in the control group; hospital readmissions with a significant reduction of non-scheduled readmission of 30 days in the ntimicrobial stewardship program; reduction of hospital costs and caregiver satisfaction.ConclusionIn this study, we can highlight that pharmacotherapy review, multiprofessional team interventions and Antimicrobial Stewardship Program that significantly reduced the clinical results of length of hospital stay and hospital readmission, as well as a significant reduction of hospital costs.  相似文献   

Objectives. To evaluate the impact of student pharmacists delivering medication therapy management (MTM) services during an elective advanced pharmacy practice experience (APPE).Methods. Student pharmacists provided MTM services at community pharmacy APPE sites, documented their recommendations, and then made follow-up telephone calls to patients to determine the impact of the MTM provided. Students were surveyed about the MTM experience.Results. Forty-seven students provided MTM services to 509 patients over 2 years and identified 704 drug-related problems (average of 1.4 problems per patient). About 53% of patients relayed the recommendations to their physician and 205 (75%) physicians accepted the recommendations. Eighty-eight percent of patients reported feeling better about their medications after receiving MTM services. A majority of the students perceived their provision of MTM services as valuable to their patients.Conclusions. Providing MTM services to patients in a pharmacy practice setting allowed student pharmacists to apply skills learned in the doctor of pharmacy (PharmD) curriculum.  相似文献   

International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy - Background Studies have revealed that the inclusion of a clinical pharmacist as a member in multidisciplinary medical team has been associated with...  相似文献   

目的探讨临床药师如何做好药学监护工作。方法阐述临床药师对1例食管癌术后并发感染患者实施药学监护的全过程。根据患者的个体情况,临床药师与医生协商制定了化疗方案,并就化疗过程中出现的骨髓抑制、感染及皮肤毒性反应给出了相应的用药方案。结果临床药师熟练掌握药物作用机制和不良反应相关知识,与临床医生协作,根据患者疗效及时调整用药,最终顺利完成周期治疗。结论临床药师应熟悉药物作用机制和不良反应相关知识,提供专业的药学服务。  相似文献   

Clinical services provided by staff pharmacists in a community hospital   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A program for developing staff pharmacists' clinical skills and documenting pharmacists' clinical interventions in a large community teaching hospital is described. A coordinator hired in 1984 to develop clinical pharmacy services began a didactic and experiential program for baccalaureate-level staff pharmacists. Fourteen educational modules are supplemented by journal and textbook articles and small-group discussions of clinical cases, and the clinical coordinator provides individual training on the patient-care units for each pharmacist. Monitoring of clinical pharmacy services began in June 1987; each intervention provided by a pharmacist is recorded on a specially designed form. A target-drug program is used to document cost avoidance achieved through clinical services. Information collected through these monitoring activities is used to educate the pharmacy staff, shared with the pharmacy and therapeutics committee, and used to monitor prescribing patterns of individual physicians. The data are used in the hospital's productivity-monitoring system. All pharmacists who were on staff in 1984 have completed the educational modules, and all new employees are in the process. Since monitoring began, the number of clinical interventions has averaged 2098 per month. Cost avoidance has averaged $9306 per month. Over a five-year period, the development of staff pharmacists' clinical services raised the level of professional practice, produced substantial cost avoidance, and increased the number of pharmacist interventions in medication use.  相似文献   

Background The recognition that community pharmacies have the potential to make a greater contribution to promoting public health has led to a new concept, called the Healthy Living Pharmacy (HLP). These are designed to meet public health needs through a tiered commissioning framework delivering health and well being services through community pharmacy, tailored to local requirements for tackling health inequalities. Aim To search the literature for quality evidence to support the inclusion of services in the HLP portfolio and suggest areas where more evidence is required. Method A systematic review of the research literature covering the period January 1990?CAugust 2011 inclusive, using MEDLINE, EMBASE, Pharmline, NHS Evidence and the Cochrane databases. On-line searching of the grey literature (e.g. conference proceedings) was also carried out. Standard methods of assessing quality were employed. Results A total of 377 papers were included. Over time, there was a marked increase in frequency of publications reflecting a growing pharmacy interest in the public healthcare agenda; over a third (35?%) of papers appeared in the last three-year study period. The body of research had a wide geographical basis; contributions were as follows: UK (51.5?%), US (20.4?%), Australia/New Zealand (9.8?%), Europe (7.7?%) and Canada (7.2?%). The topics of contraception, cardiovascular disease prevention, diabetes and smoking cessation accounted for 40?% of included papers. The literature supports the introduction of specific community pharmacy services, targeted at customer groups, both with and without pre-existing diseases. Good evidence exists for smoking cessation, cardiovascular disease prevention, hypertension and diabetes. Some good evidence exists for interventions on asthma and heart failure. The evidence supporting weight management, sexual health, osteoporosis detection, substance abuse and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is weak and needs development. Conclusion There is strong evidence for the role of community pharmacy in a range of services, not only aimed at improving general health, but also maintaining the health of those with existing disease. In other areas, the evidence is less strong and further research is required to justify their inclusion in a HLP portfolio.  相似文献   

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