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Ankylosed teeth fail to erupt to meet their counterparts in the opposite jaw. In cases where ankylosis occurs in multiple teeth, the occlusion shows an open bite. This article describes a case of unilateral open bite caused by multiple ankylosed teeth, where treatment involved segmental alveolar bone distraction. A 25-year-old female patient presented with a left-sided unilateral open bite. On the left-hand side, only the lower incisors were not ankylosed. On the right, the maxillary first molar was ankylosed. All these ankylosed teeth were positioned below the occlusal plane. Her mother and brother also had multiple ankylosed teeth, and a familial cause was considered. Orthodontic tooth movement was considered impossible and segmental osteotomy on the left maxillary alveolar bone and downward bone distraction were performed as an alternative. A distractor consisting of orthodontic bands, wires and screws was devised and worn in the left mandibular dentition. Multi-bracket orthodontic appliances were also used for distraction. The amount of vertical movement was 7 mm at the premolar region. Five months after distraction, the multibracket appliance was removed, and fixed and removable retainers were placed. Eight months after distraction, prosthodontic restorations on the occlusal surfaces of the ankylosed teeth were made to obtain the final occlusion. The unilateral open bite was successfully treated and a good occlusion was obtained. The occlusion has shown good long-term stability for more than 3 years.  相似文献   

对于牙槽裂隙过宽(大于1个尖牙宽度)、裂隙两侧骨端错位、重叠或存在垂直落差的情况,直接植骨难度大、成功率低。牙间牵引成骨技术能有效减小牙槽裂隙宽度,获得新生软硬组织,为牙槽裂辅助治疗提供了一种新途径。牙间牵引成骨器的设计多样化,应结合病例难易程度选择不同固位方式,在保证牵引方向的同时,力求加力简便有效,牵引器稳固舒适。  相似文献   

A case is reported whereby an anterior open-bite was treated with the Köle osteotomy in an adult Chinese girl. This study documents cephalometrically the post-treatment changes occurring in the dento-alveolar complex over a ten year follow-up period and describes the possible mechanisms contributing to the remarkable stability of the open-bite correction.  相似文献   

Insufficient alveolar ridge width may impede the success of dental implants. Techniques for resolving this problem include autologous bone grafts, guided bone regeneration, bone splitting and bone spreading techniques. Recently, alveolar distraction osteogenesis has become an alternative method for alveolar augmentation. We propose the use of alveolar bone distraction for insufficient alveolar ridge width. A healthy 33‐year‐old female presented with missing teeth to our clinic. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed the alveolar ridge was too narrow for placement of dental implants. Therefore, horizontal distraction osteogenesis of the posterior mandibular ridge was chosen for augmentation. Two months later, two implants were placed. No significant marginal bone resorption was seen around the implants eight years after placement. Our results indicate that horizontal alveolar distraction is recommended to increase ridge width and allow placement of standard dental implants.  相似文献   

This case report describes the successful 10-years interdisciplinary treatment of ankylosed upper central incisors with an anterior vertical ridge defect. This treatment was challenging as ankylosis was present before the growth spurt. Orthodontic treatment in association with decoronation, a xenogeneic bone graft, an autogenous sub-epithelial connective tissue graft, and implant placement were performed to correct the vertical ridge defect and to re-establish appropriate function, gingival health, and aesthetics. Decoronation performed during the growth spurt was the key to avoiding alveolar ridge deformity.  相似文献   

牵张成骨术矫正单侧真性关节强直偏颌畸形1例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
对1例因关节强直导致的偏颌畸形患者行下颌骨体牵张成骨器植入术,术后1周开始牵张右侧下颌骨,牵张20 d后右侧下颌升支及下颌体高度明显增加,牵张器维持4个月,右侧上颌骨自动向下生长,上下颌咬合关系恢复正常,取出下颌牵张成骨器,在牵张成骨新骨上植入MEDPOR假体并行颏成形术。手术完成后患者颜面不对称及畸形咬合关系均得到明显改善。  相似文献   

We present a 16-year-old boy with a history of ankylosis of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) who had been treated with a costochondral graft and mandibular distraction. The distraction seems to have caused pulp canal obliteration of the lower right second premolar and lower right first molar on radiographic examination. To our knowledge this is the only reported instance of such damage related to mandibular distraction. We aim to highlight the risks of this complication and the importance of discussing it with patients as part of the process of informed consent.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Avulsed teeth that are stored extraorally in a dry environment for >60 min generally develop replacement root resorption or ankylosis following their replantation due to the absence of a vital periodontal ligament on their root surface. One negative sequelae of such ankylosis is tooth infra-positioning and the local arrest of alveolar bone growth. Removal of an ankylosed tooth may be difficult and traumatic leading to esthetic bony ridge deformities and optimal prosthetic treatment interferences. Recently a treatment option for ankylosed teeth named 'de-coronation' gained interest, particularly in pediatric dentistry that concentrated in dental traumatology. This article reviews the up-to-date literature that has been published on decoronation with respect to its importance for future prosthetic rehabilitation followed by a case presentation that demonstrates its clinical benefits.  相似文献   

Symmetric extraction of premolars is a frequently used orthodontic treatment for dental crowding and protrusion. However, when a patient has incisors with ankylosis, the establishment of a treatment protocol often plagues orthodontists. An adolescent patient with a history of incisor trauma sought treatment for dental protrusion and crowding. Upon percussion of his infrapositioned maxillary central incisors, characteristic dull metallic sounds were noted, and a lack of normal mobility of these teeth under the application of external forces was detected. Follow-up radiographs after the trauma showed replacement root resorption of the maxillary central incisors. Based on clinical and radiological findings, ankylosis of the maxillary central incisors was tentatively diagnosed. A combination of orthodontic and prosthodontic treatment options involving extraction of the maxillary central incisors and mandibular first premolars was chosen to resolve the functional and esthetic problems. After treatment, well-aligned dentition, improved smile esthetics, and a more harmonious facial profile were achieved, and these outcomes remained stable during the follow-up period. This case report illustrates a viable treatment strategy for tackling predicaments caused by ankylosed incisors, which is unusual in the literature.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This clinical case represents a particular application of vertical distraction osteogenesis of the mandible. The surgical technique was applied to an iliac crest bone graft previously positioned on an anterior mandibular defect with the aim to restore the vertical height after a partial resorption in a trauma patient. CASE REPORT: Distraction osteogenesis was applied because it was necessary to restore the mandibular height in a young male patient who presented with a post-trauma anterior mandibular bony deficiency. Because of the irregularity of the mandibular surface and the depth of the defect, the patient first underwent an iliac crest bone grafting that, after 3 months, showed partial resorption. Vertical distraction osteogenesis was performed on the grafted mandible in order to obtain a satisfactory bony height of the mandibular ridge. Then the patient was successfully rehabilitated by means of an implant-supported prosthesis. CONCLUSION: Vertical distraction osteogenesis appears to be a versatile surgical procedure, which can be applied as a secondary treatment in patients presenting with mandibular trauma sequelae.  相似文献   

牙槽突裂的常规治疗方法为髂骨骨松质植骨术.普遍认为,牙槽突裂隙较宽者,黏膜瓣转移、缝合及血运重建困难,植骨术成功率较低.牙槽骨牵引成骨能够有效关闭或缩窄较宽的牙槽突裂,提高植骨效果.本文报告1例牙槽骨牵引成骨治疗先天性双侧重度牙槽突裂病例,截骨线设置在裂隙近中,以种植钉和后牙作为支抗,皮链牵引骨块向后,在缩窄牙槽突裂的...  相似文献   

多生牙在口腔临床上比较常见,但同时出现多颗多生牙和颌骨多发隆突的患者比较罕见。本文报道1例同时出现5颗已萌出的多生牙且伴有颌骨多发隆突的患者,并结合文献对其进行讨论。  相似文献   

Distraction osteogenesis for the augmentation of severe alveolar bone deficiency has gained popularity during the past two decades. In cases where the vertical bone height is not sufficient to create a stable transport segment, performing alveolar distraction osteogenesis (ADO) is not possible. In these severe cases, a two-stage treatment protocol is suggested: onlay bone grafting followed by ADO. An iliac crest onlay bone graft followed by ADO was performed in 13 patients: seven in the mandible and six in the maxilla. Following ADO, endosseous implants and prosthetic restorations were placed. In all cases, the onlay bone graft resulted in inadequate height for implant placement, but allowed ADO to be performed. ADO was performed to a mean total vertical augmentation of 13.7 mm. Fifty-two endosseous implants were placed. During a mean follow-up of 4.85 years, two implants failed, both during the first 6 months; the survival rate was 96.15%. In severe cases lacking the required bone for ADO, using an onlay bone graft as a first stage treatment increases the bone height thus allowing ADO to be performed. This article describes a safe and stable two-stage treatment modality for severely atrophic cases, resulting in sufficient bone for implant placement and correction of the inter-maxillary vertical relationship.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In alveolar distraction, the bone segment tends to incline palatally or lingually, making rigid control of the segments difficult. The aim of this study was to evaluate the usefulness of a newly developed bi-directional extraosseous alveolar distractor (Medartis V2-Alveolar distractor) for pre- and perioperative vector management. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Seven patients with segmental alveolar atrophy following traumatic tooth loss were treated using the distraction device. The patients were followed up clinically and radiologically. Preoperatively, the initial vector for distraction was determined using CT by measuring the cross-section of the bone. The morphology of the alveolar bone was also analyzed in relation to the planned implant position. Postoperatively, the rate of osteogenesis was monitored with plane radiographs and CT scan. RESULTS: All cases had bone deficit at the anterior surface of the alveolar ridge, showing a typical inclination of the long axis of the bone. Using the distractor, vertical distraction and positioning of the segments with labial orientation was possible. After a consolidation period of 12 weeks on average, sufficient bone formation for implant installation was radiologically observable. Histologic and histomorphometric analysis of one bone biopsy showed very dense mineralized bone (area fraction=78%) with a multidirectional, complex architecture. Implant-supported prosthetic oral rehabilitation was successfully performed in all cases. CONCLUSION: All complications observed in this study were related to the bone deficiency at the anterior surface of the alveolar process. If the technique can be improved, this type of bi-directional distraction is a promising method for alveolar bone repair.  相似文献   

A case of widespread intramucosal naevus with unusual clinical expression associated with hypertrophy of the oral mucosa and maxilla is presented. Hypertrophy was seen in the alveolar bone and all layers of the oral mucosa just beneath the pigmented area. The diagnosis and further examination is discussed.  相似文献   

随着种植外科的进展,大量垂直向和水平向骨增量技术得到了发展。许多种植患者存在垂直向骨量不足的问题,需要增加垂直向骨量;但垂直向骨增量相对于水平向骨增量难度比较大,预见性较差,往往易致较多的并发症;因此,垂直向骨增量技术受到了越来越多的关注。引导骨再生技术和牵张成骨术是2类较常用的垂直向骨增量技术,在临床上已得到一定的应用,本文对其在垂直向骨增量上的研究进展作一综述。  相似文献   

Objective: The authors present a case of obstructive sleep apnea associated with severe mandibular micrognathia treated by mandibular bone distraction with curvilinear system planned under computer assistance.

Clinical Presentation: A 15-year-old child with limited compliance to continuous positive airway therapy was referred to the authors’ department. Observation revealed severe mandibular micrognathia as the major cause for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. The first polysomnography study revealed 14 obstructive apneas, 16 obstructive hypopneas, and 4.6/h apnea-hypopnea index.

Conclusion: Mandibular distraction osteogenesis can be a successful technique in alleviating upper airway obstruction secondary to micrognathia, while also improving the patient’s appearance. Surgical planning under computer assistance is a useful tool to predict bone movements, and curvilinear distraction could be considered valuable in mandibular distraction.  相似文献   

Background: Currently, clinicians have a limited treatment arsenal in the repair of peri‐implant defects. The aim of the present report is to present the clinical results of treating a dental implant using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP)‐2 in an elderly patient. Methods: A 75‐year‐old man presented for routine dental prophylaxis. Clinical and radiographic examination revealed significant loss of attachment and bone loss around an implant replacing the maxillary left first molar. The patient did not report any symptoms, and the implant showed no signs of mobility. Because of the severity of the defect, regenerative treatment using a combination of rhBMP‐2 and freeze‐dried bone allograft was used. Results: The patient was followed for 80 weeks postoperatively. By 28 weeks, significant probing depth reduction and radiographic bone fill was observed, and the original implant crown was replaced. From 28 weeks postoperatively to 80 weeks, no significant clinical or radiographic changes were observed. Conclusions: rhBMP‐2 represents a potential therapeutic modality for severe peri‐implant hard tissue loss. Future studies should examine parameters, such as surgical technique, to maximize the rhBMP‐2‐driven regenerative outcomes.  相似文献   

先天性外胚叶发育不全的牵引成骨治疗:1例报道   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索经LeFortIII型截骨术后,应用外牵引装置矫治面中部发育不足的可行性。方法:外牵引装置使用分为前期和后期,前期主要由Martin公司的外固定支架和自行设计的骨牵引钩2部分组成,后期用额颏支抗式可摘面弓维持牵引。对1例19岁先天性外胚叶发育不全伴面中部的发育不足患者行面部小切口LeFortIII型截骨,显露两侧梨状孔缘,用粗裂钻在梨状孔的外缘外侧约8mm处钻孔,双侧鼻孔引出骨牵引钩,用细钢丝将外固定支架和骨牵引钩连接,手术后第3天开始牵引,20天后达到预定位置。结果:该患者面中部骨骼明显前移,侧面观面容改善明显。面部上、中、下各部关系较为协调。结论:坚强外固定牵引技术能够使面中部骨骼水平前移,LeFortIII型截骨后持续牵引,能够有效矫正面中份发育不足。  相似文献   

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