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目的:对碱蓬和盐地碱蓬进行红外光谱鉴定。方法:采用红外光谱三级鉴定法。结果:二者的一维谱图比较相似,但一些吸收峰的峰形、峰位和峰强具有一定的差异,碱蓬1646 cm-1处的相对峰强度高于1061 cm-1处的吸收峰,而盐地碱蓬正好相反;二阶导数谱图在1500 cm-11300 cm-1、1110 cm-11300 cm-1、1110 cm-1700 cm-1区间内部分峰形、峰强和二维相关谱中自动峰的峰数均有明显区别。结论:红外光谱三级鉴定法可以快速、准确地鉴别碱蓬和盐地碱蓬。  相似文献   

对中药碱蓬进行了古今药物文献考证,结合植物形态进行了综合分析,认为中药碱蓬的原植物应包含盐地碱蓬Suaeda salsa(L.)Pall.和碱蓬Suaeda glauce(Bge.)Bge.两个种,而不仅为植物碱蓬.同时对两种原植物的化学成分、药理活性研究等方面进行了综述,提出了需要深入研究的建议.  相似文献   

目的 :了解贯叶连翘提取物和盐酸赖氨酸复方 (2∶1,赖金丝 )的抗炎作用。方法 :采用小鼠耳壳二甲苯性炎症法、小鼠滤纸片诱发肉芽肿法和醋酸致小鼠腹腔毛细曲管通透性增高法。结果 :赖金丝能显著抑制小鼠耳肿胀 ,抑制肉芽组织增生 ,降低腹腔毛细血管通透性。结论 :赖金丝可以抑制急性炎症 ,其作用机制可能与抑制毛细血管通透性有关 ;可以抑制肉芽肿组织增生。  相似文献   

Zhang CP  He P  Du DD  Wei PX  Yu ZL  Xie YZ  Liu HY 《中药材》2011,34(5):665-669
目的:通过对紫苏种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的研究,寻找提高紫苏种子及幼苗在盐胁迫条件下抗盐能力的途径。方法:测定了不同浓度硝普钠(SNP)处理后的NaCl胁迫下紫苏种子的发芽势、发芽率、发芽指数和活力指数,并对紫苏幼苗叶片的丙二醛(MDA)含量、硝酸还原酶(NR)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性进行了测定。结果:结果显示在100 mmol/L的NaCl胁迫下的紫苏种子萌发受到显著抑制,但是经过不同浓度的SNP处理后,萌发指标均有升高,其中经过0.1 mmol/L的SNP处理后,各项指标均达到最大值,发芽势为60.4%,发芽率为78.3%,发芽指数为13.7,活力指数为为0.1093。SNP处理降低了叶片MDA的含量,并且提高了NR、SOD、POD和CAT四种酶的活性,且均为当SNP浓度为0.1 mmol/L时达到最大值,分别为:1.52μg/g.h、0.32 U/mg、5.9 U/mg和4.8 U/mg。结论:0.1 mmol/L的SNP能够有效的减缓NaCl胁迫对紫苏种子及幼苗产生的伤害,提高了种子及幼苗的抗盐能力。  相似文献   

目的:通过对紫苏种子萌发及幼苗生理特性的研究,寻找提高紫苏种子及幼苗在盐胁迫条件下抗性能力的途径。方法:测定在外源Ca2+及NO供体硝普钠(SNP)处理后,NaCl胁迫下紫苏种子的发芽势(Gv)、发芽率(Gr)、发芽指数(Gi)和活力指数(Vi),并对紫苏幼苗总生物量以及叶片的丙二醛(MDA)含量、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性进行测定。结果:100 mmol.L-1的NaCl胁迫下的紫苏种子萌发受到显著抑制,但是经过Ca2+和SNP处理后,萌发指标均有升高。外施10 mmol.L-1的Ca2+或0.1 mmol.L-1的SNP都能够有效的缓解NaCl对紫苏种子及幼苗造成的胁迫伤害,经过SNP,Ca2+的复合处理后,效果最为显著,各项指标均达到最大值,发芽势为65.1%,发芽率为89.3%,发芽指数为13.9,活力指数为为0.110 9。复合处理提高了幼苗的总生物量,降低了叶片的MDA含量,显著的提高了SOD,POD,CAT的活性,其结果分别达到0.84,5.71,4.92 U.mg-1,但是乙二醇双(2-氨基乙醚)四乙酸(EGTA)却显著的抑制了SNP对盐害的缓解作用。结论:10 mmol.L-1的Ca2+和0.1 mmol.L-1的SNP的复合处理能够有效的减缓NaCl胁迫对紫苏种子及幼苗产生的伤害,提高了种子及幼苗的抗盐能力。NO可能通过激活紫苏细胞质膜Ca2+通道促进Ca2+的吸收,改变胞内Ca2+浓度来发挥其对NaCl胁迫伤害的缓解作用。  相似文献   

目的:对黄瓜子的脂肪油进行化学成分的研究。方法:石油醚加热回流提取脂肪油。氢氧化钾-甲醇溶液进行皂化反应,乙酸乙酯萃取得到不皂化物质,采用多种色谱法进行分离,根据理化性质和波谱数据的解析进行结构鉴定。皂化获得的脂肪酸部分进行甲酯化后,采用气相色谱法分析,以峰面积归一化法测定脂肪酸的组成及其相对含量。结果:从不皂化部分分离得到6个化合物:24-乙基胆甾-7,22,25-三烯醇(1),24-乙基胆甾-7,25-二烯醇(2),燕麦甾醇(3),菠菜甾醇(4),栝楼仁二醇(5),异栝楼仁二醇(6);脂肪油中鉴定了9种脂肪酸:肉豆蔻酸(7,0.12%),棕榈酸(8,12.04%),棕榈油酸(9,0.09%),十七碳酸(10,0.06%),硬脂酸(11,5.64%),油酸(12,6.95%),亚油酸(13,74.40%),花生酸(14,0.19%),α-亚麻酸(15,0.51%)。结论:化合物5,6,9,10,14,15系黄瓜中首次报道。  相似文献   

The antibacterial and antifungal activities, along with a phytotoxicity test of the newly isolated diterpene bondenolide (1), of a methanol extract, ethylacetate fraction and water soluble part of the methanol extract of Caesalpinia bonduc (L.) Roxb. were assayed.  相似文献   

豚草化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从豚草地上部分分得3个倍半萜内酯,鉴定为psilostachyin,psilostachyin B和psilostachyin C。药理实验表明3个化合物皆有一定的杀螺活性。  相似文献   

多裂叶荆芥穗化学成分的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从多裂叶荆芥穗中分离出四个化合物,经测定理化常数和光谱分析鉴定为二十二烷酸,二十四烷酸、琥珀酸和去氧齐墩果酸,均首次从裂叶荆芥属植物中得到。  相似文献   

轮叶婆婆纳化学成分的研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
从轮叶婆婆纳中分得并鉴定了6个化合物的结构,分别为异阿魏酸、3,4-二甲基桂皮酸、3-O-乙酰齐墩果酸、甘露醇、胡萝卜甙及β-谷甾醇。其中3,4-二甲基桂皮酸及胡萝卜甙为本属植物中首次报道。  相似文献   

目的 研究腊梅花的挥发油成分及其抗氧化、抑菌活性.方法 用气相色谱-质谱联用技术(GC-MS)结合Kovats保留指数(KI)对比的方法分离和鉴定腊梅花挥发油的组成和含量,通过β-胡萝卜素/亚油酸漂白体系和DPPH自由基清除体系评价其抗氧化活性,滤纸片法检测其对常见细菌的抑制活性.结果 共鉴定出31种成分,主要为β-石竹烯(16.06%),Elixene(14.65%),β-榄香烯(9.26%)和β-荜澄茄油烯(6.42%);腊梅花挥发油具有较强的抗脂质过氧化物的能力(反应180 min后对亚油酸氧化的抑制率仍为52.08%),但是对DPPH自由基的清除能力一般(反应18 h后清除率仅为16.38%);抑菌实验显示其对常见的6种革兰氏阳性细菌和3种革兰氏阴性细菌均有抑制作用.结论 腊梅花挥发油含有大量的活性成分,具有较强的生物学活性.  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological significance

Although no known medicinal use for Pittosporum undulatum Vent. (Pittosporaceae) has been recorded, anecdotal evidence suggests that Australian Aboriginal people used Pittosporum angustifolium Lodd., G. Lodd. & W. Lodd. topically for eczema, pruritis or to induce lactation in mothers following child-birth and internally for coughs, colds or cramps.

Aims of the study

Essential oil composition and bioactivity as well as differential solvent extract antimicrobial activity from Pittosporum angustifolium are investigated here first, to partially describe the composition of volatiles released in traditional applications of Pittosporum angustifolium for colds or as a lactagogue, and second to investigate antibacterial activity related to topical applications. Essential oils were also investigated from Pittosporum undulatum Vent., first to enhance essential oil data produced in previous studies, and second as a comparison to Pittosporum angustifolium.

Materials and methods

Essential oils were hydrodistilled from fruit and leaves of both species using a modified approach to lessen the negative (frothing) effect of saponins. This was achieved by floating pumice or pearlite obsidian over the mixture to crush the suds formed while boiling. Essential oil extracts were analysed using GC–MS, quantified using GC-FID then screened for antimicrobial activity using a micro-titre plate broth dilution assay (MIC). Using dichloromethane, methanol, hexane and H2O as solvents, extracts were produced from leaves and fruit of Pittosporum angustifolium and screened for antimicrobial activity and qualitative phytochemical character.


Although the essential oil from leaves and fruit of Pittosporum undulatum demonstrated some component variation, the essential oil from fruits of Pittosporum angustifolium had major constituents that strongly varied according to the geographical location of collection, suggesting the existence of at least two chemotypes; one with high abundance of acetic acid decyl ester. This chemotype had high antimicrobial activity whilst the other chemotype had only moderate antimicrobial activity against the three microbial species investigated here. This result may support the occurrence of geographical specificity with regard to ethnopharmacological use. Antimicrobial activity screening of the solvent extracts from Pittosporum angustifolium revealed the leaves to be superior to fruit, with water being the most suitable extraction solvent.


To the best of our knowledge, this study constitutes the first time essential oils, and solvent extracts from the fruits of Pittosporum angustifolium, have been examined employing comprehensive chemical and biological analysis. The essential oil composition presented in this paper, includes components with structural similarity as chemosemiotic compounds involved in mother–infant identification, which may have significance with regard to traditional applications as a lactagogue.  相似文献   

黄毛耳草化学成分的分离与鉴定   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
从黄毛耳草中分离到七个化合物,经理化和光谱分析鉴定为车叶草甙,熊果酸,白桦脂酸,齐墩果酸,β-谷甾醇,棕榈酸十六醇酯,三十二羧酸。  相似文献   


Ethnopharmacological relevance

The seeds of Brucea javanica (L.) Merr (Simaroubaceae) are recommended by traditional practitioners for the treatment of diabetes mellitus.

Aim of the study

To identify the compounds responsible for blood glucose lowering effect and evaluate the acute toxicity of the compounds.

Materials and methods

Extracts, fractions and subfractions were administered to normoglycemic mice and the blood glucose concentration was monitored for 8 h. Bioactive compounds isolated through column chromatography were administered to normoglycemic mice and streptozotocin (STZ) rats with monitoring of blood glucose concentration at 0–8 h. The acute toxicity was evaluated in mice.


Bioactivity-guided fractionation led to the isolation of bruceines E (1) and D (2). Normoglycemic mice administered with 1 mg/kg of 1 and 2 exhibited significant blood glucose concentration reduction of 40.07 ± 11.45% and 48.82 ± 13.34%, respectively. STZ induced diabetic rats administered with 1 and 2 exhibited significant blood glucose concentration reduction of 73.57 ± 13.64% and 87.99 ± 2.91%, respectively.


The reduction of blood glucose concentration by both bruceines was comparable to glibenclamide and they might act as an insulin secretagogue. The presence of a hydroxyl moiety at C2 in 1 reduced the toxic effect by 9-fold compared to 2.  相似文献   

目的 研究东京银背藤Argyreia pierreana的化学成分及其抗炎活性。方法 运用硅胶、SephadexLH-20、C18等柱色谱和半制备高效液相色谱对其化学成分进行分离纯化,根据MS、1D/2D NMR等波谱技术确定化合物结构。采用Griess试剂法测试化合物抗炎活性。结果 从东京银背藤中分离得到13个化合物,分别鉴定为8-羟基-1,9-二甲氧基-[2′,2′-二甲基吡喃(5′,6′:2,3)]香豆酮并色酮(1)、derrusin(2)、东莨菪内酯(3)、caesalpiniaphenol D(4)、(−)-gynuraone(5)、咖啡酸甲酯(6)、咖啡酸乙酯(7)、阿魏酸乙酯(8)、反式对羟基肉桂酸乙酯(9)、对羟基苯甲酸(10)、香草酸(11)、咖啡酸(12)、阿魏酸(13)。结论 化合物1为新的苯并呋喃[3,2-c]香豆素类化合物,命名为银背藤内酯(argypierstan),化合物246813为首次从东京银背藤分离得到。化合物4689具有较好的抗炎活性,半数抑制浓度(half maximal inhibitory concentration,IC50)分别为(43.38±0.44)、(4.95±0.10)、(35.96±0.31)、(42.77±1.80)μmol/L。  相似文献   

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