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Aim. – Verify the sensibility of a standardised overtraining questionnaire during a weekly observation in a sport population.Methods and results. – The experiment was carried out in 12 athletes, 20–23 years old, students at the University in Licence STAPS, with a standardised overtraining questionnaire given every week during 8 weeks. Results were analysed individually and for the total population. Those showed that overtraining questionnaire could allow individualised training programs, and could provide some pertinent information on sleep quality and physical condition for each athlete. For the coach, the overtraining questionnaire permits to identify some fatigue state, consecutively to training variations. On the total population, the analysis of overtraining questionnaire showed some items more reliable than other.Conclusion. – This questionnaire was very interesting for coaches, allowing a good individualisation of the training program. Nevertheless, this questionnaire presents intricate statistical analysis when given at high frequency.  相似文献   

Purpose. – Doping with EPO increases both hematocrit and performance. On the opposite, training reduces hematocrit due to plasma volume extension and overtraining both increases hematocrit and decreases performance. This apparent paradox seems to be explained by a new concept proposed interpreting the interactions between viscosity factors and blood flow.Facts. – Viscosity factors exert a non linear “all or none” effect that can be described according to the “ percolation theory”. Blood viscosity has no hemodynamic relevance by its own, but viscosity factors (hematocrit, red cell deformability and aggregability, plasma viscosity) can result according to flow conditions in self-potentiating phenomena of quick transition between a state of high fluidity and a state of red cell aggregate clumping. In muscle, this model predicts that: (a) during exercise the only viscosity factor that could influence flow is plasma viscosity; (b) at rest all viscosity factors (including high hematocrit) may induce a self-potentiating “viscidation” process.Conclusion. – According to these concepts, supraphysiologic hematocrit values are probably unable to disturb muscular perfusion at exercise, but are likely to promote self-potentiated stasis at rest and thus to increase the risk of thrombosis.  相似文献   

Purpose. – To assess the short-term stability, over time, of a slightly modified version of the overtraining questionnaire proposed by the SFMS.Methods. – Three or 7-day test–retest of the questionnaire was completed in 30 high level athletes. In a first stage analysis, the score obtained during the first test was compared to and correlated with that obtained during the second one. Then, in a second stage analysis, the individual reproducibility of each item was assessed using a similitude index: a value of 100% meant that all the athletes gave an identical response for the two trials.Results. – Scores were not different between the two tests and intra-class correlation coefficients were r = 0.82. Overall reproducibility of the similitude index was quite good even if six items of 52 displayed a lower similitude index (around 80%).Conclusion. – The short-term reproducibility of the overtraining questionnaire is quite good. This result reinforces its reliability and warrants its use in a longitudinal follow-up framework aimed to detect precociously an overtraining syndrome.  相似文献   

Objectifs. – Évaluer la fréquence d’apparition de l’hypoxémie induite par l’exercice (HIE) chez un groupe de rameurs de haut-niveau.Méthodes. – Sept rameurs de haut-niveau ont participé à l’étude (19,14 ± 1,3 ans). Les sujets ont effectué une épreuve d’effort à charge croissante sur un rameur ergométrique lors de laquelle les échanges gazeux et la saturation de l’hémoglobine en oxygène (SpO2) ont été mesurés.Résultats. – Les sujets avaient une VO2max de 61,68 ± 1,65 ml/min par kilogramme. Tous ont présenté une HIE avec des chutes de SpO2 comprises entre 5 et 11 %. Cette chute était significative dès 70 % VO2max. Le volume d’entraînement réduit des athlètes testés par rapport aux autres athlètes endurants semble indiquer que le phénomène est indépendant du volume d’entraînement.Conclusion. – Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence que 100 % des rameurs de haut-niveau présentaient une HIE. La limitation ventilatoire et l’importante masse musculaire mise en jeu spécifiques à l’aviron seraient les hypothèses explicatives.Aim. – To access the frequency of exercise-induced hypoxemia (EIH) in elite oarsmen.Method. – Seven elite oarsmen participated (19.14 ± 1.3 year) in this study. Subjects performed an incremental exercise testing on a rowing ergometer. Gas exchanges and pulse oxymetric saturation in oxygen (SpO2) were measured during exercise.Results. – Subjects exhibited a mean of VO2max of 61.68 ± 1.65 ml min–1 kg–1. All rowers showed an EIH with a SpO2 ranging between 5% and 11%. This SpO2 fall was significant from 70% VO2max. The reduced training volume of our athletes compared with others endurance trained athletes seems indicate that phenomenon is not dependent of training volume.Conclusion. – This study showed that 100% of elite oarsmen exhibit EIH. Mechanical limitation in ventilation and great muscle mass involved in rowing could be the explicative hypothesis.  相似文献   

Objective. – To confirm the assumption whereby overtraining would have opposite effects on the utilisation of the substrates and the somatotropic function.Exposed facts. – The drive has different effects according to its characteristics and its level. It seems y to have two types of drive: that which amplify the aptitude to oxidize lipids (low powers) and that which accroit the aptitude to oxidize glucides (high powers and/or intermittent exercise). Overtraining reverses these two effects. The somatotropic axis has an evolution parallel with these processes and seems implied in those.Conclusion. – This diagram deserves to be confirmed by additional studies.  相似文献   

Aim – Study was then to investigate hydration influence on exercise-induced GHh secretion.Methods and results – Seven healthy men underwent a submaximal rectangular cycling exercise for 30 minutes to 150 watts during two sessions. A first one without any water intake and a second one with ingestion of spring water corresponding to the volume of water lost during the first session. Plasma volume decrease was significantly higher during the first session (p < 0.05). Total GH secretion was significantly lower during this session (p < 0.05).Conclusion – A moderate dehydration decreases exercise-induced GH response. Thus, hypovolemia may exert a negative feed back on GH secretion, during exercise.  相似文献   

Aims – Investigate the influence of exercise training on the aerobic and anaerobic capacities of young swimmers.Methods – Ten male swimmers aged 15.2 ± 3.8 years participated: five sprint specialists and five middle-distance specialists. Each subject performed, an arm ergocycle, two laboratory tests, a maximal incremental exercise test and a force–velocity test, once in February (T1) and then again in June (T2).Results – For all subjects combined (n=10), the results showed a significant increase in maximal anaerobic power (p < 0.01) between T1 and T2. Aerobic capacity did not change significantly between the two tests in either group.Conclusion – This study demonstrates the interest of evaluating aerobic and anaerobic capacity in young swimmers during arm exercise. The change in results over the 5-month period between the two tests indicates the importance of scheduling exercise tests during the course of athletic training programs.  相似文献   

Aim – Heart rate comparative study by spectral analysis between a 6 minutes judo randori et a 4 minutes ergocycle exercise at .Materials and methods – By ten male judokas, both time series were analyzed by short term Fourier transform (time/frequency analysis). Each 512 RR time series drawn from ECG was subdivided by Hanning windowing in 13 samples of 128 values (32 RR periods step). For each sample, both exercise types, means of the ten spectrograms have been computed, yielding two mean spectrograms for each sample.Results – 1) Despite a near maximal heart rate (HR) level between the two exercise types, the spectral energy computed from judo randori was significantly more important than ergocycle spectral energy. This phenomenon yields a qualitative effect of the exercise type (judo or ergocycle) on HRV. 2) the normalized spectral powers of low frequency and high frequency bands respectively, were not significantly different between both exercise types.Conclusion – The autonomie nervous control on HR would depend rather on exercise load than on exercise type.  相似文献   

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