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目的:了解新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间医务人员心理健康状况,为提高医务人员心理健康水平提供参考依据.方法:采用基本情况问卷和症状自评量表(Symptom Checklist 90,SCL-90)对217名医疗机构的医务人员进行线上问卷调查.结果:新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间,不同文化程度医务人员在人际关系敏感、抑郁、敌对(F=3.095,5.346,3.320;P<0.05)3个因子间存在显著差异.前3位因子顺位为强迫症状(20.27%)、人际关系敏感(14.29%)和抑郁(12.90%).医务人员SCL-90筛查阳性率为28.57%,多因素logistic 回归分析显示,未婚(OR=2.219)是医务人员SCL-90筛查阳性的主要影响因素.结论:新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期间,医务人员总体心理健康状况有待提高,应关注未婚、文化程度为硕士及以上人群.  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)引发的全球疫情以及对正常生活秩序的改变影响了人们的心理健康,产生了包括压力、焦虑、抑郁等不良情绪甚至精神疾病。对于疫情引发的大众心理健康问题和特定人群心理健康问题的研究随之展开。本文对相关研究进行综述,介绍研究使用的评估工具、疫情影响的大众心理健康问题、特定人群的心理健康问题、对于心理健康问题的干预措施等,并对今后研究的开展提出建议。  相似文献   

SARS患者与抗SARS医务人员心理健康对比分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的 :了解“非典”患者与抗非典医务人员的心理健康水平。方法 :抽取“非典”患者和抗“非典”医务人员各 40名进行SDS、SAS、SCL -90量表检测 ,并进行比较。结果 :SARS患者及抗SARS医务人员的SDS评分均在≥ 5 0以上 ,两者差异无显著性 ,而患者SAS均值明显高于医务人员的分值 (t =4 69,P<0 0 1)。SCL -90评分 ,患者的躯体化 (t=2 79)、人际关系 (t =8 83 )、抑郁 (t =4 42 )、焦虑 (t =8 0 3 )、敌对 (t=10 2 5 )、恐怖 (t=1 69) (P <0 0 5~ 0 0 1)的因子分明显高于医务人员得分。而在人际关系 (t =8 83 )、敌对 (t =10 2 5 )、偏执 (t=1 5 1)分值上医务人员显著低于常模 (P <0 0 5~ 0 0 1)。  相似文献   

<正>在抗击疫情的第一线,有人负重前行,有人整装待发,有人添砖加瓦。在这场没有硝烟的战争中,奋战在一线的医务人员,是坚强的卫士,也是有血有肉的普通人。保护他们过度消耗的能量,助力他们唤醒内在的力量,是我们每一位心理卫生工作者的力所能及和心之所向。北京大学第六医院心理应急救援队,希望通过传递给一线人员相关的心理学知识和简单易行的稳定情绪、放松身心、隔离创伤、建立安全感的方法和技术,助力他们抗击疫情,虽然负重,但仍可以有力量地前行。1 心理学  相似文献   

目的:了解新型冠状病毒肺炎流行期雅安普通民众居家隔离期间的心理健康状况。方法:采用在线问卷调查,选取雅安市年龄≥15岁的居民537例,于2020年2月10-15日,采用12条目一般健康问卷(≥3分为心理健康状况不良)、自评焦虑量表(≥50分有焦虑症状)、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(≥8分有睡眠障碍)评估。结果:537例居民中心理健康状况不良者79例(14.7%),有焦虑症状者50例(9.3%),有睡眠障碍者69例(12.8%)。Logistics回归分析显示,年龄≥65岁组更易出现心理健康状况不良、焦虑症状(OR=4.21、9.87,P<0.05),知道新冠肺炎疫情爆发后不太担心组更不易出现心理健康状况不良、焦虑症状、睡眠障碍(OR=0.08、0.06、0.24,P<0.05),居住地为乡村、对新冠肺炎传染性知道一点或不清楚组更易出现睡眠障碍(OR=2.99、2.97,P<0.05)。结论:新冠肺炎疫情下老年可能是雅安普通民众心理健康状况不良、焦虑症状的危险因素,居住地为乡村、对新冠肺炎传染性缺乏了解是睡眠障碍的危险因素。  相似文献   

袁野  钟雨柯 《校园心理》2021,(3):209-212
调查新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间,社交网络对大学生心理健康(包含抑郁、焦虑、幸福感)的影响程度,并分析其二者的相关性,帮助高校及时掌握大学生心理动态及变化情况,为其采取相应预防与干预措施提供依据.使用自编的大学生社交网络的使用与心理健康的调查分析量表、总体幸福感量表、抑郁自评量表、焦虑自评量表,对1158名温州大学城区域3...  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎成为全球突发公共卫生事件,随后演变为大流行.通过科学精准防控,我国境内疫情基本得到控制.但是,新冠病毒的变异以及境外输入病例给疫情防控增加了不少压力.本文回顾了国内抗疫的经验与启示,期望全球合作早日获得抗疫的最终胜利.  相似文献   

目的:考察新冠疫情期间,人际信任对心理健康的影响和作用机制,以期为新冠疫情期间民众的心理建设提供一定参考.方法:采用人际信任量表、社会支持量表、简易应对方式问卷及SCL-90量表对710名民众进行调查.结果:控制无关变量后,中介效应检验表明,人际信任显著负向预测心理健康(β=0.18,P<0.001);社会支持和积极应对方式在人际信任与心理健康之间起链式中介作用(BootSE=-0.01,BootCI=-0.02,-0.01).结论:人际信任不仅直接影响个体的心理健康,还通过社会支持,影响个体对积极应对方式的采用,进而影响个体的心理健康.  相似文献   

目的 调查新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情期间援鄂医务人员不适现状并分析其影响因素.方法 采用便利抽样法选取2020年2月至4月在湖北省某3家新型冠状病毒肺炎定点收治医院工作的医务人员为研究对象.由研究者自行设计人口学特征问卷及援鄂医务人员不适症状问卷,其中人口学特征问卷包括性别、年龄、原单位级别、职业、工作年限等因素;援鄂医务人...  相似文献   

2012年9月,沙特阿拉伯和英国相继发现了一种新型冠状病毒感染病例,之后该病毒感染病例陆续增加,特别是2013年5月以来,全球报告新型冠状病毒感染病例数明显增多,涉及国家也相应增加,从而引起了广泛关注.为统一新型冠状病毒名称,促进新型冠状病毒感染病例的通报,国际病毒分类委员会冠状病毒研究小组决定将此次新型冠状病毒命名为中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒(middle east respiratory syndrome coronavirus,MERS-CoV),并于2013年5月15日在《病毒学杂志》上发布了公告[1-2].2013年5月23日,WHO在通报疫情时,正式使用中东呼吸综合征冠状病毒替代新型冠状病毒[3].  相似文献   

An outbreak of a novel coronavirus (COVID-19 or 2019-CoV) infection has posed significant threats to international health and the economy. In the absence of treatment for this virus, there is an urgent need to find alternative methods to control the spread of disease. Here, we have conducted an online search for all treatment options related to coronavirus infections as well as some RNA-virus infection and we have found that general treatments, coronavirus-specific treatments, and antiviral treatments should be useful in fighting COVID-19. We suggest that the nutritional status of each infected patient should be evaluated before the administration of general treatments and the current children's RNA-virus vaccines including influenza vaccine should be immunized for uninfected people and health care workers. In addition, convalescent plasma should be given to COVID-19 patients if it is available. In conclusion, we suggest that all the potential interventions be implemented to control the emerging COVID-19 if the infection is uncontrollable.  相似文献   

An outbreak of a novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection has recently emerged and rapidly spreading in humans causing a significant threat to international health and the economy. Rapid assessment and warning are crucial for an outbreak analysis in response to serious public health. SARS-CoV-2 shares highly homological sequences with SARS-CoVs causing highly lethal pneumonia with respiratory distress and clinical symptoms similar to those reported for SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV infections. Notably, some COVID-19 patients also expressed neurologic signs like nausea, headache, and vomiting. Several studies have reported that coronaviruses are not only causing respiratory illness but also invade the central nervous system through a synapse-connected route. SARS-CoV infections are reported in both patients and experimental animals' brains. Interestingly, some COVID-19 patients have shown the presence of SARS-CoV-2 virus in their cerebrospinal fluid. Considering the similarities between SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 in various aspects, it remains to clarify whether the potent invasion of SARS-CoV-2 may affect in COVID-19 patients. All these indicate that more detailed criteria are needed for the treatment and the prevention of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients. In the absence of potential interventions for COVID-19, there is an urgent need for an alternative strategy to control the spread of this disease.  相似文献   

Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a novel type of highly contagious pneumonia caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Despite the strong efforts taken to control the epidemic, hundreds of thousands of people were infected worldwide by 11 March, and the situation was characterized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization. Pregnant women are more susceptible to viral infection due to immune and anatomic alteration, though hospital visits may increase the chance of infection, the lack of medical care during pregnancy may do more harm. Hence, a well-managed system that allows pregnant women to access maternal health care with minimum exposure risk is desired during the outbreak. Here, we present the managing processes of three pregnant women who had fever during hospitalization in the gynecology or obstetrics department, and then, we further summarize and demonstrate our maternal health care management strategies including antenatal care planning, patient triage based on the risk level, admission control, and measures counteracting emergencies and newly discovered high-risk cases at in-patient department. In the meantime, we will explain the alterations we have done throughout different stages of the epidemic and also review relative articles in both Chinese and English to compare our strategies with those of other areas. Although tens of COVID-19 cases were confirmed in our hospital, no nosocomial infection has occurred and none of the pregnant women registered in our hospital was reported to be infected.  相似文献   

The coronavirus pandemic increased anxiety and stress and prevented access to health care worldwide; it is unclear how COVID-19 affected adults with a multisystem genetic disorder such as neurofibromatosis (NF). An anonymous online survey was distributed through an international registry and foundations to adults with NF (June–August 2020) to assess the impact of the pandemic on mental health and NF health care. Six hundred and thirteen adults (18–81 years; M = 45.7) with NF1 (77.8%), NF2 (14.2%), and schwannomatosis (7.8%) provided complete responses. Respondents rated moderate-to-high amounts of worry about the impact of COVID-19 on their emotional (46.3%) and physical health (46.7%), and 54.8% endorsed moderate-to-high pandemic-related stress. Adults with diagnosed/suspected mental health disorders or moderate-to-severe NF symptom impact as well as females endorsed higher COVID-19 stress (ps < 0.01). Less than half who missed a doctor's appointment for their NF care (43.4%) used telehealth. Of these, 33.3% and 46.2% reported that telehealth met their needs to a moderate or high degree, respectively. Results indicated that subgroups of adults with NF experience higher COVID-19-related worries and stress and may need additional support. Furthermore, telehealth is under-utilized and could help NF providers connect with patients, although improved delivery and patient training may facilitate expanded use of these services.  相似文献   

PurposeHealth care workers [HCW] are at a higher risk of infection SARS CoV2 infection due to frequent and close contact to patients with COVID-19.MethodsSerum samples from 500 HCW's were tested for SARS CoV2 IgG antibodies in October 2020. A questionnaire was used to collect demographic and clinical data. All these HCWs were tested for COVID-19, in 2nd week of September 2020, as a hospital policy.ResultsAnti SARS CoV2 antibodies were detected in 128/ 500 [25.6%] HCWs. A total of 195/ 500 [39%] enrolled cases had already tested positive for Covid-19 at least once in last six months by RT-PCR. Sixty eight percent of HCWs with previous COVID-19 positivity by RT- PCR tested positive for Anti SARS CoV2 antibodies, whereas only 2.76% of asymptomatic HCWs tested positive. Of 121 anti SARS-CoV-2 IgG positive persons, 70 [57.85%] had CT value ?< ?25. Low CT value and asymptomatic cases had a strong reverse statistically significant association with SARS CoV2 IgG antibody positivity.ConclusionsWe report that sero-conversion rate in HCWs is similar to that in general population suggesting that preventive practices used in hospitals are satisfactory. Cases with low viral counts in respiratory sample and asymptomatic cases have lower rate of seroconversion.  相似文献   

INDIA- As for reported in 360 COVID-19 cases (till March 22, 2020), seven people were died, and 23 people were treated successfully.1 This virus can easily affect who having respiratory problem and especially who all have been aged older than sixty. Most of the affected peoples had reached India from different part of the world, as like of carrier. Owing to this, India made several precautionary measures to mitigate/neglect the disease in beginning stage, however, the denser population of country will not be simple to control the same for long time (community spread), if government will not incorporate the visionary strategies. Since attacked several nations have been worried mostly for their people life (health), despite that developing country like India with huge population should consider about the livelihood (for Below Poverty Line (BPL) people), equally with the life. This article will give insights to make effective strategy to culminate the world threat COVID-19 in India.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe current outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in Wuhan, Hubei, China, spreads across national and international borders.MethodsWe prospectively collected medical records of 14 health care workers (HCWs) who were infected with SARS-CoV-2, in neurosurgery department of Wuhan Union Hospital, China.ResultsAmong the 14 HCWs, 12 were conformed cases, the other 2 were suspected cases. Most of them were either exposed to the two index patients or infected coworkers, without knowing they were COVID-19 patients. There were 4 male and 10 female infected HCWs in this cohort, whose mean age was 36 years (SD, 6 years). The main symptoms included myalgia or fatigue (100%), fever (86%) and dry cough (71%). On admission, 79% of infected HCWs showed leucopenia and 43% lymphopenia. Reduced complement C3 could be seen in 57% of the infected HCWs and IL-6 was significantly elevated in 86% of them. The proportion of lymphocytes subsets, concentrations of immunoglobulins, complement C4, IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, TNF-α and IFN-γ were within normal range in these 14 infected HCWs. The most frequent findings on pulmonary computed tomographic images were bilateral multifocal ground-glass opacifications (86%).ConclusionsHuman-to-human transmission of COVID-19 pneumonia has occurred among HCWs, and most of these infected HCWs with confirmed COVID-19 are mild cases. Our data suggest that in the epidemic area of COVID-19, stringent and urgent surveillance and infection-control measures should be implemented to protect doctors and nurses from COVID-19 infection.  相似文献   

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