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Characterization of a toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive strain of Clostridium difficile responsible for a nosocomial outbreak of Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea 下载免费PDF全文
Alfa MJ Kabani A Lyerly D Moncrief S Neville LM Al-Barrak A Harding GK Dyck B Olekson K Embil JM 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2000,38(7):2706-2714
Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea (CAD) is a very common nosocomial infection that contributes significantly to patient morbidity and mortality as well as to the cost of hospitalization. Previously, strains of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive C. difficile were not thought to be associated with clinically significant disease. This study reports the characterization of a toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive strain of C. difficile that was responsible for a recently described nosocomial outbreak of CAD. Analysis of the seven patient isolates from the outbreak by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis indicated that this outbreak was due to transmission of a single strain of C. difficile. Our characterization of this strain (HSC98) has demonstrated that the toxin A gene lacks 1.8 kb from the carboxy repetitive oligopeptide (CROP) region but apparently has no other major deletions from other regions of the toxin A or toxin B gene. The remaining 1.3-kb fragment of the toxin A CROP region from strain HSC98 showed 98% sequence homology with strain 1470, previously reported by M. Weidmann in 1997 (GenBank accession number Y12616), suggesting that HSC98 is toxinotype VIII. The HSC98 strain infecting patients involved in this outbreak produced the full spectrum of clinical illness usually associated with C. difficile-associated disease. This pathogenic spectrum was manifest despite the inability of this strain to alter tight junctions as determined by using in vitro tissue culture testing, which suggested that no functional toxin A was produced by this strain. 相似文献
Molecular, immunological, and biological characterization of a toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive strain of Clostridium difficile. 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4 下载免费PDF全文
S P Borriello B W Wren S Hyde S V Seddon P Sibbons M M Krishna S Tabaqchali S Manek A B Price 《Infection and immunity》1992,60(10):4192-4199
A cytotoxigenic Clostridium difficile strain that fails to produce toxin A but causes hemorrhage and bloody fluid accumulation in ligated ileal loops of rabbits and hemorrhage and diarrhea in hamsters is described. The lack of reaction of DNA from this strain in hybridization studies with a toxin A gene-specific 4.5-kb probe and polymerase chain reaction studies with six toxin A-specific primers indicate the absence of the toxin A gene. The cytotoxin produced by this strain was not responsible for the enterotoxic or hemorrhagic activity and shared characteristics with toxin B, i.e., its cytotoxicity was neutralized by antibodies to toxigenic strains of C. difficile and Clostridium sordellii. Polymerase chain reaction studies with toxin B-specific primers showed that the DNA from this strain produced a 690-bp product in addition to the expected 591-bp product. 相似文献
Johnson S Sambol SP Brazier JS Delmée M Avesani V Merrigan MM Gerding DN 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2003,41(4):1543-1547
Clinically important strains of Clostridium difficile that do not produce toxin A but produce toxin B and are cytotoxic (A(-)/B(+)) have been reported from multiple countries. In order to compare the relatedness of these strains, we typed 23 A(-)/B(+) C. difficile isolates from the United Kingdom (6 isolates), Belgium (11 isolates), and the United States (6 isolates) by three well-described typing methods. Restriction endonuclease analysis (REA), PCR ribotyping, and serogrouping differentiated 11, 4, and 3 different strain types, respectively. Twenty-one of the 23 A(-)/B(+) variants had a 1.8-kb truncation of the toxin A gene characteristic of toxinotype VIII strains; 20 of the 21 toxinotype VIII-like strains were PCR type 17. PCR type 17 isolates could be differentiated into two separate strain groups by serogrouping and by REA. REA further discriminated these isolates into eight subgroups (REA types). PCR type 17-serogroup F-REA group CF isolates were recovered from all three countries, and one specific REA type, CF4, was recovered from patients with C. difficile disease in the United Kingdom and the United States. C. difficile A(-)/B(+) variants of apparent clonal origin are widely distributed in Europe and North America. 相似文献
Genetic characterization of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive Clostridium difficile isolates by PCR 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4 下载免费PDF全文
Toxin-specific enzyme immunoassays, cytotoxicity assays, and PCR were used to analyze 48 toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive Clostridium difficile isolates from various geographical sites around the world. All the isolates were negative by the TOX-A TEST and positive by the TOX A/B TEST. A deletion of approximately 1.7 kb was found at the 3' end of the toxA gene for all the isolates, similar to the deletion in toxinotype VIII strains (e.g., C. difficile serotype F 1470). Additional PCR analysis indicated that the toxin B encoded by these isolates contains sequence variations downstream of the active site compared to the sequence of reference strain VPI 10463. This variation may extend the glucosylation spectrum to Ras proteins, as observed previously for closely related lethal toxin from Clostridium sordellii and toxin B from toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive strain F 1470. Toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive isolates have recently been associated with disease in humans, and they may be more common than was previously supposed. 相似文献
D. Drudy N. Harnedy S. Fanning R. O''Mahony L. Kyne 《Clinical microbiology and infection》2007,13(3):298-304
Clostridium difficile is a major cause of infectious diarrhoea in hospitalised patients. Most pathogenic C. difficile strains produce two toxins, A and B; however, clinically relevant toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive (A- B+) strains of C. difficile that cause diarrhoea and colitis in humans have been isolated worldwide. The aims of this study were to isolate and characterise A- B+ strains from two university hospitals in Dublin, Ireland. Samples positive for C. difficile were identified daily by review of ELISA results and were cultured on selective media. Following culture, toxin-specific immunoassays, IMR-90 cytotoxicity assays and PCR were used to analyse consecutive C. difficile isolates from 93 patients. Using a toxin A-specific ELISA, 52 samples produced detectable toxin. All isolates were positive using a toxin A/B ELISA. Similarly, all isolates were positive with the cytoxicity assay, although variant cytopathic effects were observed in 41 cases. PCR amplification of the toxin A and toxin B genes revealed that 41 of the previous A- B+ strains had a c. 1.7-kb deletion in the 3'-end of the tcdA gene. Restriction enzyme analysis of these amplicons revealed the loss of polymorphic restriction sites. These 41 A- B+ isolates were designated toxinotype VIII by comparison with C. difficile strain 1470. PCR ribotyping revealed that all A- B+ isolates belonged to PCR-ribotype 017. A- B+ C. difficile isolates accounted for 44% of the isolates examined in this study, and appeared to be isolated more frequently in Dublin, Ireland, than reported rates for other countries. 相似文献
New types of toxin A-negative,toxin B-positive strains among Clostridium difficile isolates from Asia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
A total of 56 C. difficile strains were selected from 310 isolates obtained from different hospitals in Japan and Korea and from healthy infants from Indonesia. Strains that had been previously typed by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and PCR ribotyping, were characterized by toxinotyping and binary toxin gene detection. When toxinotyped, 35 strains were determined to be toxinotype 0, whereas 21 strains showed variations in toxin genes and could be grouped into 11 variant toxinotypes. Six of the toxinotypes had been described before (I, III, IV, VIII, IX, and XII). In addition, five new toxinotypes were defined (XVI to XX). Three of the new toxinotypes (XVIII, XIX, and XX) vary only in repetitive regions of tcdA and produce both toxins. In two strains from toxinotypes XVI and XVII, the production of TcdA could not be detected with commercial immunological kits. Strain J9965 (toxinotype XVII) was in PaLoc similar but not identical to another known A(-)B(+) strain, C. difficile 8864. Strain SUC 36 (toxinotype XVI), on the other hand, was similar to well-defined group consisting of toxinotypes V, VI, and VII, which thus far includes only A(+)B(+) strains. Toxinotypes XVI and XVII represent two new groups of A(-)B(+) strains. Strains of the well-known A(-)B(+) group from toxinotype VIII have a nonsense mutation at the beginning of tcdA gene, and the introduction of a stop codon at amino acid position 47 results in nonproduction of TcdA. The 5'-end sequence of tcdA in two newly described A(-)B(+) strains does not contain an identical mutation. The prevalence of variant C. difficile strains varied greatly among nine hospitals. Only five strains from four different hospitals were positive in PCR for amplification of the binary toxin gene. 相似文献
Characterization of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive Clostridium difficile isolates from outbreaks in different countries by amplified fragment length polymorphism and PCR ribotyping 下载免费PDF全文
van den Berg RJ Claas EC Oyib DH Klaassen CH Dijkshoorn L Brazier JS Kuijper EJ 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2004,42(3):1035-1041
Clinical Clostridium difficile isolates of patients with diarrhea or pseudomembranous colitis usually produce both toxin A and toxin B, but an increasing number of reports mention infections due to toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive (A(-)/B(+)) strains. Thirty-nine clinical toxin A(-)/B(+) isolates, and 12 other unrelated isolates were obtained from Canada, the United States, Poland, the United Kingdom, France, Japan, and The Netherlands. The isolates were investigated by high-resolution genetic fingerprinting by use of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and two well-described PCR ribotyping methods. Furthermore, the toxin profile and clindamycin resistance were determined. Reference strains of C. difficile representing 30 known serogroups were also included in the analysis. AFLP discriminated 29 types among the reference strains, whereas the two PCR ribotyping methods distinguished 25 and 26 types. The discriminatory power of AFLP and PCR ribotyping among 12 different unrelated isolates was similar. Typing of 39 toxin A(-)/B(+) isolates revealed 2 AFLP types and 2 and 3 PCR ribotypes. Of 39 toxin A(-)/B(+) isolates, 37 had PCR ribotype 017/20 and AFLP type 20 (95%). A deletion of 1.8 kb was seen in 38 isolates, and 1 isolate had a deletion of approximately 1.7 kb in the tcdA gene, which encodes toxin A. Clindamycin resistance encoded by the erm(B) gene was found in 33 of 39 toxin A(-)/B(+) isolates, and in 2 of the 12 unrelated isolates (P < 0.001, chi-square test). We conclude that clindamycin-resistant C. difficile toxin A(-)/B(+) strain (PCR ribotype 017/20, AFLP type 20, serogroup F) has a clonal worldwide spread. 相似文献
Increasing prevalence of toxin A-negative, toxin B-positive isolates of Clostridium difficile in Korea: impact on laboratory diagnosis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
Kim H Riley TV Kim M Kim CK Yong D Lee K Chong Y Park JW 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2008,46(3):1116-1117
Of 462 Korean Clostridium difficile isolates, 77.5% were toxin B positive but 21.4% were toxin A negative (A− B+). The binary toxin gene was detected in nine isolates. A higher fluoroquinolone resistance of A− B+ strains may contribute to the increase of these strains. Toxin A detection alone may underdiagnose C. difficile-associated disease. 相似文献
Difference in the cytotoxic effects of toxin B from Clostridium difficile strain VPI 10463 and toxin B from variant Clostridium difficile strain 1470 下载免费PDF全文
Glucosylation of RhoA, Rac1, and Cdc42 by Clostridium difficile toxin B from strain VPI 10463 (TcdB) results in actin reorganization (cytopathic effect) and apoptosis (cytotoxic effect). Toxin B from variant C. difficile strain 1470 serotype F (TcdBF) differs from TcdB with regard to substrate proteins, as it glucosylates Rac1 and R-Ras but not RhoA and Cdc42. In this study, we addressed the question of whether the cellular effects of the toxins depend on their protein substrate specificity. Rat basophilic leukemia (RBL) cells were synchronized using the thymidine double-block technique. We show that cells were most sensitive to the cytotoxic effect of TcdB in S phase, as analyzed in terms of phosphatidyl serine externalization, fragmentation of nuclei, and activation of caspase-3; in contrast, TcdBF induced only a marginal cytotoxic effect, suggesting that inactivation of RhoA (but not of Rac1) was required for the cytotoxic effect. The glucosylation of Rac1 was correlated to the cytopathic effect of either toxin, suggesting a close connection of the two effects. The cytotoxic effect of TcdB was executed by caspase-3, as it was responsive to inhibition by acetyl-Asp-Met-Gln-Asp-aldehyde (Ac-DMQD-CHO), an inhibitor of caspase-3. The viability of TcdB-treated RBL cells was reduced, whereas the viability of TcdBF-treated cells was unchanged, further confirming that inactivation of RhoA is required for the cytotoxic effect. In conclusion, the protein substrate specificity of the glucosylating toxins determines their biological activity. 相似文献
Neutralization of Clostridium difficile toxin by Clostridium sordellii antitoxins. 总被引:7,自引:6,他引:7 下载免费PDF全文
Neutralization of Clostridium difficile toxin by Clostridium sordellii antitoxin was studied by cytotoxicity assay in tissue culture. The sources of toxin were stools from two patients with pseudomembranous colitis and a culture filtrate of C. difficile isolated from one of the patients. C. sordellii antitoxin was available either in monovalent form or as gas gangrene polyvalent antitoxin. The potency of antitoxins against C. difficile determined by cytotoxicity assay did not correlate with the established values reported for mouse protection tests against C. sordellii toxin. An equivalent zone of optimal neutralization was demonstrated for stool toxin, and a slightly different one for culture toxin. The rate of neutralization appeared to be instantaneous, either at 24 or at 37 degrees C. The efficacy of antitoxin in preventing cytotoxicity in cultured cells preexposed to toxin decreased rapidly with preexposure time. The union between toxin and antitoxin could be readily dissociated by simple dilution or by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by dissociated by simple dilution or by ammonium sulfate precipitation followed by dilution. Continued incubation of toxin-antitoxin mixture did not increase the firmness of the union; on the contrary, more dissociation occurred. The unusual looseness of the toxin-antitoxin union is probably relatd to lack of serological specificity or affinity. Based on these observations, a practical diagnostic method for antibiotic-induced colitis is outlined. 相似文献
Clonal spread of a Clostridium difficile strain with a complete set of toxin A, toxin B, and binary toxin genes among Polish patients with Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea 下载免费PDF全文
Pituch H Kreft D Obuch-Woszczatynski P Wultańska D Meisel-Mikołajczyk F Łuczak M van Belkum A 《Journal of clinical microbiology》2005,43(1):472-475
Clinically relevant Clostridium difficile strains usually produce toxins A and B. Some C. difficile strains can produce an additional binary toxin. We report clonality among five strains carrying all toxin genes from Polish patients with C. difficile-associated diarrhea. In another strain, possible recombination between binary toxin genes is documented. 相似文献
Recent evidence indicates that toxigenic Clostridium difficile strains are a major cause of antimicrobial-associated ileocecitis in laboratory animals and pseudomembranous colitis in humans. C. difficile ATCC 9689 was cultivated in a synthetic medium to which 3% ultrafiltrated proteose peptone was added. Purification of the toxin from broth filtrate was accomplished through ultrafiltration (100,000 nominal-molecular-weight-limit membrane), precipitation with 75% (NH4)2SO4, and chromatographic separation using Bio-Gel A 5m followed by ion-exchange chromatography on a diethylaminoethyl-Sephadex A-25 column. The purified toxin displayed only one band on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, and approximately 170 pg was cytopathic for human amnion cells. The isolated toxin was neutralized by Clostridium sordelli antitoxin, heat labile (56 degrees C for 30 min), and inactivated at pH 4 and 9; it had an isoelectric point of 5.0, increased vascular permeability in rabbits, and caused ileocecitis in hamsters when injected intracecally. Treatment of the toxin with trypsin, chymotrypsin, pronase, amylase, or ethylmercurithiosalicylate caused inactivation, whereas lipase had no effect. By gel filtration, its molecular weight was estimated as 530,000. Upon reduction and denaturation, the toxin dissociated into 185,000- and 50,000-molecular-weight components, as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Extensive dissociation yielded only the 50,000-molecular-weight component. The toxin appears to be protoplasmic and is released into the surrounding environment upon autolysis of the cells. Attempts to correlate specific enzymatic activity with the toxin have been unsuccessful. These studies will help delineate the role of C. difficile toxin in antimicrobial-associated colitis and diarrhea. 相似文献
Actin-specific ADP-ribosyltransferase produced by a Clostridium difficile strain. 总被引:9,自引:7,他引:9 下载免费PDF全文
By screening possible ADP-ribosyltransferase activities in culture supernatants from various Clostridium species, we have found one Clostridium difficile strain (CD196) (isolated in our laboratory) that is able to produce, in addition to toxins A and B, a new ADP-ribosyltransferase that was shown to covalently modify cell actin as Clostridium botulinum C2 or Clostridium perfringens E iota toxins do. The molecular weight of the CD196 ADP-ribosyltransferase (CDT) was determined to be 43 kilodaltons, and its isoelectric point was 7.8. No cytotoxic activity on Vero cells or lethal activity upon injection in mice was associated with this enzyme. CDT was neither related to C. difficile A or B toxins nor to C. botulinum C2 toxin component I. However, Vero cells cultivated in the presence of C. difficile B toxin had a lower amount of actin able to be ADP-ribosylated by CDT or C2 toxin in vitro. Antibodies raised against CDT reacted by immunoblot analysis with a 43-kilodalton protein of C. perfringens type E culture supernatant producing the iota toxin. 相似文献
A. Goorhuis M. C. Legaria R. J. van den Berg C. Harmanus C. H. W. Klaassen J. S. Brazier G. Lumelsky E. J. Kuijper 《Clinical microbiology and infection》2009,15(12):1080-1086
Isolates from patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) usually produce both toxin A (TcdA) and toxin B (TcdB), but an increasing number of reports from Europe and Asia mention infections with TcdA-negative, TcdB-positive (A−/B+) strains, usually characterized as PCR ribotype 017 (type 017). Incidence rates of CDI per 10 000 admissions in a 200-bed Argentinean general hospital were 37, 84, 67, 43, 48 and 42 for the years 2000 to 2005, respectively. The annual percentages of type 017 CDI were 7.7%, 64.6%, 91.4%, 92.0%, 75.0% and 86.4%, respectively. Comparison of 112 017-CDI patients with 41 non-017-CDI patients revealed that 017-CDI patients were more often male (68.8% vs. 46.3%; odds ratio 2.55, 95% confidence interval 1.23–5.50). All type 017 strains tested belonged to toxinotype VIII and had a 1.8-kb deletion in tcd A. In addition, 90% of tested type 017 isolates had high-level resistance to clindamycin and erythromycin, determined by the presence of the erm B gene. Multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) was applied to 56 Argentinean isolates and 15 isolates from seven other countries. Country-specific clonal complexes were found in each country. Among 56 Argentinean isolates, four clonal complexes were recognized, accounting for 61% of all isolates. These clonal complexes did not show correlation over time, but seemed to be restricted to specific wards, mainly internal medicine and pulmonology wards. A total of 56% of recurrent infections were caused by a different isolate, despite identification of an identical PCR-ribotype. We conclude that C. difficile type 017 gradually replaced other circulating PCR ribotypes and that MLVA provides detailed insight into nosocomial spread. 相似文献
Purification and characterisation of toxin B from a strain of Clostridium difficile that does not produce toxin A 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
J F Torres 《Journal of medical microbiology》1991,35(1):40-44
Most toxigenic strains of Clostridium difficile produce both toxin A and toxin B. The toxin produced by C. difficile strain 8864 was characterised and compared with those produced by C. difficile strain 10463. Toxin A was not detected by immunoassay in cultures from strain 8864 and all the cytotoxic activity produced by this strain was neutralised by antiserum to toxin B. Toxin B from strain 8864 was purified and compared with toxin B from strain 10463. The size of the purified subunits of toxin B from strain 8864 differed slightly from those of strain 10463 and there were small immunological differences. The effect on fibroblast cells was more like that of C. sordellii cytotoxin than of toxin B from strain 10463. These results suggest that C. difficile strain 8864 produces a modified toxin B and does not produce toxin A. 相似文献
Rapid identification of Clostridium difficile in a stool specimen could be accomplished within 24 h by detection of toxin elaborated in an agar or broth culture containing cycloserine and cefoxitin. Broth culture seemed to give a more rapid and sensitive result than the agar plate culture. For cultivation of C. difficile in stool, we recommend the use of chopped meat broth and blood agar plate, the former for toxin detection in 1 to 2 days and the latter for colonial morphology and isolation of a pure culture. 相似文献
Analysis of crude culture filtrate of Clostridium difficile by Mono Q-anion exchange fast protein liquid chromatography (FPLC) demonstrated that toxin A had distinct peaks of activity for cytotoxicity and haemagglutination, as also did highly purified toxin A obtained by thyroglobulin affinity chromatography (TG) followed by two sequential anion-exchange chromatographic steps with Q-Sepharose FF and Mono Q. From TG unbound fractions a highly cytotoxic but weakly haemagglutinating variant (toxin A') of toxin A was obtained by Q-Sepharose FF and Mono Q chromatography. Analysis of toxins A and A' from cultures of C. difficile in a chemically defined medium, and of toxin A dialysed against brain heart infusion broth, indicated that A' was not merely toxin A coupled to a component of the growth medium. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under non-denaturing conditions showed that toxins A and A' had the same Mr. Immunoblotting with mouse monospecific A antitoxin showed that five bands larger than the major 240-Kda band were more strongly developed in toxin A than in A' in denaturing but non-reducing conditions, and in reducing conditions eight bands (38-175 Kda) were seen in toxin A but not A'. Immunoblotting with a monoclonal antibody (PCG-4) showed that, in both reducing and non-reducing conditions, two bands of 160 and 155 Kda were more prominent in toxins A and A' respectively, and four bands (195, 180, 175 and 125 Kda) were detected only in toxin A'. 相似文献
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay for Clostridium difficile toxin A. 总被引:21,自引:12,他引:21
Antibodies against Clostridium difficile toxin A were purified by affinity chromatography from antiserum prepared against crude C. difficile toxin preparations. The affinity-purified antibody preparation was free of detectable amounts of antibodies to other C. difficile antigens, as demonstrated by crossed immunoelectrophoresis, and specifically neutralized the cytotoxicity of toxin A. An indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was subsequently developed using the antibody preparation for the specific detection of toxin A. The ELISA, which could detect 1 ng (5 ng/ml) of toxin A, was used to quantitate the toxin in the culture supernatant fluids of strains of C. difficile. The ELISA values for toxin A closely correlated with the toxin A and B cytotoxic titers of the supernatant fluids. In addition, toxin A was detected by ELISA in human fecal specimens from persons with antibiotic-associated colitis, demonstrating that this toxin is produced during C. difficile colitis. 相似文献