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OBJECTIVES: To examine how health problems and psychosocial work characteristics are associated with having visited or not having visited the general practitioner (GP) in relation to work. METHODS: Baseline self-reported data of the Maastricht Cohort Study about fatigue at work were used to gather information about fatigue (Checklist Individual Strength), presence of at least one long-term disease, likelihood of having a mental illness (General Health Questionnaire), and psychosocial work characteristics (psychological job demands, decision latitude and social support at work, as measured with the Job Content Questionnaire). The cohort participants indicated having visited (VISITORS) or not having visited (NON-VISITORS) the GP in relation to work. Differences between these groups were measured by multiple logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: When compared with VISITORS and taking into account the influence of sociodemographic characteristics and mutual associations between reported health problems and psychosocial work characteristics, a lower percentage of NON-VISITORS reported at least one long-term disease and NON-VISITORS presented lower levels of fatigue and psychological job demands, and higher levels of decision latitude and social support at work. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that NON-VISITORS reported fewer health problems and a more positive perception of their work environment than VISITORS did. Interrelationships between psychosocial work characteristics and health variables should be taken into consideration when studying their associations with visiting the GP in relation to work.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It has not yet been examined whether employees with health or work problems prefer visiting the Occupational Physician (OP) or the General Practitioner (GP). AIM: Examining whether health and work problems predict visiting the OP or GP. METHOD: Multiple regression analyses within a prospective cohort study. RESULTS: None of the predictors was exclusively associated with visiting the OP, while emotional work demands and work-family conflict were associated with visiting the GP in relation to work. CONCLUSIONS: OPs might wish to clarify their preventive role to employees.  相似文献   



To investigate associations between a wide variety of psychosocial work conditions and sickness absence in a medium-sized company.  相似文献   

STUDY OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of changes in psychosocial work environment on subsequent sickness absence. DESIGN: Analysis of questionnaire and sickness absence data collected in three time periods: 1990-1991, before the recession; 1993, worst slump during the recession; and 1993-1997, a period after changes. SETTING: Raisio, a town in south western Finland, during and after a period of economic decline. PARTICIPANTS: 530 municipal employees (138 men, 392 women) working during 1990-1997 who had no medically certified sick leaves in 1991. Mean length of follow up was 6.7 years. MAIN RESULTS: After adjustment for the pre-recession levels, the changes in the job characteristics of the workers during the recession predicted their subsequent sick leaves. Lowered job control caused a 1.30 (95% CI = 1.19, 1.41) times higher risk of sick leave than an increase in job control. The corresponding figures in relation to decreased social support and increased job demands were 1.30 (95% CI = 1.20, 1.41) and 1.10 (95% CI = 1.03, 1.17), respectively. In some cases there was an interaction with socioeconomic status, changes in the job characteristics being stronger predictors of sick leaves for employees with a high income than for the others. The highest risks of sick leave (ranging from 1.40 to 1.90) were associated with combined effects related to poor levels of and negative changes in job control, job demands and social support. CONCLUSION: Negative changes in psychosocial work environment have adverse effects on the health of employees. Those working in an unfavourable psychosocial environment before changes are at greatest risk.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of psychosocial work environment factors on short and long absence spells. METHODS: Questionnaire data on work environment exposures and registered absence data during 2-year follow up were analyzed with Poisson regression for 1919 employees from the private and public sector. RESULTS: Short spells (1-10 working days) were predicted by low supervisor support, low predictability, and low meaning at work among men and high skill discretion among women. Long spells (>10 days) were predicted by low decision authority, low supervisor support, and low predictability among men and high psychologic demands and low decision authority among women. The variables predictability and meaning at work were developed for this study. CONCLUSION: Specific psychosocial work environment factors have both common and different effects on short and long absence spells. Effects also differ by gender.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study examines effects of psychosocial risk factors on long-term sickness absence, and investigates possible interactions between psychosocial and physical work environment risk factors. METHODS: A total of 5,357 employees were interviewed in 2000 regarding work environment and followed up during the proceeding 1.5 years regarding onset of long-term sickness absence. RESULTS: Long-term sickness absence among female employees was associated with role conflict, low reward, and poor management quality. Demands for hiding emotions and high emotional demands predicted long-term sickness absence among men. No significant interactions between psychosocial and physical exposures were found for female or male employees. CONCLUSIONS: The study suggests a potential for reducing long-term sickness absence through interventions targeted toward reducing role conflict, and improving reward and management quality among female employees, and through reducing emotional demands and demands for hiding emotions among male employees.  相似文献   


We used a representative sample of the working population of Korea to compare the occupational health problems of employees and self-employed individuals who performed different types of work. The Korean Working Conditions Survey (KWCS) of 2014 was used to compare the working conditions and occupational safety and health (OSH) issues of employees and self-employed individuals performing different types of work. Relative to paid employees, self-employed individuals were older, more likely to perceive their health as bad, and had less education, longer working hours, more exposure to workplace ergonomic hazards, more musculoskeletal problems, and poorer mental well-being. Relative to those performing “mental work” or “emotional work”, individuals performing “physical work” were more vulnerable to OSH problems. In conclusion, self-employed individuals in the sample were more vulnerable to OSH problems.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to examine how changes over time in leisure-time physical activity are associated with subsequent sickness absence.MethodsHelsinki Health Study cohort baseline questionnaire survey data were collected in 2000–2002 among 40–60-year-old employees of the City of Helsinki, Finland. A follow-up survey was conducted in 2007. 4182 (83% women) respondents were available for the analyses. Leisure-time physical activity was asked using identical questions in both surveys. Sickness absence data were derived from the employer's registers (mean follow-up time 2.8 years). Associations of changes over time in leisure-time physical activity with self-certified (≤ 3 days) and medically certified (> 3 days) sickness absence spells were examined, using Poisson regression analysis.ResultsInactive women and men who increased their physical activity to vigorously active had a significantly lower risk of both self-certified (RR = 0.80, 95% CI 0.65–0.97) and medically certified (RR = 0.63, 95% CI 0.49–0.83) subsequent sickness absence spells compared with the persistently inactive. The persistently active with vigorous intensity had the lowest risk of sickness absence. Adjusting for changes in physical health functioning attenuated but did not abolish the lowered risk found.ConclusionsFor reducing sickness absence more emphasis should be given to the potential contribution of vigorous physical activity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To test whether psychosocial factors at work are predictors of rates of sickness absence. METHODS: The study population consisted of middle aged men and women employed by the French national electricity and gas company (EDF-GDF) in various occupations and followed up since 1989 by annual self administered questionnaires and independent data obtained from the medical and personnel departments of EDF-GDF. The 1995 questionnaire provided information about three psychosocial work factors: psychological demands, decision latitude, and social support at work. Sick-ness absence data were provided by the company's social security department. The occurrence of spells and days of absence in the 12 months after completion of the 1995 questionnaire was studied. Potential confounding variables were age, smoking, alcohol, and marital status, assessed in the 1995 questionnaire, and educational level and occupation, assessed from data provided by the personnel department. This study was restricted to the 12,555 subjects of the initial cohort who were still working and answered the self administered questionnaire in 1995. RESULTS: Low levels of decision latitude were associated with more frequent and longer sickness absences among men and women. Low levels of social support at work increased the numbers of spells and days of absence among men only. These associations weakened after adjustment for potential confounding factors, but remained significant. CONCLUSION: The study indicates that psychosocial factors at work, especially decision latitude, are predictive of sickness absence.



Long sickness absence is more common among low socioeconomic status (SES) groups than high SES groups. This study aimed to evaluate whether work and family characteristics contribute to SES and sex differences in long sickness absence (7 days or more). The participants were 3080 civil servants working for a local Japanese government. In both sexes, low-grade employees were likely to take long sickness absence, with a statistically significant association for men (age-adjusted OR of lowest-grade employees for long sickness absence: 2.30 (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1.32–4.02)). After adjusting for all variables, SES differences in long sickness absence in men decreased to OR 1.98 (CI 1.10–3.55) but remained significant; in men, being without a spouse was significantly associated with long sickness absence. Employees working long hours had lower OR for long sickness absence after adjusting for all variables in both sexes. Conversely, poor sleep quality and longstanding illness significantly increased OR for long sickness absence. In conclusion, SES differences in sickness absence were explained partly by work and family characteristics, longstanding illness, and poor sleep quality; however, other factors that were not evaluated in this study may also be associated with SES differences.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Anecdotally, communication between general practitioners (GPs) and occupational health professionals is poor and acts as a barrier to successful rehabilitation for work. It is not known how widely this view is held by the many stakeholders in rehabilitation for work, or how important the observation is in its effect. METHODS: A Delphi study was conducted by initial semi-structured telephone interview, followed by a three-round collation and feedback of opinion by e-mail. The 25 participants were identified by suggestion within the study process for their position as key informants within a wide range of stakeholders. RESULTS: The process generated a consensus statement which identifies the extremely important nature of rehabilitation for work, the crucial role by GPs, the central role of occupational health professionals in case management and the barrier represented by the often very poor communication between them. CONCLUSION: The way forward is to improve communication by mutual education and understanding and a team approach to rehabilitation strategy. This may be facilitated by the GPs who work in occupational health and disability assessment and the involvement of other health professionals to great benefit for all stakeholders.  相似文献   

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