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In intraoperative radiation therapy, it is critical to reduce the radiation contamination outside the useful field by as much as physically feasible. Additionally, a uniform dose is clinically desirable across the tumor volume. A study of the Medical College of Ohio applicators indicates that the radiation contamination outside the field can be as high as 18% of the central axis dose. The effects of the photon collimator setting on the magnitude and energy of the radiation contamination are discussed and means are presented for reducing this unwanted radiation. The dose nonuniformity across the field is found to be virtually independent of the photon collimator setting and is shown to be mostly due to the transparent applicator wall. The clinical significance of the findings is discussed.  相似文献   

The parameters that describe the electron dose distribution phi (r, theta, z) produced in air by an uncollimated clinical electron beam are accurately determined. For the determination of these parameters the multiple scattering theory of Fermi is assumed. A new method which determines the angular variance at the phantom surface is introduced and the results appear to be in good agreement with the multiple scattering theory. Knowledge of the values of these parameters is essential for a numerical determination of the dose distribution in air and in the patient.  相似文献   

Most current electron beam models, as are used in commercial treatment planning systems, combine measured broad beam central axis depth dose data with measured or modeled functions to approximate radial scatter and heterogeneity effects. In this paper, we extend a recently developed pencil beam model to calculate doses outside the field edge and doses in heterogeneous media. We have also explored use of this model as a tool for evaluating commercial electron planning programs. The algorithm we have developed, based on the concept of the lateral buildup ratio (LBR), enables calculation of dose at any point in an irregular electron field, and is capable of generating both on- and off-axis depth dose curves and isodose profiles. This model includes the effects of density and mass-angular scattering power in measured broad beam central axis depth dose data, which when combined with small field reference data, can be used to generate LBR ratios. From these ratios one can infer the depth dependent, effective pencil beam radial spread parameter a in water or other materials, which can be used to model any arbitrary field. We have used this approach to calculate fractional depth doses for small fields incident on aluminum and cork, which we have then compared against measurements and the calculations of several commercial planning systems.  相似文献   

Extensive work has been performed to validate Monte Carlo models for both photon and electron beams under standard conditions. However, for large field electron beam therapy, Monte Carlo simulations have not been able to provide good agreement when compared to the measured dose distributions. Since the accuracy of the calculation relies heavily on the geometry parameters of the linear accelerator and the characteristics of the incident electron beam, it is crucial to have a complete comprehension of these independent factors. In this work, the electron focal spot size for a CL21EX linac with various energies (6, 9, 12 and 16 MeV) was measured with a slit camera composed of alternating lead and paper sheets. For all the energies investigated, the electron focal spot is found to be elliptical and has a full width at half maximum (FWHM) ranging from 1.69 mm to 2.24 mm. A shift with respect to the crosshair was associated with each measured focal spot. In addition, we present an improved result for the large field in-air profile by utilizing a proposed divergent beam model in conjunction with the experimental focal spot dimension. This model can potentially provide a solution to the Monte Carlo validation of large field electron beam therapy.  相似文献   

A new method is presented to decouple the parameters of the incident e(-) beam hitting the target of the linear accelerator, which consists essentially in optimizing the agreement between measurements and calculations when the difference filter, which is an additional filter inserted in the linac head to obtain uniform lateral dose-profile curves for the high energy photon beam, and flattening filter are removed from the beam path. This leads to lateral dose-profile curves, which depend only on the mean energy of the incident electron beam, since the effect of the radial intensity distribution of the incident e- beam is negligible when both filters are absent. The location of the primary collimator and the thickness and density of the target are not considered as adjustable parameters, since a satisfactory working Monte Carlo model is obtained for the low energy photon beam (6 MV) of the linac using the same target and primary collimator. This method was applied to conclude that the mean energy of the incident e- beam for the high energy photon beam (18 MV) of our Elekta SLi Plus linac is equal to 14.9 MeV. After optimizing the mean energy, the modelling of the filters, in accordance with the information provided by the manufacturer, can be verified by positioning only one filter in the linac head while the other is removed. It is also demonstrated that the parameter setting for Bremsstrahlung angular sampling in BEAMnrc ('Simple' using the leading term of the Koch and Motz equation or 'KM' using the full equation) leads to different dose-profile curves for the same incident electron energy for the studied 18 MV beam. It is therefore important to perform the calculations in 'KM' mode. Note that both filters are not physically removed from the linac head. All filters remain present in the linac head and are only rotated out of the beam. This makes the described method applicable for practical usage since no recommissioning process is required.  相似文献   

The BEAM code is used to simulate nine photon beams from three major manufacturers of medical linear accelerators (Varian, Elekta, and Siemens), to derive and evaluate estimates for the parameters of the electron beam incident on the target, and to study the effects of some mechanical parameters like target width, primary collimator opening, flattening filter material and density. The mean energy and the FWHM of the incident electron beam intensity distributions (assumed Gaussian and cylindrically symmetric) are derived by matching calculated percentage depth-dose curves past the depth of maximum dose (within 1% of maximum dose) and off-axis factors (within 2sigma at 1% statistics or less) with measured data from the AAPM RTC TG-46 compilation. The off-axis factors are found to be very sensitive to the mean energy of the electron beam, the FWHM of its intensity distribution, its angle of incidence, the dimensions of the upper opening of the primary collimator, the material of the flattening filter and its density. The off-axis factors are relatively insensitive to the FWHM of the electron beam energy distribution, its divergence and the lateral dimensions of the target. The depth-dose curves are sensitive to the electron beam energy, and to its energy distribution, but they show no sensitivity to the FWHM of the electron beam intensity distribution. The electron beam incident energy can be estimated within 0.2 MeV when matching either the measured off-axis factors or the central-axis depth-dose curves when the calculated uncertainties are about 0.7% at the 1 sigma level. The derived FWHM (+/-0.1 mm) of the electron beam intensity distributions all fall within 1 mm of the manufacturer specifications except in one case where the difference is 1.2 mm.  相似文献   

The demands of a busy clinic require that basic machine calculations be performed as accurately, rapidly, and simply as possible. For the electron beam of the Therac 20 Saturne linear accelerator, a method suitable for a programmable calculator is described to predict the dose output from the measurement of selected fields. One-dimensional output factors were measured; these are defined as output factors of rectangular fields where one side is always equal to the side of the square reference field. The output of an arbitrary rectangular field X, Y is given by the product of the output factors OF(X,Y) = OF(X,10) X OF(10,Y), where 10 is the side of the square reference field. The measured data indicate that the output of very large rectangular and square fields is underestimated using this method for the lower energies. A correction factor of the form CF = C X [(X - 10)(Y - 10)/(X - 10)(Y - 10) 1/2] results in agreement with measured data to within 1.5% for all energies.  相似文献   

In order to obtain realistic and reliable Monte Carlo simulations of medical linac photon beams, an accurate determination of the parameters that define the primary electron beam that hits the target is a fundamental step. In this work we propose a new methodology to commission photon beams in Monte Carlo simulations that ensures the reproducibility of a wide range of clinically useful fields. For such purpose accelerated Monte Carlo simulations of 2 x 2, 10 x 10, and 20 x 20 cm2 fields at SSD = 100 cm are carried out for several combinations of the primary electron beam mean energy and radial FWHM. Then, by performing a simultaneous comparison with the correspondent measurements for these same fields, the best combination is selected. This methodology has been employed to determine the characteristics of the primary electron beams that best reproduce a Siemens PRIMUS and a Varian 2100 CD machine in the Monte Carlo simulations. Excellent agreements were obtained between simulations and measurements for a wide range of field sizes. Because precalculated profiles are stored in databases, the whole commissioning process can be fully automated, avoiding manual fine-tunings. These databases can also be used to characterize any accelerators of the same model from different sites.  相似文献   

Over several years the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has been developing an absorbed dose calibration service for electron beam radiotherapy. To test this service, a number of trial calibrations of therapy level electron beam ionization chambers have been carried out during the last 3 years. These trials involved 17 UK radiotherapy centres supplying a total of 46 chambers of the NACP, Markus, Roos and Farmer types. Calibration factors were derived from the primary standard calorimeter at seven energies in the range 4 to 19 MeV with an estimated uncertainty of +/-1.5% at the 95% confidence level. Investigations were also carried out into chamber perturbation, polarity effects, ion recombination and repeatability of the calibration process. The instruments were returned to the radiotherapy centres for measurements to be carried out comparing the NPL direct calibration with the 1996 IPEMB air kerma based Code of Practice. It was found that, in general, all chambers of a particular type showed the same energy response. However, it was found that polarity and recombination corrections were quite variable for Markus chambers-differences in the polarity correction of up to 1% were seen. Perturbation corrections were obtained and were found to agree well with the standard data used in the IPEMB Code. The results of the comparison between the NPL calibration and IPEMB Code show agreement between the two methods at the +/-1% level for the NACP and Farmer chambers, but there is a significant difference for the Markus chambers of around 2%. This difference between chamber types is most likely to be due to the design of the Markus chamber.  相似文献   

The tissue-phantom-ratio (TPR) is expressed as the product of the phantom scatter factor (SF), an electron disequilibrium factor, and an attenuation factor, equal to the zero-area TPR. The scatter factor, as a function of depth d and field size s, has been described by two parameters a and w, SF(d,s) = 1 + asd/(ws + d). We have determined the parameters a and w for 20 monoenergetic photon beams between 1 and 20 MeV. Pencil-beam energy-deposition kernels were obtained using Monte Carlo simulations. The kernels were used to calculate broad-beam depth-dose data, which were converted to TPR and fitted to the equation above using an iterative search over a-w space. The parameter a is nearly equal to the attenuation coefficient for all energies while the parameter w increases with energy. The resulting a and w compare favorably to values determined for clinical photon beams, as a function of the measured attenuation coefficient. With the scatter factor determined, we isolated the electron disequilibrium factor for each monoenergetic beam. It can be characterized as a quadratic function of the depth. The coefficients of the quadratic function can be related to the range of the most energetic secondary electron produced.  相似文献   

An applicator system for intraoperative radiation therapy has been fabricated which does not require physical docking with the accelerator. A dosimetric study has been completed which documents the properties of this system for a variety of electron beam energies, applicator sizes, collimator settings, both primary and secondary, and source-surface distance (SSD) settings. Sensitivity of the system to common misalignment errors was also determined. Results indicate (a) applicator leakage of less than 5%, (b) beam flatness to within plus or minus 5% at the dMAX with a single primary collimator setting, (c) smooth changes in output with cone size, beam energy and SSD, and (d) negligible changes in dose distributions within alignment errors permitted by the system.  相似文献   

目的:通过分析感兴趣区域(ROI)的几何参数与剂量学参数之间的关联性,探讨放疗影像自动分割效果评估时联合使用几何参数与剂量学参数的必要性。方法:利用卷积神经网络构建的分割模型对18例宫颈癌术后患者的危及器官与靶区进行自动分割,把自动分割结果与医生手动勾画结果进行比较,用于评估的几何参数包括基于体积/面积的Dice相似性系数、相对体积差与基于距离的几何参数:最大Hausdorff距离、95% Hausdorff距离、质心差,剂量学参数包括针对危及器官的平均剂量差、针对靶区的ΔD95和ΔD98。采用线性回归方法研究不同分割方式下ROI几何学参数与剂量学参数间的关系,并使用Spearman相关性分析获得几何参数间的相关性及医生勾画与自动分割间剂量学的相关性。结果:所有ROI的几何参数与剂量学参数间的关系均较弱(63.3%的R2<0.4)且不稳定;同时几何参数间的相关系数|r|不超过0.625,互为弱相关或不相关。结论:在对放疗领域的图像分割结果进行评估时,应该同时考虑到几何参数与剂量学参数。选择几何参数时,应联合基于面积/体积的评估方式与基于距离的评估方式。  相似文献   

For Monte Carlo linac simulations and patient dose calculations, it is important to accurately determine the phase space parameters of the initial electron beam incident on the target. These parameters, such as mean energy and radial intensity distribution, have traditionally been determined by matching the calculated dose distributions with the measured dose distributions through a trial and error process. This process is very time consuming and requires a lot of Monte Carlo simulation experience and computational resources. In this paper, we propose an easy, efficient, and accurate method for the determination of the initial beam parameters. We hypothesize that (1) for one type of linacs, the geometry and material of major components of the treatment head are the same; the only difference is the phase space parameters of the initial electron beam incident on the target, and (2) most linacs belong to a limited number of linac types. For each type of linacs, Monte Carlo treatment planning system (MC-TPS) vendors simulate the treatment head and calculate the three-dimensional (3D) dose distribution in water phantom for a grid of initial beam energies and radii. The simulation results (phase space files and dose distribution files) are then stored in a data library. When a MC-TPS user tries to model their linac which belongs to the same type, a standard set of measured dose data is submitted and compared with the calculated dose distributions to determine the optimal combination of initial beam energy and radius. We have applied this method to the 6 MV beam of a Varian 21EX linac. The linac was simulated using EGSNRC/BEAM code and the dose in water phantom was calculated using EGSNRC/DOSXYZ. We have also studied issues related to the proposed method. Several common cost functions were tested for comparing measured and calculated dose distributions, including chi2, mean absolute error, dose difference at the penumbra edge point, slope of the dose difference of the lateral profile, and the newly proposed Kappaalpha factor (defined as the fraction of the voxels with absolute dose difference less than alpha%). It was found that the use of the slope of the lateral profile difference or the difference of the penumbra edge points may lead to inaccurate determination of the initial beam parameters. We also found that in general the cost function value is very sensitive to the simulation statistical uncertainty, and there is a tradeoff between uncertainty and specificity. Due to the existence of statistical uncertainty in simulated dose distributions, it is practically impossible to determine the best energy/radius combination; we have to accept a group of energy/radius combinations. We have also investigated the minimum required data set for accurate determination of the initial beam parameters. We found that the percent depth dose curves along or only a lateral profile at certain depth for a large field size is not sufficient and the minimum data set should include several lateral profiles at various depths as well as the central axis percent depth dose curve for a large field size.  相似文献   

Our aim in the present study was to investigate the effects of initial electron beam characteristics on Monte Carlo calculated absorbed dose distribution for a linac 6 MV photon beam. Moreover, the range of values of these parameters was derived, so that the resulted differences between measured and calculated doses were less than 1%. Mean energy, radial intensity distribution and energy spread of the initial electron beam, were studied. The method is based on absorbed dose comparisons of measured and calculated depth-dose and dose-profile curves. All comparisons were performed at 10.0 cm depth, in the umbral region for dose-profile and for depths past maximum for depth-dose curves. Depth-dose and dose-profile curves were considerably affected by the mean energy of electron beam, with dose profiles to be more sensitive on that parameter. The depth-dose curves were unaffected by the radial intensity of electron beam. In contrast, dose-profile curves were affected by the radial intensity of initial electron beam for a large field size. No influence was observed in dose-profile or depth-dose curves with respect to energy spread variations of electron beam. Conclusively, simulating the radiation source of a photon beam, two of the examined parameters (mean energy and radial intensity) of the electron beam should be tuned accurately, so that the resulting absorbed doses are within acceptable precision. The suggested method of evaluating these crucial but often poorly specified parameters may be of value in the Monte Carlo simulation of linear accelerator photon beams.  相似文献   

A prototype electron applicator system providing circular and rectangular fields for use in intraoperative electron beam therapy with a Varian Clinac 18 linear accelerator has been fabricated. The dosimetric properties of this system for a variety of electron-beam energies, applicator sizes, and x-ray collimator settings was documented. Significant findings include: (a) surface dose values are in excess of 90% for electron energies of 12 MeV and above; (b) for the 18-MeV beam, the deepest depth where the central axis dose in 90% of its maximum value is in excess of 50 mm for circular applicators whose diameters are in excess of 5 cm; and (c) the treatment time to deliver 1000 rads "given dose" (at given dose rate of 300 MU/min) is on the order of 3-4 min. Cross-field behavior is acceptable for the intended application and x-ray contamination is less than 4% for any applicator/electron energy combination. A system for irregular field blocking and TLD verification dosimetry has been developed.  相似文献   

The Gaussian beam model is shown to be a good predictor of SAR distributions due to current sheet applicators (CSAs). It is fast, efficient and adaptable. SAR distributions from a single applicator and from simple arrays of CSAs in homogeneous and layered lossy media are computed at 434 and 450 MHz at CPU times of less than 60 s. The good agreement between theory and experiment justifies the use of the Gaussian beam model to predict SAR distributions from CSAs.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo based computer model has been developed for electron beam computed tomography (EBCT) to calculate organ and effective doses in a humanoid hermaphrodite phantom. The program has been validated by comparison with experimental measurements of the CT dose index in standard head and body CT dose phantoms; agreement to better than 8% has been found. The robustness of the model has been established by varying the input parameters. The amount of energy deposited at the 12:00 position of the standard body CT dose phantom is most susceptible to rotation angle, whereas that in the central region is strongly influenced by the beam quality. The program has been used to investigate the changes in organ absorbed doses arising from partial and full rotation about supine and prone subjects. Superficial organs experience the largest changes in absorbed dose with a change in subject orientation and for partial rotation. Effective doses for typical clinical scan protocols have been calculated and compared with values obtained using existing dosimetry techniques based on full rotation. Calculations which make use of Monte Carlo conversion factors for the scanner that best matches the EBCT dosimetric characteristics consistently overestimate the effective dose in supine subjects by typically 20%, and underestimate the effective dose in prone subjects by typically 13%. These factors can therefore be used to correct values obtained in this way. Empirical dosimetric techniques based on the dose-length product yield errors as great as 77%. This is due to the sensitivity of the dose length product to individual scan lengths. The magnitude of these errors is reduced if empirical dosimetric techniques based on the average absorbed dose in the irradiated volume (CTDIvol) are used. Therefore conversion factors specific to EBCT have been calculated to convert the CTDIvol to an effective dose.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo simulation of beam modifiers such as physical wedges and compensating filters has been performed with a rectilinear voxel geometry module. A modified version of the EGS4/DOSXYZ code has been developed for this purpose. The new implementations have been validated against the BEAM Monte Carlo code using its standard component modules (CMs) in several geometrical conditions. No significant disagreements were found within the statistical errors of 0.5% for photons and 2% for electrons. The clinical applicability and flexibility of the new version of the code has been assessed through an extensive verification versus dosimetric data. Both Varian multi-leaf collimator (MLC) wedges and standard wedges have been simulated and compared against experiments for 6MV photon beams and different field sizes. Good agreement was found between calculated and measured depth doses and lateral dose profiles along both wedged and unwedged directions for different depths and focus-to-surface distances. Furthermore, Monte Carlo-generated output factors for both open and wedged fields agreed with linac commissioning beam data within statistical uncertainties of the calculations (<3% at largest depths). Compensating filters of both low-density and high-density materials have also been successfully simulated. As a demonstration, a wax compensating filter with a complex three-dimensional concave and convex geometry has been modelled through a CT scan import. Calculated depth doses and lateral dose profiles for different field sizes agreed well with experiments. The code was used to investigate the performance of a commercial treatment planning system in designing compensators. Dose distributions in a heterogeneous water phantom emulating the head and neck region were calculated with the convolution-superposition method (pencil beam and collapsed cone implementations) and compared against those from the MC code developed herein. The new technique presented in this work is versatile, DICOM-RT compliant and accurate in the simulation of beam modulators. This paper addresses the need to reduce the sources of error in the modelling of beam modifiers since they remain a viable alternative to the MLC technique in the delivery of IMRT beams.  相似文献   

A new three-dimensional treatment planning system (TPS) based on convolution/superposition algorithms (TMS-Radix from HELAX AB, Uppsala, Sweden) was recently installed at the University Hospital in Lund. The purpose of the present study was to design a quality assurance and acceptance testing programme to meet the specific characteristics of this convolution model. The model is based on parametrization of a non-measurable quantity-the polyenergetic pencil beam. However, the verification of the treatment planning model is still dependent on numerous comparisons of measured depth-doses and dose profiles. The test programme was divided in two basic parts: (i) model implementation and beam data consistency and (ii) model performance and limitations in special situations. The first part was scheduled for all photon beam qualities available before they could be used for clinical treatment planning. The second part was performed for selected energies only. The results indicate clearly that the model is well suited for clinical three-dimensional dose planning and that the TPS handles data as expected. For example, calculated depth-doses for open and wedge beams at depths larger than the depth of dose maximum and profiles for open beams shows a very good agreement with measurements. However, depth-dose deviations at shallow depths, especially for high energies, were found. Monitor units calculated by the system were accurate for most fields except for very large fields, where deviations of several per cent were found.  相似文献   

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