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目的了解兰州市青少年超重与肥胖的患病状况和影响因素,为预防和控制超重与肥胖提供科学依据。方法采取多阶段随机整群抽样法,抽取兰州市兰化一中和五十一中初一至高三1 400名学生作为调查对象,分别对其进行体格检查和流行病学调查,并对肥胖的影响因素采用Logistic回归分析。结果兰州市男、女生超重率分别为14.73%,4.13%,肥胖率分别为3.08%,1.54%;标准化后男生超重率和肥胖率均高于女生。超重肥胖的主要危险因素是性别、饮酒、吸烟、睡眠时间不足、每周多次吃鱼(OR值均>1),保护因素有锻炼、充足的睡眠(OR值均<1)。结论青少年超重、肥胖检出率高。应尽快采取措施,在青少年人群中开展超重和肥胖干预工作。  相似文献   

目的 了解烟台城区中小学生超重肥胖影响因素,为制定有针对性的防治措施提供科学依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样的方法,抽取烟台市3个城区6所中小学8~14岁1052名学生进行体格检查、学生问卷和家长问卷调查,运用SPSS 16.1进行t检验、χ2检验和logistic回归等分析影响因素。结果 城区中小学生超重率为17.59%,肥胖率为23.38%。男生的超重肥胖率(48.54%)高于女生(32.81%)(χ2=18.275,P<0.001)。睡前吃食物、每天吃早餐和偏食挑食对超重肥胖的发生均有影响,差异有统计学意义(χ2=17.647,7.123,24.895,P<0.01)。父亲超重肥胖、母亲超重肥胖、出生体重超重和父亲抽烟是学生超重肥胖的影响因素,差异有统计学意义(χ2=29.226,28.565,20.886,4.668,P<0.05)。多因素分析显示,父亲超重肥胖、男生、睡前吃食物、母亲超重肥胖和出生体重≥4kg是超重肥胖的独立危险因素(OR=2.192,2.032,1.865,1.790,1.725);每天吃早餐和偏食挑食是超重肥胖的保护因素(OR=0.676,0.433)。结论 烟台市中小学生超重肥胖受多种因素影响,应采取有针对性的干预措施,以控制超重肥胖的发生。  相似文献   

Alarming trends in pediatric overweight in the United States   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
SummaryObjectives: A comprehensive review of the pediatric overweight literature was undertaken to examine secular changes in the prevalence of pediatric overweight, the current magnitude and scope of pediatric overweight, and the identity of high-risk groups in the U.S.Methods: Articles published in the last two decades and studies of nationally representative numbers of children were highlighted.Results: An unprecedented three-fold increase in the prevalence of pediatric overweight has occurred in recent decades in the U.S. and evidence suggests that this trend is continuing unabated. While no sociodemographic or racial group has escaped this trend, particularly at risk are African American girls, Hispanic girls and boys, and children from low-income households.Conclusions: The rising prevalence of pediatric overweight in the U.S. is a harbinger of increases in diabetes, cardiovascular disease and numerous other health problems. Furthermore, disparities in pediatric overweight along ethnic and socio-economic lines are expected to further exacerbate current disparities in rates of chronic disease. Strategies and programs to prevent overweight among children are urgently needed.
Zusammenfassung Alarmierende Trends in der Verbreitung von Übergewicht im Kindesalter in den USAZielsetzung: Eine umfassende Prüfung der Literatur zu Übergewicht im Kindesalter wurde vorgenommen, um langfristige Veränderungen im Vorkommen, das gegenwärtige Ausmass und die Reichweite von Übergewicht im Kindesalter zu untersuchen und um Gruppen mit besonders hohem Risiko in den USA zu identifizieren.Methoden: Spezifisch berücksichtigt wurden Artikel, die während der letzten 20 Jahre publiziert wurden und Studien mit national repräsentativen Teilnehmerzahlen.Ergebnisse: Eine noch nie da gewesene Verdoppelung der Prävalenz für Übergewicht im Kindesalter war in den letzten Jahrzehnten zu verzeichnen und die Datenlage deutet darauf hin, dass sich dieser Trend unvermindert fortsetzt. Keine sozio-ökonomische oder ethnische Untergruppe konnte sich diesem Trend entziehen. Afroamerikanische Mädchen und lateinamerikanische Mädchen und Knaben sowie Kinder aus Haushalten mit niedrigem Einkommen sind besonders gefährdet.Schlussfolgerungen: Die steigende Prävalenz für Übergewicht im Kindesalter in den USA ist ein Vorbote für eine Zunahme von Diabetes, Herzkreislauferkrankungen und zahlreichen anderen Gesundheitsproblemen. Weiterhin ist zu erwarten, dass die ethnischen und sozio-ökonomischen Ungleichheiten bei Übergewicht im Kindesalter die bereits bestehenden Ungleichheiten im Vorkommen von Krankheiten noch verstärken. Es bedarf dringend Strategien und Programme zur Vorbeugung von Übergewicht bei Kindern.

Résumé Tendance alarmante du surpoids pédiatrique aux Etats-UnisObjectifs: Une revue exhaustive de la littérature sur le surpoids pédiatrique a été effectuée pour examiner les changements au cours du siècle de la prévalence du surpoids, son importance actuelle et son extension, ainsi que pour identifier les groupes à haut risque aux Etats-Unis.Méthodes: Etude des articles publiés au cours des 20 dernières années et des études portant sur des échantillons d'enfants représentatifs au niveau national.Résultats: Un doublement sans précédant de la prévalence du surpoids pédiatrique s'est produit au cours des récentes décennies aux Etats-Unis et les données suggèrent que cette tendance se poursuit inexorablement. Bien que cette tendance touche tous les groupes socio-démographiques et ethniques, les filles africaines-américaines, les garçons et les filles hispaniques et les enfants de familles ayant un bas revenu sont particulièrement à risque.Conclusions: La prévalence croissante du surpoids pédiatrique aux Etats-Unis est une source d'accroissement du diabète, de maladies cardio-vasculaires et de nombreux autres problèmes de santé. De plus, les disparités de surpoids pédiatriques selon l'ethnie ou le niveau socio-économique ont probablement exacerbé les inégalités actuelles concernant les taux de maladies chroniques. Il est urgent de développer des stratégies et des programmes destinés à prévenir le surpoids chez les enfants.

This cross-sectional study aimed to determine the prevalence of overweight and obesity in a group of 11-13-year-old schoolchildren in Cap?o da Canoa, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, and to investigate the association with possible risk factors for excess body weight. The sample was stratified, proportional to the number of pupils in each school. Nutritional status was assessed by body mass index (BMI) cutoffs according to age and gender as proposed by Cole et al. (2000). Socioeconomic, demographic, genetic, and behavior variables were analyzed. 719 children from 11 schools were interviewed, of whom there were 541 (75.2%) with normal BMI, 153 (21.3%) with overweight, and 25 (3.5%) with obesity. Statistically significant associations were found with type of school, parents' nutritional status, level of physical activity, and time of sedentary behavior. Prevalence of overweight and obesity in these schoolchildren was high (24.8%), in keeping with the literature, confirming the problem's magnitude and severity in Brazil.  相似文献   

目的 了解我国青海省农村地区居民超重肥胖及相关危险因素的流行情况,为开展人群超重肥胖防控措施提供科学依据.方法 采用整群抽样的方法抽取2个自然村18岁及以上全部村民.采用问卷调查和体格检查方法收集调查对象一般人口学资料、危险因素及身高、体重和腰围信息.结果 完成调查总人数915人,应答率92.80%,有效完成各项调查项目908人.908名调查对象体质指数(BMI)均值为(23.32±3.31) kg/m2,男性为(23.17±3.23) kg/m2,女性为(23.46±3.38) kg/m2;农村成人平均腰围(78.24±9.69)cm,男性为(79.65±9.05) cm,女性为(76.93±10.08)cm.农村成人标化超重率为26.65%,肥胖率为7.56%,中心性肥胖率为29.22%,女性中心性肥胖率(37.45%)明显高于男性(29.22%),差异有统计学意义(x2=-6.88,P<0.01).总人群和男、女性人群中心性肥胖率均随着年龄的增长而升高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01).调查对象锻炼率为19.82%.食用油脂人均每日摄入量超过推荐量的比例是86.62%.结论 开展以体重控制为基础的干预是预防社会转型和生活方式转变导致慢性病危险因素流行的重要手段和策略.  相似文献   

目的了解广东省增城市职业人群代谢综合征(MS)的患病情况及影响因素,为预防和控制MS提供科学依据。方法采用整群抽样方法对研究对象进行问卷调查,并检测相关临床指标。结果增城市职业人群MS的患病率是11.9%,MS的患病率男性高于女性(9.4%和2.5%,P<0.05)。单因素相关分析提示,性别、年龄、糖尿病家族史、吸烟、熬夜、少运动、高盐饮食、酗酒、吃煎炸食物与MS呈显著性正相关(P<0.05);多因素非条件Logistic回归分析显示,性别、年龄、熬夜、糖尿病家族史、酗酒、吸烟、高盐饮食是MS的影响因素(OR值分别为2.172、1.051、1.932、1.980、2.544、1.643和1.923)。结论 MS在广东省增城市职业人群中比较普遍,MS的发病与生活行为方式有显著相关性。及时给予生活行为方式的干预是防治MS的重要手段。  相似文献   

Summary Objectives:Risk factors for chronic and degenerative diseases, especially overweight and obesity are rarely examined among farmers. Objective of the study was to determine subjective health and health-related lifestyle among Austrian farmers.Methods:The study was performed in 1999/2000 as a nationwide survey by mail among all Austrian farmers, men and women, all insured by the Health Insurance Agency of Farmers.Results:15.2% of the farmers were obese. 42.9% were overweight. The prevalence of overweight and obesity was high amongst 15-19 year olds, and reached a second peak among the age groups 50-59 and 60-69 years old. Geographically, the highest concentration of overweight and obese farmers was found in the eastern, flat regions of Austria and the lowest concentration in the western, mountainous areas of Austria.Conclusions:Prevalence of overweight and obesity is very high among Austrian farmers, especially when compared to the general population. The results of this study emphasize the need for further work, with respect to the development of prevention strategies to reduce the prevalence of overweight and obesity among Austrian farmers.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of overweight and obesity and associated factors among Mexican-American adolescents, because obesity is more common among this ethnic group. The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 1999-2002 data were analyzed for Mexican-American adolescents aged 12 to 19 years (n=4,109). Weight status was determined by sex-specific body mass index for age, and evaluated in relationship to demographic characteristics, participation in physical activities, dietary intake, and general health status. Overall, 40.9% of the adolescents were overweight and 22.9% were obese. Males had a higher prevalence of overweight and obesity than females. Factors associated with overweight included being from a low-income family, perceiving oneself as less physically active compared to others of the same age, having a history of asthma, and having considerably higher blood pressure. However, overweight adolescents reported a substantially lower intake for calories and all evaluated nutrients compared to nonoverweight adolescents. It is important to be aware of the high prevalence of overweight among Mexican-American adolescents, as chronic diseases such as hypertension start early among overweight adolescents. Culturally appropriate programs should be created for this ethnic group aimed at obesity prevention and weight management, including nutrition education and individual dietary counseling, with the ultimate goal of lifelong healthful eating habits.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市2000-2010年学生人群超重肥胖的流行情况和变化趋势,为制定和开展相关学校体育卫生工作提供科学依据。方法采用分层随机整群抽样的方法,选取2000-2010年北京市7~22岁学生人群,按照"全国学生体质健康调研实施方案"进行超重肥胖情况调查。结果 2000年,2005年,2010年北京市7~22岁学生人群"超重+肥胖"总检出率分别为15.8%,20.7%和21.3%,呈逐年递增趋势,但2005年后增速放缓。3次调查均显示,超重、肥胖检出率城市学生高于农村学生,男生高于女生,除2010年城、乡之外,其余差异均有统计学意义(P值均<0.01);2005年以来农村学生和7~12岁青少年超重、肥胖检出率增速最快。结论北京市学生超重肥胖检出率逐年升高,以男生和城市学生最为严重;近年来以农村学生和7~12岁年龄段学生超重肥胖检出率增速较快。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and factors associated to overweight and obesity in urban area adolescents. METHODS: A cross-sectional population-based study was carried out in the municipality of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, between 2001 and 2002. Adolescents between 15 and 18 years old were weighed, measured and asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire. Of 90 areas drawn, 86 dwellings were visited in each area, comprising a total of 960 adolescents interviewed. Overweight and obesity prevalences were defined based on the body mass index, according to cutoff values and adjusted to age and sex. Multivariate analysis with Poisson regression was performed using a hierarchical model of variables associated to overweight and obesity. RESULTS: Overweight and obesity prevalences were 20.94% and 5% respectively. There was found an inverse relationship between obesity and age and schooling. An association of overweight and obesity with reporting parents' obesity (p=0.03) and adolescents' sexual maturation (p=0.01) was seen. Dieting and skipping meals were associated to obesity with a risk of 3.98 (95% CI: 1.83-8.67) and 2.54 (95% CI: 1.22-5.29) respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Overweight and obesity prevalences in the area studied are of concern despite adolescents' behaviors to prevent to obesity. There is a need to implement more effective campaigns to provide better guidance to adolescents.  相似文献   

我国中年人群超重率和肥胖率的现状及发展趋势   总被引:150,自引:10,他引:150       下载免费PDF全文
目的:了解我国中年人群超重率和肥胖率现状,定量估价近十余年来超重率和肥胖率发展趋势。方法:选择城乡不同地区、不同职业的15个人群(每个人群1000人左右,男女各半,年龄35-59岁)共计15389人为调查对象,以BMI≥25为超重,BMI≥30为肥胖,分别计算超重率和肥胖率,并与20世纪80年代初和90年代初可比资料比较。结果:①各地人群超重率和肥胖率存在极大差异。在超重严重的地区,中年人群超重率已超过50%;②一般来说这种人群差别表现为:北方高于南方,中城市高于内地农村,女性高于男性;③中年人群的超重目前尚主要表现为“肥胖前期”,肥胖率在绝大多数人群中低于10%;④与80年代初相比,90年代初各人群超重率和肥胖率均上升;与90年代初相比,90年代末多数人群超重率肥胖率均再次 大幅度上升。结论:对我国人群超重和肥胖的干预迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

目的 观察不同干预方式对超重、肥胖青少年体重指数(BMI)和体脂含量的影响,以期得到合理有效的青少年减重方案.方法 选择北京市某初中67名超重、肥胖学生为研究对象,采用随机配伍法随机分为对照组(n=16)、膳食干预组(n=22)和综合干预组(膳食+运动,n=29)3组,观察干预前后BMI和体脂率的变化情况.结果 膳食干预组(P=0.000)和综合干预组(P=0.018)试验后的BMI明显低于试验前,膳食干预组BMI的降低幅度明显大于对照组(P=0.035).膳食干预组(P=0.000,P=0.013)和综合干预组(P=0.000,P=0.000)试验后的躯干和全身体脂率均明显低于试验前,综合于预组躯干和全身体脂率的降低幅度明显大于对照组(P=0.005,P=0.003).结论 膳食和综合干预都可使青少年达到减重效果,综合干预效果更佳.
Objective To observe the effects of different interventions on the body mass index (BMI) and body fat content in overweight and obese adolescents, with an attempt to design reasonable weight relief program.Methods Totally 67 overweight or obese adolescents from a middle school of Beijing were randomly divided into three groups: control group ( n = 16 ), diet intervention group ( n= 22), and combined interventions group ( n =29). The changes of BMI and body fat rate (BFR) were observed. Results BMI significantly decreased after interventions ( diet intervention group: P = 0. 000; combined interventions group: P = 0. 018 ); the change of BMI in diet intervention group was significantly larger than that in control group ( P = 0. 035 ). The trunk and body BFRs also significantly decreased after interventions (diet intervention group: P=0. 000, P = 0. 013; combined interventions group: P = 0. 000, P = 0. 000 ); the changes of trunk and body BFRs were significantly larger in combined interventions group than those in control group ( P = 0.005, P = 0. 003 ). Conclusion Diet intervention and combined interventions are both effective in achieving weight loss in adolescents, and combined interventions have superior effectiveness.  相似文献   

目的  代谢异常型超重(metabolically unhealthy overweight, MUO)对人体健康的危害远甚于代谢正常型超重(metabolically healthy overweight, MHO)。本研究旨在了解上海市成人MUO的患病率水平及变化趋势,探讨人群教育水平的影响。方法  以上海市2002-2003年(n=12 302)、2009年(n=7 400)和2017年(n=19 023)3次抽样调查中35~74岁居民为研究对象,按其教育水平分为小学及以下组、初高中组和大学及以上组。根据有无超重和MS将人群分为代谢和体重正常(metabolically healthy, normal weight, MHNW)、代谢异常体重正常(metabolically unhealthy normal weight, MUNW)、MHO和MUO四种表型。采用多分类无序Logistic回归分析模型和广义估计方程分析二者关联。结果  男女性MUO的粗患病率和标化率上升(均有P < 0.001)。各教育程度组MUO标化率均上升,以小学及以下组增幅最大。三次调查均发现女性MUO标化率随教育程度的增加而降低,而2002-2003年和2009年调查发现男性MUO标化率随教育程度的提高而上升(均有P < 0.05)。以MHNW者为参比,调整年龄等因素后,相比于小学及以下组,初高中组男性患MUO风险升高,而初高中组和大学及以上组女性患MUO的风险降低(均有P < 0.05)。结论  上海市居民MUO患病率上升,且在低教育程度人群中增幅最大。应加大对低教育水平人群尤其是女性群体的健康宣教。  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight and its association with demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and biological variables were evaluated. The sample included 810 adolescents (10-19 years of age) living in the urban area of Pelotas, a southern Brazilian city. Overweight was defined as a body mass index > or = the 85th percentile, according to sex and age, and compared to the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, following the WHO recommendation for adolescents. A clustering sampling strategy was used, and both the crude and adjusted analyses (Poisson Regression) took this strategy into account. The prevalence of overweight was 19.3% (95%CI: 16.6-22.0) and there was no difference between the sexes. The following groups presented a greater probability of being overweight: those classified in the wealthiest socioeconomic groups, those who had dieted to lose weight within the previous 3 months, those who watch 4 or more hours of television per day, and those who have less than 3 regular meals per day. After stratification by gender, high socioeconomic level was associated with greatest risk of overweight among boys. Dieting to lose weight during the previous 3 months, 4 or more hours of television viewing per day, and less than 3 formal meals per day were risk factors for overweight among girls.  相似文献   

目的了解淮安市高职护理专业在校学生超重和肥胖的现状及其影响因素。方法通过分层整群抽样方法抽取924名淮阴卫生高等职业技术学校在校护理专业学生,测量其身高、体重、腰围、臀围并计算体质指数(BMI)和腰臀比,采用2000年亚太地区肥胖防治指南及中国肥胖工作组(WGOC)推荐的超重和肥胖判定标准计算超重和肥胖率,并通过人体测量和调查问卷收集相关信息。结果本次研究共调查在校护理专业学生924人,其中超重107人,肥胖69人,超重肥胖率为19.05%(超重率:11.58%,肥胖率为7.47%)。Logistic回归分析显示:出生体重、晚上加餐、高能量食物摄入及运动情况与超重及肥胖显著相关,差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论超重和肥胖已经成为影响高职护理在校学生健康的重要公共卫生问题之一,多发于出生体重高、晚上经常加餐、平时高能量食物摄入多及运动较少的学生。  相似文献   

超重肥胖已成为世界各国儿童青少年面临的重大公共卫生问题之一。现行的儿童青少年超重肥胖筛查标准不统一,逐条评价或自行编写程序容易出错且效率较低。本研究以中国学龄儿童青少年超重与肥胖筛查标准为例,详细介绍了国际和中国共四种评价儿童青少年超重肥胖的方法和步骤,结合具体案例详细介绍其应用方法,同时编制SPSS和SAS程序包和解...  相似文献   

目的 了解我国中老年人超重、肥胖和中心性肥胖患病率的变化情况,分析中老年人超重/肥胖的影响因素并提出合理的体重控制措施。方法 采用中国健康与养老追踪调查2011、2013和2015年的数据,通过χ2检验比较各年度中老年人性别、年龄间超重和肥胖情况的差异,并分析中老年人超重、肥胖和中心性肥胖患病率的变化趋势。基于2015年数据,采用χ2检验进行单因素分析,并通过二分类Logistic回归分析分别得出中老年人超重/肥胖的影响因素。结果 女性、中年人的超重、肥胖情况比男性、老年人更严重,中老年人超重、肥胖和中心性肥胖患病率逐年升高。超重率从2011年的29.2%上升到了2015年的33.2%,肥胖率从11.5%上升到13.0%,中心型肥胖概率从58.3%上升到63.9%。多因素分析结果显示,激烈活动频率、室内休闲活动、是否吸烟对中年人的超重/肥胖有影响(均有P<0.05),而老年人超重/肥胖的影响因素包括午睡时间、激烈活动频率、室内休闲活动、户外休闲活动、是否吸烟等(均有P<0.05)。结论 我国中老年人群超重、肥胖问题日益严重,不同年龄段人群超重/肥胖的影响因素不尽相同,要采取针对性措施对中老年人群开展体重干预。  相似文献   

目的 通过META分析了解我国儿童高血压患病情况。方法 检索CNKI、Wanfang、CBM、VIP和PubMed数据库中有关中国儿童青少年高血压患病率及影响因素相关文献,利用Stata 11.0软件合并患病率,并对影响因素进行分析。结果 共39篇文献纳入本研究,总样本量796512人,男405479人,女391033人。中国儿童高血压合并患病率为9.1%(95%CI: 7.4%~10.7%)。影响儿童高血压发生的主要因素为肥胖(OR=5.78,95%CI: 3.69~9.05)、居住地(OR=1.18,95%CI: 1.06~1.31)、年龄(OR=1.71,95%CI: 1.28~2.27)。结论 我国儿童青少年高血压患病率较高,肥胖、居住地、年龄是儿童高血压的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

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