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目的探讨获得性子宫动静脉瘘(AVM)的二维及多普勒超声特征,分析二维及彩色多普勒超声在经子宫动脉栓塞治疗后疗效观察中的价值。 方法选择11例获得性子宫AVM患者为研究对象。回顾性分析其子宫及病灶区二维声像图、彩色多普勒血流(CDFI)表现,量化分析多普勒流速曲线特点,包括收缩期峰值速率(PSV)和阻力指数(RI),结合临床症状对经子宫动脉栓塞术(UAE)治疗后病灶的声像图变化,进行分析。 结果11例患者均经彩色多普勒超声诊断为子宫AVM,二维超声图像显示为子宫肌层内见单发类圆形无回声区和(或)多个小无回声区伴低回声呈"蜂窝状",彩色多普勒显示无回声区内有丰富红蓝镶嵌血流信号充填,呈"马赛克"或"湖泊样"改变;脉冲多普勒呈高速低阻血流流速曲线,典型者表现出静脉血流动脉化表现,11例超声检查结果与子宫动脉造影结果基本一致。患者均接受了UAE治疗,10例栓塞术后1周~6个月复查,二维超声见病灶均有明显减小或逐渐消失,彩色多普勒超声表现为低速静脉血流信号或异常血流信号消失;1例随访1周~11个月表现为病灶减小但低速低阻动脉流速曲线持续存在,再次栓塞后仍复发出血,患者因无生育需求最终切除子宫。 结论彩色多普勒超声对获得性子宫动静脉瘘的诊断及UAE后对其治疗效果的评估监测有重要价值。  相似文献   

Transvaginal color Doppler imaging   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Transvaginal color Doppler was used to assess circulation in pelvic vessels in a group of 64 patients including 15 patients with fertility problems, 18 patients with pelvic tumors, 2 cases of suspected ectopic pregnancy, and 29 pregnant patients with fetuses between 6 weeks and 10 weeks, menstrual age. Blood flow was successfully displayed by color Doppler in the external and internal iliac arteries, and the uterine arteries, but flow in ovarian arteries could not be visualized. In the subgroup of patients with pelvic tumors, neovascularization of tumor tissue was documented in 6 out of 10 cases of uterine fibroma and in 2 cases of ovarian cancer. In 6 cases involving benign ovarian pathology, no abnormal blood supply was observed. A comparison between the characteristics of blood flow within uterine fibromas and ovarian malignancies showed lower impedance and higher blood velocity in cases of malignancy. In early pregnancy blood flow in the umbilical artery could be visualized by color Doppler starting from the 6th week and flow in the aorta from the 8th week. Flow in the trophoblasts was observed with an overall success rate of 59% and successfully demonstrated in 1 out of 2 cases of ectopic pregnancy.  相似文献   

Doppler color flow imaging   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
By simultaneous processing of frequency, phase, and amplitude information in the backscattered ultrasound signal, new instruments now permit the real-time display of high-resolution grey scale images of tissue combined with the simultaneous display of flow data from vessels within the scan plane. Doppler Color Flow Imaging, or DCFI, using such processing, permits blood flow direction and relative velocity to be detected and displayed in a color encoded display from throughout the ultrasound image. We have tested a new Doppler color flow imaging system over a period of two years to evaluate the carotid arteries, peripheral arteries and veins, and dialysis fistulas. In the abdomen and pelvis we have imaged blood flow to the liver, spleen, kidneys, uterus and renal transplants. Our experience in over 500 patients leads us to conclude that DCFI has significant advantages over conventional duplex Doppler sonography for blood flow evaluation. For examination of carotid and peripheral vessels, we have found DCFI to permit more rapid assessment in both normal and abnormal states. Areas of vessel narrowing or turbulent flow may be identified rapidly and accurately, and vessel orientation may be determined precisely, allowing accurate calculation of blood flow velocity from Doppler frequency shifts. The system we have used has adequate penetration and sensitivity to allow imaging of hepatic and renal blood flow and is extremely promising as a method of imaging organ perfusion and in the detection of abnormalities of perfusion that accompany disease, such as transplant rejection. Tumor vascularity may also be identified with DCFI, opening the possibility of additional clinical applications.  相似文献   

目的 研究淋巴管畸形的高频超声及彩色多普勒超声表现特点并进行分析、总结.方法 应用高频超声及彩色多普勒超声对23例淋巴管畸形的二维灰阶超声声像图及彩色血流信号进行回顾性研究.超声扫查内容包括:病变大小、边界、内部回声、彩色血流信号及用脉冲多普勒测量血流速度.结果 17例淋巴管畸形(74%,17/23)位于颈部、颌下或腋下,6例位于其他部位;21例位于皮下组织内,其中3例同时累及真皮及肌层.13例大囊型淋巴管畸型,均显示为较大的无回声区,有分隔,壁光滑,其中2例大囊型合并感染,无回声区内有稀疏低回声;5例混合型淋巴管畸形,为淋巴管畸形和血管畸形混合存在,超声显示为大小不等的无回声区有分隔,合并局部微小无回声区或不规则的小的实性低回声区,其中3例侵及肌层;5例微囊型淋巴管畸形,超声显示以无回声区为主,内有少量的低回声区,形成囊实混合性病变.所有病例无回声区内彩色多普勒扫查均无彩色血流信号.8例大囊型及3例混合型淋巴管畸形周边扫查到彩色血流信号,2例微囊型内部实性低回声内显示有彩色血流信号.脉冲多普勒检查最大血流速度18~73 cm/s,阻力指数0.55~0.72.结论 淋巴管畸形的高频超声及彩色超声多普勒成像有显著的特点,以较大的无回声区为主,多发可有分隔,无回声区内无血流信号,大部分位于皮下组织内,基于以上特点,可确诊大部分病例,因而高频超声及彩色多普勒是诊断淋巴管畸形的较好方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨股动脉穿刺介入治疗术后动静脉瘘的超声定位,观察动静脉瘘彩色多普勒血流动力学变化的特点,并随访患者动静脉瘘的自发闭合情况。方法采用彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)对13例股动脉穿刺术后动静脉瘘患者进行观察,追踪瘘口,对动静脉瘘CDFI血流动力学变化进行分析。随访动态观察瘘口愈合情况。结果所有患者CDFI均在瘘口处探及杂色高亮度血流信号,频谱显示为高速低阻的湍流,CDFI在血流射入的静脉段探及花色血流信号,表现为收缩期及舒张期连续性血流频谱,即“静脉频谱动脉化”。回访13例患者中有10例患者瘘口均自发闭合,其余3例患者瘘口呈减小趋势。结论彩色多普勒超声可及时发现股动脉穿刺术后动静脉瘘并能准确定位,亦可观察动静脉瘘口自发闭合情况,对动静脉瘘诊断、随访均具有重要价值。  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformation (AVM) patients who initially present with intracerebral haemorrhage may have an identifiable source of bleeding on angiogram, which can be a treatment target. Previous work suggests that the re-bleed rate may be lowered if a weak area is eliminated.A retrospective cohort study was conducted on patients who presented over a six-year period with a bled AVM. Cases were reviewed looking for the source of the hemorrhage by correlating haematoma location on CT or MRI and any angio-architectural weakness seen on digital subtraction angiography (DSA). Neuroendovascular notes were reviewed to identify the treatment targets. One hundred patients presented with a brain AVM with a 1.7:1 male: female ratio, 41 patients had an initial presentation of hemorrhage. The source of hemorrhage was identified in 18 subjects with 11 intranidal false aneurysms, five flow-related aneurysms, two associated aneurysms and one venous pouch. The location of haemorrhage on the presenting scan significantly correlated with the identified bleeding source using Chi-square analysis (P-value 0.039). Partial targeted embolization was used successfully in 90% with a 9% related technical complication rate not resulting in long-term morbidity or mortality. The mean follow-up period was 34 months with an annual hemorrhage rate of 0.7%. In just under half the patients with AVM bleeding a source of haemorrhage can be identified on DSA and in most cases this will be an intranidal false aneurysm. Flow-related and associated aneurysms in patients with brain AVM can cause haemorrhage and these patients are more likely to have SAH than intracerebral haemorrhage.These weak points are a good target for partial endovascular treatment, are usually accessible and may reduce the higher haemorrhage rate expected over the next two years.  相似文献   

目的探讨彩色多普勒超声对人工动静脉内瘘术前、术后监测的临床价值。方法应用彩色多普勒超声对32例人工动静脉内瘘进行术前吻合血管(桡动脉、头静脉)的筛选、监测和术后1周及4—6周的动态观察。结果经彩色多普勒超声监测的人工动静脉内瘘手术32例,30例成功,1例失败,1例放弃手术。术后超声发现2例患者因血栓形成导致动静脉内瘘阻塞,临床处理后内瘘再通。结论彩色多普勒超声的术前监测是保障内瘘成功建立的有效手段,术后的动态观察和及时处理并发症,可进一步提高手术成功率、延长内瘘的使用时间。  相似文献   

Doppler and color Doppler imaging in acute transplant failure.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Most renal transplants are lost by rejection. A method is required to identify and discriminate between this and acute tubular necrosis and cyclosporin toxicity. The sonogram of the normal renal transplant is characteristic. Early Doppler studies measuring a rise in vascular impedance in acute rejection showed a high sensitivity and specificity. This appears, at least in part, to have been due to patient selection. We conclude that Doppler studies cannot be used to differentiate between the main parenchymal causes of renal transplant failure, although it can be helpful, with other clinical information, in supporting a diagnosis and in monitoring the effects of treatment.  相似文献   

彩色多普勒和彩色能量图在诊断乳腺癌中的价值   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的应用CDFI和CDE观测乳腺肿块的血流特点,评价其在鉴别乳腺良恶性肿块方面的意义。方法应用CDFI和CDE检测145个乳腺肿块,并与病理结果对照。按肿块大小分为Ⅰ组(直径>2.0cm)和Ⅱ组(直径≤2.0cm)。观察肿块二维和彩色血流特点并用频谱3个参数进行定量分析。结果①CDFI显示:恶性肿块血流显示率明显高于良性;Ⅱ组乳腺良、恶性肿块SPV、PI、RI均有显著差异,Ⅰ组则不明显。②CDE显示:血流检出率恶性高于良性,良性肿块以0'型或Ⅰ'型为主,多表现为环绕、点线状血流;恶性肿块以Ⅲ'型或Ⅳ'型为主,表现为穿入、转折和增粗分叉。③联合应用CDFI与CDE对两组肿块诊断敏感性、特异性和准确性分别为95.24%、86.67%、91.67%和93.94%、85.00%、89.04%,明显高于单独应用CDFI或CDE。结论乳腺癌的CDFI和CDE血流检出率均高于良性;SPV、PI、RI可作为小乳癌的鉴别诊断指标之一;联合应用CDFI和CDE能够明显提高乳腺癌的诊断敏感性、特异性和准确性。  相似文献   

超声检查是鉴别乳腺肿瘤良恶性的有效手段.本文通过对251例乳腺癌患者的高频超声二次谐波声像特征及彩色多普勒血流显像与手术病理结果对照分析,进一步探讨和评价其对乳腺癌的诊断价值.  相似文献   

目的 探讨彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)和多普勒能量图(CDPI)诊断脉络膜脱离的价值。方法 用彩色多普勒超声对30例脉络膜脱离患者进行检查,在超声检查眼球形态、晶状体、玻璃体及视网膜的基础上,对眼内带状回声行CDFI和CDPI检查,了解其血流情况,并与手术结果对照。结果 30例脉络膜脱离患者,超声诊断符合率为80.0%,超声联合CDFI和CDPI诊断符合率上升为96.7%。脉络膜脱离的CDFI和CDPI声像图特点为血流丰富,血流束呈长条带状或短棒状。4例视网膜脱离3例见血流信号,但不丰富,血流束呈星点状。合并玻璃体积血14例,玻璃体混浊8例及玻璃体增殖机化4例。27例脉络膜脱离超声诊断与临床手术符合。结论 超声联合CDFI和CDPI检查可为脉络膜脱离的诊断和治疗提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of PDS compared to conventional CDI in the followup of 72 renal allograft patients. Renal allograft vascularization, assessed by PDS and CDI, was scored from 0 to 4, where 0 was the cortical "blush" and 4 was residual central perfusion. These scores were correlated with the resistive index, serum creatinine levels, hematocrit, and, in 35 cases, biopsy results. PDS scores of renal perfusion were one grade lower than CDI scores in 59 of 72 patients and two grades lower in two of 72 patients. A statistically significant correlation was found between PDS scores and the RI (r2 = 0.6, P < 0.05). However, no significant correlation was found between PDS scores and creatinine levels or hematocrit values. PDS scores are not related to histologic findings in renal allograft dysfunction. Overall, five biopsy-related arteriovenous fistulas were detected, two of which were missed on the initial PDS examination. In conclusion, PDS provides more complete visualization of the renal allograft vessel tree than CDI. However, biopsy-related arteriovenous fistulas are better seen by CDI.  相似文献   

彩超及二维血流显像技术在PICC置管中的应用及效果   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
目的探讨彩色多普勒血流显像技术(简称彩超技术)及二维血流显示技术(简称B-Flow技术)在PICC置管的应用及效果。方法将87例需行PICC置管的患者分为对照组和试验组,分别在彩超引导和彩超及B-Flow引导下置管,对两组的置管成功率、操作时间、局部组织损伤、术后血栓发生率进行比较。结果试验组置管成功率、局部组织损伤、术后血栓发生率与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义。结论彩超及B-Flow引导下PICC置管是一种实用、安全的置管方法,它使彩超引导下置管变得更加容易,对局部血管状况差的患者更突显其优势。  相似文献   

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