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经内镜尼龙圈套扎预防结肠息肉高频电切除后出血   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨经内镜尼龙圈套扎预防结肠息肉高频电切除后出血的安全性和疗效。方法内镜下对息肉先行尼龙圈套扎阻断根部血流,再行高频电切术切除。并随机选择同时期仅行高频电切术切除的病例进行对比。结果经内镜尼龙圈套扎组32枚息肉均成功套扎,术中无并发症发生。行高频电切除后,无早期出血发生。对照组32枚息肉中有2枚息肉出现切除术后早期出血。两组均无息肉切除术后迟发性出血。结论尼龙圈套扎联合高频电切治疗结肠较大息肉安全、可行,对预防出血有一定作用,值得进一步临床研究。  相似文献   

小儿结肠息肉的内镜诊断及治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为探讨结肠镜检查对小儿下消化道出血的诊断及经内镜高频电凝切除术对小儿结肠息肉的治疗价值,23例下消化道出血的小儿接受了肠镜检查并应用内镜高频电凝切除术切除所有结肠息肉,结果显示:23例小儿下消化道出血的病因均为结肠息肉.本组病例中共发现并切除结肠息肉29个,其中直肠、乙状结肠息肉占72.4%(21/29);单发息肉占87.0%(20/23).病理学检查显示:幼年性息肉占69.2%(20/29);炎性息肉占20.7%(5/29);脉瘤性息肉占10.3%(3/29).所有病例均未发生出血、穿孔等严重并发症.作者认为:明确小儿下消化道出血的原因最好的方法是结肠镜检查,经内镜高频电凝切除术是治疗小儿结肠息肉安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的:探讨内镜下治疗结肠息肉的临床疗效.方法:随机抽取2012-05/2015-03宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区人民医院消化内科收治的结肠息肉患者96例的临床资料.根据临床治疗方法将患者分为实验组和对照组,实验组患者例数为50例,对照组患者例数为46例.对照组患者采取手术切除治疗,实验组患者采取内镜下切除治疗.观察两组患者住院时间、花费、术后禁食时间;观察两组患者术后并发症发生情况和术中、术后相关情况.结果:术中,实验组患者出血量显著低于对照组(P0.05).术后,实验组患者卧床时间显著低于对照组(P0.05),焦虑和日常生活活动能力评分显著低于对照组(P0.05).实验组患者住院时间、花费、术后禁食时间和术后并发症发生率均低于对照组(27.88 h±4.69 h vs 64.62 h±6.45 h,2648.25元±112.45元vs 6614.25元±130.69元,32.69 h±6.66 h vs 58.72 h±7.35 h,6.00%vs 23.91%,P0.05).结论:内镜下治疗结肠息肉临床疗效较好,可有效缩短患者住院时间和术后禁食时间,而且手术花费减少、患者术后并发症发生率较低,值得临床推广.  相似文献   

小儿结肠息肉内镜下特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨小儿结肠息肉内镜下的临床特征、病理特点及复发几率。方法对116例小儿结肠息肉病例的内镜、病理特点及随访结果进行回顾性分析。结果大肠息肉分布主要集中于远端结肠,其中直肠占58.62%、乙状结肠占28.45%、降结肠占6.03%、横结肠占3.44%、升结肠占2.58%、盲肠占0.86%。大肠息肉病理类型中最常见为幼年性息肉占80.17%,其他炎症性息肉、腺瘤性息肉、Peutz-Jeghers息肉、家族性息肉分别占7.75%、6.89%、2.58%、1.72%。复发息肉均为多发性息肉。结论小儿大肠息肉以幼年性息肉为主,分布主要集中于远端结肠,多发性息肉易出现复发。  相似文献   

我院1998—12/2002—12经内镜高频电治疗结肠息肉89例,取得了满意的效果。现将护理体会报告如下。  相似文献   

目的了解祁门县地区结肠息肉的发病情况、临床特征以及诊治情况。方法回顾性分析2011年1月至2015年12月在黄山市祁门县人民医院就诊并接受肠镜检查的1 959例患者,对内镜诊断为结肠息肉的373例患者以及其中接受结肠镜下息肉切除治疗的201例患者的临床资料、病理资料进行分析。结果 1 959例接受结肠镜检查的患者中有373例检出结肠息肉,息肉检出率为19.04%,男性多见,男女比为1.66∶1,平均发病年龄为(55.56±12.71)岁;结肠息肉以单发、山田分型Ⅰ型及Ⅱ型为多见;息肉大小以1.5 cm为多见;好发部位是直肠及乙状结肠;病理分型以腺瘤性息肉为主。201例患者共切除息肉335枚,所有患者均顺利切除,术中部分患者有出血,采用钛夹等内镜下措施成功补救,未出现严重的并发症;201例息肉切除患者中有59例完成了内镜随访检查,随访率为29.4%,随访时间为3个月~4年。59例随访的患者中有10例出现复发,复发率为16.9%。结论内镜下治疗是目前结肠息肉的主要治疗方法,其操作简单、创伤小、并发症少,是一种安全、有效、易行的治疗方法,值得在基层医院推广。息肉切除术后易复发,需重视息肉切除后的密切随访。  相似文献   

出血是胃肠道隆起性病变高频电切除术常见的并发症之一,发生于24 h以后的出血称为延迟出血。文献报道多发生于术后24 h~2周,一般认为术后1周为高危期。我院1例于术后第18天发生延迟出血,较罕见,现报道于下。患者男,66岁。因肛门坠胀,结肠镜检查发现乙状结肠多发息肉,拟行镜下息肉摘除术入院。体检:BP l50/90 mmHg,  相似文献   

小儿结肠息肉内镜下治疗268例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小儿结肠息肉内镜下治疗268例史成章徐芸郭慧平河南医科大学第一附属医院消化科河南省郑州市450052Subjectheadingscolonicpolyps/therapy;electrocoagulation;endoscopy主题词结肠息肉...  相似文献   

患者女,38岁,反复解鲜红色大便2年余,外院诊断结肠息肉(直径约0.8cm)、内痔出血,因治疗效果不佳来我院进一步治疗。入院体检:肥胖,生命体征平稳,无贫血貌,心肺未闻及异常,腹软无压痛,肝脾未及肿大和包块,肠鸣音正常。入院生化检查均正常。  相似文献   

结肠腺瘤高频电凝切除术术后复发情况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解结肠腺瘤患者行电凝切除术后的复发情况.方法 2000年至2008年行结肠息肉高频电凝切除术且符合入选标准者283例,根据患者基线肠镜时的病史及结肠镜检查发现的结肠腺瘤特征进行分析,计算患者0~2年、>2~5年及>5 ~8年累积复发率,中位复发时间及影响复发的因素.结果 所有观察病例中,0~2年累积复发率为61%,>2~5年累积复发率为81%,>5~8年累积复发率为84%.COX回归分析发现,性别,年龄、是否有非结肠肿瘤史、饮酒史以及初检腺瘤是否为多发(>2个)是影响腺瘤复发的主要因素.结论 在中国人群中,行结肠腺瘤高频电切术的患者建议术后2年复查1次肠镜.对于年龄>60岁的男性患者,如结肠腺瘤为多发,建议20个月左右复查1次结肠镜,如同时存在非结肠肿瘤病史或饮酒史,建议进一步缩短复查时间.  相似文献   

高频电切术所致大肠壁损伤的组织病理学观察   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的观察大肠壁高频电切术所致的组织学损伤,阐明其组织病理学特征,为临床防治并发症提供有价值的参考资料.方法采用组织病理学方法,观察34例外科切除大肠标本上的47处内镜高频电切术切除部位和内镜切除标本.结果47处内镜切除部位的粘膜下层均有不同程度的病变,28处(59.6%)可见肌层或浆膜层的电热损伤,常表现为内肌层肌组织坏死、内外肌层间出血或纤维化及浆膜损伤.病变大多是局灶性的,与粘膜下层的病变不连续,呈现跳跃式的分布内镜切除标本的深度仅限于粘膜下层以内.内镜切除部位有肌层或浆膜病变者,内镜切除标本的平均最大径大于没有肌层或浆膜病变者(P<0.05).内镜切除标本最大径<10mm时,也可见肌层或浆膜的损伤.结论内镜切除术引起的无症状的肠壁电热损伤并不少见,其出现与内镜切除标本的大小有关,内镜切除最大径<10mm的组织也可导致电热损伤并可能引起肠壁全层坏死.  相似文献   

The histopathological features and results of treatment of malignant polyps removed by endoscopic polypectomy from 60 patients are presented. The patients were followed for a minimum of five years. Forty six patients were treated by polypectomy alone as local excision was judged complete and the invasive carcinoma was well or moderately well differentiated. Thirty seven of these patients are alive and well after five years and the remaining nine have died of other causes up to four years later: there was no evidence of recurrence in any of these cases. Fourteen patients underwent a subsequent major surgical resection and residual tumour was found at the site of polypectomy in two cases but regional lymph nodes were not involved. Only one patient from this group with a high grade tumour developed metastases although the operative specimen was free of tumour. Malignant polyps can be successfully treated by polypectomy alone provided both the laboratory techniques of examination and the histopathological criteria are strictly applied.  相似文献   

Background and aims  Endoscopic polypectomy still remains the cornerstone of therapy for colorectal polyps and adenomas. However, if colorectal polyps are too large or not accessible for endoscopic ablation or cannot be removed without an increased risk for perforation, operative procedures are required. In such circumstances, laparoscopic resection represents a minimally invasive alternative. Materials and methods  Between January 1993 and December 2004, more than 2,500 endoscopic polypectomies were performed at the Department of Surgery, University of Schleswig-Holstein, Campus Lübeck, Germany. In patients which could not be treated by endoscopic polypectomy due to size, location, and/or risk of complications, a laparoscopic colorectal resection was performed. All data were prospectively assessed in our “colorectal resection” database. Results  The database analysis revealed 58 patients with endoscopically not resectable colorectal polyps who underwent a laparoscopic colorectal resection (intend to treat). In 54 patients, the operative procedure could be finished by the laparoscopic approach (study population). The conversion rate was 6.9% (four of 58). An ileocolic resection was performed in 20 patients (37.0%), and 14 patients (25.9%) underwent an anterior rectal resection. A right colectomy was necessary in 12 patients (22.2%), and six patients (11.1%) underwent a sigmoid resection. In the remaining two patients, a left colectomy and a resection of the transverse colon were performed. Intra- and postoperative complications occurred in five patients (9.3%). Perioperative mortality was not registered. The histopathological work-up revealed benign disease in all cases. Conclusion  Laparoscopic resection of colorectal polyps is a safe and minimally invasive technique for the management of benign colorectal tumors. Thus, the laparoscopic approach to endoscopically not resectable polyps enriches the therapeutic spectrum. The authors Hauenschild and Bader contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

内镜下注射肾上腺素-盐水溶液分块摘除结直肠无蒂大息肉   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
目的探讨安全有效地在内镜下摘除结、直肠扁平无蒂大息肉。方法先在病变的基底部粘膜下层分点注射肾上腺素-盐水溶液,使病变部隆起,然后再在肠镜下用圈套分块电凝摘除。结果本院内镜室用此法治疗结直肠扁平无蒂息肉24例,所有病变直径均大于2cm,其中2~3cm17例,3.1~4cm6例,>5cm1例。术后病理为腺瘤21例,早期大肠癌3例,均经内镜根治,经随访3例大肠癌均无复发。本组未出现出血或穿孔等并发症。结论结肠镜下注射肾上腺素-盐水溶液后,分块摘除扁平及无蒂的息肉是较安全、有效的o  相似文献   

随着内镜下息肉切除技术的不断发展,内镜医师可通过微创、高效的内镜下操作,实现结直肠息肉的完整切除,降低结直肠癌的发生率。其中圈套器冷切除术因操作简单、耗时短、完整切除率高、并发症少等优点被推荐为1~9 mm结直肠(微)小息肉切除的首选方法。近年来,圈套器冷切除术治疗结直肠息肉的研究进展迅速,笔者围绕该项技术在临床实践中的应用以及对长径≥10 mm的扁平息肉治疗的应用及进展进行文献综述。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We analyzed the results of a long-term follow-up surveillance of patients with colorectal polyps after endoscopic polypectomy in terms of the cumulative incidence of subsequent colorectal cancer and the clinicopathologic characteristics of carcinomas detected by colonoscopy. METHOD: The study cohort consisted of 6,715 patients who had received endoscopic resection of single or multiple colorectal polyps and then underwent periodic colonoscopy (or a combination of sigmoidoscopy and barium x-ray examination in some cases) during an average follow-up of six years (40,622 person-years in total). RESULTS; During the follow-up, 31 cases of colorectal cancer containing 15 submucosal invasive carcinomas (T1,N0,M0) and 16 advanced carcinomas were detected. The cumulative incidence of colorectal cancer was analyzed for four subgroups of the 6,715 patients classified according to the diameter, grade of dysplasia, and histologic features of polyps. Furthermore, the depth of invasion, macroscopic configuration of submucosal invasive cancer, and site of colorectal cancer observed in the 31 cases were compared with those of a reference group of 1,497 patients with colorectal cancer treated at Takano Hospital during the same period. Submucosal invasive cancer was the most common type among the colorectal carcinomas detected during follow-up. In terms of macroscopic configuration of submucosal cancer, the superficial type was significantly more common than the protruded type. The superficial submucosal cancer showed a significantly longer interval to detection than the protruded submucosal cancer. By site of lesion, proximal colon cancer was significantly more common. CONCLUSION: Follow-up colonoscopy appears to be useful in patients with larger polyps (>5 mm). Patients with severe dysplasia and those with malignant polyps should be followed-up carefully. Because submucosal cancer detected by follow-up examination after polypectomy showed higher rates of superficial-type cancer and proximal colon cancer, careful endoscopic examination of the entire colon is important.  相似文献   

J M Geraghty  C B Williams    I C Talbot 《Gut》1991,32(7):774-778
We reviewed the pathology of 81 malignant colorectal polyps in 80 patients treated by endoscopic polypectomy and assessed the importance of carcinomatous invasion of veins in the stalk (submucosa). All the patients were followed up for at least five years. Venous invasion was present in 30 of the polyps (37%). The histological features of lymphatic invasion were considered too subjective to be of value. Most of the tumours were well or moderately differentiated adenocarcinomas, one was poorly differentiated, and one was a signet ring cell carcinoma. Seventy one patients were treated by polypectomy alone, and 58 of these were alive and well five years later, with no evidence of recurrence. Nine died of unrelated causes within five years, but four died of carcinomatosis: one with recurrent tumour, one with a possible metachronous caecal cancer, and in two patients there was late development of malignancy of uncertain nature. The remaining nine patients underwent surgical resection after initial endoscopic polypectomy because of incompleteness of excision, poor differentiation of the tumour, or a decision by the surgeon. Tumour was not present in the resection specimens apart from a single lymph node deposit in the patient with signet ring cell carcinoma. These nine patients were alive and well without evidence of recurrence five years later. The results reemphasize the necessity of good cooperation between endoscopist and pathologist, meticulous laboratory technique, strict histopathological criteria including examination of resection margins and degree of differentiation of the tumour, and regular endoscopic follow up. Endoscopic polypectomy of pedunculated and sessile malignant polyps is adequate treatment if the lesion can be removed in one piece, the tumour is well or moderately differentiated, and local excision is judged complete by endoscopic and histological criteria. Patients with histologically incompletely excised polyps, containing well or moderately differentiated carcinoma, can be safely managed by conservative treatment provided the endoscopist is certain there is no residual tumour. Venous invasion by tumour is a common finding in malignant colorectal polyps and seems to have no prognostic importance.  相似文献   

目的 探讨内镜黏膜下剥离术(ESD)治疗直径2 cm以上结直肠短粗蒂息肉的安全性和有效性。方法 回顾性分析浙江省慈溪市人民医院2015年1月到2017年6月行ESD治疗的直径2 cm以上结直肠粗短蒂息肉患者的临床资料,包括临床病理资料,并发症发生情况,以及有无局部复发或远处转移等。结果 共40例患者纳入研究,息肉直径2.0~4.0 cm,平均2.8 cm,均成功进行ESD,整块切除率100.0%。手术时间7~60 min,平均25.1 min。术中26例(65.0%)出现动脉搏动性出血,均经内镜下热活检钳电凝止血成功。术中无穿孔、无内镜无法处理的大出血发生,术后无迟发性出血及迟发性穿孔,无中转外科手术病例。术后住院时间1~4 d,平均1.3 d。术后病理提示,23例(57.5%)为腺瘤伴低级别上皮内瘤变, 15例(37.5%)为高级别上皮内瘤变,2例(5.0%)为浸润黏膜下层浅层的早期癌。所有切除标本的侧切缘和基底切缘无肿瘤累及,病灶完整切除率100.0%。患者术后随访时间4~24个月, 平均10.2个月,无局部复发和远处转移病例。结论 ESD治疗较大结直肠粗短蒂息肉安全有效。  相似文献   

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