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Current knowledge on the biology of mammalian embryonic stem cells (ESC) is stunningly sparse in light of their potential value in studies of development, functional genomics, generation of transgenic animals and human medicine. Despite many efforts to derive ESC from other mammalian species, ESC that retain their capacity for germ line transmission have only been verified in the mouse. However, the criterion of germ line transmission may not need to be fulfilled for exploitation of other abilities of these cells. Promising results with human ESC-like cells and adult stem cells have nourished great expectations for their potential use in regenerative medicine. However, such an application is far from reality and substantial research is required to elucidate aspects of the basic biology of pluripotent cells, as well as safety issues associated with the use of such cells in therapy. In this context, methods for the derivation, propagation and differentiation of ESC-like cultures from domestic animals would be highly desirable as biologically relevant models. Here, we review previously published efforts to establish bovine ESC-like cells and describe a procedure used in attempts to derive similar cells from bovine Day 12 embryos.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞及诱导多能干细胞在胚胎毒性研究中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
药物对于生殖细胞或者早期胚胎的影响将会引起不孕或者种植前胚胎的发育异常,进而引起胚胎毒性或者是后代的畸形,因此药物的临床应用需要有可靠的实验数据证明其对胚胎的影响,而胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ESC)由于其无限增殖及多向分化的潜能而作为研究药物胚胎毒性的细胞模型得到广泛应用,以ESC为基础的胚胎干细胞实验(embryonic stem cell test,EST)是获得国际认可的胚胎毒性评价的体外替代方法,但是该实验方法的快速性和准确性存在一定的局限性,目前该细胞模型的研究主要集中于快速性和准确性的优化。新兴的诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,i PSC),由于具有与ESC相似的增殖和分化特性,目前也被逐步应用于药物胚胎毒性的研究。  相似文献   

Recent efforts to resolve the political impasse over human embryonic stem cells (ESC) have generated proposals for obtaining ESC while avoiding the destruction of human embryos. This new chapter in the scientific and ethical debate provides an important opportunity to introduce additional ethical considerations to enhance public discourse.  相似文献   

The total absence or low production of insulin by beta-cells avoids a proper control of glycemia forcing diabetic people to daily insulin injection for survival. Islet transplantation represents a hallmark in the cure of diabetes and has been successfully applied to more than 400 patients, resulting in insulin independency for periods longer than 4 years. However, transplantation trials for diabetes have to face the scarcity of islets from cadaveric donors. Therefore, the finding of renewable sources of cells could circumvent this problem. In this respect, embryonic or adult stem cells are representing an interesting alternative. Stem cells display robust proliferation and the plasticity to differentiate to other cell types, including insulin-containing cells. The current therapeutical use in the future of bioengineered insulin-secreting cells derived from stem cells needs at present to fulfill several criteria. These criteria concern to the type of stem cell to be used as starting biomaterial (embryonic or adult), the in vitro differentiation protocol applied, the functional phenotype reached for the final cell product and the transplantation associated problems (likely immune rejection and tumor formation). This review will try to focus on these different aspects in order to emphasize in the key points to consider for designing unified strategies for diabetes cell therapy.  相似文献   

Circulating stem cells and tissue repair   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stem cells are defined as cells that have clonogenic, self-renewing capacities and the capability to differentiate into multiple cell lineages. Whereas embryonic stem cells are derived from mammalian embryos in the blastocyst stage and can generate terminally differentiated cells of all 3 embryonic germ layers, adult human stem cells are capable of maintaining, generating, and replacing terminally differentiated cells within their own specific tissue as a consequence of physiologic cell turnover or tissue injury. The traditional idea of organ-restricted stem-cell differentiation is now being challenged by the suggestion that adult stem cells retain developmental plasticity. Preclinical and clinical studies described in this review provide evidence that within the blood circulate not only progenitor cells that differentiate into hematopoietic cells, but also stem/progenitor cells which can participate in the homeostasis, repair and replacement of solid organ tissues. In addition to the occurrence of cell fusion, there are 4 suggested mechanisms of adult stem cell differentiation into solid organ cells. Preclinical data support these models particularly that of transdifferentiation as the most likely model, allowing stem/progenitor cells to differentiate across lineage, tissue, and germ layer boundaries. There is increasing evidence that we can manipulate in vivo circulating adult stem cells to repair or regenerate solid organ tissue, which offers potential clinical benefit in the treatment of many hereditary and acquired diseases.  相似文献   

Stem cell sources for cardiac regeneration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cell-based cardiac repair has the ambitious aim to replace the malfunctioning cardiac muscle developed after myocardial infarction, with new contractile cardiomyocytes and vessels. Different stem cell populations have been intensively studied in the last decade as a potential source of new cardiomyocytes to ameliorate the injured myocardium, compensate for the loss of ventricular mass and contractility and eventually restore cardiac function. An array of cell types has been explored in this respect, including skeletal muscle, bone marrow derived stem cells, embryonic stem cells (ESC) and more recently cardiac progenitor cells. The best-studied cell types are mouse and human ESC cells, which have undisputedly been demonstrated to differentiate into cardiomyocyte and vascular lineages and have been of great help to understand the differentiation process of pluripotent cells. However, due to their immunogenicity, risk of tumor development and the ethical challenge arising from their embryonic origin, they do not provide a suitable cell source for a regenerative therapy approach. A better option, overcoming ethical and allogenicity problems, seems to be provided by bone marrow derived cells and by the recently identified cardiac precursors. This report will overview current knowledge on these different cell types and their application in cardiac regeneration and address issues like implementation of delivery methods, including tissue engineering approaches that need to be developed alongside.  相似文献   

Human embryonic stem cells lines can be derived from human blastocysts at high efficiency (>50%) by immunosurgical isolation of the inner cell mass and culture on embryonic fibroblast cell lines. These cells will spontaneously differentiate into all the primary embryonic lineages in vitro and in vivo, but they are unable to form an integrated embryo or body plan by themselves or when combined with trophectoderm cells. They may be directed into a number of specific cell types and this enrichment process requires specific growth factors, cell-surface molecules, matrix molecules and secreted products of other cell types. Embryonic stem (ES) cells are immortal and represent a major potential for cell therapies for regenerative medicine. Their use in transplantation may depend on the formation of a large bank of suitable human leucocyte antigen (HLA) types or the genetic erasure of their HLA expression. Successful transplantation may also require induction of tolerance in recipients and ongoing immune suppression. Although it is possible to customize ES cells by therapeutic cloning or cytoplasmic transfer, it would appear unlikely that these strategies will be used extensively for producing ES cells compatible for transplantation. Embryonic stem cell research may deliver a new pathway for regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

摘要:多能干细胞(Pluripotent Stem cell)在胚胎毒性实验中已有广泛的应用。以胚胎干细胞(embryonic stem cell,ESC)为基础的胚胎干细胞实验(embryonic stem cell test ,EST)是获得国际认可的胚胎毒性评价的体外替代方法。诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,IPSC),由于具有与胚胎干细胞相似的特性,又具有其独特的优势,也被逐步应用于药物胚胎毒性的研究。本文综述了ESC及IPSC在药物胚胎毒性研究中的应用进展。  相似文献   

The regulation of the European Council and Parliament on advanced therapy medicinal products also includes therapies with human embryonic stem cells. The use of these stem cells is controversially and heavily discussed. Contrary to the use of adult stem cells, medical and ethical problems concerning the use of human embryonic stem cells persists, because this use is based on the destruction of human life at the very beginning. The regulation forsees, therefore, subsidiarity within the European Member States. Although there are no ethical problems in principle with the use of stem cells from the umbilical cord blood, there are social ethical doubts with the banking of these stem cells for autologous use without any currently foreseeable medical advantage by commercial blood banks. Also in this case subsidiarity is valid.  相似文献   

Pluripotent embryonic stem cells (ESCs) from the inner cell mass of early murine and human embryos exhibit extensive self-renewal in culture and maintain their ability to differentiate into all cell lineages. These features make ESCs a suitable candidate for cell-replacement therapy. However, the use of early embryos has provoked considerable public debate based on ethical considerations. From this standpoint, stem cells derived from adult tissues are a more easily accepted alternative. Recent results suggest that adult stem cells have a broader range of potency than imagined initially. Although some claims have been called into question by the discovery that fusion between the stem cells and differentiated cells can occur spontaneously, in other cases somatic stem cells have been induced to commit to various lineages by the extra- or intracellular environment. Recent data from our laboratory suggest that changes in culture conditions can expand a subpopulation of cells with a pluripotent phenotype from primary fibroblast cultures. The present paper critically reviews recent data on the potency of somatic stem cells, methods to modify the potency of somatic cells and implications for cell-based therapies.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cells (ESCs) are the pluripotent cells that also have the capacity to induce the genomic reprogramming of differentiated somatic cells. The progressively restricted genomic potential of somatic cells observed during embryonic development can be reverted to a pluripotent state by the formation of cell hybrids with ESCs. To assess the reprogramming potential of ESCs, we investigated the reprogramming of one of two different somatic cell populations, neurosphere cells (NSCs) and cumulus cells (CCs), after fusion with ESCs. Specifically, hybrid cells were produced by cell fusion of E14 ESCs with either NSCs or CCs containing the neo/lacZ and Oct4-GFP transgenes. The first reprogramming event, observed by the presence of Oct4-GFP in the hybrid cells, could be identified on Day 2, at approximately 45 h after fusion in both ESC-NSC and ESC-CC hybrids. In addition, the two ESC-somatic cell hybrids exhibit a similar reprogramming rate and share characteristics with the E14 ESC line: (1) expression of pluripotent markers (Oct4, Rex-1 and nanog); (2) inactivation of differentiated tissue-specific gene expression; and (3) the capacity to differentiate into all three germ layers. Taken together, our results suggest that the ESC-somatic cell hybrids have fully acquired ESC characteristics and that somatic cells of different tissue origin have the same potential to be reprogrammed after fusion with ESCs.  相似文献   

Stem cells as a source material for growing cellular transplants to repair dysfunctional organs appear to be a new challenge for medical science. Though stem cells are also present in foetal and adult organs, embryonic stem cells from the pre-implantation embryo in particular have the potency to proliferate easily in vitro and the capacity to differentiate into all the body's organ-specific cells. Therefore, these are the ideal cells for developing new cell transplantation therapies for diseases such as Parkinson's disease, diabetes mellitus and heart failure. The use of spare in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos or pre-implantation embryos specially created to harvest human embryonic stem cells is, however, controversial and an ethical problem. In a European discussion platform organised by the European Commission Research Directorate-General, the status quo of the progress was presented and subsequently commented upon and discussed in terms of medical-ethical, social, industrial and patient interests. The expectations of this new medical technology were high, but clinical trials seem only acceptable once the in vitro differentiation of stem cells can be adequately controlled and once it is known how in vitro prepared stem cells behave after implantation. The ethical justification of the use of in vitro pre-implantation embryos remains controversial. The prevailing view is that the interests of severely ill patients for whom no adequate therapy exists, surmounts the interest of protection of a human in vitro pre-implantation embryo, regardless of whether it was the result of IVF or of transplantation of a somatic cell nucleus of the patient in an enucleated donor egg cell (therapeutic cloning).  相似文献   

Endothelial cells(ECs) are essential for pancreas differentiation, endocrine specification, and endocrine function. They are also involved in the physiopathology of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. During embryogenesis, aortic ECs provide specific factors that maintain the expression of key genes for pancreas development such as pancreatic and duodenal homeobox-1. Other unknown factors are also important for pancreatic endocrine specification and formation of insulin-producing beta cells. Endocrine precursors proliferate interspersed with ductal cells and exocrine precursors and, at some point of development, these endocrine precursors migrate to pancreatic mesenchyme and start forming the islets of Langerhans. By the end of the gestation and close to birth, these islets contain immature beta cells with the capacity to express vascular endothelial growth factor and therefore to recruit ECs from the surrounding microenvironment. ECs in turn produce factors that are essential to maintain insulin secretion in pancreatic beta cells. Once assembled, a cross talk between endocrine cells and ECs maintain the integrity of islets toward an adequate function during the whole life of the adult individual. This review will focus in the EC role in the differentiation and maturation of pancreatic beta cells during embryogenesis as well as the current knowledge about the involvement of endothelium to derive pancreatic beta cells in vitro from mouse or human pluripotent stem cells.  相似文献   

Pluripotential stem cells have been derived in mice and primates from preimplantation embryos, postimplantation embryos and bone marrow stroma. Embryonic stem cells established from the inner cell mass of the mouse and human blastocyst can be maintained in an undifferentiated state for a long time by continuous passage on embryonic fibroblasts or in the presence of specific inhibitors of differentiation. Pluripotential stem cells can be induced to differentiate into all the tissues of the body and are able to colonise tissues of interest after transplantation. In mouse models of disease, there are numerous examples of improved tissue function and correction of pathological phenotype. Embryonic stem cells can be derived by nuclear transfer to establish genome-specific cell lines and, in mice, it has been shown that embryonic stem cells are more successfully reprogrammed for development by nuclear transfer than somatic cells. Pluripotential stem cells are a very valuable research resource for the analysis of differentiation pathways, functional genomics, tissue engineering and drug screening. Clinical applications may include both cell therapy and gene therapy for a wide range of tissue injury and degeneration. There is considerable interest in the development of pluripotential stem cell lines in many mammalian species for similar research interests and applications.  相似文献   

The discovery of human embryonic stem cells at the end of 1998 had a strong influence on the development of stem cell research and led to controversial discussions. The first therapeutic application of adult blood stem cells began after their discovery in 1963 and was accepted as an authorized therapy in the early 1980s. The way from basic research to therapeutic use needed about 20 years and was also discussed in a controversial way similar to the discussions of today. The regulatory environment at that time, however, allowed a quick translation of the results from basic research to the clinic. Today many new stem cell therapies for a multitude of diseases are under development. Their clinical realization is regulated by the AMG (Arzneimittelgesetz). For nonclinical research as well as for clinical research, specific regulations are enacted to guarantee a structured and safe launch. Time, know how and money for planning, request for authorization and conduction of a clinical trial should not be underestimated. For clinical application of stem cell products authorization by the proper authorities is mandatory.  相似文献   

衰老和疾病发生发展大多伴随氧化应激水平升高,包括多囊卵巢综合征、卵巢储备减少和卵巢早衰等生殖内分泌疾病。干细胞治疗已应用于多种疾病或其临床研究,而间充质干细胞(MSC)相对于胚胎干细胞和诱导多能干细胞具有明显的优势,如应用于子宫内膜粘连、多囊卵巢综合征和卵巢早衰临床治疗的研究。MSC分泌的众多细胞因子对组织细胞内氧化应激具有调节作用。研究发现,白细胞介素6(IL-6)和脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)能激活核因子E2相关因子2(Nrf2)通路降低氧化应激水平。综述MSC分泌因子的抗氧化应激作用,阐述其可能的细胞内作用机制,为探讨MSC临床应用提供新思路。  相似文献   

Uher F  Vas V 《Orvosi hetilap》2002,143(18):921-928
In the early stages of embryonic development, cells have the capability of dividing indefinitely and then differentiating into any type of cell in the body. Recent studies have revealed that much of this remarkable developmental potential of stem cells is retained by small populations of cells within most tissues in the adult. Intercellular signals that control the proliferation, differentiation and survival of tissue stem cells in their niches are being identified and include a diverse array of morphogens, cytokines, chemokines and cell adhesion molecules. Adult tissue stem cells, moreover, can also differentiate into developmentally unrelated cell types, such as nerve stem cells into blood cells. Currently, we can only speculate about the mechanisms involved in such dramatic changes in cell fate. For example, the emergence of, say, hematopoietic stem cells from brain neurospheres could involve either transdifferentiation (brain-->blood) or dedifferentiation (brain-->pluripotent cells), or by the actions of rare, but residual pluripotent stem cells. This issue is central to understanding the molecular basis of commitment and lies at the heart of debates about plasticity and the reversibility of developmental restriction.  相似文献   

Great progress has been made in two technologies related to biomedical research: (1) manipulating the genomes of cells; and (2) inducing stem cells in culture to differentiate into potentially useful cell types. These technologies can be used to create animal models of human disease and to provide cells for transplantation to ameliorate human disease. Both embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells have been studied for these purposes. Genetically modified somatic cells provide another source of cells for creating animal models and for cellular transplantation.  相似文献   

Stem cell therapy for diabetes mellitus: progress, prospects and challenges   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Urbán SV  Kiss J  Vas V  Kovács J  Uher F 《Orvosi hetilap》2006,147(17):791-797
Curative therapy for diabetes mellitus mainly implies replacement of missing insulin-producing pancreatic beta cells, with pancreas or islet-cell transplants. The limited supply currently available from cadaveric donor islets for transplantation, however, determines that researchers must explore alternative sources of graft material. Stem cells represent a promising solution to this problem, and current research is being aimed at the creation of islet-endocrine tissue from these undifferentiated cells. Both embryonic stem cells (derived from the inner cell mass of a blastocyst) and adult tissue stem cells (found in the postnatal organism) have been used to generate surrogate beta cells or otherwise restore beta cell functioning. Nevertheless, cell replacement therapies that are stem cell based will remain fiction rather than fact until we can efficiently and reproducibly ensure that stable, fully functional cells can be generated in vitro. It is also critical to ensure that any surrogate or regenerated beta cells have perfectly regulated insulin production, which is essential for physiological glucose homeostasis. As in every emerging field in biology, early reports seem confusing and conflicting. Therefore, discrepancies between different results need to be reconciled. In addition, encouraging studies in rodent models may ultimately set the stage for large-animal studies. In this review, the authors provide insight into research efforts to overcome existing hurdles for this promising therapy.  相似文献   

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