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尿瘘的病因及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
女性尿瘘(urinary fistula)又称泌尿生殖道瘘(urogenital fistula),是指生殖道与泌尿道之间有异常通道,尿液自阴道流出,不能控制。现将女性尿瘘病因及预防措施的研究进展作一综述,为预防尿瘘的发生提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:探讨由损伤引起的女性尿瘘发病的相关因素及预防.方法:回顾性分析1979年1月至2009年12月31年间贵阳医学院附属医院收治的191例女性尿瘘患者的临床资料,其中阴道分娩所致产伤引起的尿瘘有171例,妇科手术因素引起的尿瘘有20例.并同时随机选择同时间段住院产妇未发生尿瘘200例为对照组,对其中171例产伤性尿瘘...  相似文献   

随着围产医学保健工作的加强及妇科手术技术的提高,女性泌尿生殖道瘘(尿瘘)的发生率逐年下降。据我院近13年的统计,平均年收治数为1.1例,比建国后的前31年(1950-1980年)的年收治数6.7例,呈大幅度下降,其中因产科因素发生的尿瘘发生率由75%下降至30%,而因妇科手术所致尿瘘的发生率由12%上升至46%。现就我院1978年后收治的83例尿瘘行修补术的效果及经验,报道如下。  相似文献   

目的 探讨导致女性尿瘘的病因、最佳治疗时机和治疗方式。方法 回顾性分析了1980年至2001年我院收治的9例尿瘘患者病因、瘘期、诊断和治疗方法及效果。结果9例患者中,6例发生于妇科手术后,2例为分娩后,1例为骨盆骨折后。分别经腹腔或经阴道行修补术,随访1~3年无复发。结论女性尿瘘主要由妇科手术所致,其次分娩及骨盆骨折。保守治疗无效时,应积极的术前准备,在条件允许后再进行手术治疗。  相似文献   

女性必尿生殖道沙眼衣原体感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

先天性泌尿生殖道畸形合并泌尿生殖道瘘是一类少见的、复杂的先天性畸形,易误诊误治,需要对其有全面的认识和评估,并制定正确的治疗方案。  相似文献   

医源性泌尿生殖道瘘 (iatrogenic genitourinary fistula,IGF) 是指与医疗操作相关的泌尿系统与生殖系统之间的异常通道,表现为阴道不自主漏尿或急腹症,严重影响患者术后身心健康,诱发医患矛盾[1]。根据瘘发生的部位可分为:膀胱阴道瘘、尿道阴道瘘、膀胱尿道阴道瘘、输尿管阴道瘘、膀胱输尿管阴道瘘、膀胱子宫瘘,输尿管子宫瘘等,其中以膀胱阴道瘘和输尿管阴道瘘最为常见。  相似文献   

<正>女性尿瘘又称泌尿生殖道瘘,是指生殖道与泌尿道之间有异常通道,尿液不自主地自阴道流出[1]。近期发现,每年至少有十万多新发尿瘘患者[2]。在发展中国家,泌尿生殖道瘘是育龄妇女的主要健康问题之一[3]。尿瘘患者长期阴道漏尿,可导致尿失禁、感染、肾功能损害的发生,影响了患者  相似文献   

女性尿瘘63例临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尿瘘的病因近年来由妇科手术副损伤引起的呈上升趋势。本文分析我院1970年至1993年收治并经手术治疗的女性尿瘘63例,探讨其病因发展趋势及对策。结果表明80年代以后手术损伤引起的尿瘘占同期尿瘘总数的百分率比80年代以前显著上升。手术方式以经腹子宫切除术为主,多数发生于县级以下医院。输尿管阴道瘘占相当的比重。讨论了尿瘘病因新趋势的原因,输尿管阴道瘘的预防措施施。提出膀胱镜检及输尿管逆行插管应成为输尿管阴道瘘术前检查的常规,而输尿管膀胱植入术为首先考虑的治疗术式。  相似文献   

产科尿瘘是指由于分娩所致的泌尿生殖道瘘, 临床表现为阴道漏尿,患者身心负担极重。导致产科尿瘘的高危因素有梗阻性难产、产伤和手术损伤。预防措施包括重视产前检查、严密观察产程、提高助产手术及剖宫产手术的操作技巧。  相似文献   

女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(pelvic floor dysfunction,PFD)是各种原因导致的盆底支撑结构功能障碍从而引起盆腔脏器脱垂的一系列疾病。随着中国步入老龄化社会,PFD发病率呈逐年升高趋势,严重影响老年女性的生活质量,并容易引起精神、心理方面的问题。目前,手术是中重度PFD患者的首选治疗方案。PFD手术历史悠久、术式繁多,随着医学新材料新技术的发展,手术理念的更新,新的PFD术式不断改进,从阴式手术到腹腔镜手术,从自体组织修补到合成网片的全盆底重建,手术成功率明显提高,但新的技术和材料同时也带来了新的并发症。手术的多样化虽然给了患者更多的选择,但不同术式各有利弊,患者亦有个体化差异,因此需要根据患者的年龄、症状、体征、病史、生活习惯、性生活需求、全身状况等情况综合考虑,充分沟通,力求选择适当的手术方案,以达到最好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

女性盆底功能障碍性疾病(pelvic floor dysfunction,PFD)是妇科常见病,临床表现为压力性尿失禁(stress urinary incontinence,SUI)、盆腔器官脱垂(pelvic organ prolapse,POP)及女性性功能障碍(female sexual dysfunction,FSD)等,严重影响中老年女性的健康及生活质量。近年来全球大部分国家开始重视该疾病,我国也已将预防女性PFD等工作作为政府的主要工作之一。PFD的发病机制尚无统一定论,且诊断上临床大多以患者的主要症状作为依据。生物力学最早应用于骨科及整形外科,现逐渐应用到妇产科领域。生物力学方法的应用为PFD发病机制、临床诊断、治疗方法的选择及疗效评估提供新的参考标准。尤其是阴道触觉成像系统(vaginal tactile imaging,VTI)能可视化地获取阴道壁的压力,是一种非常有前景的盆底生物力学精准评估新技术。综述生物力学在PFD中的应用。  相似文献   

女性性功能障碍(FSD)是一种多因素疾病。多种妇科良性疾病(例如子宫肌瘤、子宫内膜异位症、压力性尿失禁、盆底器官脱垂)以及妇科恶性肿瘤对女性性功能均可造成不同程度的损害。临床上主要采用手术治疗,主要包括子宫切除手术、双侧输卵管卵巢切除手术、盆底重建手术及肿瘤根治手术。虽然手术可以治疗疾病并改善相关症状,但却可影响患者术后的性功能,甚至产生严重损害。尤其是对于妇科恶性肿瘤的治疗,包括生殖器官和性腺的切除手术、手术联合化疗和(或)放疗,显著损害了女性的性功能。女性性健康是一个值得高度关注的问题,妇产科医生和心理医生应加强对患者术前和术后的心理疏导,更多关注有关术后性功能障碍的治疗。  相似文献   

BackgroundCognitive-affective factors contribute to female sexual dysfunctions, defined as clinically significant difficulties in the ability to respond sexually or to experience sexual pleasure. Automatic thoughts and affect presented during sexual activity are acknowledged as maintenance factors for these difficulties. However, there is a lack of studies on the influence of these cognitive-affective dimensions regarding female orgasm.AimTo assess the role of automatic thoughts and affect during sexual activity in predicting female orgasm occurrence and to investigate the mediator role of these variables in the relation between sexual activity and orgasm occurrence.MethodsNine hundred twenty-six sexually active heterosexual premenopausal women reported on frequency of sexual activities and frequency of orgasm occurrence, cognitive factors, and social desirability. Participants completed the Sexual Modes Questionnaire–Automatic Thoughts Subscale, the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule, and the Socially Desirable Response Set. Multiple linear regressions and mediation analyses were performed, controlling for the effect of covariates such as social desirability, sociodemographic and medical characteristics, and relationship factors.OutcomesThe main outcome measurement was orgasm frequency as predicted and mediated by automatic thoughts and affect experienced during sexual activities.ResultsThe presence of failure thoughts and lack of erotic thoughts during sexual activity significantly and negatively predicted female orgasm, whereas positive affect experienced during sexual activity significantly and positively predicted female orgasm. Moreover, negative automatic thoughts and positive affect during sexual activity were found to mediate the relation between sexual activity and female orgasm occurrence.Clinical ImplicationsThese data suggest that the cognitive aspects of sexual involvement are critical to enhancing female orgasm experience and can aid the development of strategies that contemplate the central role of automatic thoughts and of positive emotions experienced during sexual activity.Strengths and LimitationsData were not collected face to face, which constitutes a strength of this study, because it is known that social desirability is lower in self-administered online questionnaires compared with traditional paper-and-pencil questionnaires, particularly for more sensitive sexual issues. The fact that the sample was composed of heterosexual, premenopausal, and relatively young women demands some caution regarding generalization of the present results.ConclusionThe findings support the contribution of cognitive and affective factors to female orgasmic functioning. It is recommended that future research confirm these findings with other samples, particularly clinical samples of women with orgasmic difficulties.Tavares IM, Laan ETM, Nobre PJ. Cognitive-Affective Dimensions of Female Orgasm: The Role of Automatic Thoughts and Affect During Sexual Activity. J Sex Med 2017;14:818–828.  相似文献   

ObjectiveObstetric fistulas have a significant physical and social impact on many women in Angola. The majority of the population of this sub-Saharan African nation does not have access to high-quality obstetric care, and this is associated with a risk of prolonged labour and formation of obstetric fistulas. Fistulas are challenging to correct surgically and may require repeated operations. The objective of the study was to determine predictors of successful obstetric fistula repair.MethodsIn this retrospective study, data from all recorded cases of fistula repair performed between July 2011 and December 2016 at the Centro Evangélico de Medicina do Lubango (CEML) hospital located in Lubango, Angola, were reviewed. Analysis of the data was carried out to determine factors affecting the success of fistula repair; parametric and non-parametric tests were used for group comparisons and logistic regression for outcome prediction (Canadian Task Force classification II-2).ResultsA total of 407 operations were performed on 243 women. Of these, 224 women were diagnosed with a vesicovaginal fistula and 19 with a combined vesicovaginal and rectovaginal fistula. The success rate for the attempted repairs was 42%. On multivariate analysis, the success of first surgery was negatively affected by the difficulty of repair (odds ratio 0.28; P < 0.01). For patients requiring repeat surgery, the odds of success were increased with each subsequent operation (odds ratio 5.32; P < 0.01).ConclusionAlthough fistulas rated as difficult to repair had a higher likelihood of initial failure, successive attempts at repair increased the likelihood of a successful outcome.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe efficacy of on-demand drugs for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD) or female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD) should be assessed using a validated instrument that assesses the discrete sexual events during which the on-demand drug is taken.AimTo develop and validate an event log for measuring sexual satisfaction and sexual functioning of discrete sexual events.MethodsPsychometric assessment was carried out on data of 10,959 Sexual Event Diaries (SEDs) collected during three clinical trials in a total of 421 women with HSDD. Cognitive debriefing interviews were held with 16 women with HSDD.OutcomesItem scores of the SED at the event level and at the subject level, summarized item scores of women during the baseline establishment and active treatment periods, and score changes in women from baseline establishment to active treatment.ResultsSeveral items of the initial 16-item SED items showed weak validity. The 16-item SED was refined to the 11-item SED. The reliability, content, and convergent validity of the 11-item SED were confirmed. For most 11-item SED item scores, the ability to discriminate between known groups was confirmed. Larger mean score changes from the baseline establishment period were found in those with than in those without known benefit from the medication, and Guyatt effect sizes ranged from 0.73 to 1.58, thereby demonstrating the ability to detect change.Clinical TranslationThe SED is a good tool for assessing sexual function during a discrete sexual event and for assessing the sexual function of women over longer periods.Strengths and LimitationsThe validation of the SED was performed on data from nearly 11,000 sexual events, gathered as part of a drug development program for HSDD and FSIAD. This amount of data provides very robust results when related to drug use for HSDD and FSIAD, but caution is advised when generalizing the validity of the SED directly to other areas of research (eg, recreational drug use and sexual risky behaviors), because such data were not used in this validation.ConclusionsThe 11-item SED is a reliable, valid, and responsive instrument and suitable for use in evaluating the effects of on-demand drugs in women with HSDD or FSIAD.van Nes Y, Bloemers J, van der Heijden PGM, et al. The Sexual Event Diary (SED): Development and Validation of a Standardized Questionnaire for Assessing Female Sexual Functioning During Discrete Sexual Events. J Sex Med 2017;14:1438–1450.  相似文献   

Study ObjectiveTo estimate the effect of a virtual reality (VR) anatomic model (VisCubeSX; VisBox, Inc., Saint Joseph, IL) on obstetrics and gynecology residents’ knowledge of female pelvic floor anatomy compared with a traditional curriculum.DesignRandomized controlled trial (Canadian Task Force classification I).SettingAcademic obstetrics and gynecology resident training program.InterventionsTraditional independent study curriculum versus traditional curriculum and VisCubeSX VR curriculumMeasurements and Main ResultsResidents were randomized, stratified by year of training, in a 1:1 fashion to traditional independent study curriculum for pelvic anatomy versus traditional curriculum and the VisCubeSX VR anatomic model. Tests were administered to assess baseline and postintervention knowledge. A postintervention assessment of the VisCubeSX VR anatomic model was performed. Baseline, follow-up, and score improvement were compared between groups using Student t tests and Wilcoxon rank sum tests. Thirty-one residents were randomized. There was a significant improvement in pre- and post-test scores within traditional independent study curriculum participants, 8.1 ± 12.0 points (p = .02), and the VisCubeSX group 8.7 ± 6.4 points (p <.001), but these improvements did not differ between groups (p = .86). This lack of between-group differences was consistent in resident year-stratified analyses. Residents exposed to the VisCubeSX VR anatomic model reported they “somewhat” or “strongly agree” (15/16 [93.8%] and 14/16 [87.5%] of residents, respectively) that the model improved their knowledge of pelvic anatomy and that the model will improve patient care.ConclusionFew studies exist that compare educational outcomes of a traditional independent study of female pelvic anatomy curriculum versus immersive simulation with VR models in female pelvic anatomy. Knowledge scores were not significantly increased with the VR model compared with traditional curriculum, but VR technology was perceived as an enhancement to short-term learning.  相似文献   

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