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Autodecremental pacing—A microprocessor based modality for the termination of paroxysmal tachycardias. Five patients aged between 27 and 48 years were referred for investigation of recurrent paroxysmal tachycardias. EJectrophysiological studies revealed concealed ventriculoatrial accessory pathways in two patients, possible atrionodal pathways in two patients and dual intranodal pathways in one patient. During electrophysiologicol study, particular attention was paid to methods of terminating tachycardia by pacing techniques including single or double atrial and ventricular extrastimuli, atriaJ or ventricular underdrive, atriaJ overdrive pacing, and in two patients, rapid ventricular pacing. Autodecremental' atrial pacing was employed in all five patients and autodecremental ventricular pacing in two patients. This system is controlled by a microprocessor interfaced with a stimulator. When tachycardia of a cycle length less than 375 ms is sensed the system initiates pacing sequences. The initial stimulus is introduced at an interval less than the tachycardia cycle determined by a preset decremental value D. Each subsequent pacing interval is reduced by the value of D resulting in a gradual acceleration of pacing. The total duration of pacing is limited by the value of the pacing period (P). The final pacing rate is determined by P but cannot exceed 275 bpm (cycle length of 218 ms). Both P and D are operator programmable variables. Tachycardias of a cycle length less than 218 ms do not activate the pacemaker. The postpacing sensing deadtime of the system is set at 50 ms. In three patients, double atrial extrastimuli or atrial overdrive initiated atrial flutter or fibrillation. Autodecremental atrial pacing was successful in converting tachycardia to sinus rhythm in all five patients without initiation of other tachyarrhythmias. Autodecremental ventricular pacing was successful in one of the two patients in which it was used. This new modality of pacing has several theoretical advantages over conventional methods: the decremental mode may avoid stimulation in the vulnerable period and minimizes the rislt of initiating other tachyarrhythmias; gradual acceleration of pacing over a short period results in stimulation at different phases of the tachycardia cycle length; and the operator variables D and P provide a flexible system which may be adjusted to suit a particular patient and tachycardia. The development of a fully implantable programmable system is made attractive by the simplicity and adaptability of this technique.  相似文献   

Electrical management of ventricular tachycardias with an implanted device is greatly complicated by reduced hemodynamic tolerance to the tachycardia with increasing rate, and by the risk of accelerating the tachycardia into fibrillation. Pacing (extrastimuli, bursts), low-energy cardioversion, and high-energy defibrillation therapies are all useful in safely treating a ventricular tachycardia. A implantable device is described which allows the classification of up to four different arrhythmias each having their own detection criteria (including high rate, sudden onset, rate stability and sustained high rate). For each classified arrhythmia, up to four, therapies may be programmed to be sequentially delivered. This scheme allows for increasing on the aggressiveness of the therapy based on elapsed time, increased rate, or both; and provides a large amount of flexibility for tailoring the desired therapies to individual patients.  相似文献   

Patients with complete heart block on a spontaneous, or iatrogenic basis who also have recurrent supraventricular tachycardias, particularly atrial fibrillation and flutter, are often difficult to manage. Various techniques include: independently programmable maximum tracking and maximum sensor rates, limiting the maximum atrial tracking rate to the sensor response of the pacemaker, or automatically switching from DDDR to VVIR based upon the sensed atrial rate. This article will describe a mode switch algorithm that allows for an independently programmable atrial tachycardia detection rate (ATDR). This allows mode switching to occur only in response to the patient's pathological tachyarrhythmia, and not during normal upper rate response. The ATDR is based upon a filtered atrial rate, which will prevent an isolated premature beat from initiating the algorithm. In addition, the unit can be programmed to switch to either DDI, DDIR, VVI, or VVIR. Extensive event counters in the pulse generator allows the system to record and store the number of algorithm activations, the average atrial rate which triggered each mode switch, and the duration of the mode switch. These reports are accessible at each follow-up visit.  相似文献   

A 45-year-old man who had been implanted with a VVI pacemaker for sinus arrest complained of syncope, dizziness and throbbing in the neck. His pacemaker function was normal, but during ventricular pacing, retrograde V-A conduction was observed. This pacer was replaced by a DVI unit which caused periodic abdominal muscular contractions. We replaced this unit with an Intermedics Cosmos DDD-M pacemaker. This type of pacemaker in a patient with V-A conduction may cause pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT). However, the Cosmos has a tachycardia-termination algorithm which detects continued pacing at the ventricular tracking rate, allows it to proceed for 15 consecutive pace events, and inhibits the 16th ventricular output pulse, thus breaking the reentry loop. The Cosmos pacer has a number of features to prevent initiation of PMT, and is also able to terminate the tachycardia when it occurs because of the tachycardia-termination algorithm. This feature is valuable in DDD-M pacemakers implanted in patients with V-A conduction. Whether this algorithm will be effective in all cases remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Atriai flutter, including all types of postoperative atrial tachycardias, is the one with the highest risk of late sudden death. Thus, late postoperative atrial tachycardias must be suppressed and all patients should be permanently treated after a first episode of atrial flutter. Daily oral doses of 200-250 mg/m2 amiodarone were found to be highly effective and well tolerated in young patients. However, in older patients and after long-term therapy, its use is restricted by adverse side-effects. In these cases, association of lower doses of antiarrhyth-mic agents, including amiodarone, may be effective and well tolerated. The use of other therapeutic options such as radiofrequency ablation should also be considered in older patients having drug-refractory postoperative atrial flutter.  相似文献   

From May, 1982 to April, 1991 25 patients were examined and 23 had open heart surgery for tachycardia with nodoventricular fibers (NVF) participation. All patients suffered tachycardia for more than 5 years. Most patients had syncope. The patients had: true NVF tachycardia (11), atrioventricular node reentry tachycardia (5), orthodromic atrioventricular tachycardia (AVT) (5), and atrial flutter (1) all with passive propagation through NVF, pseudonodoventricular tachycardia (AVT with slow accessory pathways) two patients. In 18 out of the 23 who had surgery there were no signs of preexcitation or tachycardia events in the follow-up period.  相似文献   

L'apparition de la stimulation double chambre qui restaure le synchronisme AV et permet l'adaptation du rythme aux stress physiologiques a constitué un progrès majeur dans la stimulation à but thérapeutique. Une tachycardie éléctronique indésirable peut naitre lorsque la sonde auriculaire d'un stimulateur VDD ou DDD détecte une onde P rétrograde, une tachycardie atriale, la contraction du muscle pectoral ou une interférence éléctromagnetique de l'environnement. Le rythme de la tachycardie est alors fonction du rythme maximum de stimulation du pacemaker. Dans ces conditions (bien que rarement) chez les patients porteurs d'une maladie coronarienne, une ischémie myocardique menaçante peut survenir. Dans la plupart des cas l'incidence et le rythme des tachycardies electroniques peuvent étre minimisés par une programmation judicieuse.  相似文献   

The methods used for preventing endless-loop tachycardias (ELTs) most often consist of initiating a long postventricular atrial refractory period (PVARP) with the sensing of every event likely to induce ELTs, such as sensed premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). A new fallback function may be useful to prevent the initiation of ELTs. A window of atrial rate acceleration detection (WARAD) is initiated with the sensing of every sinus event and equals 75% of the preceding PP interval. If an atrial event is sensed during this period, as are premature atrial contractions (PACs), no atrioventricular (AV) delay is initiated, but an atrial puise output is delivered and a subsequent 31-msec AV delay is started. Theoretically retrograde P waves are premature compared to sinus rhythm. They are therefore detected as PACs, and do not initiate AV delay, thus prohibiting the induction of ELTs. This function was tested in six patients, using external or implanted Chorus 2 pacemakers. Short PVARP (203 msec) and high atrial sensibility were programmed. Retrograde conduction was induced either by inefficient atrial pacing or a long programmed AV delay. Two different dual chamber settings were tested: dual chamber pacing with the fallback function On or Off. In every situation, the function proved effective in preventing ELTs: the number of tachycardia episodes went from 124 with the function programmed Off to 5 with the function programmed On for comparable durations. More than 75 ELTs effectively prevented by fallback have been recorded.  相似文献   

Noncontact Mapping of Ectopic Atrial Tachycardias:   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SEIDL, K., et al. : Noncontact Mapping of Ectopic Atrial Tachycardias: Different Characteristics of Isopotential Maps and Unipolar Electrogram. The success rate for catheter ablation of ectopic atrial tachycardia (AT) has been limited by the inherent difficulty in localizing the site of origin within the complex three-dimensional structures of the atria. The objective of the study was to determine the usefulness of a noncontact mapping system for catheter ablation of AT. Radiofrequency ablation of 25 ATs was performed using a noncontact mapping system. Three different characteristics of isopotential maps and unipolar electrogram morphologies were observed: Group 1: Isopotential maps displayed a narrow, sharp ring of colors around a white, center spot. Unipolar electrograms revealed a Q-S morphology with a rapid dV/dt. Group 2: Isopotential maps displayed a broad ring of colors with little or no white spot in the center. Unipolar electrograms revealed a low amplitude, broad and smooth Q-S morphology in front of a second component with a rapid dV/dt. Group 3: Isopotential maps displayed a broad ring of colors. Unipolar electrogams revealed a low amplitude and fractionated waveform followed by endocardial breakthrough with a gradual dV/dt. Radiofrequency catheter ablation was successful in all ATs of groups 1 and 2, and failed in two of three ATs in group 3. The overall success rate was 92%. No severe complications were observed. Noncontact isopotential mapping is helpful to identify and characterize the origin of ectopic AT. Ablation success is associated with the characteristics of isopotential maps and unipolar electrogram morphologies. The overall success rate was 92%. (PACE 2003; 26[Pt. I]:16–25)  相似文献   

DDD Pacing: An Effective Treatment Modality for Recurrent Atrial Arrhythmias   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
We performed atrial EP studies (atrial substrate evaluation) on 10 patients. These patients had evidence of paroxysmal, sustained, recurrent atrial arrhythmias (7 men and 3 women with a mean age of 64 ± 15 years). All patients combined a brady-tachy syndrome; 7 patients had a sick sinus syndrome (SSS) and 3 patients a typical vagally induced atrial arrhythmia. No anti-arrhythmic drug was allowed in 3 patients with SSS, 1 drug failed in 4 patients and the combination of 2 drugs failed in 3 patients during the first to eighth years prior to pacemaker implantation. Atrial substrate evaluation was feasible in all these patients off anti-arrhythmic therapy and showed important abnormalities of atrial loco-regional conduction parameters and long refractory periods (RP). The remarkable point was, in 7 patients, a paradoxical improvement in intra-atrial conduction delay at rapid pacing rate. The DDD pacing mode was chosen in all patients. No technical problem occurred during implantation. Atrial pacing rate was programmed to be slightly higher than the mean diurnal heart rate calculated on Holter monitoring. After implantation, the mean follow-up period was 18 ± 25 months with an average of one Holter every 4 months during the first 2 years. The 7 patients who improved intra-atrial conduction at rapid pacing rate were controlled without drugs, 2 patients were controlled with 1 drug, and 1 patient with 2 drugs. Atrial pacing in the DDD mode in a selected group of patients prevents paroxysmal and drug-resistant atrial arrhythmias. Atrial substrate evaluation is a sensitive tool for assuring the long-term benefit of atrial pacing. In this subset of patients, maintenance of AV synchrony by DDD pacing is preferable to catheter ablation of the His bundle.  相似文献   

Because of its high efficacy and low morbidity radiofrequency energy catheter abiation techniques have toppled the hierarchy of choice in tiie electrophysiological intervention armamentum. This review assesses current role of surgery and its foreseeable future. Most accessory AV pathways can be attained by endocardial manipulation and ablated. Surgical dissection of accessory pathways on the beating heart had documented that most pathways were paraannular, although right-sided pathways may be distant to the annulus. Results of accessory pathway ablation have shown that right-sided pathways are difficult to approach and ablate. Surgical ablation may currently be considered after failed catheter ablation. AV nodal modification using catheter ablation also yields excellent results. Radiofrequency energy creates a discrete lesion associated with discrete electrophysiological alteration. Surgical dissection is associated with more diffuse and extensive anatomical and electrophysiological changes and is no longer used even after failed catheter ablation. The arrhythmogenic anatomical substrate associated with atrial flutter is not yet well delineated in the coronary sinus os region. How to extend tissue modification for uniform success here is not yet known. Further surgical approach combined with extensive intraoperative cardiac mapping may ultimately prove a valuable guide for subsequent catheter technique. Atrial fibrillation is the last surgical frontier unchallenged by catheter techniques. Arrhythmogenic anatomical substrate is diffuse spreading over the entire atrial myocardium without a discrete target. The associated pathology is diffuse, severe, and progressive and present even in the so-called lone atrial fibrillation. Progression of underlying pathology can nullify the best designed surgical rationale in terms of sinus node chronotropic function, and atrial contractility. Currently used surgical techniques, i.e., the corridor and the Maze operations, have contributed to a better selection of patients. Surgery is still associated with significant morbidity and relative efficacy, and may be improved before becoming the electrophysiological intervention of choice for atrial fibrillation. In conclusion, atrial fibrillation is a greater surgical challenge, but has to be met with the same standard used for other supraventricular tachycardias.  相似文献   

We compared the electrophysiological effects of intravenous propafenone andflecainide on accessory pathway conduction by a randomized crossover study in 16 patients with Wolff-Parkinson-While syndrome. The antegrade refractory period of the pathway increased from 256 ± 18 msec at baseline to 288 ± 13 msec on propafenone (P < 0.05) find to 296 ± 2 7 msec on flecainide (P = 0.075). The minimum preexcited HR interval during atrial fibrillation or incremental atrial pacing was prolonged from 225 ± 37 msec to 262 ± 22 msec by propafenone (P < 0.05) and to 301 ± 31 msec by flecainide (P < 0.005). The prolongation was significantly greater with flecainide than propafenone (P < 0.05). Both drugs increased tachycardia cycle length (TCL) from 310 ± 35 msec to 354 ± 37 msec (propafenone P < 0.005) and to 352 ± 37 msec (flecainide P < 0.01). Both propafenone and flecainide blocked antegrade conduction in the pathway in five patients. Both drugs rendered atrial fibrillation noninducifale in seven patients and orthodromic tachycardia nonindudble in five patients. Conclusions: (1) Fiecainide causes a greater prolongation of minimum preexcited RR interval than propafenone; (2) There is no significant difference between propafenone and flecainide on the inducibility of arrhythmias, TCL, or incidence of antegrade conduction block.  相似文献   

We report a case of a patient with symptomatic pacemaker-mediated tachycardia (PMT). PMT should be suspected when asynchronous pacing induced by magnet application causes temporary resolution of an unknown tachycardia in a patient with a pacemaker. The underlying mechanism of PMT is either reentrant tachycardia or atrial triggering. PMT is better discerned with an intracardiac electrocardiogram (ECG) obtained through pacemaker interrogation (PI) than the standard 12-lead ECG. In the case reported, the interrogator was used to demonstrate that the initiating dysrhythmia was atrial flutter. Next, the programmer was used to overdrive the atrium restoring normal sinus rhythm. After pacemaker reprogramming, the patient was discharged from the emergency department (ED) in improved condition. We believe this to be the first reported case of a patient with PMT diagnosed, treated, and discharged effectively after PI, overdrive pacing and reprogramming from the ED. The pacemaker interrogator/programmer is a rapid noninvasive device that has practical applications in the ED.  相似文献   

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