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Sexually transmitted diseases and travel   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections and resulting clinical syndromes caused by more than 25 infectious organisms transmitted through sexual activity. International travellers are at great risk of contracting any of these STDs, including HIV, if they have been sexually exposed to persons with any of these diseases. Population movement has been shown to be a major contributing factor in the global spread of STDs. Increased sexual promiscuity and casual sexual relationships tend to occur during travel abroad to foreign countries. Travellers should be aware that the risk of STDs is high especially in the developing countries and sexual encounter with casual partners or commercial sex workers (CSWs) carries a high risk of infection. Prevention of STDs during travel can be achieved by complete abstinence from sexual exposure or adopting safe sexual practices such as consistently and correctly using a latex condom during sexual contact.  相似文献   

Fifty-three couples embarking on donor insemination (DI) replied to an anonymous questionnaire asking what they wanted to know about the donor should they become pregnant. Fifty-one percent were definitely and 32% probably going to tell a child of its donor origins. Items most frequently listed for themselves and on behalf of a child were--interests/sports (57%), physical attributes (41%), occupation (37%) and family background (26%). Forty-two percent of the women and 28% of the men thought the child should have access to the identity of the donor eventually. Thirty-eight donors were surveyed by a questionnaire; 68% were agreeable to their identity being available to a donor insemination child when the child reached maturity. When the category of identifiable donor was created, 20 of 36 (56%) new donors and donors still donating chose this option.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases according to gender, age, sexual orientation, sexual behaviour and drug use. METHODS: Data were collected from 814 clients attending anonymously for HIV testing at the Burnett Centre in Auckland. During pretest counselling clients were asked questions designed to assess their risk of HIV infection including a detailed history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). RESULTS: Amongst attenders 44% reported at least one lifetime STD including 16% reporting more than one. Multiple STDs were not associated with gender or sexual orientation but they were associated with the practice of anal sex and with a history of multiple sex partners. Alcohol and drug use were also related to multiple STDs. For men the most common STD was NSU with 20% of them reporting it whereas for women genital warts was the most common reported by 18%. Amongst those under 20 years 9% reported genital warts, 7% NSU and 6% chlamydia. CONCLUSIONS: The findings confirm that it is sexual practices which put people at risk of infection from STDs rather than their sexual orientation. They also draw attention to the role that drugs and alcohol play in the practice of unsafe sex and the consequent transmission of STDs. Finally they suggest that screening for STDs as well as HIV in AIDS clinics should be encouraged.  相似文献   

您知道吗?乙肝病毒的传播方式和艾滋病病毒传播方式是一样的。也就是说,我们可以把乙肝看做一种性病。它不能通过空气传染。通过食物传染的可能性也微乎其微。乙肝,没有您想象的那样可怕。  相似文献   

目的 探讨性传播感染的流行病学特点,为合理防治女性性传播感染提供依据.方法 对性病门诊女性就诊者进行临床流行病学调查和实验室检查.结果 545例就诊者中,支原体、梅毒和尖锐湿疣(CA)的感染率分别为66.42%、25.69%和20.18%;≥40岁者和<40岁者、初中及以下学历者和高中及以上学历者的梅毒感染率分别为33.50%、21.16%、33.01%和15.88%.仅5.00%的梅毒患者出现皮损.结论 性病门诊女性就诊者的支原体、梅毒和CA的感染率较高,其中梅毒以隐性感染为主.≥40岁者、低学历者的梅毒感染率明显高于<40岁者、学历相对高者.  相似文献   

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