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The distribution of heterogeneous cell types within human tumors was examined, and the biological behavior of tumors and different tumor cell lines was evaluated following implantation into surrogate hosts. In situ hybridization and immunohistochemistry were used to examine the expression of oncogenes and localization of the squamous cell carcinoma cell surface-associated antigens. Increased levels of H-ras mRNA and p21 protein were present in six tumors, but enhanced c-myc mRNA expression was observed in just two tumors. The distribution of oncogene mRNA and SCC antigen-positive cells was not uniform throughout the tumor. Isolation of cells from the tumors was accomplished by cell culture, growth in soft agar, and growth in the nude mouse. One nontumorigenic immortalized cell line, SCC-83-01-82, isolated by passage through soft agar, was treated with 50 micrograms/ml of methyl methane sulfonate (MMS). These MMS-converted cells subsequently expressed a tumorigenic phenotype. In situ hybridization of the tumors that developed in nude mice revealed increased c-myc and H-ras mRNA expression. Serial passage of the MMS-converted tumors in vivo was accompanied by consistent enhanced c-myc expression. However, the levels of H-ras and keratin mRNA expression decreased with passage in vitro. Northern blot analysis of c-myc and H-ras mRNA levels from the original SCC cell line showed no change in expression following MMS treatment. The data suggest that SCC-83-01-82 is a premalignant cell line established from a mixed cell population in the tumor mass. It can be converted to a malignant phenotype by treatment with MMS, and the persistence of malignancy is under molecular control other than changes in the level of c-myc and ras gene expression.  相似文献   

Cysteine string protein (Csp) is a secretory vesicle protein previously demonstrated to be required for Ca2+-regulated exocytosis in neurons and endocrine cells. It has been suggested to function by regulating voltage-gated Ca2+ channels or, alternatively, to have a more direct effect on the regulated exocytotic machinery. Here we demonstrate the expression of Csp in mammary epithelial cells and in the KIM-2 mammary cell line. In KIM-2 cells, Csp was found to be associated with a population of small vesicles and showed partial co-distribution with the vesicle protein cellubrevin. KIM-2 cells do not express detectable levels of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels, ruling these out as a site of action. Using the release of transfected growth hormone (GH) as an assay of secretion, we found that GH is secreted in an exclusively constitutive manner from KIM-2 cells. Overexpression of Csp1 inhibits regulated exocytosis in other cell types but has no effect on constitutive GH release by KIM-2 cells. These results suggest that Csp does not have a major function in constitutive exocytosis.  相似文献   

Overexpression of Cripto-1 has been reported in several types of human cancers including breast cancer. To investigate the role of human Cripto-1 (CR-1) in mammary gland development and tumorigenesis, we developed transgenic mice that express the human CR-1 transgene under the regulation of the whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter in the FVB/N mouse background. The CR-1 transgene was detected in the mammary gland of 15-week-old virgin WAP-CR-1 female mice that eventually developed hyperplastic lesions. From mid-pregnancy to early lactation, mammary lobulo-alveolar structures in WAP-CR-1 mice were less differentiated and delayed in their development due to decreased cell proliferation as compared to FVB/N mice. Early involution, due to increased apoptosis, was observed in the mammary glands of WAP-CR-1 mice. Higher levels of phosphorylated AKT and MAPK were detected in mammary glands of multiparous WAP-CR-1 mice as compared to multiparous FVB/N mice suggesting increased cell proliferation and survival of the transgenic mammary gland. In addition, more than half (15 of 29) of the WAP-CR-1 multiparous female mice developed multifocal mammary tumors of mixed histological subtypes. These results demonstrate that overexpression of CR-1 during pregnancy and lactation can lead to alterations in mammary gland development and to production of mammary tumors in multiparous mice.  相似文献   

Kit is a receptor tyrosine kinase that plays a fundamental role during the development of germ cells. Additionally, a truncated product, tr-kit, expressed in haploid spermatids and mature spermatozoa can induce parthenogenetic activation when microinjected into mouse eggs, through the activation of PLCgamma-1. In this work, we induced ectopic expression of a mutated Kit protein, Kit(D814Y) during germ cell development. The in vivo expression of this mutant in spermatids produced malformations in mature spermatozoa, and in the most severe cases, sterility. Ultrastructural analysis indicated that condensing spermatids in the transgenic mouse presented a mislocalization of the manchette; a structure that has a crucial role during the elongation steps of spermiogenesis. This morphogenetic phenotype was accompanied by an increased phosphorylation of PLCgamma-1 in spermatogenic cells. Interestingly, we also found that, in wild-type testis, PLCgamma-1 is specifically phosphorylated in condensing spermatids, coincident with the timing of expression of tr-kit in spermiogenesis. We propose that alterations of PLCgamma-1 activity artificially promoted by ectopic Kit(D814Y) expression are related to the abnormalities of spermiogenesis. Our observations suggest that PLCgamma-1 activity could be involved in the shaping of spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Two hybrid genes (BLG-HuIFN-gamma2 and BLG-HuIFN-gamma3) were constructed on the basis of sheep beta-lactoglobulin (BLG) and human interferon-gamma (HuIFN-gamma) gene sequences. They were used to direct HuIFN-gamma synthesis in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. HuIFN-gamma was efficiently produced in the mammary gland of transgenic mice. BLG-HuIFN-gamma2 transgenic females expressed HuIFN-gamma in the milk at concentrations up to 570 mg/ml, and BLG-HuIFN-gamma3 transgenic females expressed up to 350 mg/ml. All females carrying the BLG-HuIFN-gamma3 gene expressed HuIFN-gamma in their milk. No significant changes were observed in the HuIFN-gamma expression level during the lactation period. Using RT-PCR analysis, ectopic expression for both hybrid genes was found in transgenic mice. Despite ectopic expression of HuIFN-gamma in transgenic mice, their development and pregnancy were normal. The heritability of the HuIFN-gamma expression level in milk was demonstrated up to the F2 generation. This work demonstrates that hybrid genes have the potential to develop in transgenic domestic animals producing HuIFN-gamma in milk.  相似文献   

Recent data have identified IL-9 as a key cytokine in determining susceptibility to asthma. These data are supported by the finding that allergen-exposed IL-9-transgenic mice exhibit many features that are characteristic of human asthma (airway eosinophilia, elevated serum IgE and bronchial hyperresponsiveness) as compared to the background strain. A striking feature of these animals is a robust peribronchial and perivascular eosinophilia after allergen challenge, suggesting that IL-9 is a potent factor in regulating this process. In an attempt to gain insights into the molecular mechanism governing IL-9 modulation of lung eosinophilia, we investigated the ability of this cytokine to induce the expression of CC-type chemokines in the lung because of their effect on stimulating eosinophil chemotaxis. Here we show that IL-9-transgenic mice in contrast to their congenic controls exhibit baseline lung eosinophilia that is associated with the up-regulation of CC-chemokine expression in the airway. This effect appears to be through a direct action of IL-9 because the addition of recombinant IL-9 to primary epithelial cultures and cell lines induced the expression of these chemokines in vitro. These data support a mechanism for IL-9 in regulating the expression of eosinophil chemotactic factors in lung epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Identification of biomarkers that indicate an increased risk of breast cancer or that can be used as surrogates for evaluating treatment efficacy is paramount to successful disease prevention and intervention. An ideal biomarker would be identifiable before lesion development. To test the hypothesis that changes in cell turnover precede mammary carcinogenesis, we evaluated epithelial cell proliferation and apoptosis in mammary glands from transgenic mice engineered to develop mammary cancer due to expression in mammary epithelia of transforming growth factor α (TGF-α) or c-myc. In transgenic glands, before lesion development, epithelial cell turnover was enhanced overall compared with nontransgenic glands, indicating that aberrant cell turnover in normal epithelia may contribute to tumorigenesis. In addition, in tumor-containing glands, proliferation in normal epithelia was higher than in tumor-free transgenic glands, suggesting these cell populations influence one another. Finally, although c-myc glands displayed a uniformly high epithelial cell turnover regardless of age, cell turnover was reduced with aging in nontransgenic and TGF-α mice, indicating that some growth and death regulatory mechanisms remain intact in TGF-α epithelia. These observations support the evaluation of cell turnover as a biomarker of cancer risk and indicator of prevention/treatment efficacy in preclinical models and warrant validation in human breast cancer.  相似文献   

The expression and function of HLA antigens in mice single transgenic for HLA-B27.2 (sTGM-B27.2) or double transgenic (dTGM) for HLA-B27.2 and human beta 2-microglobulin (h beta 2m) were compared. B27.2 could be well detected on the cell membrane of lymphocytes of sTGM. However, the expression in sTGM was much lower than in dTGM mice. Nevertheless, also in sTGM mice, the B27-transgene product possessed all functional properties of a class I HLA molecule. This was shown by the recognition and induction of antibodies and cytotoxic T cells, by the induction of "allo"-immunity, including skin graft rejection, and by the ability to present viral antigens. In dTGM, the expression of B27 on peripheral blood lymphocytes, spleen and lymphnode cells was comparable to H-2. However, on thymocytes, a relatively lower expression of HLA than H-2 was observed. This low expression of B27 on thymocytes is in concert with the observation that B27 is expressed only in the medulla of the thymus and not detectable in the cortex.  相似文献   

Morphologic examinations of mammary neoplasias arising in BALB/c (H-2d) mice carrying the activated rat HER-2/neu oncogene (BALB-NeuT), and in FVB (H-2q) mice bearing the wild-type proto-oncogene (FVB-NeuN), indicate that both conditions result in a very human-like lobular carcinoma of alveolar type, whose histotype is the result of the preferential expression of HER-2/neu products in the epithelium of lobular ducts and lobules. Detailed analysis of tumor progression indicates that transition from lobular hyperplasia to overt carcinoma is associated with a high epithelial proliferation rate, as assessed by anti-proliferating cell nuclear antigen immunostaining, and coincides with the activation and maximal extension of tumor angiogenic process as assessed by microvessel count (anti-CD31), anti-beta3 integrin, and anti-laminin immunostaining. Neovascularization is accompanied by vascular endothelial cell growth factor and basic fibroblast growth factor production by hyperplastic epithelial cells. By contrast with the BALB-NeuT tumors, E-cadherin expression is almost nonexistent in those arising in FVB-NeuN mice and this may explain their high metastatic potential. Despite their different kinetics, however, the lung metastases observed in both strains are histologically similar and resemble the primary tumor. Both strains can thus be proposed as models for "in vivo" investigation of the origin and progression of the alveolar type of lobular mammary carcinoma and the testing of new therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

目的: 观察血管紧张素原(AGT)-肾素(REN)双转基因高血压小鼠肾脏组织病理改变及血管紧张素转化酶(ACE)/血管紧张素转化酶2(ACE2)的表达变化,探讨ACE和ACE2在高血压肾损伤中的作用。方法: 实验分为4组,随机选择10月龄野生型、AGT转基因、REN转基因以及AGT-REN双转基因雄性C57小鼠各6只。每组动物颈动脉插管检测平均动脉压(MAP),1 h后处死小鼠;左侧肾脏置于10%中性甲醛固定,常规HE染色方法观察肾脏组织病理改变,免疫组化法观察肾脏ACE及ACE2的表达变化;右侧肾脏取出后放入蛋白裂解液中,提取蛋白,进行Western blotting实验,观察肾组织中ACE和ACE2蛋白表达。结果: 与野生型小鼠相比,AGT转基因小鼠MAP无明显变化(P>0.05),REN转基因小鼠MAP降低约15 mmHg(P<0.05);AGT-REN双转基因小鼠MAP明显升高约30 mmHg(P<0.05)。与野生型小鼠相比,AGT转基因和REN转基因小鼠肾组织未见明显病理改变,AGT-REN双转基因小鼠肾组织可见肾小动脉内膜及管壁显著增厚、管腔狭窄、纤维素样坏死、玻璃样变等典型恶性高血压肾损伤病理改变。免疫组化结果显示,与野生型小鼠相比,AGT转基因和REN转基因小鼠肾组织ACE和ACE2表达无明显差异(P>0.05),AGT-REN双转基因鼠肾组织ACE表达明显增高(P<0.05),而ACE2表达明显降低(P<0.05)。Western blotting结果显示:与野生型小鼠相比,AGT转基因鼠肾组织ACE和ACE2表达无明显变化;REN转基因鼠肾组织ACE表达无明显变化,ACE2表达稍降低(P<0.05);双转基因鼠肾组织ACE蛋白表达明显增强, ACE2蛋白表达水平显著降低,ACE/ACE2表达显著失衡。结论: AGT-REN双转基因可致小鼠恶性高血压,导致肾脏严重损伤;ACE/ACE2的表达失衡与血压改变密切相关,降低ACE或提高ACE2的表达可能对防治高血压具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The polymeric immunoglobulin receptor (pIgR) transports dimeric immunoglobulin A (dIgA) across the epithelial cell layers into the secretions of various mucosal and glandular surfaces of mammals. At these mucosal sites, such as the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory tract, urogenital tract and the mammary glands, dIgA protects the body against pathogens. The pIgR binds dIgA at the basolateral side and transports it via the complex mechanism of transcytosis to the apical side of the epithelial cells lining the mucosa. Here, the extracellular part of the receptor is cleaved to form the secretory component (SC), which remains associated to dIgA, thereby protecting it from degradation in the secretions. One pIgR molecule transports only one dIgA molecule (1 : 1 ratio) and the pIgR is not recycled after each round of transport. This implies that the amount of available receptor could be a rate-limiting factor determining both the rate and amount of IgA transported per cell and therefore determining the total IgA output into the lumen or, in case of the mammary gland, into the milk. In order to test this hypothesis, we set up an in vivo model system. We generated transgenic mice over-expressing the murine pIgR gene under lactogenic control, by using a milk gene promoter, rather than under immunological control. Mice over-expressing the pIgR protein, in mammary gland epithelial cells, from 60- up to 270-fold above normal pIgR protein levels showed total IgA levels in the milk to be 1.5-2-fold higher, respectively, compared with the IgA levels in the milk of non-transgenic mice. This indicates that the amount of pIgR produced is indeed a limiting factor in the transport of dIgA into the milk under normal non-inflammatory circumstances.  相似文献   

Human papillomavirus 8 (HPV8) is involved in skin cancer development in epidermodysplasia verruciformis patients. Transgenic mice expressing HPV8 early genes (HPV8-CER) developed papillomas, dysplasias and squamous cell carcinomas. UVA/B-irradiation and mechanical wounding of HPV8-CER mouse skin led to prompt papilloma induction in about 3 weeks. The aim of this study was to analyze the kinetics and level of transgene expression in response to skin irritations. Transgene expression was already enhanced 1 to 2 days after UVA/B-irradiation or tape-stripping and maintained during papilloma development. The enhanced transgene expression could be assigned to UVB and not to UVA. Papilloma development was thus always paralleled by an increased transgene expression irrespective of the type of skin irritation. A knock-down of E6 mRNA by tattooing HPV8-E6-specific siRNA led to a delay and a lower incidence of papilloma development. This indicates that the early increase of viral oncogene expression is crucial for induction of papillomatosis.  相似文献   

The histological and ultrastructural features of oncogene transformed rat liver epithelial (RLE) cells in culture and spontaneously transformed RLE cells were studied. The tumours produced in nude mice by all the transformed cells were either moderately well differentiated carcinomas or sarcomatous tumours. Epithelial tumours were produced in the RLE cells after transduction of both v-raf and v-myc oncogenes whereas sarcomatous tumours were produced after transduction of v-raf alone. These data suggested that transformation of RLE cells with a single oncogene, v-raf, produced malignant tumours which were consistent with sarcomas while a combination of two oncogenes, v-raf and v-myc, produced an epithelial tumour, consistent with a carcinoma. The effects of these oncogenes on RLE cells indicate that they were able to differentiate and were capable of producing two morphologically distinct tumour types. The possible role of v-myc in switching the sarcomatous lineage to an epithelial tumour lineage is considered to be significant and worthy of further studies. The epithelial tumour produced in RLE cells by combination of v-raf and v-myc is consistent with an embryonal type of hepatoblastoma. The trabecular type of liver cell carcinoma which resulted from spontaneous transformation of RLE cells illustrates the inherent potential of the RLE cell to undergo malignant change and strongly suggests that the RLE cells may be the precursor cells in the development of hepatocellular carcinoma in the rat.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role that the human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-I) tax oncogene plays in apoptosis and transformation in vivo, four lines of HTLV-I tax transgenic mice were generated under the regulatory control of the CD3-ϵ promoter–enhancer sequence. These mice develop a variety of phenotypes including mesenchymal tumours, which develop at wound sites, and salivary and mammary adenomas. In situ DNA fragment labelling and immunocytochemical analysis of these tumours reveals that they display enhanced levels of apoptosis, which is associated with elevated levels of Myc, Fos, Jun, and p53 protein expression. Furthermore, double immunofluorescent staining shows that Tax expression and apoptosis co-localize, indicating that Tax expression is closely associated with apoptosis in vivo. Copyright © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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