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Communication about HIV status—that is, asking about a sex partner's status as well as disclosing one's own status—was examined in a sample of 129 Latino HIV-positive gay men interviewed as part of a larger study conducted in New York, Miami, and Los Angeles. Asking and telling were strongly related to each other; however, participants were more likely to disclose their positive serostatus to sex partners than to solicit information about their partners' serostatus. Region of birth was associated with both asking and telling. Participants with bilingual friendship networks reported more communication with partners. Higher levels of social isolation were related to lower levels of communication, and perceived negative consequences—beliefs that disclosure would result in negative consequences or rejection—were related to less telling. Contrary to expectations, reported experiences of gay discrimination were positively associated with communication of serostatus.  相似文献   

The performance of alcoholics and alcoholics with Korsakoff s syndrome was compared with that of nonalcoholic controls on a task which required the generation of a series of questions for the solution of object and digit/letter identification problems. Each subject attempted to determine which of a set of stimuli (objects, letters, or numbers) the examiner had arbitrarily preselected as correct The nonalcoholic control subjects asked constraint-seeking questions which reduced alternatives by inquiring about general categories (e.g., “Is it a tool?”). In contrast, the two groups of alcoholic patients assumed the far less efficient strategy of asking hypothesis-scanning and pseudo-constraint questions which provided information only about one of the possible stimuli (e.g., “Is it the saw?”). This similarity in the proMem-solvmg strategies of alcoholics both with and without Korsakoff's syndrome is consistent with the hypothesis that the problem-solving deficits of Korsakoff patients are apparent before the acute onset of their amnesic symptoms. These deficits may be due to alcohol-induced damage to the anterior and posterior cerebral cortical association areas which mediate problem-solving and visuoperceptual functions.  相似文献   

This study addresses an unexplained finding in the alcoholism treatment field: despite the health and socioeconomic disparities that exist between Blacks and Whites at intake, Blacks and Whites achieve equivalent treatment outcomes. Using Project MATCH data, this study explores religiousness and spirituality as strengths in the African American community that may account in part for equivalent outcomes. Using binary logistic regression, this study found that as purpose in life increased, Blacks were more likely to achieve sobriety than Whites. This study provides evidence that purpose in life is a cultural strength and an advantage among Blacks in achieving sobriety.  相似文献   

Coronary collateral circulation frequently develops in the presence of obstructive coronary lesions as an alternative source of blood supply. We present a case of rare direct communication between the circumflex and right coronary arteries in a 30-year-old male with continuity between the distal segments of the circumflex and right coronary artery and no coronary artery stenoses. Direct intercoronary connections may be seen in the absence of an occlusive coronary lesion, as a remnant of the fetal circulation in adult life. We present this case to increase awareness of this rare coronary variation and its clinical implications.  相似文献   

Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) causes serious clinical problems, such as liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Current antiviral treatments suppress HBV; however, the clinical cure rate remains low. Basic research on HBV is indispensable to eradicate and cure HBV. Genetic alterations are defined by nucleotide substitutions and canonical forms of structural variations (SVs), such as insertion, deletion and duplication. Additionally, genetic changes inconsistent with the canonical forms have been reported, and these have been termed complex SVs. Detailed analyses of HBV using bioinformatical applications have detected complex SVs in HBV genomes. Sequence gaps and low sequence similarity have been observed in the region containing complex SVs. Additionally, insertional motif sequences have been observed in HBV strains with complex SVs. Following the analyses of complex SVs in the HBV genome, the role of SVs in the genetic diversity of orthohepadnavirus has been investigated. SV polymorphisms have been detected in comparisons of several species of orthohepadnaviruses. As mentioned, complex SVs are composed of multiple SVs. On the contrary, SV polymorphisms are observed as insertions of different SVs. Up to a certain point, nucleotide substitutions cause genetic differences. However, at some point, the nucleotide sequences are split into several particular patterns. These SVs have been observed as polymorphic changes. Different species of orthohepadnaviruses possess SVs which are unique and specific to a certain host of the virus. Studies have shown that SVs play an important role in the HBV genome. Further studies are required to elucidate their virologic and clinical roles.  相似文献   

Genetically based differences in the antibody responses to the large intestinal nematode Trichuris muris were studied in two groups of H-2 congenic strains of mice that differed in their relative resistance to infection with this parasite. The primary antibody response to parasite excretory/secretory (E/S) antigen was predominantly an IgG response with the strains forming two distinct groups, defined by their genetic background. The more susceptible B10 genetic background mice had strikingly higher antibody levels than mice of the BALB genetic background. Superimposed upon these background effects were clearly defined influences attributable to H-2-linked genes, strains which differed genetically only at H-2 loci exhibiting differences in the kinetics of the antibody response. Only B10.G and B10.BR mice showed any great increase in IgM levels post-infection. No IgA specific to E/S antigen was detected in the peripheral circulation of any strain at any time post-infection. Antibody responses to a 40-43 kD antigen revealed clear H-2-linked gene effects, with mice sharing the H-2k haplotype (B10.BR, BALB/K) exhibiting considerably higher total antibody levels than strains expressing other haplotypes; mice of the H-2d haplotype (BALB/c, B10.D2/n) responded very weakly to this antigen. A Western blot analysis of antigen recognition by antibody revealed similarities between the mouse strains in their total antibody responses to T. muris E/S antigen. However, immunoprecipitation studies showed that in general the more susceptible B10 congenic strains had wider spectra of antigen recognition than the BALB congenics. Strains sharing the same H-2 haplotype had dissimilar antigen recognition profiles, but strains sharing the H-2b haplotype (B10, BALB/B) recognized a low mol. wt antigen (20-23 kD) not recognized by any other strain, suggesting an exclusively H-2b restriction in the recognition of this antigen. These results support the conclusion that both H-2-linked and background genes play important roles in controlling the humoral immune response to T. muris infection.  相似文献   

The genetic architecture of complex traits underlying physiology and disease in most organisms remains elusive. We still know little about the number of genes that underlie these traits, the magnitude of their effects, or the extent to which they interact. Chromosome substitution strains (CSSs) enable statistically powerful studies based on testing engineered inbred strains that have single, unique, and nonoverlapping genetic differences, thereby providing measures of phenotypic effects that are attributable to individual chromosomes. Here, we report a study of phenotypic effects and gene interactions for 90 blood, bone, and metabolic traits in a mouse CSS panel and 54 traits in a rat CSS panel. Two key observations emerge about the genetic architecture of these traits. First, the traits tend to be highly polygenic: across the genome, many individual chromosome substitutions each had significant phenotypic effects and, within each of the chromosomes studied, multiple distinct loci were found. Second, strong epistasis was found among the individual chromosomes. Specifically, individual chromosome substitutions often conferred surprisingly large effects (often a substantial fraction of the entire phenotypic difference between the parental strains), with the result that the sum of these individual effects often dramatically exceeded the difference between the parental strains. We suggest that strong, pervasive epistasis may reflect the presence of several phenotypically-buffered physiological states. These results have implications for identification of complex trait genes, developmental and physiological studies of phenotypic variation, and opportunities to engineer phenotypic outcomes in complex biological systems.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Data on the actual uptake of genetic testing for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) in a clinical sample is still inconclusive. The present study aimed to define the actual uptake of genetic counseling and testing offered to an unselected sample of 140 patients with colorectal cancer, fulfilling clinical criteria (Amsterdam or Bethesda) suggestive of HNPCC, and to identify demographic and psychosocial factors associated with the decision to participate in counseling. METHODS: Crosssectional survey. Eligible subjects had been consecutively enrolled in a regional tumor registry between 1994 and 1998, and were invited to attend an information session for HNPCC at the time genetic testing for HNPCC became available. Participants and nonparticipants in the information session completed a short questionnaire. RESULTS: The actual uptake rate of the information session in this sample was 26 percent. Participants and nonparticipants were comparable with regard to clinical criteria suggestive of HNPCC, awareness of the potential hereditary predisposition, and previous history of cancer in the family. Some 60 percent of participants experienced pronounced distress related to their potential inheritance of the disorder, compared to 35 percent among nonparticipants. Distress reached a clinically significant level in 28 percent of participants. Restricted communication within the family was observed frequently. Irrespective of groups, a positive attitude toward obtaining a gene test result predominated. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that expressed intention and attitude toward genetic testing do not reliably predict actual uptake of counseling or testing. Thorough interdisciplinary counseling should be provided to every patient with clinical criteria suggestive of HNPCC. The considerable distress related to the hereditary disorder should be adequately addressed, as should be communication issues.  相似文献   

This research focuses on patterns of English proficiency and use-of-English among older immigrants living in linguistically concentrated, ethnic neighborhoods. A sample (n = 60) of older Puerto Ricans, who moved from the island to the mainland in their twenties, were divided into English proficiency groups (fluent, high intermediate, low intermediate) via the Adult Language Assessment Scales. Participants then provided self-ratings of their English proficiency (understanding, speaking, reading, and writing), their use of English in social domains (language spoken with own-family, in-laws, spouse, children, neighbors, and workmates), and their use of English in private psychological domains (language of talking to oneself, counting, writing notes to oneself, thinking, dreaming, praying, and expressing feelings). Finally, all participants completed the Puerto Rican Bicultural Scale. Results show a cohort of immigrant elders whose first language is protected by their ethnic neighborhoods but whose domestic and private lives are increasingly permeated by English. In particular, children emerge as powerful forces of language socialization in English for their parents. Further, there are important individual differences by level of proficiency, with a lowest proficiency group that is less acculturated, lower in socioeconomic status, and even more linguistically isolated than groups with higher proficiency. In essence, level of second language proficiency is a potent source of intracultural variation. Methodologically, the paper makes the important point that self-rated patterns of language use are consistent with scores on formal measures of proficiency. The paper also provides empirical verification of the logic of dividing language use into external, social speech and internal, psychological speech.  相似文献   

日本血吸虫线粒体DNA两个分子的遗传变异   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 从线粒体DNA的2个分子,探讨我国日本血吸虫的遗传变异。 方法 试剂盒抽提基因组总DNA后,以特异性引物对线粒体还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(NADH)脱氢酶1(ND1)和细胞色素c氧化酶I(COI)进行PCR扩增,将PCR产物分别测序,并以生物信息学方法加以比较,构建系统进化树。 结果 序列系统进化树显示日本血吸虫中国大陆株与中国台湾株之间差异较大,在树状图中可归为2类;中国大陆山区型地域株,即云南洱源和四川天全在树状图中归为1类;中国大陆湖沼洲滩型地域株,即湖南岳阳、江西新建和安徽贵池3个地域株在树状图中处于并列位置;湖北省境内不同地域株在树状图中归为1类。 结论 我国各地日本血吸虫存在不同程度的遗传变异,各地域株间亲缘关系密切,存在共同的起源  相似文献   



Little is known about the relationship of change in cardiorespiratory fitness and mortality risk in Black patients. This study assessed change in cardiorespiratory fitness and its association with all-cause mortality risk in Black and White patients.


This is a retrospective, longitudinal, observational cohort study of 13,345 patients (age = 55 ± 11 years; 39% women; 26% black) who completed 2 exercise tests, at least 12 months apart at Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit, Mich. All-cause mortality was identified through April 2013. Data were analyzed in 2015-2016 using Cox regression to calculate hazard ratios (HR) for risk of mortality associated with change in sex-specific cardiorespiratory fitness.


Mean time between the tests was 3.4 years (interquartile range 1.9-5.6 years). During 9.1 years (interquartile range 6.3-11.6 years) of follow-up, there were 1931 (14%) deaths (16.5% black, 13.7% white). For both races, change in fitness from Low to the Intermediate/High category resulted in a significant reduction of death risk (HR 0.65 [95% confidence interval (CI), 0.49-0.87] for Black; HR 0.41 [95% CI, 0.34-0.51] for White). Each 1-metabolic-equivalent-of-task increase was associated with a reduced mortality risk in black (HR 0.84 [95% CI, 0.81-0.89]) and white (HR 0.87 [95% CI, 0.82-0.86]) patients. There was no interaction by race.


Among black and white patients, change in cardiorespiratory fitness from Low to Intermediate/High fitness was associated with a 35% and 59% lower risk of all-cause mortality, respectively.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study analyzes gender and ethnic/racial differences in the prevalence of alcohol-related problems among white, black and Hispanic couples in the United States, and assesses their contribution to the risk of intimate partner violence (IPV). METHODS: Our study population consisted of 1440 white, black, and Hispanic couples obtained through a multistage area household probability sample from the 1995 National Alcohol Survey. Alcohol-related problems (i.e., drinking consequences and alcohol dependence symptoms in the last 12 months) were assessed among respondents and their partners. Male-to-female and female-to-male partner violence (MFPV, FMPV) were measured separately using the Conflict Tactics Scale. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS: Alcohol-related problems were more prevalent among men than women. Our bivariate analysis demonstrated a significant positive association between male alcohol-related problems and IPV across racial/ethnic groups, and a similar association between female alcohol-related problems and IPV for white and black couples. In the multivariate logistic regression analyses, however, many of these associations were attenuated. After controlling for sociodemographic and psychosocial covariates, male alcohol-related problems were no longer significantly associated with an increased risk of MFPV among white or Hispanic couples. Female alcohol-related problems predicted FMPV, but not MFPV, among white couples. Among black couples, however, male and female alcohol-related problems remained strong predictors of intimate partner violence. SIGNIFICANCE: Alcohol-related problems are important predictors of intimate partner violence, and the exact association between problems and violence seems to be ethnic-specific. Alcohol-related problems, rather than level of alcohol consumption, may be the more relevant factor to consider in the alcohol-partner violence association. Future research is needed to explore the temporal relationships between the development of alcohol-related problems and the occurrence of partner violence.  相似文献   

Orford J 《Addiction (Abingdon, England)》2008,103(6):875-85; discussion 886-92
AIM: To identify possible reasons for the disappointingly negative results of methodologically rigorous controlled trials of psychological treatments in the addictions field. METHOD: A selective overview of the literature on addictive behaviour change. FINDINGS: Eight failings of existing research are described: failing to account for the outcome equivalence paradox; neglecting relationships in favour of techniques; failing to integrate treatment research and research on unaided change; imposing an inappropriate time-scale on the change process; failing to take a systems or social network view; ignoring therapists' tacit theories; not including the patient's view; and displaying an ignorance of modern developments in the philosophy of science. CONCLUSION: Treatment research has been asking the wrong questions in the wrong way. Three necessary shifts in ways of conducting research are proposed: (i) the field should stop studying named techniques and focus instead on change processes; (ii) change processes should be studied within the broader, longer-acting systems of which treatment is part; and (iii) science in the field should be brought up to date by acknowledging a variety of sources of useful knowledge.  相似文献   

This study was performed to investigate human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) infection and genetic variations within glycoprotein B (gB) and H (gH) genes in Chinese transplant recipients. A total of 245 ethylene-diamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA)-treated blood samples were obtained from 79 transplant recipients in southeast China. Based on the sequences of highly variable regions of the gB endoprotease cleavage site (gBclv), N-terminus of gp116 (gBn), and the gH N-terminus (gH), nested polymerase chain reaction assays for the detection of HCMV were established. Nucleotide sequencing was employed to differentiate gB and gH genotypes. Twenty-six of 79 (32.9%) transplant recipients were proved HCMV positive. The distribution of genotypes was gBclv1, 12/25; gBclv2, 3/25; gBclv3, 4/25; gBn1, 6/23; gBn2, 2/23; gBn3, 11/23; and no gBclv/n 4-related genotypes were presented. The distribution of gH genotypes was gH1, 11/26; gH2, 9/26; and co-infected with both gH1/2 in 6/26. These data show that genetic variability within the gB genes occurs frequently. Mixtures of gB and gH genotypes infection were common in Chinese solid organ transplant recipients.  相似文献   

Summary Adoptive transfer of immunity with immune mesenteric lymph node cells (IMLNC) was used to analyse the roles of immune and inflammatory events in determining the strain-characteristic time of expulsion of Trichinella spiralis from mice. Transfer of IMLNC within and between three rapidly responding strains (NIH, SWR, DBA1–all H-2q) resulted in accelerated worm expulsion, worm loss commencing before day 8 in each case. When NIH cells were transferred to slow-responder B10 congenic mice (B10G-H-2q) mice, immunity was evident at 8 days as a reduction in worm fecundity and only by 12 days as a reduction in worm numbers. A similar result was obtained when B10G cells were given to B10G recipients. In the reciprocal transfer, IMLNC from B10G transferred immunity to NIH as effectively and as rapidly as did NIH cells. Cells capable of transferring immunity were present in B10G mice as early as 4 days after infection, even though worm expulsion in this strain does not occur until after day 12. Thus following heterologous transfers of IMLNC, the time of worm expulsion was determined by the response of the recipient, and presumably by the ability to generate intestinal inflammatory changes. Earlier work has shown that the strain-characteristic time of worm expulsion is genetically determined, but not by H-2 linked genes. A corollary of the present work is that non-H-2 linked genes control the generation of intestinal inflammatory changes in T. spiralis infections. H-2 genes may control lymphocyte responsiveness to infection and the haplotype H-2q may determine a rapid response. Comparisons are made with the genetic control of resistance to Listeria monocytogenes and possible mechanisms are discussed.  相似文献   

The mission of the Patient‐Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) is to fund the production of high‐quality evidence that will enable patients and clinicians to make informed, personalized healthcare decisions. Since 2012, the PCORI has invested $177 million in patient‐centered comparative effectiveness research (CER) that specifically targets the health needs of older adults, with additional relevant studies in its broader portfolio. Developing the PCORI's research portfolio has provided us with significant insights into what factors to consider when conducting CER in older adult populations. When comparing the net benefit of two or more interventions for older adults, investigators should consider the following: absolute risk difference, competing risks, life expectancy, the difference between chronologic and physiologic age, the importance of patient preferences, and other potential drivers of variable treatment effects. Investigators should also engage older adults and their caregivers as partners throughout the research process. Their input helps to identify key outcomes of interest and insights about the conduct of the research. As the PCORI continues to support research that addresses the healthcare decisions of the rapidly growing older adult population, it needs to partner with patients and researchers to identify the most important questions to address. J Am Geriatr Soc 67:21–28, 2019.  相似文献   

Summary Strain variation in the response of inbred mice to infection with Trichinella spiralis was reflected in the length of survival of the adult worms, their fecundity and in the number of muscle larvae acquired. Three strains, NIH, SWR and DBA1 (all H2q), responded rapidly, expelled most of the adult worms within 12 days and had relatively low burdens of muscle larvae. B10 mice (H2b) and five related strains (B10.G (H2q), B10.BR (H2k), B10.AKM (H2d), B10.AKM (H2m) and B10.T(6R) (H2y2)) responded slowly, retaining adults for more than 12 days and acquiring heavy muscle burdens. The slow response of B10 mice was evident in both old and young mice, in primary and secondary infections and was inherited as a recessive characteristic. No evidence was obtained that slow responsiveness resulted from suppressor cell activity. The results are discussed in relation to the influence of genes located within and without the major histocompatibility complex.  相似文献   

Metastasis-associated in colon cancer-1 (MACC1), a newly identified oncogene, is involved in angiogenesis, invasiveness, and metastasis in many cancers. Epidemiological studies have indicated the associations between MACC1 polymorphisms and cancer risk. However, the association between genetic polymorphisms in MACC1 and breast cancer (BC) was not clear. This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between MACC1 polymorphisms and BC risk.We genotyped 4 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in MACC1 (rs975263, rs1990172, rs3735615, rs4721888) to determine the haplotypes in 560 BC patients and 583 age-, sex-, and ethnicity-matched healthy individuals. Genotypes were determined using the Sequenom MassARRAY method. We estimated the odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) using the chi-square test.There were significant differences between patients and controls in the MACC1 rs975263 allelic (T vs C: OR = 0.76, 95% CI = 0.61–0.95, P = 0.014) and genotypic groups (TC vs TT: OR = 0.70, 95% CI = 0.54–0.92, P = 0.009; TC+CC vs TT: OR = 0.71, 95% CI = 0.55–0.92, P = 0.008). Analysis of clinical features demonstrated significant associations between rs975263 and Scarff–Bloom–Richardson (SBR) grade 3 cancer (P = 0.006) and postmenopausal women (P = 0.018). Compared with the rs4721888 CC genotype, the frequency of rs4721888 GC and GC+CC variants was higher in patients. Further analysis revealed that the variant genotypes were positively associated with lymph node metastasis. However, we failed to find any relationships between rs1990172 or rs3735615 polymorphism and BC risk. In addition, haplotype analysis indicated that the CTGG and CTCG haplotypes (rs975263, rs1990172, rs3735615, rs4721888) were significantly associated with decreased susceptibility to BC (P = 0.029 and 0.019 respectively).Our results suggest that rs975263 and rs4721888 polymorphisms in MACC1 are associated with the risk of BC susceptibility and may be involved in the progression of BC in Chinese women.  相似文献   

A total of 314 individual Echinostoma revolutum were collected at different locations and times from domestic ducks from Khon Kaen Province, Thailand and Vientiane Province, the Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR). Genetic variation of these parasites was analyzed using multilocus enzyme electrophoresis at three polymorphic loci namely, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6pd), malic enzyme (Me) and peptidase valine-leucine (PepA). High levels of genetic variability were found within and between populations. Significant heterozygote deficiencies compared with the predictions under Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium were detected in populations from Thailand and the Lao PDR for all loci except G6pd-1. Significant genetic differentiation was observed between spatially separated populations from Thailand and the Lao PDR. This as also true for some samples collected at different times in Thailand. The variability found may be consistent with a Wahlund effect, genetic drift and/or other factors such as the population structure of snail hosts. Our data provide further insight into the process of genetic divergence within and among geographically and temporally isolated populations of E. revolutum, and potentially other medically important echinostomes in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

This article examines the prevalence of sexual aggression and its association with alcohol and other forms of violence, such as physical abuse and psychological aggression, in a national sample of married and cohabiting couples. These couples were part of a longitudinal study conducted in 1995 and 2000. The analyses include 406 White, 232 Black, and 387 Hispanic couples interviewed in 2000. Male-to-female sexual aggression rates ranged from 11% to 23% and female-to-male aggression rates ranged from 5.5% to 13.5%. Insisting on having sex without use of physical force and having sex without a condom are the two most frequently reported types of sexual aggression across all ethnic groups. Male and female perpetrated sexual aggression rates among Black couples were over 2 times the rate of White couples. Male perpetrated severe psychological aggression is a significant predictor of male sexual aggression. Female perpetrated severe psychological aggression predicted female sexual aggression. The study findings underscore the importance of addressing alcohol use and the presence of psychological abuse in the light of preventing other forms of violence including sexual aggression among couples.  相似文献   

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