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[目的]通过了解上海高校院校教职工对癌症早期症状与早期发现知识知晓程度,为进一步做好上海高校知识分子癌症防治工作提供科学的参考依据。[方法]采用面对面随机获取调查对象进行问卷调查的方式,了解癌症早期信号与早期症状的知晓程度。[结果]高校教职工对癌症早期信号了解程度相对较高,但在早发现的行为方面不理想。只有7.1%做过肠镜检查,31.2%化验过乙肝检查,23.3%做过胃镜检查。在癌症早发现的知识方面也较差。[结论]加强高校教职工癌症早发现知识的健康教育是很需要的,同时也要加强社区医生与他们的联系。  相似文献   

上海市杨浦区医务人员癌症早发现知识调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]掌握杨浦区医务人员对癌症早发现知识的知晓情况。[方法]随机捕取13家医院的265名医务人员,采用面对面问卷调查方式了解调查对象对癌症早发现相关知识的知晓情况。[结果]95.36%的医生没完整掌握乳腺癌高危对象的判断标准;82.99%以上的医生没完整掌握肝癌高危对象的判断标准;81.11%医生没完整掌握胃癌前病变知识:69.59%的医生没完整掌握大肠癌的常见症状与高危对象的判断标准。[结论]杨浦区医务人员对乳腺癌、肝癌、胃癌、大肠癌的早发现知识还存在一定的认知差距。  相似文献   

癌症早期发现是提高疗效的关键中国医学科学院、中国协和医科大学肿瘤医院防癌科(100021)张英杰,左京华,袁凤兰,韩东,李武,王立早一、概况80年代中期,上海三个市区医院内恶性肿瘤早期(I期)占4.5%,中期(Ⅱ期)占19.3%,晚期(Ⅲ+Ⅳ期)占7...  相似文献   

肺癌早发现的近况   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
在大部分发达国家中 ,肺癌成为男子肿瘤中最普遍的致命因素。全世界肺癌的发病率、死亡率在不断增加 ,而且女性肺癌的发病率也呈直线上升。当肺癌发现时 ,65 %已属晚期 ,并且肺癌的生存率和期别有显著相关。据上海市胸科医院报告 , 期肺癌手术后 5年生存率 37.1 %~ 80 .0 % ( T1N0 M0 的 5年生存率 70 .0 %~ 80 .0 % ,T2 N0 M0 的 5年生存率40 .0 %~ 5 0 .0 % )。上海市胸科医院和卢湾区核病结防治所 1 979年对某地区 45岁以上、吸烟居民 1 01 2 2人进行早发现筛选 ,I期病例占所检病例的30 .0 % ,而一般人群中 期肺癌病员为 1 6.0 % …  相似文献   

张小鹏  江涛  沈兴蓉 《中国肿瘤》2018,27(12):915-920
摘 要:[目的] 评价“中国城市癌症早诊早治项目”中基于问卷评估的临床筛查推介机制对高危人群的区分能力大小。[方法] 采用自行设计的癌症危险因素调查表,对合肥市社区居民和接受医院筛查的居民开展平行调查,并比较两个人群癌症相关因素的暴露水平。[结果] 相对明确的肿瘤危险因素在两个人群中差异有统计学意义,且均为医院筛查人群高于社区人群;有近半数的肿瘤保护因素在两个人群中的分布不存在统计学显著性差异。[结论] “中国城市癌症早诊早治项目”中的基于问卷评估的临床筛查推介机制对癌症危险因素的区分能力较强;对癌症保护因素的反向区分能力较弱。“中国城市癌症早诊早治项目”筛查问卷对癌症相关因素的识别具有一定的“外推”作用。  相似文献   

回顾上海从20世纪80年代至21世纪初以工厂企业为单位的癌症早发现工作模式所取得的成效以及面临的困难。调研现阶段社区居民对癌症早发现的认识情况和筛查参与以及社区癌症早发现工作的现状,提出加强对社区居民癌症早发现的健康教育,提倡无症状筛查,发挥社区卫生服务中心在癌症早发现工作中作用等推进城市地区癌症早发现的策略和措施。  相似文献   

方红  何丹丹  严玉洁  曹莉莉  周洁 《中国肿瘤》2010,19(10):639-642
[目的]通过社区肿瘤早发现模式的实践,为肿瘤防治的健康促进提供可借鉴的经验。[方法]通过癌情资料分析,小组座谈,对闵行区40岁以上健康卡签约人口通过社区教育、因症就诊、体检进行大肠癌、肝癌、胃癌及肺癌四癌早发现危险度问卷,建立初筛及高危队列,后续长效管理。并进行效果评估。[结果]人群"四癌"早发现知识知晓性由55.21%提高到70.00%(P〈0.05),态度转变率由71.44%提高到83.11%(P〈0.05);470805人次完成健康教育,覆盖40岁以上人口40.47%;规范初筛282487人,规范初筛率96.25%,初筛阳性4350人,阳性复查率47.72%,检出高危人群11241人,纳入高危人群管理10286人,确诊296例,Ⅰ期77例,占26.01%,Ⅱ期49例,Ⅰ+Ⅱ期率42.57%;初筛依从性均较好;胃镜、AFP与CT复查依从性一般,四癌筛查效果均具一定成效,大肠癌效果最为显著。[结论]以健康教育先导,结合定期的筛查评估,高危人群长效管理的综合干预,使社区居民对肿瘤早发现的知、信、行有了明显的变化,根据肿瘤早发现和癌前期病变的检出结果,说明基于社区系统的干预和管理对常见肿瘤早发现的提高和远期发病率的减低起到举足轻重的作用,是社区肿瘤早发现的有效手段。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨上海市松江区大肠癌因症就诊早发现工作的效果。[方法]上海市松江区2005年开始推广卢湾区社区大肠癌早发现的工作经验,对因出现肛肠疾病来松江区一、二级医院就诊的病人及时作直肠指检、大便隐血试验、肠镜、X线气钡双重对比造影。[结果]在出现肛肠症状的7425例门诊病人中,确诊大肠癌330例,大肠癌检出率为4.44%。开展大肠癌因症就诊早发现工作后,大肠癌Dukes’A期患者比例15.98%,高于未开展前的8.19%。[结论]进一步完善大肠癌的早发现网络建设,对有肛肠症状的患者进行必要的辅助检查,并进行专册登记,可以提高大肠癌的早期检出率。  相似文献   

[目的]探索以社区卫生服务中心为主体的肿瘤早发现模式。[方法]落实本社区信息化建设;组建早发现团队;建立绩效考核机制;制定早发现监测指标及质量控制标准。[结果]共完成健康教育37242人次,完成健康问卷37242份,建立初筛队列25852人,规范筛查25587人,筛查顺应性98.97%,筛查阳性281人,阳性率1.10%,复查178人,复查顺应性63.35%,检出高危人群525人,建卡规范管理485例,检出恶性肿瘤55例,早期10例;无症状人群筛查及高危人群管理均显示了较好的效果;大肠癌、胃癌、肝癌及肺癌门诊因症就诊、体检及社区健康教育途径初显成效。[结论]以信息化为平台,绩效考核为杠杆,政府实事工程为契机,依托高效的早发现管理团队能有效地在社区开展大肠癌、胃癌、肝癌及肺癌早发现工作。  相似文献   

目的 调查医务人员肿瘤营养知识-态度-行为现状,并与既往进行对比,旨在观察状况变化,增强对营养治疗的重视,并为进行有效的继续教育培训提供依据.方法 采用多中心、观察性研究,于2018年6月至2018年12月对30个省(自治区、直辖市)1972家医院6898名医务人员进行调查,并与本课题组2013年对全国医务人员肿瘤营养...  相似文献   

[目的]了解上海区县疾控中心和社区卫生服务中心肿瘤防治人员队伍组成以及业务知识掌握情况。[方法]对全市区县疾控中心和社区卫生服务中心肿瘤防治人员进行问卷调查。[结果]区县疾控中心肿瘤防治人员文化程度大专及以上学历比例72.34%,较社区肿瘤随访医师(30.00%)高,学历和职称越高.肿瘤防治知识得分越高,掌握知识程度越好。接受过培训人员的得分高于未接受过培训人员的得分。[结论]上海市已拥有了一支较为稳定的肿瘤防治队伍,但仍需加强肿瘤相关知识培训,尤其是肿瘤康复知识,以满足肿瘤随访实际需要。  相似文献   

Background: This study was conducted to determine knowledge, attitudes and practices about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination of students studying in various faculties of Erciyes University. Materials and Methods: The study was performed among the first and fourth grade students of Medicine, Theology, Education and Economics and Administrative Sciences (FEAS) faculties of Erciyes University. It was aimed to reach 1,073 students and 718 were evaluated. A questionnaire consisting of 48 questions related to the socio-demographic characteristics, knowledge, attitude and practices about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination was administered to the students. The chi-square test and logistic regression were used for the statistical analyses. Results: Of the students, 78.3% were aware of cervical cancer, while 36.1% of them were aware of the HPV vaccine. The percentage hearing about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination was significantly higher among the students of the medical faculty than the others and among fourth grade students comparing with the first grade. The marital status and the presence of a health worker in the family had no significant impact on the knowledge level of the students. The acceptability of the HPV vaccination was low among all students. Conclusions: The knowledge levels of the university students about cervical cancer and HPV vaccination are inadequate. This deficiency is more pronounced among the non-medical students and there is no significant increase during the faculty years. Non-medical students must be provided with information about important public health issues by elective courses. HPV vaccination could provide many benefits for men and women by decreasing the morbidity and mortality of cervical, anal, and penile cancers.  相似文献   

上海市癌症止痛现状调查   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
对上海市76所医院的1115位医师及923位癌痛患者分别进行问卷调查。治疗前患者自评疼痛强表达中、重度者71%,医师评估为80.5%,治疗后分别下降到24.3%及16.5%。患者满意度83%,医师评估疼痛缓解率84%。发生疼痛后患者62%应答在一个月内得到治疗,医师应答79.1%,其中<3天为31.6%,4至10天为22.5%。患者应答发生疼痛可以或通过努力可以得到治疗达93.1%。止痛药费用<100元/月为48.4%,>300元/月为20%。费用能完全或部分报销者的82%,能承担止痛药费用者67.2%。应用强阿片类药物占50.9%。口服给药65.5%。按时给药50.5%。影响疼痛控制因素:医师主要怕成瘾(86.2%),患者担心成瘾而影响用药占52.2%,两者差异显著。  相似文献   

Purpose: The present study was carried out to measure knowledge level and behavior of family health personnel(FHP) in Izmir on early diagnosis of breast and cervical cancers. Materials and Methods: The study populationof this cross-sectional study was not selected. A questionnaire was applied to all FHP to measure knowledgelevel and behavior about cancer. The participation rate was 88%. Breast examination, mammography analysis,Papanicolaou smear applications were determined as dependent variables, and knowledge level about breast andcervical cancer, age, professional time as FHP as independent variables. Data were evaluated using definitivestatistics, chi-square and logistic regression tests in SPSS software package for Windows 15.0. Results: A totalof 970 family health personnel participated in the research. The age range was 20-45 years (82.4%). Mean agewas 37.9±7.4. Response rate was 87.3%. Of the participants, 88.4% performed breast self-examination. Rate ofperforming mammography at least once was 24.1%. Rate of performing Pap-smear examination at least oncewas 61.0%. In logistic regression analyses, it was determined that people with knowledge on breast and cervicalcancer were those performing breast self-examination, mammography and Pap-smear examinations (p<0.05.Conclusions: It is essential that the knowledge, behavior and manners of health providers on early diagnosis forcancer increases awareness in the general population and provides information on execution ofthe most effectivemethods for generating a healthy society.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to evaluate knowledge about HPV infection and cervical cancer among nursesin Chiang Mai University Hospital, Thailand. The 16 questions evaluating knowledge were “true/false/do notknow” type. Two hundred and twenty nurses agreed to participate in this survey. Most knew that cervicalcancer is the most common female cancer in Thailand (92.7%), HPV infection is a causal factor of cervicalcancer (81.8%), early stage cervical cancer is curable (94.1%), and an adequate scale of cervical screening couldprevent morbidity and mortality from cervical cancer (86.8%). The majority of participants (more than 70%)correctly acknowledged risk factors for cervical cancer as smoking, having multiple sexual partners, and sex atan early age. However, the majority of participants did not know that HPV infection and early stage cervicalcancer are commonly asymptomatic. In conclusion, knowledge regarding cervical cancer among nursing staffin the author’s institute is considerably favorable. However, their understanding about the natural history ofHPV infection and cervical cancer is suboptimal, and requires further attention if an effective cervical cancerscreening program is to be implemented.  相似文献   

Background: Outcome-expectation beliefs and knowledge may ultimately influence behavior for cancerprevention. The aims of this study were to measure changes in knowledge and beliefs about cancer preventionbefore and after viewing a television advertisement and identify the factors affecting receptivity to its messages.Materials and Methods: A one-group pretest-posttest design was used in this study of 1,000 individuals aged 20to 65 years who were recruited online in November 2014. The outcome variables included cancer preventionbeliefs based on the Health Belief Model (five items) and knowledge about risk factors for cancer (seven items).Results: Perceived susceptibility, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy increased significantly and their perceivedseverity and perceived barriers decreased significantly, after participants viewed the television advertisement.Correct responses to questions about risk factors also increased significantly, except for smoking. The mainfactors affecting changes in the outcome variables were age, interest in cancer prevention, social network,satisfaction with the ad, and pretest scores. Conclusions: Television advertisements with positive frameworkscan be an efficient channel of improving beliefs and knowledge about cancer prevention in a short period. Thecontinuous development of intervention materials that consider the demographics, needs, and satisfaction ofthe target group will be necessary for future studies.  相似文献   

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