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Summary The distribution of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) containing nerve cells and terminals was studied at the light and electron microscopic levels in the retrohippocampal region of the rat by using anti-glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and anti-GABA antibodies in immunocytochemistry. Large numbers of GAD and GABA stained cells were found in all retrohippocampal structures. At the ultrastructural level, the immunoreactivity against GABA and against the synthesizing enzyme GAD was localized to cytoplasmic structures, including loose clumps of rough endoplasmic reticulum, ribosomal arrays, outer mitochondrial surfaces and in axonal boutons.The GAD- and GABA-immunorective(-i) cells were found in all subfields of the retrohippocampal region (e.g., the subicular complex, the entorhinal area). Within the entorhinal area a slightly larger number of immunoreactive cells could be detected in layers II and III than in the other layers. In the subiculum, pre- and parasubiculum the GAD and GABA-i cells were present in relatively large numbers in all layers, except the molecular layer, which contained only a small number of GABA cells. Within the entorhinal area, GAD and GABA stained cells ranged in size from small (13 m in diameter) to large (22 m in diameter). A large number of different morphological classes of cells were found, except pyramidal and stellate cells. In the pre- and parasubiculum, on the other hand, the GABA cells were generally small to medium in size and morphologically more homogeneous than in the subiculum and entorhinal area.The entire retrohippocampal region was densely innervated by GABA preterminal processes, with little variation in the regional density of innervation. Within the entorhinal area, presubiculum and subiculum, a clear difference was found in the laminar pattern of innervation. In all three subfields the densest innervation was in layer II. In the entorhinal area both GAD- and GABA-i axons form palisades of fibers around the somata of neurons, which are tightly packed together in this layer. In the electron microscope both GAD-i and GABA-i were demonstrated in these axons. Axosomatic synaptic contacts were common between axons and the stellate neurons and other cells of this layer. Layers IV and VI appeared less dense in GAD-i terminals but appeared more densely innervated than layers III and V. The lamina dessicans was relatively poor in GAD-i. In the subiculum and presubiculum, as well as all other subfields of the hippocampal region, the innervation is dominated by axo-somatic innervation of layer II cells. The outer third of the molecular layer was more densely innervated than the inner part. Taken together, the present study has shown that the retrohippocampal region is rich in GABAergic neurons as well as axon terminals, some of which form numerous synapic contacts with cells of the region. GABAergic neurotransmission is an important mechanism in retrohippocampal circuits not only for the resident interneuronal population but in the surround as well.  相似文献   

 Experiment 1 assessed the effect of cytotoxic retrohippocampal (entorhinal and extra-subicular cortices) lesions on the development of latent inhibition (LI) using an off-the-baseline, between-subjects, conditioned emotional response paradigm. Sham-operated controls and unoperated rats that had been pre-exposed to a light stimulus prior to light-shock pairings showed less conditioned suppression towards the light stimulus than the nonpre-exposed animals, thus demonstrating LI. However, LI was not evident in rats with retrohippocampal lesions. In experiment 2, the same animals were trained to run in an straight runway for food. Half of the animals were trained under a 50% partial reinforcement schedule (i.e. they were rewarded randomly on half of the acquisition trials) and the other half were trained under a continuous reinforcement schedule (i.e. they were rewarded on every acquisition trial). When tested in extinction, animals trained on the partial reinforcement schedule showed greater persistence than animals trained on continuous reinforcement, thus demonstrating the partial reinforcement extinction effect (PREE). Rats with retrohippocampal lesions showed a PREE that was at least as clear as that seen in the sham-operated controls and in the unoperated animals. It is concluded that cytotoxic lesions of the retrohippocampal region selectively led to an abolition of LI, but spared the PREE. The present study thus provided evidence against the hypothesis that LI and the PREE share a common neural substrate. Received: 13 June 1996 / Accepted: 24 December 1996  相似文献   

Summary 1. A series of 4 experiments examined the performance of rats with retrohippocampal lesions on a spatial water-maze task. 2. The animals were trained to find and escape onto a hidden platform after swimming in a large pool of opaque water. The platform was invisible and could not be located using olfactory cues. Successful escape performance required the rats to develop strategies of approaching the correct location with reference solely to distal extramaze cues. 3. The lesions encompassed the entire rostro-caudal extent of the lateral and medial entorhinal cortex, and included parts of the pre- and para-subiculum, angular bundle and subiculum. Groups ECR 1 and 2 sustained only partial damage of the subiculum, while Group ECR+S sustained extensive damage. These groups were compared with sham-lesion and unoperated control groups. 4. In Expt 1A, a profound deficit in spatial localisation was found in groups ECR 1 and ECR+S, the rats receiving all training postoperatively. In Expt 1B, these two groups showed hyperactivity in an open-field. In Expt 2, extensive preoperative training caused a transitory saving in performance of the spatial task by group ECR 2, but comparisons with the groups of Expt 1A revealed no sustained improvement, except on one measure of performance in a post-training transfer test. All rats were then given (Expt 3) training on a cueing procedure using a visible platform. The spatial deficit disappeared but, on returning to the normal hidden platform procedure, it reappeared. Nevertheless, a final transfer test, during which the platform was removed from the apparatus, revealed a dissociation between two independent measures of performance: the rats with ECR lesions failed to search for the hidden platform but repeatedly crossed its correct location accurately during traverses of the entire pool. This partial recovery of performance was not (Expt 4) associated with any ability to discriminate between two locations in the pool. 5. The apparently selective recovery of aspects of spatial memory is discussed in relation to O'Keefe and Nadel's (1978) spatial mapping theory of hippocampal function. We propose a modification of the theory in terms of a dissociation between procedural and declarative sub-components of spatial memory. The declarative component is a flexible access system in which information is stored in a form independent of action. It is permanently lost after the lesion. The procedural component is unmasked by the retrohippocampal lesion giving rise to the partial recovery of spatial localisation performance.  相似文献   

A number of studies have implicated the hippocampal formation in social-recognition memory in the rat. The present study addressed this issue directly by assessing the effects of cytotoxic lesions confined to the hippocampus proper, encompassing the four CA subfields and the dentate gyrus, on this behavioural task. Ibotenate-induced hippocampal lesions led to locomotor hyperactivity and a marked spatial working-memory impairment on the elevated T-maze. In addition, they also led to increased social investigation. However, despite these clear effects, there was no effect of the lesions on social-recognition memory. These results suggest that the hippocampus proper does not subserve social-recognition memory; but does not, however, preclude the possibility that other areas of the hippocampal formation (e.g. entorhinal cortex or subiculum) may support this memory process.  相似文献   

Rats with lesions either of medial septal nucleus (MSN) or the entorhinal cortex (ECx) were compared postoperatively with unoperated controls in a discrete-trial, delayed matching-to-position (DMTP) task, conducted on an elevated T-maze. A DMTP trial consisted of two consecutive visits to the maze: an information run and a choice run. The animals were first forced to visit a randomly selected choice arm in the information run. In the choice run, the correct response was to match the choice arm that had been visited on the information run, regardless of whether the information run itself had been rewarded or not. MSN animals failed to succeed in this task, performing at close to chance level throughout training. On the other hand, ECx rats consistently perform at a level comparable with that of unoperated controls; both groups attained more than 90% correct after 192 trials. Long-term retention testing was carried out after an intermission of 4 weeks, when the same task was re-administered to the ECx and unoperated control animals. ECx animals showed significantly less saving than controls in the retention test. In contrast, when the retention interval within a DMTP trial was increased by the imposition of a 20-s delay between the information and choice runs, the ECx group was not selectively affected by this manipulation. Received: 17 June 1997 / Accepted: 4 December 1997  相似文献   

Recordings of the activity of 2705 single neurones were made in entorhinal and perirhinal cortex, area TG of the temporal lobe, and the inferior temporal cortex both during monkeys' performance of a serial recognition memory task using complex pictures and when monkeys were shown objects. Responses of 120 (9.7%) of the visually responsive neurones recorded were significantly smaller to the second than to the first presentations of unfamiliar stimuli. The incidence of such responses was highest in perirhinal cortex plus areas TE1 and TE2 of the temporal lobe, intermediate in lateral entorhinal cortex and areas TE3 and TG, and lowest in other parts of entorhinal and inferior temporal cortex. Response decrements were maintained across 20 or more intervening presentations of other stimuli for the majority of the neurones tested. Responses of 43 (14.4%) of the visually responsive neurones tested were significantly greater to unfamiliar than to highly familiar stimuli. Such differential responses were found only in lateral entorhinal and perirhinal cortex plus areas TG, TE1, TE2 and TE3. For 6 neurones the response difference was significant even when the familiar stimuli had not been seen for more than 24 h: such neurones demonstrate access to information stored in long-term memory for more than 24 h. Seven familiarity neurones signalled information concerning the relative familiarity of stimuli but not information concerning how recently they were last seen; 58 recency neurones signalled information concerning the recency of presentation of stimuli, but not their relative familiarity. Thus certain neurones demonstrate the separable encoding of recency and familiarity information. Neurones signalling information of use for recognition memory are found in cortex close to the rhinal sulcus where lesions result in major deficits in the performance of recognition memory tasks. The conjunction of these findings provides strong evidence for the importance of these neurones and this cortex for processes (recency and familiarity discrimination) necessary for recognition and working memory. The possible relation of the neuronal responses to priming memory is also discussed.  相似文献   

Using adult Long-Evans male rats, this experiment compared spontaneous (assessed 15 days and 4.5 months after surgery) and amphetamine-induced (assessed from 4.5 months after surgery onwards; 1 mg/kg, i.p., ten injections, 48 h apart) locomotor activity following N-methyl-D-aspartate lesions of the entorhinal cortex, electrolytic lesions of the fimbria-fornix, or ibotenate lesions of the hippocampus. Sham-operated rats were used as controls. Hippocampal and fimbria-fornix lesions, but not entorhinal-cortex lesions induced diurnal and nocturnal hyperactivity, which was attenuated over time, but only in rats with fimbria-fornix lesions. Amphetamine-induced hyperlocomotion was assessed in a familiar environment. Lesions of the entorhinal cortex potentiated the locomotor effects of amphetamine, but not lesions of the hippocampus or interruption of the axons in the fimbria-fornix pathway. Sensitization appeared to be decreased by fimbria-fornix lesions and to be prevented by hippocampal lesions. Rats with entorhinal-cortex lesions behaved as if they had already been sensitized by the lesion. These results clearly show that lesions of the fimbria-fornix, the hippocampus, and of the entorhinal cortex have different effects on spontaneous and amphetamine-induced hyperactivity, as they also have on learning and memory tasks.  相似文献   

Summary Gaffan and Weiskrantz (1980) and Mishkin (1982) have shown that lesions to the inferior temporal visual cortex can impair the performance of serial visual recognition memory tasks. In order to provide evidence on whether the inferior temporal visual cortex contains a mechanism which enables memory to span the intervening items in a serial recognition task, or whether the inferior temporal cortex is merely afferent to such recent memory mechanisms, we analysed the activity of single neurons in the inferior temporal visual cortex and the adjacent cortex in the superior temporal sulcus in both delayed match to sample and serial recognition memory tasks. In the serial recognition task, various numbers of stimuli intervened between the first and second presentations of a stimulus. A considerable proportion (64/264 or 26%) of visually responsive inferotemporal neurons showed a different response to the novel and familiar presentations of a stimulus in the serial recognition memory task, and often a corresponding difference in response between the sample and match presentations of a stimulus in the delayed match to sample task. For the majority of neurons this difference was not sustained across even one intervening stimulus in the serial recognition task, and no neurons bridged more than 2 intervening stimuli. These results show that neurons in the inferior temporal cortex have responses which would be useful for a short term visual memory for stimuli, but would not be useful in recency memory tasks in which more than one stimulus intervenes between the first and second presentations of a stimulus. In this investigation, neurons were recorded both in the cortex on the inferior temporal gyrus (commonly called inferior temporal visual cortex, and consisting of areas TE3,TE2 and TE1 of Seltzer and Pandya 1978), and in the cortex in the adjacent anterior part of the superior temporal sulcus, in which a number of different temporal cortical visual areas have now been described (see Baylis et al. 1986).  相似文献   

Introduction. Patients with schizophrenia exhibit deficits in memory performance, particularly when required to bind together disparate items (associative memory). Yet the literature on associative memory is decidedly mixed, with some studies showing large deficits and other showing none.

Methods. The aims of this meta-analysis were to determine an overall effect size for the associative memory deficit in patients with schizophrenia and to examine two potential moderating variables related to this impairment: the nature of the memory being tested (pair vs. source recognition) and the inclusion or exclusion of novel items as part of the recognition test.

Results. We found that the mean effect sizes were large for pair recognition (r=.50) and medium for source recognition (r=.29), with a significant difference between the two recognition types. Contrary to a priori hypotheses, there were no differences in the effect sizes across the various types of source memory (i.e., internal, external, or reality monitoring). There was, however, a significant difference in the effect sizes between those studies that included novel items as part of the memory test (r=.26) and those that did not (r=.44).

Conclusions. These findings suggest that the associative memory deficit in schizophrenia is not specific to self/other distinctions, but is rather a more global effect seen across testing conditions. In addition, memory tests that do not include new items appear to maximise this effect, perhaps by removing a potential response outlet for subjects who lack confidence in the accuracy of their memory performance.  相似文献   

 The first experiment assessed the effects of neurotoxic lesions in either the anterior cingulate cortex (ACc) or the retrosplenial cortex (RSc) on a test of object recognition. Neither lesion affected performance on this task, which takes advantage of the rat’s normal preference to spend more time investigating novel rather than familiar stimuli. In response to this negative result, a second experiment assessed the effects of much more extensive cingulate lesions (Cg) on both object recognition and object location memory. The latter task also used a preference measure, but in this case it concerned preference for a novel location. For comparison purposes this second study included groups of rats with lesions in closely allied regions: the fornix (Fx), the cingulum bundle (CB) and the medial prefrontal cortex (Pfc). Comparisons with sham-operated control rats showed that none of the four groups (Cg, Fx, CB, Pfc) was impaired on the object recognition task, adding further weight to the view that these structures are not necessary for assessing stimulus familiarity. The Fx and Cg groups were, however, impaired on the object location task, suggesting that these regions are necessary for remembering other attributes of a stimulus (spatial location). Received: 28 March 1996 / Accepted: 1 August 1996  相似文献   

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