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The case described, of a 40-year-old woman with a 26-year history of a chronic, non-specific knee disorder, is a rather typical example of synovial sarcoma, according to the information given by other authors over the past three to four decades. The diagnostic difficulties and failures are clearly illustrated. It must be emphasized that severe, obscure joint symptoms such as our patient presented over the many years before death should have led to a proper surgical exploration of the knee. Furthermore, it should be unnecessary to stress the importance of performing a histological examination whenever excising abnormal tissue.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma most commonly affects adults in the third to fifth decades of life, and is the most common sarcoma of the foot. The tumors are encapsulated and frequently in contact with bone. Because there are often few anatomical barriers, malignant spread to surrounding nerves and vasculature is common. This article discusses the case of a young patient who presented to the foot and ankle clinic with soft tissue swelling in the right foot, and the imaging protocol for such a patient. A literature review of synovial sarcoma is also presented.  相似文献   

Among the differential diagnosis for lesions of the hand, synovial hemangioma of the articular surface and tendon sheath is often overlooked due to its rare nature. In comparison to more abundant reports describing their involvement of the knee joint, our literature review found only six cases involving the hand or wrist. We present our recent experience in treating a 17-year-old female diagnosed with synovial hemangioma of the long finger proximal interphalangeal joint. In addition, we have submitted pertinent imaging and pathological findings for review with the intent to increase awareness of synovial hemangioma during evaluation of hand lesions.  相似文献   

Synovial osteochondromatosis is a condition of unknown etiology affecting articular synovium, characterised by the formation of osteochondral nodules. Occurrences in the foot and ankle are rare. To our knowledge, this condition has never previously been described in the talonavicular joint. In the following article, we present two cases and review the literature regarding this condition.  相似文献   

边焱焱  刘勇  姜鹏翔 《中国骨伤》2012,25(3):235-236
患者,女,35岁,2年前发现右腹股区包块,质韧、搏动性,大小约4cm×6cm,边界清晰,活动性略差,无压痛。后逐渐出现右腿肿胀,右腿内侧麻木感,无间歇性跛行、静息痛、下肢溃疡。于当地医院就诊,B超提示右腹股沟髂动脉下囊性肿物,双下肢深静脉流速低,未予治疗。患者自述2年来肿物增大不明显。此次为明确诊治就诊我院。查体:一般情况良好,双下肢  相似文献   

Synovial sarcomas or malignant synovialomas are among the soft-tissue sarcomas rarely encountered in children. The few cases described in the literature are reviewed and a case observed by the authors is presented together with the differential-diagnostic, histological and therapeutic problems it posed.  相似文献   

The authors report the unusual presentation of an intracranial extension of synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint. The patient presented with a peripheral facial nerve paralysis and anacusis. Computerized tomography revealed the lesion, but fine-needle biopsy was inconclusive. Craniotomy with removal of the tumor was performed, and pathological studies confirmed the diagnosis. The facial nerve dysfunction was thought to be secondary to direct neural compression.  相似文献   

The eighth known case of pigmented villonodular synovitis of the temporomandibular joint is presented. Pigmented villonodular synovitis is a benign but locally destructive lesion of obscure cause. In the temporomandibular joint, this lesion is characterized by the insidious onset of a mildly symptomatic preauricular mass. The treatment of choice is complete excision.  相似文献   

Synovial sarcoma of the thoracic spine. A case report   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Chondrosarcoma of the head and neck region is a rarely encountered tumor. Aggressive surgical excision offers the best chance for cure. In our case, combined diagnostic techniques consisting of fine needle aspiration (FNA), computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) made an accurate preoperative assessment possible and greatly influenced the treatment provided.  相似文献   

Intraspinal synovial cysts are rare. Those reported have occurred in the lumbar region. We report a case of an extradural true synovial cyst of the cervical spine causing spastic paraparesis. The cyst occurred after a cervical spine fracture and, hence, was probably related to trauma. Surgical therapy resulted in a satisfactory recovery.  相似文献   

Synovial chondromatosis of the temporomandibular joint   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synovial chondromatosis is an uncommon disease of cartilaginous transformation of synovial membrane with formation of loose bodies within the joint space. A case involving the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is presented. In the TMJ, this disorder occurs more often in females and is usually on the right side. Symptoms include preauricular swelling, pain, and tenderness. Radiographs of the TMJ may be normal, but frequently show multiple, partially calcified loose bodies within the joint. Treatment consists of removal of the loose bodies together with all affected synovium. If the meniscus is excised, reconstruction with a Silastic prosthesis is recommended.  相似文献   

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