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目的 探讨影响胸部钝伤住院患者治疗方式的因素,对胸部X线片判读的差异进行分析,作为改进处置胸部钝伤患者的依据及参考。方法 采用回顾性研究方法,收集2004—2006年因胸部钝伤或其外伤合并胸部钝伤,经急诊评估损伤严重指数(ISS)≤15,且对胸部钝伤暂采保守疗法的住院患者共96例(男76例,女20例)。对患者年龄、既往史、ISS、胸部X线片判渎等对治疗方式的影响与关系分为因病情需要改采用手术治疗组和继续采用保守治疗组来比较分析。结果两组在平均年龄、性别、ISS的统计上无差别。影响患者住院期间采用手术治疗的因素有年龄〉65岁(OR,3.14;95%CI,1.21~8.12;P〈0.05);过去有心肺疾病病史(OR,2.85,95%CI,1.24~6.52,P〈0.05);第一次的胸部X线片判读有血胸(OR,3.97;95%CI,1.43~10.98;P=0.015)。结论 年龄〉65岁,有心肺病史、第一次的胸部X线片判读有血胸是胸部钝伤患者在住院后改采用手术治疗的危险因子。有必要住院后追踪胸部X线片。  相似文献   

After a road traffic accident a pregnant patient at 34 weeks of gestation developed ARDS following blunt chest trauma, for which she required mechanical ventilation. Twenty-four hours after the accident, ongoing severe hypoxaemia with atelectasis mainly in the dorsal parts of the lung led to the decision to manage the patient in the prone position. Prone positioning over 8 h resulted in a persistent improvement of oxygenation, which allowed extubation the following day. At term, however, our patient was admitted with dyspnoea, chest pain, haemodynamic instability and fetal bradycardia, for which she required emergency caesarean section followed by thoracotomy for haemothorax, from which she eventually made a full recovery. We have demonstrated that prone positioning can be used safely and effectively in a pregnant patient. It might be superior to other therapeutic options for improvement of oxygenation in pregnant patients. Careful positioning avoiding any external abdominal pressure and continuous fetal monitoring are mandatory.  相似文献   

It has been more than 40 years since permanent peritoneal dialysis (PD) access with the Tenckhoff catheter was first described, and despite much experimentation with catheter design and insertion techniques, access to timely and skilled PD catheter insertion remains a barrier to more widespread PD use in many centers. This article reviews different insertion techniques with a focus on both mechanical outcomes as well as logistic advantages associated with the embedded catheter and percutaneous techniques. Maintenance of catheter function is discussed with a focus on an organized and evidence-based approach to preventing and treating mechanical catheter problems.  相似文献   


Study objective

The difficulties in the management of the blunt chest wall trauma patient in the Emergency Department (ED) due to the development of late complications are well recognised in the literature. The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for the development of complications in the recovery phase following blunt chest wall trauma.


A retrospective study was completed in which the medical notes were analysed of all blunt chest wall trauma patients presenting to a large trauma centre in South Wales in 2009 and 2010. Using univariate and multivariable logistic regression analysis, the risk factors for development of complications during the recovery phase following blunt chest wall trauma were investigated.


Risk factors for development of complications in the recovery phase following blunt chest wall trauma in the univariate analysis were a patient age of 65 years or more, three or more rib fractures, presence of chronic lung disease or cardiovascular disease, pre-injury anticoagulant use and blood oxygen saturation levels of less than 90%. On multivariable analysis, the risk factors were three or more rib fractures, chronic lung disease, pre-injury anticoagulant use and oxygen saturations of less than 90%.


A number of risk factors have been presented in this study which should be considered in the management of the blunt chest wall trauma patient. This is the first study in which a number of the risk factors have been investigated and this may provide the basis for further prospective studies.  相似文献   

Onat S  Ulku R  Avci A  Ates G  Ozcelik C 《Injury》2011,42(9):900-904


Penetrating injuries to the chest present a frequent and challenging problem, but the majority of these injuries can be managed non-\operatively. The aim of this study was to describe the incidence of penetrating chest trauma and the ultimate techniques used for operative management, as well as the diagnosis, complications, morbidity and mortality.


A retrospective 9-year review of patients who underwent an operative procedure following penetrating chest trauma was performed. The mechanism of injury, gender, age, physiological and outcome parameters, including injury severity score (ISS), chest abbreviated injury scale (AIS) score, lung injury scale score, concomitant injuries, time from admission to operating room, transfusion requirement, indications for thoracotomy, intra-operative findings, operative procedures, length of hospital stay (LOS) and rate of mortality were recorded.


A total of 1123 patients who were admitted with penetrating thoracic trauma were investigated. Of these, 158 patients (93 stabbings, 65 gunshots) underwent a thoracotomy within 24 h after the penetrating trauma. There were 146 (92.4%) male and 12 (7.6%) female patients, and their mean age was 25.72 ± 9.33 (range, 15-54) years. The mean LOS was 10.65 ± 8.30 (range, 5-65) days. Patients admitted after a gunshot had a significantly longer LOS than those admitted with a stab wound (gunshot, 13.53 ± 9.92 days; stab wound, 8.76 ± 6.42 days, p < 0.001). Patients who died had a significantly lower systolic blood pressure (SBP) on presentation in the emergency room (42.94 ± 36.702 mm Hg) compared with those who survived (83.96 ± 27.842 mm Hg, p = 0.001). The overall mortality rate was 10.8% (n = 17). Mortality for patients with stab wounds was 8/93 (8.6%) compared with 9/65 (13.8%) for patients with gunshot wounds (p = 0.29). Concomitant abdominal injuries (p = 0.01), diaphragmatic injury (p = 0.01), ISS (p = 0.001), chest AIS score (p < 0.05), ongoing output (p = 0.001), blood transfusion volume (p < 0.01) and SBP (p = 0.001) were associated with mortality.


Penetrating injuries to the chest requiring a thoracotomy are uncommon, and lung-sparing techniques have become the most frequently used procedures for lung injuries. The presence of associated abdominal injuries increased the mortality five-fold. Factors that affected mortality were ISS, chest AIS score, SBP, ongoing chest output, blood transfusion volume, diaphragmatic injury and associated abdominal injury.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Computed tomography (CT) scans are often used in the evaluation of patients with blunt trauma. This study identifies the clinical features associated with further diagnostic information obtained on a CT chest scan compared with a standard chest X-ray in patients sustaining blunt trauma to the chest. METHODS: A 2-year retrospective survey of 141 patients who attended a Level 1 trauma centre for blunt trauma and had a chest CT scan and a chest X-ray as part of an initial assessment was undertaken. Data extracted from the medical record included vital signs, laboratory findings, interventions and the type and severity of injury. RESULTS: The CT chest scan is significantly more likely to provide further diagnostic information for the management of blunt trauma compared to a chest X-ray in patients with chest wall tenderness (OR=6.73, 95% CI=2.56, 17.70, p<0.001), reduced air-entry (OR=4.48, 95% CI=1.33, 15.02, p=0.015) and/or abnormal respiratory effort (OR=4.05, 95% CI=1.28, 12.66, p=0.017). CT scan was significantly more effective than routine chest X-ray in detecting lung contusions, pneumothoraces, mediastinal haematomas, as well as fractured ribs, scapulas, sternums and vertebrae. CONCLUSION: In alert patients without evidence of chest wall tenderness, reduced air-entry or abnormal respiratory effort, selective use of CT chest scanning as a screening tool could be adopted. This is supported by the fact that most chest injuries can be treated with simple observation. Intubated patients, in most instances, should receive a routine CT chest scan in their first assessment.  相似文献   

A pneumothorax occurs when the visceral or parietal pleura is breached and air enters the pleural space. This leads to loss of the negative intrapleural pressure and lung collapse. Pneumothoraces may be classified into ‘simple’, ‘tension’ or ‘open’ according to the underlying pathophysiology. A chest radiograph is essential in diagnosis and management. Tension pneumothorax is a medical emergency, relieved initially with needle thoracentesis, but treated definitively with a chest drain. The latter is inserted in all cases where aspiration is unsuccessful in controlling symptoms in a simple pneumothorax. A thoracic surgical opinion should be sought if there is persistent air leak from the drain or the lung fails to re-expand after three days.A chest drain is used to drain air, blood, fluid or pus from the pleural space. Proper attention should be paid to patient preparation, which should include full asepsis, appropriate patient positioning, and application of National Patient Safety Agency recommendations. A chest drain is usually inserted under local anaesthesia in the ‘safe triangle’ in the lateral chest wall using blunt dissection. The drains should not be clamped in cases of pneumothorax, and the drainage bottle should always be kept below the level of the patient’s chest.  相似文献   

Measurement of intercostal and pleural pressures by epidural catheter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A 4-year-old boy who was involved in a motor vehicle accident as a pedestrian and suffered blunt chest trauma was admitted to the emergency room. Unpredictable delayed ventricular fibrillation was diagnosed and treated successfully 2 h later. This case cannot be classified as commotio cordis as the ventricular fibrillation (VF) developed so long after the sustained chest injury. At the same time, other possible etiologies of VF such as cardiac pathology or electrolyte and metabolic disorders had been ruled out. Thus, an etiological link between the chest trauma and the subsequent VF could not be ruled out and is in fact plausible despite the late onset.  相似文献   

Atrioventricular septal defect following blunt chest trauma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors describe an acquired atrioventricular septal defect that has resulted from a blunt chest trauma. Besides being an uncommon traumatic heart injury, this case has the particularities of the non-involvement of other adjacent anatomical structures and the long delay between the accident and the occurrence of the myocardial rupture.  相似文献   

Failure of chest X-rays to diagnose pneumothoraces after blunt trauma   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report four cases of occult pneumothorax in patients who had suffered blunt trauma. In each case supine chest X-rays failed to diagnose an anterior pneumothorax. Subsequent spiral computerised tomography scans of the chest showed anterior pneumothoraces in all cases. In two of the cases anterior pneumothoraces were present in spite of a chest drain having been placed in the pleural cavity. We recommend the insertion of anteriorly positioned chest drains to relieve pneumothoraces in severely injured trauma patients.  相似文献   

Traumatic tracheoesophageal fistula is a rare complication after blunt chest trauma, with all reported cases being more than 12 years of age. We report a 5-year-old boy with traumatic tracheoesophageal fistula after a blunt injury to the chest.  相似文献   

Summary Blunt chest trauma is the leading cause of thoracic injuries in Germany, penetrating chest injuries are rare. Hereby, single or multiple rib fractures, hemato-pneumothorax and pulmonary contusion represent the most common injuries. The early managment of thoracic injuries consists of detection and sufficient therapy of acute life threatening situations like tension pneumothorax, acute respiratory insufficiency or severe intrathoracic bleeding. Most of the isolated thoracic injuries are adequately treated by conservative means, sufficient analgesia, drainage of intrapleural air or blood, physiotherapy and clearance of bronchial secretions provided; operative intervention is rarely indicated. In multiple injured patients however, severe blunt chest trauma and especially pulmonary contusion negatively affects outcome with a significant increase of morbidity and mortality. Hence, patients with this combination of pulmonary injuries, such as lung contusion and associated severe injuries, carry a particular high risk of respiratory failure, ARDS and MOF with a considerable mortality. Therefore, early exact diagnosis of all thoracic injuries is essential and can be achieved by thoracic computed tomography, which becomes more and more popular in this setting. Early intubation and PEEP-ventilation, alternate prone and supine positioning of multiple injured patients with lung contusion and differentiated concepts of volume- and catecholamine therapy represent the basic therapeutic principles. Additionally, the entire early trauma management of multiple injured patients must focus on the presence of pulmonary contusion. Every additional burden on their pulmonary microvascular system like microembolisation during femoral nailing, the trauma burden of extended surgery or mediator release in septic states may cause rapid decompensation and organ failure and therefore, has to be avoided.   相似文献   

In poly‐traumatic patients a blunt chest trauma is an important trigger of the posttraumatic systemic inflammatory response. There is clinical evidence that fracture healing is delayed in such patients, however, experimental data are lacking. Therefore, we investigated the influence of a thoracic trauma on fracture healing in a rat model. Male Wistar rats received either a blunt chest trauma combined with a femur osteotomy or an isolated osteotomy. A more rigid or a more flexible external fixator was used for fracture stabilization to analyze whether the thoracic trauma influences regular healing and mechanically induced delayed bone healing differently. The blunt chest trauma induced a significant increase of IL‐6 serum levels after 6 and 24 h, suggesting the induction of a systemic inflammation, whereas the isolated fracture had no effect. Under a more rigid fixation the thoracic trauma considerably impaired fracture healing after 35 days, reflected by a significantly reduced flexural rigidity (three‐point‐bending test), as well as a significantly diminished callus volume, moment of inertia, and relative bone surface (µCT analysis). In confirming the clinical evidence, this study reports for the first time that a blunt chest trauma considerably impaired bone healing, possibly via the interaction of the induced systemic inflammation with local inflammatory processes. © 2010 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 29:734–739, 2011  相似文献   

目的 探讨在多发伤患者中使用双腔中心静脉导管置管术治疗不同部位局限性积液的治疗结果.方法 19例多发伤患者创伤后形成局限性积液,其中胸部积液15例,腹部积液3例,背部皮下积液1例.所有患者在B超证实积液后,行中心静脉导管穿刺置管.结果 所有患者均一次穿刺置管成功.术后均未发生穿刺相关并发症,所有胸腔积液患者均治愈.腹腔积液患者2例积液消失,1例好转.1例背部皮下血肿完全治愈.结论 作为一种微创方式,中心静脉导管穿刺置管可以有效引流创伤后不同部位的局限性积液,为临床治疗各种局限性积液提供了另一种新的治疗性选择.  相似文献   

Confirming clinical evidence, we recently demonstrated that a blunt chest trauma considerably impaired fracture healing in rats, possibly via the interaction of posttraumatic systemic inflammation with local healing processes, the underlying mechanisms being unknown. An important trigger of systemic inflammation is the complement system, with the potent anaphylatoxin C5a. Therefore, we investigated whether the impairment of fracture healing by a severe trauma resulted from systemically activated complement. Rats received a blunt chest trauma and a femur osteotomy stabilized with an external fixator. To inhibit the C5a‐dependent posttraumatic systemic inflammation, half of the rats received a C5aR‐antagonist intravenously immediately and 12 h after the thoracic trauma. Compared to the controls (control peptide), the treatment with the C5aR‐antagonist led to a significantly increased flexural rigidity (three‐point‐bending test), an improved bony bridging of the fracture gap, and a slightly larger and qualitatively improved callus (µCT, histomorphometry) after 35 days. In conclusion, immunomodulation by a C5aR‐antagonist could abolish the deleterious effects of a thoracic trauma on fracture healing, possibly by influencing the function of inflammatory and bone cells locally at the fracture site. C5a could possibly represent a target to prevent delayed bone healing in patients with severe trauma. © 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society. © 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 30:581–586, 2012  相似文献   

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