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AIM: To gather information on root-canal treatment carried out by dentists working in Flanders (Belgium). METHODOLOGY: A questionnaire reported in a previous study was also used to gather information on canal medicaments, canal filling, and in decision making for referrals and treatment of apical periodontitis. RESULTS: Calcium hydroxide as an interappointment dressing was used by 69.7% of the respondents. Approximately one-third of the respondents did not use any intracanal medicament. Caustic products used for pulp tissue fixation were used by 66.8% of the respondents. Cavit (48.2%) and glass-ionomer (31.3%) were the temporary coronal-filling materials used most often, followed by zinc oxide-eugenol and IRM(R). Cold lateral condensation of gutta-percha was the filling technique most used by the respondents (65.8%). Single-cone gutta-percha placement (16%), paste techniques (4.9%) and silver points (3.9%) were still used. Resin-based sealers were used most often (88.6%). Paraformaldehyde containing sealers such as Endomethasone and N2 were used infrequently. Approximately half of the practitioners were satisfied with their canal-filling technique, others felt that they could do better (43.0%); 0.7% were not satisfied. In cases with apical periodontitis, the size of periapical lesions and/or the presence of a root filling influenced the choice of endodontic treatment. The most common reasons for referral of endodontic cases were: retrieval of silver points, surgery, and post removal. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study indicate that techniques and methods used for canal medication and canal filling were acceptable for the majority of the respondents. Re-treatment was underestimated as a treatment option.  相似文献   

Root canal treatment in general practice in Sudan   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: The aim of this study was to evaluate the practice and depth of knowledge of root canal treatment by dental practitioners in Khartoum, the capital city of Sudan, in order to improve the current status of endodontic therapy. METHODOLOGY: A questionnaire was posted to 55 registered dental practitioners. Completed questionnaires were analysed in term of simple summary statistics. RESULTS: A total of fifty-two (95%) practitioners responded. Eighty-five per cent of the respondents indicated that they performed root canal treatment for their patients. Of these, 84% included molars in their activity. Amongst those who carried out root canal treatment, only one practitioner used rubber dam for isolation, whilst the remainder used cotton wool rolls. The majority of respondents (80%) used hydrogen peroxide to irrigate canals during treatment. Three-quarters of practitioners used formocresol as an inter-appointment medicament. The stepback preparation technique was the method of choice for 98% of respondents. All practitioners used hand instruments to prepare root canals and all used gutta-percha for obturation; three-quarters of them used cold lateral condensation for all or some cases. The average number of radiographs routinely taken for root canal treatment was three. Only 73% used radiographs for measuring the working length. Ninety-five per cent of respondents indicated that they usually completed a root filling in three or more visits. Three-quarters of practitioners restored the teeth permanently immediately after the obturation and one-quarter preferred waiting for 1 or 2 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: In Sudan, there are no dental practices limited to endodontics and no postgraduate training programmes. This survey shows the importance of establishing higher specialist training or continuing dental education for practitioners to update their knowledge.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate root canal shaping with manual stainless steel files and rotary Ni-Ti files by students. METHODOLOGY: Two hundred and ten simulated root canals with the same geometrical shape and size in acrylic resin blocks were prepared by 21 undergraduate dental students with manual stainless steel files using a stepback technique or with rotary Ni-Ti files in crown-down technique. Preparation length, canal shape, incidence of fracture and preparation time were investigated. RESULTS: Zips and elbows occurred significantly (P < 0.001) less frequently with rotary than with manual preparation. The correct preparation length was achieved significantly (P < 0.05) more often with rotary Ni-Ti files than with manual stainless steel files. Fractures occurred significantly (P < 0.05) less frequently with hand instrumentation. The mean time required for manual preparation was significantly (P < 0.001) longer than that required for rotary preparation. Prior experience with a hand preparation technique was not reflected in an improved quality of the subsequent engine-driven preparation. CONCLUSIONS: Inexperienced operators achieved better canal preparations with rotary Ni-Ti instruments than with manual stainless steel files. However, rotary preparation was associated with significantly more fractures.  相似文献   

Patients are sometimes referred for treatment to dentists who limit their practices to endodontics. A survey of consecutive referrals to seven such dentists was undertaken. The most common reasons for such referrals were (i) for the retreatment of a tooth with a previous root filling, (ii) because the referring dentist was unable to control pain and/or swelling, or (iii) because the referring dentist was unable to diagnose the endodontic problem. Only 60 (12.8%) of the 469 reasons reviewed were in teeth that were symptomless, uncomplicated and untouched by the referring dentist.  相似文献   

AIM: To introduce the concept of variable taper instruments for predictable and ergonomic root canal preparation, and demonstrate the design features of Greater Taper files. SUMMARY: Optimal root canal shaping is difficult to practice and teach with traditional instruments. Instrument sequences are complex, with up to 18 instruments and 63 procedural stages, providing almost limitless scope for poor results and iatrogenic error. In the first of six articles, Dr Buchanan describes the Variable Taper concept, which grew from such frustrations, and represents a new concept in file design. Milled from NiTi alloys in tapers of 0.06, 0.08, 0.10 and 0.12 mm mm-1, with accessory files for wide canals, their design embodies the key shaping features of adequate coronal enlargement, full deep shape, and predictable apical resistance form case after case. The ease and simplicity of their use is described, and enhanced cleaning and obturation outcomes discussed in relation to their unique design features. KEY LEARNING POINTS: Canal preparation is difficult to practice and teach with traditional K-files and Gates Glidden drills. Variable Taper files are designed to offer the optimal preparation features of adequate (not excessive) coronal enlargement, full deep shape, and apical resistance form in a simple instrument sequence. Variable Taper technique is simple to master, and offers predictable cleaning and obturation outcomes, even in inexperienced hands.  相似文献   

The technical quality of root canal treatment (RCT) may impact on the outcome. The quality of education received during undergraduate school may be linked to the quality of treatment provided in general dental practice. In this context, the aim of this systematic review was to answer the following focused questions: (i) What is the frequency of acceptable technical quality of root fillings, assessed radiographically, performed by undergraduate students? (ii) What are the most common errors assessed radiographically and reported in these treatments? For this purpose, articles that evaluated the quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students were selected. Data were collected based on predetermined criteria. The key features from the included studies were extracted. GRADE‐tool assessed the quality of the evidence. MAStARI evaluated the methodological quality, and a meta‐analysis on all studies was conducted. At the end of the screening, 24 articles were identified. Overall frequency of acceptable technical quality of root fillings was 48%. From this total, 52% related to anterior teeth, 49% to premolars and 26% to molars. The main procedural errors reported were ledge formation, furcation perforation, apical transportation and apical perforation. The heterogeneity amongst the studies was high (84–99%). Five studies had a high risk of bias, eight had a moderate risk, and 11 had low risk. The overall quality of evidence identified was very low. The conclusion was that technical quality of root fillings performed by undergraduate students is low, which may reveal that endodontic education has limited achievement at undergraduate level. A plan to improve the quality of root fillings, and by extrapolation the overall quality of root canal treatment, should be discussed by the staff responsible for endodontic education and training.  相似文献   

The differing morphological manifestations of the root canal system have been the subject of research, and the incidence of various shapes of root canal systems has been classified. The present case describes the root canal treatment of a rare morphological pattern, namely a mandibular permanent canine with three root canals. No report of a similar case has been published previously.  相似文献   

AIM: The objective of this study was to audit the quality of root canal treatment performed by undergraduate students on adult patients. METHODOLOGY: All root canal treatment completed by first and second clinical year undergraduates over a 12-month period were included in the study. The availability and readability of pretreatment, diagnostic length, try-in point and postoperative radiographs were noted for each case. All readable postoperative radiographs of primary treatments were examined for quality of the root filling, categorized as complete, incomplete apical, incomplete apical and lateral or not assessable. The distance from the radiographic apex of the root to the apical extent of each root filling was measured to 0.1 mm precision. RESULTS: Undergraduates performed primary treatment on 157 teeth. A postoperative radiograph was available in 97% of cases. A try-in point radiograph was unavailable in one-fifth of cases. Twenty-seven teeth (13%) were categorized as satisfactory in terms of both radiographic quality and distance of the root filling from the radiographic apex. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, the technical quality of root canal treatment completed by undergraduate students was poor.  相似文献   

AIM: The purpose of this study was to gather information on routine endodontic treatment performed by Flemish (Dutch-speaking Belgian) dentists. METHODOLOGY: A postal questionnaire was sent to all the 4545 Dutch-speaking dentists registered in Belgium. The questionnaire was made up of 38 questions with multiple-choice answers. Results from 32 questions are presented, covering subjects, such as demographic and professional activity, root-canal preparation and instrumentation, emergency procedures and postoperative complications, choice of irrigants and disinfectants, and choice of obturation techniques. RESULTS: A total of 1143 questionnaires (25.1%) were returned. Approximately 94% of the respondents were general practitioners. The results indicate that there are discrepancies between daily practice and academic teaching, especially regarding the use of rubber dam (only 3.4% report using it as a standard procedure) and the detection and preparation of a second mesiobuccal canal in maxillary first molars (70% never or seldom). Most GDPs reported that they completed treatment in two visits. The majority of practitioners used manual instruments manipulated with a filing technique; 38.9% of the respondents prepared root canals 1 mm short of the radiographic apex. The most popular emergency procedure for acute pain was pulpectomy (40.2%); 48% performed pulpectomy, prescribed analgesics and antibiotics for acute apical periodontitis. Approximately 35% reported complications after cases with chronic apical periodontitis were treated. The first-choice root-canal irrigant was sodium hypochlorite and approximately 65% used intracanal medication. The most popular obturation technique was cold lateral condensation (60%) with 29% using AH26 as a sealer. A high proportion of GDPs (80%) performed re-treatments. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study confirm that many Flemish general practitioners are not following quality guidelines for endodontic treatment.  相似文献   

Patients attending a dedicated dental clinic during the previous 24 months were assessed for the success of root canal treatment. Two groups, totalling 48 patients, had root canal treatment to 57 teeth performed by one operator. All treatment was carried out without antibiotic prophylaxis over two or more appointments. Patients with HIV infection had root canal treatment to 40 teeth. Sixteen patients in the control group had root canal treatment to 17 teeth. Short-term success was determined by follow-up appointments 1–3 months following obturation. No complications were experienced in either group, except with one HIV infected patient. The results of this clinical study indicate that root canal treatment can be carried out following standard procedures and without antibiotic prophylaxis.  相似文献   

离体下颌前磨牙根管及牙根形态研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 :研究离体下颌前磨牙的牙根及根管形态。方法 :观察并记录 69个离体下颌第一前磨牙及 93个下颌第二前磨牙牙根的基本形态 ,对牙齿进行近远中向X线摄片 ,当X线片上显示疑问根管时 ,分别从根中 1/3 ,根尖 1/ 3横断 ,确定根管的类型 ,按Vertucci’s分类法对根管系统进行记录。结果 :所收集的下颌前磨牙均为单根 ,其中大多数下颌第一前磨牙的根管类型是I型 ( 1) ,93个下颌第二前磨牙的根管均为I型 ( 1) ,下颌第一前磨牙的根面沟发生率较高 ( 15 / 69) ,且此类型的下颌第一前磨牙常有双根管 ,主要是V型 ( 1-2 ) ,下颌第二前磨牙的根面沟发生率相对较低 ( 5 / 93 )。结论 :当X线片上显示下颌第一前磨牙的异常影像时 ,应进行详细的X线检查和髓腔探查 ,避免误判或治疗时遗漏根管。  相似文献   

3个根管的下颌第一前磨牙极其罕见,本文报道1例3个根管的下颌第一前磨牙的根管治疗,并着重探讨了根管探查和预备的要点。  相似文献   

���ܳ�ϴ�͸�������   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根管预备的生物学目标是尽可能地控制根管系统的感染,然而,由于根管系统的无规律性,如根管间狭长间隙(narrow isthmi)和根尖三角区(apical deltas)等,单纯器械预备不可能彻底清理.  相似文献   

AIM: To study the reasons given by a representative sample of Danish general dental practitioners (GDPs) for undertaking root canal treatment and, to investigate their confidence in performing root canal treatment on molar teeth. METHODOLOGY: A questionnaire was sent to 600 Danish GDPs randomly selected from the roster of the Danish Dental Association. They were asked to recall various factors about their experience of the last root filling they completed, including the reason for treatment and the pulp diagnosis. Self-assessments on 100-mm visual analogue scales (VAS) were reported concerning the confidence in performing root canal treatment of a molar. End-point definitions were 'very easy' (0) and 'very difficult' (100), respectively. Time reports of molar treatments were given in categorized groups. RESULTS: The most frequent reason for performing root canal treatment was caries within the tooth involved (55%). The majority of treatments involved teeth with vital pulps (54%). Retreatments were carried out in 2% of the cases. The confidence in performing root canal treatment varied but was relatively high, expressed as VAS-values below 50. The creation of an aseptic working field was regarded as the most difficult procedure followed by root canal preparation. Fifty-six percent of the responders stated a time frame of 46-75 min to complete root filling in a molar tooth. CONCLUSIONS: Root canal treatment in Denmark was reported to be undertaken most often because of caries. Treatment was typically performed in molar teeth with vital pulp. Even though apical periodontitis was frequently noted in root filled teeth, retreatments were rare. From a subjective perspective root canal treatment was not considered to be very difficult and was carried out relatively rapidly.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to evaluate the quality of root canal treatment performed by undergraduate dental students at the University of Khartoum. Assessment was by examination of periapical radiographs of completed endodontically treated teeth, performed by undergraduate dental students. A total of 166 postoperative periapical radiographs compromising 265 roots were included. The quality of endodontic treatment was examined in relation to the length of the root filling in relation to the radiographic apex, the density of the obturation according to presence of voids and the taper of root canal fillings. Adequate length of the root filling was found in 34.7% of the maxillary teeth and in 10.9% of mandibular teeth in this study. Adequate density was found in 38.87% of maxillary and 16.98% of mandibular teeth and appropriate taper was found in 40% of maxillary and 16.6% of mandibular teeth. Overall 24.2% in all evaluated teeth were found to have a root filling of an acceptable quality. This result may be because of insufficient preclinical endodontic training of the students' operators or because of the introduction of students to endodontic clinical practice late in their program.  相似文献   

目的:评价显微超声技术在疑难根管再治疗中的应用。方法:选取需要根管再治疗的前牙56颗,62个根管,在根管显微镜下,采用超声根管锉,顺利疏通根管后,常规完成根管预备和根管充填,观察并评价临床疗效。结果:62个根管中,疏通了21个钙化根管,取根管内断械6个,去除根管桩7个,寻找遗漏根管11个,修补根管侧壁穿孔6个,发现根管内吸收1个,根尖封闭10个,成功完成56颗患牙(62个根管)再治疗。结论:显微超声技术在疑难根管再治疗中可以提供有效的治疗手段,提高临床治疗成功率。  相似文献   

The dynamic concept of the root canal system, describing a variable morphology of multiple root canals interconnected by anastomoses, has been established as the prevailing state in mandibular molars. This case report presents the treatment of a mandibular first molar with five root canals, of which three were located in the mesial root. A third middle root canal was found between the mesiobuccal and mesiolingual root canals. The morphological pattern of separate apical terminations of the three mesial root canals, as manifested in this case, is a very rare one and seldom encountered.  相似文献   

目的:观察老年人根管钙化情况,总结高校社区医院对老年患者钙化根管的治疗方法。方法:选择60-72岁老年患者的148个钙化根管,在EyeMag放大镜下,分别采用低速球钻或超声器械去除髓室内钙化物, C型先锋锉蘸取Glyde凝胶进行根管疏通,术中记录根管钙化情况和疏通效果,最后完成根管预备、消毒和充填。结果:老年人钙化根管多见于上颌第一磨牙,前牙、前磨牙、磨牙疏通成功率分别为:91.67%,72.73%,60.80%,前牙组疏通成功率高于磨牙组(χ2=4.50, P<0.05);根管冠方1/3和根中1/3较易发生钙化,且钙化的疏通成功率明显高于根尖1/3(χ2=19.33, P<0.05)。结论:针对老年人钙化根管的治疗,临床医生要有足够的细心、耐心和信心,灵活的综合运用现有的各种治疗器械和设备,能够取得较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

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