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We examined the effects of different cytokine combinations and culture conditions on the expansion and modulation of cell surface antigens of CD34+ derived dendritic cells (DCs), the most efficient antigen-presenting cells capable of stimulating resting T cells in the primary immune response. Cells with a dendritic morphology and expressing HLA-DR, CD1a, S100 and CD83 were maximally expanded under serum-free conditions with the addition of SCF, GM-CSF, TNF-α, TGF-β and Flt-3 ligand (fold increase of CD1a+ cells = 102 ± 32 after 2 weeks of culture). CD34+ cells were also grown under continuous flow conditions in an artificial capillary system; after 14 d of culture, the expansion in the total cell number was lower than that of the static cultures (3.3 ± 2 v 18.9 ± 4) but the percentage of CD1a+/CD83+/CD80+ cells was considerably higher, whereas the CD14+ cells were significantly reduced (8.9 ± 2 v 26 ± 13). In continuous perfusion cultures, low levels of DC precursors and of LTC-IC were still present up to day 14. The DCs generated under flow conditions stimulated the mixed leucocyte reaction (MLR) more than the cells grown in static cultures. By electron microscopy, cells grown in the continuous flow system showed an increased number of large cells with numerous dendritic processes and abundant multilamellar complexes. The cells expanded under these conditions were sorted on the basis of their light-scatter properties into two fractions: one containing a predominance of CD1a+/S100+/CD83+/CD80+/CD14?‘large cells’ with great internal complexity (mature DCs); the second including ‘small cells’ either CD33+/CD14+, CD33+/CD15+ or CD33+/CD13±/CD14?. The DCs generated and selected with this method are therefore particularly well suited for immunotherapeutic protocols.  相似文献   

Natural killer T (NKT) cells are involved in innate immune defence and also in the regulation of adaptive immune responses. However, the development of NKT cells in vitro has not been fully characterized and culture conditions have not been fully optimized. In the present study, we found that an NKT cell fraction developed during the in vitro culture of cord blood (CB) CD34+ cells, and this was subsequently characterized both phenotypically and morphologically. CD34+ cells purified from 10 human CB were cultured in the presence of several cytokines and analysed by flow cytometry, light microscopy and electron microscopy. The NKT cell fraction, defined phenotypically (CD3+CD16+CD56+CD94+) as expressing the invariant T-cell receptor Valpha24 and Vbeta11, appeared in the CD56hi fractions. Intracytoplasmic staining demonstrated that interferon-gamma and interleukin 4 (IL-4) were detected in the CD56hi fractions. IL-15 was essential and, in combination with either flt3-ligand (FL) or stem cell factor (SCF), was sufficient to induce the development of NKT cells. The phenotype of the NKT cell fraction was CD45RO+CD45RA- and CD4+CD8alpha+. Morphologically, they were very large, with either round or oval nuclei, moderately condensed chromatins, voluminous weakly basophilic cytoplasm and various cytoplasmic granules such as dense core granules, multivesicular bodies, and intermediate form granules. When CD34+ cells purified from bone marrow (BM) were compared with those from CB, the latter were consistently more efficient at generating CD56hi NKT cell fractions. In conclusion, IL-15 in combination with FL and/or SCF can induce the differentiation of NKT cells from human CB CD34+ cells.  相似文献   

Recently we reported that the human thymus contains a minute population of CD34+CD38dim cells that do not express the T-cell lineage markers CD2 and CD5. The phenotype of this population resembled that of CD34+CD38dim cells present in fetal liver, umbilical cord blood, and bone marrow known to be highly enriched for pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells. In this report we tested the hypothesis that the CD34+CD38dim thymocytes constitute the most primitive hematopoietic cells in the thymus using a combination of phenotypic and functional analyses. It was found that in contrast to CD34+CD38dim cells from fetal liver and bone marrow, CD34+CD38dim cells from the thymus express high levels of CD45RA and are negative for Thy-1. These data indicate that the CD34+CD38dim thymocytes are distinct from pluripotent stem cells. CD34+CD38dim thymocytes differentiate into T cells when cocultured with mouse fetal thymic organs. In addition, individual cells in this population can differentiate either to natural killer cells in the presence of stem cell factor (SCF), interleukin-7 (IL-7), and IL-2 or to dendritic cells in the presence of SCF, granulocyte- macrophage colony-stimulating factor, and tumor necrosis factor alpha(TNFalpha), indicating that CD34+CD38dim thymocytes contain multi- potential hematopoietic progenitors. To establish which CD34+ fetal liver subpopulation contains the cells that migrate to the thymus, we investigated the T-cell-developing potential of CD34+CD38dim and CD34+CD38+ fetal liver cells and found that the capacity of CD34+ fetal liver cells to differentiate into T cells is restricted to those cells that are CD38dim. Collectively, these findings indicate that cells from the CD34+CD38dim fetal liver cell population migrate to the thymus before upregulating CD38 and ommitting to the T-cell lineage.  相似文献   

While cellular modulation in vitro of committed hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) growth has been known for some time, less is known about the effect of accessory cells (AC) on the growth of more immature HSC. We have examined the effect of peripheral blood (PB) AC on hematopoiesis by coculturing enriched PB CD34+ cells (>96% pure) with different quantities of CD34 cells (<1% contamination) harvested from 10 breast cancer patients. As expected colony growth was predominantly present in the CD34+ fractions, in which colony forming units granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-GM) varied between 89-3289/10(5) (median 1422/10(5) seeded cells) and week 5 cobblestone area forming cells (CAFC) between 64-1330/10(5) (median 427/10(5) seeded cells). Few CFU-GM (0-27/10(5) seeded cells) and no week 5 CAFC (0-1/10(5) seeded cells) were present in the CD34 fractions. The addition of PB CD34 cells to cultures of CD34+ cells resulted in a considerable variation in the cloning efficiency at the CFU-GM level, and the extent of modulation within the single patient was inconsistent between the different CD34+/CD34 cell mixtures. Overall the stimulatory effect was more pronounced than inhibition and on average the CFU-GM formation per CD34+ cell seeded increased 3 fold (stimulatory effect ranged between 3-17 fold and decreases between 2-10 fold). In contrast, the cloning efficiency at the week 5 CAFC level of differentiation remained unaffected by the addition of different amounts of CD34 cells (the stimulatory effect was maximally 3-fold and inhibition 3-fold). We conclude that while the CFU assay is modulated by the presence of AC, the CAFC assay is more robust and can be employed as a reliable and reproducible tool for HSC measurement.  相似文献   

Several studies have documented finite lifespans of at least the vast majority of cultured human T cell lines and clones. However, there is a great deal of variation among the different preparations, ranging from < 25 PD up to > 100 PD. The cultured T cells in all these studies originated from mature T cells isolated from peripheral blood of adult donors. It was, therefore, impossible to assess the contribution of differences in in vivo age to the subsequent differences between clones in in vitro aging. In an attempt to circumvent this difficulty, we have developed a culture system that supports the differentiation of highly purified human CD34+ cells into CD3+ T cells in vitro. This features the use of a serum-free medium supplemented with the cytokines flt-3 ligand, IL 3, stem cell factor (c-kit ligand) and IL 2, together with IL 7 or oncostatin M (OM). In this way it is possible to perform "longitudinal" studies on T cells derived de novo in vitro. We show here that T cell clones derived under these circumstances also manifest variable finite life expectancies, for which the only uncontrolled (nonstochastic) effects of aging must already have occurred at the stem cell level.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most powerful professional antigen-presenting cells (APC), specializing in capturing antigens and stimulating T-cell-dependent immunity. In this study we report the generation and characterization of functional DCs derived from both steady-state bone marrow (BM) and circulating haemopoietic CD34+ cells from 14 individuals undergoing granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) treatment for peripheral blood stem cells (PBSC) mobilization and transplantation. Clonogenic assays in methylcellulose showed an increased frequency and proliferation of colony-forming unit-dendritic cells (CFU-DC) in circulating CD34+ cells, compared to that of BM CD34+ precursors in response to GM-CSF and TNF-α with or without SCF and FLT-3L. Moreover, peripheral blood (PB) CD34+ cells generated a significantly higher number of fully functional DCs, as determined by conventional mixed lymphocyte reactions (MLR), than their BM counterparts upon different culture conditions. DCs derived from mobilized stem cells were also capable of processing and presenting soluble antigens to autologous T cells for both primary and secondary immune response. Replacement of the early-acting growth factors SCF and FLT-3L with IL-4 at day 7 of culture of PB CD34+ cells enhanced both the percentage of total CD1a+ cells and CD1a+CD14? cells and the yield of DCs after 14 d of incubation. In addition, the alloreactivity of IL-4-stimulated DCs was significantly higher than those generated in the absence of IL-4. Furthermore, autologous serum collected during G-CSF treatment was more efficient than fetal calf serum (FCS) or two different serum-free media for large-scale production of DCs. Thus, our comparative studies indicate that G-CSF mobilizes CD34+ DC precursors into PB and circulating CD34+ cells represent the optimal source for the massive generation of DCs. The sequential use of early-acting and intermediate-late-acting colony-stimulating factors (CSFs) as well as the use of autologous serum greatly enhanced the growth of DCs. These data may provide new insights for manipulating immunocompetent cells for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we determined the gene expression profile of both megakaryocytic and non-megakaryocytic lineage cells via serial analysis of gene expression and microarray methods, and demonstrated that Pim-1 was expressed more abundantly in megakaryocytic lineage cells. In this study, we knocked down Pim-1 in K562 cells, as well as in CD34+ cells from cord blood, via RNA interference, in order to analyze the effects of Pim-1 expression on the megakaryocytic differentiation of these cells. We then additionally overexpressed the Pim-1 genes in K562 cells, and conducted a comparison of these effects with those of RNAi cells on the course of megakaryocytic differentiation. The results of this study revealed that Pim-1 knockdown exerted no effects on commitment or differentiation toward megakaryocytic lineage, as evidenced by the detected CD41+ or CD61+ cells, or on the number of megakaryocytic colony forming units. However, Pim-1 knockdown was found to elicit a reduction in CD41+ cells with >4n DNA content, and a concomitant increase in the fraction of cells achieving a ploidy of >4n in the Pim-1 overexpressing population of K562 cells. Collectively, the findings of these studies indicate that the expression of Pim-1 expression is both necessary and sufficient for polyploidization, but is not critical to cytoplasmic differentiation on megakaryopoiesis.  相似文献   

Abstract: Natural killer (NK) cells are CD3? CD56+ lymphocytes characterized by exhibiting non-MHC restricted cytotoxicity. A developmental relationship between NK cells and T lymphocytes has been proposed, and, moreover, the thymus has been shown to contain NK cell precursors. In this study we utilized an in vitro assay, devised to study T-lymphocyte development from bone marrow progenitors, to investigate the ability of thymic stromal cells to support generation of NK cells from CD34+ bone marrow cells. CD34+ cells purified from healthy adults were seeded on adherent thymic stromal cells. The cells emerging after culture were phenotypically characterized by flow cytometry. We show that lymphocytes expressing the phenotypical characteristics of NK cells were generated from CD34+ bone marrow cells, and that these cells represented 1% of the cells recovered from the cultures. Furthermore, this was accomplished without supplement of exogenous interleukin 2 which is required for NK cell differentiation in bone marrow cultures.  相似文献   

Retinoids, especially all- trans -retinoic acid (ATRA), are well known for their differentiating activity on HL-60 cells. Moreover ATRA induces CD38 antigen overexpression on these cells. In this study we examined the effects of ATRA on purified normal CD34+ cells from adult human marrows incubated with ATRA (1 μ M ) or stem cell factor (SCF) after 7 d liquid cultures in serum-deprived medium. Before and after the incubation, CD34+ cells were studied by flow cytometry to evaluate the cell-surface expression of CD38 and c-Kit antigens and the cycle status of these cells using high-resolution analysis (DNA content v Ki-67 antigen expression) to clarify the functional meaning of antigenic variations. When compared with control cultures, ATRA-treated cells displayed changes in their immunophenotypic profile. Particularly relevant was the up-regulation of CD38 antigen with a mean (±SEM) fold increase of 2.1 ± 0.1 ( P  = 0.028) for geometric mean fluorescence intensity (GMFI), without modulation of c-Kit expression. SCF only down-regulated expression of c-Kit with a fold decrease of 4.6 ± 0.9 for GMFI ( P  = 0.043). Unlike SCF, ATRA did not induce CD34+ cells to entry into cell cycle despite increased levels of surface CD38 antigen. Moreover morphological and functional assays did not argue for an ATRA-induced maturation process. Contrary to steady-state cells, CD34+ cells treated with pharmacological doses of ATRA alone displayed CD38 over-expression without change in c-Kit levels and cycle status, suggesting an absence of maturation pressure.  相似文献   

AIM: To develop a cancer vaccine of dendritic cells derived from human cord blood CD34+ cells and to investigate its cytotoxicity on human hepatocarcinoma cells in vitro and in sever combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. METHODS: Lymphocytes from cord blood or peripheral blood were primed by DCs, which were derived from cord blood and pulsed with whole tumor cell lysates. Nonradiative neutral red uptake assay was adopted to detect the cytotoxicity of primed lymphocytes on human hepatocartinoma cell line BEL-7402 in vitro. The anti-tumor effect of primed lymphocytes in vivo was detected in SCID mice, including therapeutic effect and vaccination effect. RESULTS: The cytotoxicity of DC vaccine primed lymphocytes from cord blood or peripheral blood on human hepatocarcinoma cell line BEL-7402 was significantly higher than that of unprimed lymphocytes in vitro (44.09% vs 14.69%, 47.92% vs 19.44%, P<0.01). There was no significant difference between the cytotoxicity of primed lymphocytes from cord blood and peripheral blood (P>0.05). The tumor growth rate and tumor size were smaller in SCID mice treated or vaccinated with primed lymphocytes than those with unprimed lymphocytes. SCID mice vaccinated with primed lymphocytes had a lower tumor incidence (80% vs 100%, P<0.05) and delayed tumor latent period compared with mice vaccinated with unprimed lymphocytes (11d vs 7 d,P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Vaccine of cord blood derived-DCs has an inhibitory activity on growth of human hepatocarcinoma cells in vitro and in SCID mice. The results also implicate the potential role of cord blood derived-DC vaccine in clinical tumor immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC) are antigen-presenting cells with the potential to be a powerful adjuvant in the immunotherapy of haematological malignancy, including myeloma. Recently, human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) infection of dendritic cells in the long-term bone marrow stromal cultures of patients with myeloma has been reported. This finding is of great potential importance regarding oncogenesis in myeloma in addition to having significant implications for the use of DC in the immunotherapy of this disease. Therefore DC generated from mobilized blood mononuclear cells (MO-DC) and purified CD34+ cells (CD34-DC) of myeloma patients were examined for the presence of HHV-8 using a sensitive PCR technique. HHV-8 was not demonstrated in MO-DC or CD34-DC and we conclude that these cells remain a suitable vehicle for investigation in the immunotherapy of myeloma.  相似文献   

Within the phenotypically and functionally heterogeneous group of circulating progenitor cells (CPC), a subclass of cells with vascular repair potential have been identified. These CPC are detected and isolated based on single or combined expression of CD34, CD133 and VEGFR-2, and referred to as endothelial progenitor cells. Here we asked whether CPC subsets defined by single expression of these markers exhibit functional heterogeneity. As functional parameters, we chose the capacity of CPC to differentiate into endothelial cells. Moreover, we studied their role in remodeling by recruitment of inflammatory cells, an aspect that has been little explored. We established an in vivo model in which the intrinsic functional capacity of these human CPC subsets was studied. Human CD34+ CPC, but not CD133+ or VEGFR-2+ CPC, seeded in Matrigel pellets and transplanted subcutaneously in a nude mouse host, contributed little to donor-derived neovascularization. However, host angiogenesis in the Matrigel implant, as demonstrated by the presence of capillaries containing erythrocytes and expressing mouse CD31, was strong in response to implantation of human CD34+ CPC and significantly lower in response to the other two CPC subsets. Moreover, the CD34+ CPC subset was significantly superior to CD133+ CPC and VEGFR-2+ CPC in the recruitment of host monocytes/macrophages. These three CPC populations were further dissected into seven discrete subsets, based on three-parameter flow cytometry analysis of combined expression patterns of CD34, CD133 and VEGFR-2. In conclusion, in our system, CD34+ CPC contribute marginally to neovascularization by differentiation but are potent regulators of the host angiogenic and pro-inflammatory response, suggesting a possible role for these cells in the remodeling of vascular lesions.  相似文献   

Ex vivo expansion of primitive human haematopoietic stem cells (HSC) is clinically relevant for stem cell transplantation and gene therapy. Here, we demonstrate the selective expansion of CD34+CD38- cells from purified CD34+ cells upon stimulation with Flt3-ligand, stem cell factor and thrombopoietin. Over a 100-fold (range 80 to 128-fold) expansion of CD34+CD38- cells was observed with bone marrow and cord blood (CB). The expanded CD34+CD38- cells remained negative for lineage-specific markers and could be induced to differentiate into granulocytes, monocytes, megakaryocytes, erythrocytes, and T and B-lymphocytes in vitro. Lineage differentiation assays with single CD34+CD38- cells showed no loss of multilineage potential of expanded cells after ex vivo culture. We also demonstrated that the increase in frequency of CD34+CD38- cells was not as a result of the downregulation of CD38 expression during the culture. Quantitative analysis showed that the number of 6 week cobblestone area forming cells (CAFCwk6), a measure of proliferating HSC, in cytokine-stimulated CD34+ cells were increased by 20-fold. Expanded CD34+CD38- cells could be transduced efficiently with retroviruses encoding the low affinity nerve growth factor receptor (LNGFR) marker gene (17% to 44%, mean 27%), resulting in long-lasting expression of retroviral-encoded genes in progeny HSC and differentiated progenitors. We conclude that the combination Flt3-ligand (FL), stem cell factor and thrombopoietin (TPO) induced strong ex vivo proliferation of CD34+CD38- cells and that the absolute number of expanded cells with stem cell activity increased substantially in this population.  相似文献   

In contrast to myeloid and B-lymphoid differentiation, which take place in the marrow environment, development of T cells requires the presence of thymic stromal cells. We demonstrate in this study that human CD34+, CD34+ CD38+ and CD34+ CD38(low) cells from both cord blood and adult bone marrow reproducibly develop into CD4+ CD8+ T cells when introduced into NOD-SCID embryonic thymuses and further cultured in organotypic cultures. Such human/mouse FTOC fetal thymic organ culture) thus represents a reproducible and sensitive system to assess the T-cell potential of human primitive progenitor cells. The frequency of T-cell progenitors among cord-blood-derived CD34+ cells was estimated to be 1/500. Furthermore, the differentiation steps classically observed in human thymus were reproduced in NOD-SCID FTOC initiated with cord blood and human marrow CD34+ cells: immature human CD41(low) CD8- sCD3- TCR alphabeta- CD5+ CD1a+ T cells were mixed with CD4+ CD8+ cells and more mature CD4+ CD8- TCR alphabeta+ cells. However, in FTOC initiated with bone marrow T progenitors, <10% double-positive cells were observed, whereas this proportion increased to 50% when cord blood CD34+ cells were used, and most CD4+ cells were immature T cells. These differences may be explained by a lower frequency of T-cell progenitors in adult samples, but may also suggest differences in the thymic signals required by bone marrow versus cord blood T progenitors. Finally, since cytokine-stimulated CD34+ CD38(low) cells retained their ability to generate T cells, these FTOC assays will be of value to monitor, when combined with other biological assays, the influence of different expansion protocols on the potential of human stem cells.  相似文献   

Purified CD34+ haematopoietic progenitor cells were cultivated with stem cell factor, interleukin 3 (IL-3), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and granulocyte CSF (G-CSF) for 7 d, and thereafter non-adherent cells were divided into two groups. Cells in one group (group A) were further cultivated for 7 d with four cytokines, and cells in the other group (group B) were further cultivated for 7 d with G-CSF alone. On day 14, 220-fold and 130-fold increases in the numbers of non-adherent cells were achieved for groups A and B respectively. These cell preparations contained 65% granulocytes for group A and 95% granulocytes for group B. These cells gained the ability to respond effectively with chemotaxis, phagocytosis and superoxide (O2-) release. Cells in group B were appropriately primed by G-CSF, GM-CSF, tumour necrosis factor alpha and IL-1beta for enhanced release of O2 -. The responsiveness of these cells was identical to that of peripheral blood neutrophils, indicating that cells in group B may be in the resting state. In contrast, cells in group A were not primed by these cytokines for enhanced release of O2- and released a large amount of O2- spontaneously, indicating that cells in group A may be in the activated state. These findings indicate that mature neutrophils with normal functions were expanded ex vivo in group B and suggest that these cells could be used for possible autologous neutrophil transfusion to prevent bacterial infections during severe neutropenia after cytotoxic chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Thrombopoietin (TPO), the primary regulator of megakaryocytopoiesis, plays important roles in early haematopoiesis. Previously, we have demonstrated that TPO induces a characteristic pattern of apoptosis during ex vivo expansion of cord blood (CB) CD34+ cells. In this study, we have demonstrated that the TPO-induced apoptotic cells belong to the megakaryocytic (MK) lineage and that initially expanding MK progenitors declined along with the appearance of TPO-induced apoptosis. Human CB CD34+ cells were expanded in serum-free conditions with TPO. Multidimensional flow cytometry using simultaneous measurement of apoptosis and immunophenotyping showed that the TPO-induced apoptotic cells appeared in CD61+ fractions. Immunocytochemical analysis of the fluorescent activated cell-sorted fractions showed that the apoptosis-associated CD44low fraction expressed CD61. Clonogenic assay revealed 7.4 +/- 0.50-fold increase of total megakaryocyte colony-forming units (CFU-MKs) during the initial 9 d. Thereafter, the number of CFU-MKs decreased in parallel with the increase of apoptosis. When the MK colonies were subdivided according to size, the proportion of large colonies progressively decreased, while that of medium and small colonies increased. In particular, from d 6 small colonies became predominant. These results suggested that the MK progenitors matured as they expanded during ex vivo expansion with TPO and then proceeded to apoptosis.  相似文献   

目的:建立脐血CD34+造血干细胞向巨核细胞诱导分化的体系,探讨最佳的扩增方法。方法:免疫磁珠法分离获得CD34+细胞培养在无血清无基质培养液中,采用TPO加SCF加IL-3加IL-6、TPO加SCF加IL-3、TPO加SCF3种不同因子组合对其诱导分化及扩增。收集3、7、10、14d的扩增产物,运用荧光显微镜检测巨核细胞的表面标志;流式细胞术(FCM)检测巨核细胞的凋亡;并对巨核细胞形成单位(CFU-MK)及DNA含量进行检测。结果:分离获得的CD34+细胞在体外可以有效扩增,随培养时间的延长CD34+/CD41+细胞数第7天达最高值,之后逐渐下降;而CD41+、CD42b+、CD61+细胞随培养时间的延长表达量逐渐增高。加入IL-3和IL-6后,Annexin Ⅴ阳性细胞由(8.26±2.49)%降至(3.51±1.24)%。CFU-MK的数量在第10天时最高,且8倍体及8倍体以上的巨核细胞所占的的百分比增加,即成熟产板型巨核细胞增加。结论:脐血CD34+造血干细胞在体外可向巨核细胞诱导分化及有效扩增。3种因子组合中TPO加SCF加IL-3加IL-6组扩增效率最高。  相似文献   

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