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Glycerol kinase of Trypanosoma brucei has been shown to be capable of catalysing sn-glycerol-3-phosphate dependent ADP phosphorylation for ATP generation. The rate of this reaction (Vr) is sufficient to account for the observed rate of glycerol production from anaerobic glucose metabolism by intact cells and to account for net ATP synthesis. Glycerol kinase has been purified by preparing a post-nuclear, particulate fraction and solubilizing the enzyme with 0.5% (w/v) Triton X-100. This treatment results in a 3.5-fold increase in total activity, demonstrating the latent nature of particulate glycerol kinase, and an overall 10-fold increase in specific activity in the soluble fraction. The ratio of the velocities of the forward (Vf) reverse (Vr) reactions of this enzyme is altered from 21 to 170 upon solubilization. The Michaelis constants for the solubilized enzyme are KmADP = 0.12 +/- 0.04 mM, KmG-3-P = 5.12 +/- 1.47 mM, Kmglycerol = 0.12 +/- 0.05 and KmATP = 0.19 +/- 0.04 mM. Endogenous hexokinase acts as an ATP trap favouring ATP synthesis sn-glycerol-3-phosphate and ADP. This can be demonstrated in reconstituted systems using trypanosome glycerol kinase and varying hexokinase activities. Mass action inhibition of ATP synthesis by glycerol is more marked with lower hexokinase activities. High glycerol kinase activity (> 0.5 mumol/min/mg protein) has been found in the T. brucei complex of trypanosomes that produce glycerol anaerobically whereas only low activities (less than or equal to 0.03 mumol/min/mg protein) are present in Trypanosoma cruzi, Trypanosoma lewisi and Crithidia fasciculata, organisms that do not produce glycerol. Trypanosoma congolense has a glycerol kinase activity of 0.17 mumol/min/mg protein and shows poorer ATP synthesis from anaerobic glucose metabolism than organisms of the T. brucei complex.  相似文献   

Intracellular content of cyclic 3',5'-adenosine monophosphate was determined in several strains of Trypanosoma brucei brucei during their growth in rats. In non-relapsing infections with the cloned monomorphic strain 110M and with the cloned pleomorphic strain YTatl, the amount of cyclic AMP per 10(9) trypanosomes increased from 30 to over 90 pmol as the parasitemia increased from patency to over 10(9) organisms per ml. This increase was not observed during non-relapsing infections with strain 427. During infections with strain YTatl in both immunocompetent and lethally X-irradiated rats, cyclic AMP content of the parasite increased from 20--20 pmol per 10(9) cells early in logarithmic growth to 65--70 pmol per 10(9) cells at peak parasitemia, then decreased as the transition to intermediate and short stumpy forms commenced. At crisis, basal levels were reestablished when log slender forms were the lowest percentage of the total population and intermediate and short stumpy forms predominated, suggesting a correlation between morphologic type and level of cyclic AMP per cell during fluctuations in parasitemia. Increases in intracellular cyclic AMP were measured during in vitro incubation of the parasite in medium containing potential effectors of the trypanosome cyclic AMP system. Sodium fluoride, adenosine and methyl xanthines stimulated increases in cyclic AMP content while isoproterenol, prostaglandin E1, serotonin, histamine and several trypanocidal drugs were ineffective. The results are discussed in terms of the possible regulatory role of cyclic AMP in differentiation of trypanosomes.  相似文献   

In the absence of mammalian cells, freshly isolated monomorphic bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma brucei brucei maintain a constant and high level of aerobic glycolysis in vitro for at least 4 h at 37°C when suspended in RPMI medium 1640 containing 20% heat-inactivated and dialyzed fetal calf serum and 25 mM Hepes at an initial pH of 8. In the absence of nutrients other than glucose, salts and protein, some cell death and a decrease in the rate of glycolysis are observed. In the absence of protein, extensive cell death and a decrease in the rate of glycolysis are seen. These observations may be useful in the design of short-term in vitro metabolic studies with T. b. brucei.  相似文献   

Metabolic pathways leading to lipid biosynthesis in four different developmental stages of Schistosoma mansoni were explored and quantified by incubation in the presence of labeled precursors in a chemically defined medium. At the schistosomulum stage and in male, female, or paired worms, glycerol and oleate incorporation into neutral lipids, mainly in the form of triacylglycerols, was greater than into phospholipids, whereas in 11-and 15-day-old worms, synthesis mainly led to phospholipids. Incorporation into phospholipids was recovered largely in phosphatidylcholine, and distribution into other phospholipids depended on the developmental stage. Incorporation of choline and ethanolamine into their respective phospholipids represented up to 15% of the parasitic phospholipid content. The formation of phosphatidylcholine by phosphatidylethanolamine methylation occurred mainly in the immature parasitic stages. Inositol incorporation was also measurable, whereas [14C]serine incorporation was low or undetectable. Addition of 1-palmitoyl-2-[14C]oleyl phosphatidylcholine revealed a very high uptake of this phospholipid by the immature stages but further metabolism was not detectable. In contrast, adult S. mansoni were completely unable to take up or absorb this exogenous phospholipid. The most striking aspect of this study was the relatively high metabolic activity in 11-day-old worms and the lower but sustained activity on day 15 and at the schistosomulum stage. By comparison, biosynthetic activity in adult S. mansoni, on which research studies have been focused until now, was very low. We also discuss the participation of lipid metabolism in the constant renewal of the membrane complex which is essential to parasitism by S. mansoni.  相似文献   

《Molecular immunology》1981,18(8):733-740
The effect of interposition of non-hemolytic antibody on the hemolytic activity of the complement-nxing antibody was examined. When mixtures of the hemolytic IgG2 and non-hemolylic IgG1 classes of guinea pig antibody to TNP 3, the total amount being kept constant, were reacted with TNP-SRBC, the average number of complement-induced lesions per cell (Z) varied as a function of (proportion to IgG2)n. The experimental values for the exponent n fell in a range between 3 and 4. Comparison of the hemolylic activity of IgG2 in the mixture with IgGl (Zi) with that of the same amount of IgG2 without IgGl (Z0) gave a relationship: Zi = Z0 × (proportion of IgG2)n ? m, where m was obtained from the dose-response curve. Z0 vs (concentration of IgG2)m. Since values for m obtained under the conditions used (1?2) were always smaller than those for n, the activity of IgG2 was apparently suppressed by the presence of IgG 1. From the C1-transfer experiments, the C1-binding step was shown to be affected. Results were tested by a simple hypothesis and the mechanism for the suppressive effect of IgG1 antibody was analysed.  相似文献   

Peptides corresponding to sequences (72-88) and (26-54) of beef myoglobin have been synthesised in their open-chain and cyclised forms (using a disulphide bridge) and tested for their antigenicity and immunogenicity. Antibodies raised to beef myoglobin bound to both peptides but more strongly to the 29-residue than to the 17-residue peptide. Cyclisation increased the antigenicity of the larger peptide. In this form the peptide competed much more strongly than in the uncyclised form for specific antibodies to beef myoglobin. The peptides are immunogenic in mice without being coupled to a protein carrier and produce antibodies which bind to beef myoglobin. Peptide (26-54) is the more immunogenic in producing a larger antibody titre to the parent myoglobin and cyclisation again enhances this property. The findings lend weight to the view that longer peptide sequences might be expected to favour the folded state, therefore binding more strongly to antibodies raised to the native protein and eliciting a population of antibodies which contain a larger proportion specific for that conformation. Cyclisation enhances antigenicity and immunogenicity presumably by decreasing the number of degrees of conformational freedom of a peptide without excluding native-like conformations.  相似文献   

Antibodies were produced in rabbits against purified chicken gizzard actin and were characterized. The anti-actin antibody and gizzard actin formed a single precipitin line in Ouchterlony double immunodiffusion tests but actin purified from other sources did not form precipitating complexes. To better characterize the antibody, competitive assays were used. Actins purified from various sources were used to compete with [125I]-labelled gizzard actin for antibody binding sites. The inhibition curves produced indicated that gizzard actin had the highest affinity for the antibody while rabbit skeletal muscle actin and chromaffin cell actin bound poorly to the antibodies. No difference in binding was detected between the latter two actins. This showed that the antibodies had different immunological preferences for the various actins in spite of the actins' highly conserved structure. When the antibody was used to investigate the localization of actin in cultured bovine adrenal chromaffin cells by indirect immunofluorescence, it was found that actin is widely distributed in the cells, being associated with many cellular structures. The antibodies against actin produced a strong membrane fluorescence and a weak cytosol fluorescence in one-day-old cells in culture. Membrane patching and capping patterns were also seen. By day 7 the cultured cells exhibited a much weaker membrane fluorescence with filament and fine granular fluorescence in the cytosol of the cell body, neurites and terminal cones. Smooth muscle antibodies obtained from patients suffering from chronic active hepatitis were also used to stain the cultured cells and these antibodies produced a different fluorescence pattern which consisted of an intense and dense granular fluorescence. This speckled fluorescence did not arise from filopodia present on the cell surface because scanning electron microscopy revealed that the chromaffin cell-surface was relatively smooth and exhibited few filopodia. Most of these structures were found at the edges of the neurite terminal cones that made contact with other cells. Also seen were pits and many spherical bodies of about 200 nm in diameter that appeared to be pressing against the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane. These bodies may be indicative of the presence of chromaffin granules underneath the membrane.The present results, showing different immunofluorescence patterns of actin distribution in chromaffin cells, suggest that actin might be involved in several cellular functions. An important function of the chromaffin cells is secretion, a process which has many features in common with the process of muscle contraction. These similarities would suggest that contractile proteins might be involved in the secretory process. Therefore, in view of the present results, the possible functions of actin in chromaffin cells are discussed.  相似文献   

As an alternative to the measurement of radiolabeled thymidine incorporated into DNA, a method is presented in which thymidine has been replaced by its analogue, 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BUdR). BUdR incorporated into DNA (BUdR-DNA) is measured by a sandwich-type enzyme immunoassay using a monoclonal anti-BUdR antibody. This method allows the quantitation of 4 ng of BUdR-DNA. Comparative experiments with myeloma cells and LPS stimulated spleen B-cells have shown that this technique is at least as sensitive as the traditional counting of [3H]thymidine.  相似文献   

Anaerobic reduction of purified rabbit IgG antibody (Ab) with 1.5 moles of dithiothreitol per mole of Ab at pH 8.0, followed by alkylation, cleaves 39% of the inter-heavy-chain (H-H) disulfide (SS) bonds. This treatment has the following effects on the ability of the Ab to activate the classical pathway of complement. Compared to control Ab, reduced and alkylated (RA) Ab retained 4-5.6% of overall hemolytic activity and 55% of complement-fixing activity at 0 degrees C. Complexes of RA Ab and equivalent amounts of soluble Ag consumed C4, C2 and C3 at 37, 51 and 44%, respectively, of the rate at which these components were consumed by equal concns of complexes containing control Ab. Complexes made with RA Ab bound 18% as much C-1 as those made with native Ab. These data indicate that the principal, if not the only, effect of RA is on C-1 binding. Measurements of the ability of complexes of Ab with cell-bound Ag to bind C-1 showed at most a 20% loss of C-1 binding sites and a ca two-fold decrease in affinity for C-1. Similar results were obtained with purified (activated) C-1 and with native C1 in serum. No significant difference could be detected in the rate of activation of bound C1. Normal rabbit IgG which was reduced and alkylated under the same conditions retained 52% of its H-H SS bonds and 30% of its ability to bind C-1. This finding suggests that the impairment in C-1 binding results from an effect on the C1 binding site itself, rather than from an effect on the ability of the RA Ab to transmit a putative conformational "signal" from the Ag-binding site to the C1 binding site. Finally, our data show that the observed functional effect of reduction and alkylation depends strongly on the assay used to evaluate that effect.  相似文献   

Mixed-sex adult stages of Brugia pahangi and Dipetalonema viteae, in the absence of exogenous substrate, consumed oxygen at rates of 4.18 +/- 0.38 and 2.12 +/- 0.20 ngatoms O2 min-1 mg-1 dry wt. respectively. When calculated on a unit dry weight basis the endogenous O2 consumption rates (E-QO2) of mature adult male macrofilariae of B. pahangi and D. viteae were significantly greater than those of mature females, although the E-QO2 calculated per individual worm was essentially similar irrespective of sex. When assayed as separate unisexual groups, the oxygen uptake of male and female macrofilariae of both species was inhibited by classical inhibitors of respiratory electron transport (RET), and showed classical substrate bypass phenomena in response to succinate and ascorbate, N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine with respect to the RET inhibitors rotenone (inhibitor of complex I) and antimycin A (inhibitor of complex III). Since male worms elicited similar responses to the classical RET inhibitors as did mixed-sex and/or adult female populations, the possibility that developmental stages contained within the female filariids were contributing in any significant manner to the overall responses observed with the RET inhibitors can be discounted. Such responses as observed with live-intact macrofilariae are normally elicited only by mitochondrial preparations and suggest that the cuticles of both species are permeable to rotenone, succinate, antimycin A, N,N,N',N'-tetramethyl-p-phenylenediamine, azide and cyanide. The uncoupler 2,4-dinitrophenol stimulated the endogenous rate of oxygen consumption (E-QO2) of intact B. pahangi at 33-160 microM, indicating the probable occurrence of RET-coupled oxidative phosphorylation. Higher concentrations of 2,4-dinitrophenol proved inhibitory. Respiratory studies on subcellular fractions substantiated the responses elicited by the intact parasites, suggesting the presence of antimycin A-sensitive and -insensitive RET pathways capable of utilising alpha-glycerophosphate, succinate, and malate as substrates. Both B. pahangi and D. viteae macrofilariae therefore probably possess branched RET-pathways bifurcating on the substrate side of RET-complex III. The rates of substrate oxidation in terms of QO2 mg-1 mitochondrial protein compare well with those observed with other nematode parasites.  相似文献   

It has recently been reported that liposomes containing membrane components from cytolytic T-cell (TC) clones could transfer lytic activity to noncytolytic T- and B-cell lines, strongly suggesting that TC possess membrane-associated molecules which noncytolytic lymphocytes lack and which play a critical role in the lytic mechanism. It was thus of interest to compare the membrane-associated proteins from TC-lines to those of noncytolytic helper T-cell (TH) lines to determine whether any membrane-associated proteins unique to TC could be identified. Cells from three TC-lines and four TH-lines were internally labelled with [35S]methionine and then disrupted by hypotonic lysis. Low-density (plasma membrane enriched) and high-density (endoplasmic reticulum enriched) membrane fractions were isolated from each cloned cell line and analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under reducing conditions. Two proteins were identified which were prominent in the membrane fractions from each of the three TC-lines but not in the membrane fractions from any of the four TH-lines. One of these, p215, migrated as a broad band with an apparent mol. wt of 215,000. The other, p24, migrated as a sharp band, or tightly spaced doublet, with an apparent mol. wt of 24,000. Immunoprecipitation studies using monoclonal antibodies to T200, LFA-1, Thy 1 and Lyt 2 suggested that p215 was a variant of T200 found on TC-lines but not on TH-lines. Treatment of solubilized membrane proteins from TH-lines with anti-T200 precipitated a 185-kD protein seen on each of the TH-lines but on none of the TC-lines. In contrast, p24 was not precipitated by any of these monoclonal antibodies. It therefore appears that p24 represents a previously unidentified protein which is strongly expressed by TC but not by TH and is thus deserving of further study as to its functional significance.  相似文献   

C1 and C1 activity measurements were performed with EA and EAC4 prepared with rabbit anti-Forssman IgG or IgM and were compared to measurements with EA and EAC4 prepared with mouse monoclonal IgG2b and IgM anti-DNP antibodies on cells coupled with TNP: the amount of TNP per cell was optimal for antibody activity. No differences were found in the ability of EAC4 made with poly- or monoclonal IgM to measure C1 activity; in contrast, monoclonal IgM was capable of activating only about 30% of C1 when compared to activation by polyclonal IgM. Monoclonal vs polyclonal IgGs behaved in a similar manner but they were detecting only 50% of C1 or C1 activity when compared to IgM of the appropriate class. It was concluded that monoclonal antibodies were capable of generating EAC4 intermediate, and that the ability of monoclonal antibodies in the EAC4 complex to bind C1 and to detect C1 activity is not significantly different from that of polyclonal antibodies but that monoclonal antibodies are less efficient in activating C1 than polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Aspergillus-derived inhalant allergens play an important role in the etiology of allergic respiratory diseases. In the present study, we investigated the allergenic potential of Aspergillus tamarii, quantified its airborne content, identified its major/minor allergens, evaluated heterogeneity of patients’ IgE response to its allergens and cross-reactivity of its allergens with other Aspergillus allergens. Skin prick tests with A tamarii extract were performed on 300 patients of bronchial asthma/allergic rhinitis and 20 healthy volunteers. Sixty-six patients (22%) elicited positive cutaneous reactions to A tamarii extract. Only one of the 20 non-allergic healthy volunteer showed a mild positive cutaneous reaction. Allergen-specific IgE levels increased with increase in patients’ cutaneous response (0% in negative to 100% in 3+/4+). The skin positivity and allergen-specific IgE levels were significantly higher in patients compared to healthy volunteers (P > 0.05). However, no differences were found for these two parameters among patients of bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma with allergic rhinitis. The airborne A tamarii allergen content was highest in February and October. A tamarii extract revealed at least 22 proteins (13.3-120 kDa). Seventeen of these proteins bound patients’ IgE with six being major allergens (13.3, 23, 25, 34, 39.5, 43 kDa). Three major allergens (13.3, 34, 43 kDa) were found to cross-react with A flavus and one (34 kDa) with A niger. Our results revealed that A tamarii allergen(s) are present in the air, which might serve as important inhalant allergens in IgE-mediated allergic respiratory diseases.  相似文献   

The process of injury and repair involves spreading, migration and cell proliferation. The functions of Rho GTPases and their effector IQGAP1 are poor known in this process of airway epithelium. In the present study, we employed a widely used in vitro model by scratching a monolayer of BECs. We found that scratching induced decreasing of the GTP-bound Rac1 and Cdc42, but increasing the amounts of IQGAP1 at different time points. Next, we confirmed that IQGAP1 interacted with the constitutively active Rac1 (Rac1V12) and Cdc42 (Cdc42V12) rather than the dominant negative Rac1 (Rac1N17) and Cdc42 (Cdc42N17). Over-expressions of wild type (WT) IQGAP1 and its mutant (T1050AX2), which was defective to interact with Rho GTPases, induced translocation of β-catenin from the cytoplasm into the nucleus. These results activated Tcf/Lef and increased the expression levels of its target genes of c-myc and cyclin D1. Likewise, the amounts of c-myc and cyclin D1 increased after scratching. Our results suggested that IQGAP1 mediated cell proliferation through activating Tcf in a manner independent of Rac1 and Cdc42 in wound repair of BECs.  相似文献   

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