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Stem cells have been identified in a number of mammalian tissues (e.g. bone marrow, muscle, gut, skin, and neural tissues). Until recently, it was generally believed that the differentiation potential of a mammalian somatic stem cell is restricted to one tissue only, as in the case of hematopoietic stem cells differentiating into hematopoietic cells. In this sense, somatic stem cells are limited in their differentiation potential. Several lines of evidence now challenge the idea of unilateral development. New reports show mammalian somatic stem cells can, in the course of regeneration, repopulate heterologous cell systems and therefore possess a surprisingly broad spectrum of differentiation potential. Thus, mammalian stem cells are apparently capable of fate changes between stem cell systems, although the mechanisms leading to such changes are unclear. Mechanistic models for fate changes have been proposed in Drosophila, specifically for transdetermination of imaginal discs. Imaginal discs of the larva are the primordia of the adult exoskeleton and appendages, for example, legs, and antennae. Transplantation experiments of imaginal discs have shown that discs are determined for their disc identity. Transdetermination in Drosophila refers to cases when, after regenerative cell divisions, imaginal disc cells change from one state of determination to another, initiating a pathway of differentiation leading to structures other than those corresponding to the initial state or determination; for example, an antennal imaginal disc transdetermines to a leg imaginal disc. A fate change is thus possible in both mammalian somatic stem cells and Drosophila imaginal discs following transplantation and subsequent proliferation. Here we summarize and compare observations made in such cases of stem cell and imaginal disc differentiation.  相似文献   

Hashimoto D  Miller J  Merad M 《Immunity》2011,35(3):323-335
Macrophage and dendritic cell (DC) are hematopoietic cells found in all tissues in the steady state that share the ability to sample the environment but have distinct function in tissue immunity. Controversies remain on the best way to distinguish macrophages from DCs in?vivo. In this Perspective, we discuss how recent discoveries in the origin of the DC and macrophage lineage help establish key functional differences between tissue DC and macrophage subsets. We also emphasize the need to further understand the functional heterogeneity of the tissue DC and macrophage lineages to better comprehend the complex role of these cells in tissue homeostasis and immunity.  相似文献   

This special issue is aimed at providing the readers of this journal with an indication of the exciting and important areas in which in vivo electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) [or equivalently electron spin resonance (ESR)] is making contributions to experimental progress and to provide perspectives on future developments, including the potential for in vivo EPR to be an important new clinical tool. There also are many situations where the combination of in vivo EPR with NMR may be very synergistic. EPR (ESR) is a magnetic resonance-based technique that detects species with unpaired electrons. The technique has become a major tool in diverse fields ranging from biology and chemistry to solid-state physics. In the last few years, many publications have demonstrated that EPR measurements in living animals (in vivo EPR) can provide very significant new insights to physiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology. The most successful applications of in vivo EPR have been non-invasive measurements of oxygen, nitric oxide, bioradicals, pH and redox state, with applications in oncology, cardiology, neuroscience and toxicology. EPR also appears to be the method of choice for measuring radiation dose retrospectively, including the potential to do this in vivo in human subjects. While far from comprehensive, the reviews, original contributions and viewpoints provided in this issue by several leaders in the field of in vivo EPR should provide the readers with confirmation that in vivo EPR is an exciting field that is likely to provide very valuable complementary information for many NMR-based studies in experimental animals and, probably, also for clinical studies.  相似文献   

《Immunology today》1986,7(4):101-103
Cyclosporine aborts the activation of lymphocytes in vitro before DNA synthesis begins, yet there is also compelling evidence that lymphocytes can become primed, i.e. presumably proliferate in vivo, under the cover of immunosuppressive levels of the drug. Here, Gerry Klaus and Patricia Chisholm discuss the possibility that cyclosporine has a different mode of action in vivo and in vitro.  相似文献   

With breast cancer plaguing the United States as the second leading cause of cancer related deaths amongst women, as well as the adverse effects of current treatment options there is a need to develop safer and noninvasive treatments. Triptolide is an extract from the herb Tripterygium wilfordii Hook F, and has been used in Chinese medicine for over two centuries and is now used to treat certain autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Based on the anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-cancer properties of triptolide we believe that it will stimulate apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. Triptolide is known to induce apoptosis in many cancer cells lines, but the exact mechanisms that regulate this are largely unknown. It has been suggested that triptolide activates the p53 pathway to trigger apoptosis in these cells. However, we believe that there are other mechanisms at work including the activation of lysosomal-mediated apoptosis.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine dimers participate as important factors in ultraviolet-induced lethality, mutagenicity and tumorgenicity. Substantial efforts have been made in recent years to understand the induction of pyrimidine photodimers and their repair in human skin cells exposed to low physiological fluences of UV-light. Dimers are known to be efficiently induced after UVC and UVB irradiation, but these photoproducts are also highly induced in DNA isolated from human skin irradiated with UVA. By using a sensitive immunohistochemistry dimer detection assay, we confirm that in vivo UVA radiation induces substantial amounts of these DNA changes in the epidermis; in addition, this technique detects them far into the reticular dermis. A considerable number of these photodimers were also seen in non-irradiated control skin up to two centimeters from the irradiation site. All the lesions persist for at least two days post-irradiation. These results sustain the hypothesis that pyrimidine dimer formation and excision could be a modality of epidermal communication.  相似文献   

Mutations in the genes encoding leucine-rich repeat kinase 2 (LRRK2) and α-synuclein are associated with both autosomal dominant and idiopathic forms of Parkinson’s disease (PD). α-Synuclein is the main protein in Lewy bodies, hallmark inclusions present in both sporadic and familial PD. We show that in PD brain tissue, the levels of LRRK2 are positively related to the increase in α-synuclein phosphorylation and aggregation in affected brain regions (amygdala and anterior cingulate cortex), but not in the unaffected visual cortex. In disease-affected regions, we show co-localization of these two proteins in neurons and Lewy body inclusions. Further, in vitro experiments show a molecular interaction between α-synuclein and LRRK2 under endogenous and over-expression conditions. In a cell culture model of α-synuclein inclusion formation, LRRK2 co-localizes with the α-synuclein inclusions, and knocking down LRRK2 increases the number of smaller inclusions. In addition to providing strong evidence for an interaction between LRRK2 and α-synuclein, our results shed light on the complex relationship between these two proteins in the brains of patients with PD and the underlying molecular mechanisms of the disease.  相似文献   



Scintigraphic studies have been performed to assess the release, both in vitro and in vivo, of radiotracers from tablet formulations. Four different tracers with differing physicochemical characteristics have been evaluated to assess their suitability as models for drug delivery.


In-vitro disintegration and dissolution studies have been performed at pH 1, 4 and 7. In-vivo studies have been performed by scintigraphic imaging in healthy volunteers. Two hydrophilic tracers, (99mTc-DTPA) and (99mTc-MDP), and two lipophilic tracers, (99mTc-ECD) and (99mTc-MIBI), were used as drug models.


Dissolution and disintegration profiles, differed depending on the drug model chosen. In vitro dissolution velocity constants indicated a probable retention of the radiotracer in the formulation. In vivo disintegration velocity constants showed important variability for each radiopharmaceutical. Pearson statistical test showed no correlation between in vitro drug release, and in vivo behaviour, for 99mTc-DTPA, 99mTc-ECD and 99mTc-MIBI. High correlation coefficients were found for 99mTc-MDP not only for in vitro dissolution and disintegration studies but also for in vivo scintigraphic studies.


Scintigraphic studies have made a significant contribution to the development of drug delivery systems. It is essential, however, to choose the appropriate radiotracers as models of drug behaviour. This study has demonstrated significant differences in release patterns, depending on the model chosen. It is likely that each formulation would require the development of a specific model, rather than being able to use a generic drug model on the basis of its physicochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Ex vivo generated cancer vaccines based on dendritic cells (DCs) are currently applied in the clinic. The migration of DCs from the tissues to the lymph nodes is tightly controlled and involves many different mediators and their receptors. A recent study demonstrated that the rate of migration of antigen-bearing DCs in situ from the skin to the lymph node is 100-fold higher than previously estimated. The migration of ex vivo generated DCs is rather inefficient but can be improved by pre-conditioning of the vaccine injection site with inflammatory cytokines. An alternative approach that is currently being explored is to target tumor antigens directly to DCs in situ, thereby exploiting the intricate migratory capacity of DCs in vivo. Recent advances have been made in understanding DC migration in the context of DC-based vaccines.  相似文献   

Background: Legg-Calvé-Perthes Disease (Perthes’ disease) is a childhood hip disorder initiated by ischemic necrosis of the growing femoral head. So far, the etiology and pathogenesis of Perthes’ disease is poorly understood. Materials and methods: Avascular osteonecrosis rat model was established to mimic the pathophysiological changes of femoral head necrosis. The chondrocytes of newborn Sprague-Dawley rats were isolated and cultured in hypoxic and normoxic condition. The expression characteristic of the hypoxia-inducible factor-1 alpha (HIF-1α) was evaluated both in vivo and in vitro models. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and apoptotic genes in chondrocytes treated with normoxia and hypoxia were also studied. Results: HIF-1α expression increased greatly after ischemic operation and kept at relative high level in the arthromeningitis stage and declined in the stages of osteonecrosis and reconstruction. The HIF-1α mRNA levels of chondrocytes incubated at hypoxia were significantly higher than the cells treated with normoxia at 24 and 72 hours. Hypoxia inhibited VEGF expression; chondrocytes could oppose this inhibition manifested by the increasing of VEGF mRNA level after 72 hours hypoxia. The expression of apoptotic genes, Casp3, Casp8 and Casp9, elevated in chondrocytes after hypoxia with time differences. Conclusion: Hypoxia might be an etiological factor for femoral head necrosis, HIF-1α, VEGF as well as apoptotic genes participated the pathophysiological process of ischemic osteonecrosis.  相似文献   

All-trans-retinoic acid (RA) promotes the maturation and differentiation of B cells, which are known as a type of professional antigen-presenting cells. We show here that CD1d, a major histocompatibility complex class I-like molecule that presents lipid antigens, is expressed in the mouse spleen B cells and is increased by RA. Thus, we hypothesized that RA and the CD1d ligand, α-galactosylceramide (αGalCer), could interact to promote the differentiation, maturation, and antibody response of antigen-activated B cells. In isolated B cells, αGalCer alone markedly stimulated, and RA further increased B cell proliferation, synergizing with the B cell antigen receptor ligation via anti-μ antibody (P < 0.05). The significantly increased cell proliferation stimulated by αGalCer was abrogated in the B cells of CD1d-null mice. RA alone and combined with αGalCer also promoted B cell differentiation by the enrichment of sIgG1-, CD138-, and PNA/Fas-positive B cells (P < 0.05), suggesting a plasmacytic cell differentiation. In vivo, wild-type mice treated with RA and/or αGalCer during primary immunization with tetanus toxoid produced a higher serum anti-tetanus IgG response and had more bone marrow anti-tetanus antibody-secreting cells as determined by enzyme-linked immunospot assay (P < 0.05) in the secondary response, a finding indicative of heightened long-term memory; however, the increased antibody secretion after αGalCer treatment was abolished in CD1d-null mice. We provide evidence here that RA, together with αGalCer, can effectively regulate B cell proliferation and differentiation, ultimately promoting a more efficient antibody response to protein antigen. The results suggest that the combination of RA and αGalCer could be a useful adjuvant combination in vaccine strategies.  相似文献   



The aim of this study is to investigate the role of tigecycline in Vibrio vulnificus infection.


Eight randomly selected clinical V. vulnificus isolates were studied to obtain the minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of minocycline, cefotaxime, and tigecycline, and the time–kill curves of tigecycline alone or in combination with other drugs. A peritonitis mouse model was used for the evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of tigecycline alone or cefotaxime in combination with minocycline or tigecycline.


The MIC of minocycline, cefotaxime, and tigecycline for eight clinical V. vulnificus isolates was 0.06–0.12 μg/mL, 0.03–0.06 μg/mL, and 0.03–0.06 μg/mL, respectively. In time–killing studies, at the concentration of 1 × MIC, the inhibitory effect of tigecycline persisted for 24 hours in five of eight isolates. With 2 × MIC and trough level, the inhibitory effect was noted in all isolates for 24 hours. With the combination of minocycline plus cefotaxime and tigecycline plus cefotaxime at 1/2 × MIC, the bactericidal effect was noted in 25% and 62.5% of eight isolates and synergism in 50% and 75% of isolates. With a low (1.25 × 105 CFU/mL) inoculum, all infected mice survived with tigecycline alone, tigecycline plus cefotaxime, or minocycline plus cefotaxime on the 14th day. At the inoculum of 1.25 × 106 CFU, the survival rate was 33.3% on the 14th day in the tigecycline plus cefotaxime-treated group, but none of the mice treated by tigecycline alone or minocycline plus cefotaxime survived (33.3% vs. 0%, p = 0.01 by Fisher's exact test).


Our in vitro combination and animal studies indicate that tigecycline could be an option for the treatment of invasive V. vulnificus infections.  相似文献   

The and forms of recombinant interleukin-1 (IL-1 and IL-1) and of recombinant Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF and TNF) induced dose-dependent neutrophil migration into rat peritoneal cavities. Migration induced by both IL-1s showed a bell-shaped dose-response curve and IL-1 was 3-fold more potent than IL-1. Pretreatment of the animals with dexamethasone or depletion of the peritoneal macrophage population, abolished the neutrophil migration induced by the four cytokines. In vitro stimulation of macrophage monolayers with IL-1 and the TNFs released a factor into the supernatant which, unlike these cytokines, induced neutrophil migration in dexamethasone pretreated animals. These results suggest that the neutrophil migration induced by IL-1, IL-1 and TNF is not due to a direct effect on neutrophils, but occurs via the release of a chemotactic factors(s) from resident macrophages.  相似文献   

Obesity is a major risk factor for the development and progression of breast cancer. Leptin, a cytokine mainly produced by adipocytes, plays a crucial role in mammary carcinogenesis and is elevated in hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. The antidiabetic thiazolidinediones inhibit leptin gene expression through ligand activation of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) and exert antiproliferative and apoptotic effects on breast carcinoma. In this study, we investigated the ability of PPARγ ligands to counteract leptin stimulatory effects on breast cancer growth in either in vivo or in vitro models. The results show that activation of PPARγ prevented the development of leptin-induced MCF-7 tumor xenografts and inhibited the increased cell-cell aggregation and proliferation observed on leptin exposure. PPARγ ligands abrogated the leptin-induced up-regulation of leptin gene expression and its receptors in breast cancer. PPARγ-mediated repression of leptin gene involved the recruitment of nuclear receptor corepressor protein and silencing mediator of retinoid and thyroid hormone receptors corepressors on the glucocorticoid responsive element site in the leptin gene expression regulatory region in the presence of glucocorticoid receptor and PPARγ. In addition, PPARγ ligands inhibited leptin signaling mediated by MAPK/STAT3/Akt phosphorylation and counteracted leptin stimulatory effect on estrogen signaling. These findings suggest that PPARγ ligands may have potential therapeutic benefits in the treatment of breast cancer.  相似文献   

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