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WHO奖学金留学人员信息管理系统的开发及应用   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了评价WHO奖学金项目执行情况及其社会效益,并进一步提高该项目的管理效能,卫生部科教司曾对WHO留学生的情况进行过三次调查。2002年12月至2003年6月,为再次评价该项目的执行情况和社会效益,加强对该项目的管理,卫生部科教司部署并进行了第四次调查工作。  相似文献   

永康市自2003年10月开始实施CIDA—WHO中国结核病控制项目以来,利用CIDA资金的引入,推动地方经费投入,以新发涂阳肺结核病人为重点,实行免费检查、免费治疗政策,提高了涂阳肺结核病例的发现率和治愈率。现就永康市实施CIDA—WHO中国结核病控制项目一年来效果进行分析。  相似文献   

[目的]评价福建省WHO西太区结核病控制项目成效。[方法]根据项目报表分析涂阳肺结核病人登记及治疗效果。[结果]福建省WHO西太区结核病控制项目实施2年来,发现涂阳肺结核898例,其中新发涂阳病例696例,项目实施后传染源发现率较项目前的1998年提高3.9倍,新发涂阳肺结核新登记率为21.66/10万;初始涂阳病例平均治愈率达96.5%,复治治愈率平均达88.1%。[结论]福建省实施WHO西太区结核病控制项目效果显著,达到高发现率和高治愈率的目标。  相似文献   

所谓口腔健康,世界卫生组织(WHO)牙齿卫生专家委员会指出:它是指牙齿和牙周组织以及口腔邻近部位和起咀嚼作用并与颌面组织联接的各种结构,均无形态或功能性异常。并制定了口腔健康标准:牙齿清洁,无龋洞,无疼痛感,牙龈颜色正常,无出血现象。WHO还提出实现2000年人人享有口腔卫生保健,而且口腔健康作为预防项目的结果已在世界多数发达国家取得明显进展。[1]然而,在许多发展中国家,其中包括我国口腔疾病和治疗费用均在不断上升,长期以来我国实施的一般卫生保健项目中,不包括口腔保健。一般健康教育也很少包括口腔健康教育,…  相似文献   

赣榆县CIDA/WHO结核病控制项目病人服药依从性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结核病病情在我国仍然很严重,有的地区呈上升趋势,成为当前重要的公共卫生问题之一。为贯彻《全国结核病防治规划(2001—2010年)》精神,从2002年起,江苏省实施CIDA(加拿大国际发展部)/WHO结核病控制项目,赣榆县作为首批项目县,开展了这一项目的实施工作,对全县新发现的传染性肺结核病人提供免费治疗,实行全程督导管理,  相似文献   

预防和控制农药中毒任重而道远   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
急性农药中毒人数一直列化学物中毒的首位。世界卫生组织(WHO)将防治全球农药中毒列入控制化学品危害优先考虑的项目,并组织开展了一系列的调查和研究工作。我国是一个人口众多的、发展中的农业大国,农药生产和使用量居世界前列。2003年全国农药产量和使用量分别达86.3万吨和25.9万吨,出口31.4万吨。虽然我国在控制农药危害方面已做了大量的科研和实际工作,但预防和控制农药中毒的任务仍十分繁重。根据WHO全球农药中毒防治的要求,结合我国实际情况,当前要着重抓好以下几项工作。  相似文献   

1概述WHO项目是我国政府与世界卫生组织最基本的合作方式之一,自1978年签署协议至1995年底,全国共派出该项目留学人员1360余人,其中安徽15人;川医学奖学金是我国卫生部与日本协力事业财团合作的项目,自1986年签字至1996年5月,全国共派出850人,其中安徽派出13人。为了总结WH()及往)项目的管理经验,努力提高项目的效果,促进我省这项工作的开展,加强卫生事业的时外交流与改革开放,在卫生部的组织安排下,我们于1996年5月对我省上述两项目留学人员的综合情况进行了全面、系统的调查。本次调查方法和调查表及指标设计经过卫生部…  相似文献   

江苏省CIDA结核病控制项目实施效果的双向对照比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
目的分析江苏省实施CIDA/WHO结核病控制项目的效果,为进一步开展结核病控制工作提供有益的启示。方法采用纵向自身历史对照和横向对照,全面评价CIDA/WHO项目的实施效果。结果年涂阳肺结核病人登记率由项目实施前的10.01/10万上升到项目实施后的28.30/10万;初治涂阳治愈率由90.31%上升到95.64%;复治涂阳病人治愈率由64.06%上升到89.02%。结论CIDA/WHO结核病控制项目的实施与运作是成功的,为进一步开展结核病控制项目提供了科学有效的模式。  相似文献   

为了加速我国麻疹控制进程,探索适合我国国情与消除麻疹策略相适应的麻疹监测工作经验,卫生部与WHO及美国CDC合作在我国开展麻疹监测试点合作项目。安庆市是安徽省2001年1月首批进入该项目的地区。为进一步完善麻疹监测系统总结经验,通过该市麻疹的流行病学特点,找出薄弱环节,掌握麻疹发病动态,现将安庆市2002~2006年麻疹发病情况和监测系统运转状况分析如下。  相似文献   

根据WHO的组织特性,2002年世界卫生报告:减少威胁,促进健康生活一直是WHO协调的最大的研究顶目。该项目计算了当今世界上那些最主要的人类健康危险因素所造成的疾病负担、残障和死亡的数量。报告同时也测算了,如果从现在起就减少这些确定的危险因素,那么在未来20年里有多少这类负担是可以避免的。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish development priorities, ideal workload and performance levels, and preferred faculty development activities for new faculty in professional-level physical therapist education programs. A preliminary questionnaire was sent to 183 directors of these programs to identify new faculty and their program directors. Eighty-five new faculty and 79 of their program directors were identified and sent comparable surveys with questions that pertained to the current and ideal teaching, scholarship, and service activities of the new faculty. Results indicated that both new faculty and program directors agreed on ideal workload levels and that workloads for new faculty should shift from teaching to scholarship. New faculty set performance levels that are significantly higher than those identified by their program directors. Development priorities for the new faculty varied from knowledge and skills in instruction as expressed by program directors to scholarship as expressed by new faculty. Individual consultations were the highest preferred faculty development activity reported by both groups. These findings provide direction for the content and delivery method for faculty development activities for new faculty in these and similar education programs.  相似文献   

Lien G  DeLand K 《Public health》2011,125(12):847-853
Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of death in the world today. Unchecked, tobacco-related deaths will increase to more than eight million per year by 2030. Galvanized by the seriousness of the threat, the Member States of the World Health Organization (WHO) negotiated the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), which entered into force in 2005. The treaty has enjoyed tremendous global success, with more than 170 Parties, and is often called the most powerful tool in the fight against tobacco-related morbidity and mortality. As the world undergoes the long-predicted transition from communicable to noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) posing the greater health burden, seminal ideas, processes, and outcomes like the WHO FCTC can be used to inform decision-making and policy-making. To help begin such knowledge transfer, this paper first examines how tobacco control evolved to become a reasonable, politically feasible topic for treating in the highly globalized context of public health and NCDs. Next, some of the key achievements and challenges that have occurred over the past six years of WHO FCTC implementation are discussed. Finally, a consideration of how some of the successes and lessons learned in tobacco control appear in other NCD contexts is presented.  相似文献   

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends treating tuberculosis (TB) using the DOTS (directly observed treatment short course) approach in which TB patients are observed swallowing each dose of their medicines by a health worker or trained volunteer. DOTS involves the use of anti-TB drugs given in combination. The 5 elements of the strategy are described, each of which is essential in order for any DOTS program to reach the target cure rate of 85%. While TB workers in some countries claim that they already achieve high cure rates without DOTS, WHO argues that it is unlikely that any program not using DOTS is achieving a rate of 85% or higher. In developing countries not using DOTS, cure rates are rarely higher than 50% and are often far lower. Despite a major TB campaign run by WHO's Global TB Program which actively promotes the application of DOTS, worldwide, only 10% of TB patients are treated using the approach.  相似文献   

Since 1988, when the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis globally, the annual estimated incidence of polio has declined 99%. Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa (estimated 2000 population: 127 million) and a major poliovirus reservoir. This report summarizes the progress toward polio eradication in Nigeria during January 2000-March 2002, highlighting achievements in acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) surveillance and evidence indicating reduced poliovirus transmission. The findings underscore the importance of ensuring a rapid flow of surveillance information to guide program activities.  相似文献   

The majority of industrialized and some developing countries have established National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs). To enable systematic global monitoring of the existence and functionality of NITAGs, in 2011, WHO and UNICEF included related questions in the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) that provides an official means to globally collect indicators of immunization program performance. These questions relate to six basic process indicators.  相似文献   

The Native Hawaiian Health Professions Scholarship was established as one component of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988, which was later reauthorized as the Native Hawaiian Health Care Improvement Act of 1992. The Scholarship program was designed to develop Native Hawaiian primary health care professionals who would return to work in Native Hawaiian communities. To ensure this, scholarship recipients fulfill their scholarship agreement by working in medically unserved and underserved communities throughout Hawai'i. Since 1991, 121 scholarships have been awarded to Native Hawaiians training in different primary care professions including medicine, dentistry, nursing, midwifery, social work, and public health. Although the service obligation is attached to the scholarship as a means of "paying back," the intent is to provide an opportunity for graduates to establish a sense of social responsibility for the communities most in need. One of the communities benefiting from this program is Ko'olau Loa, a community that spans from Ka'a'awa to Pupukea on Windward O'ahu. Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship recipients, Kehau Santiago, Michele Shimizu, and Stephany Vaioleti live and continue to serve in the very community in which they fulfilled their service obligations. This article focuses on how the Native Hawaiian Health Scholarship Program--in particular, the three scholars--affected Ko'olau Loa.  相似文献   

卫生干预措施的项目成本研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
世界卫生组织(WHO)采用了一种标准化的方法学来收集干预措施的成本与效果的地区性资料。研究作为其中的一部分,其主要目的就是收集中国欠发达地区75个卫生干预措施的项目成本,建立地区性的净成本数据库。研究结果显示了以下几个问题:(1)“项目成本”概念的创新性与其数据的缺失性之间存在很大的矛盾。(2)“项目成本”估算过程中,数据核实有困难。(3)共同成本的分摊有一定难度。“项目成本”作为一个全新的概念,将其引入到决策层是有一定现实意义的,可促进决策科学化,我们应着力于摸索适应我国国情的“项目成本”实施办法。  相似文献   

目的探讨四川省农村孕产妇住院分娩补助项目运行情况及取得的成效和不足。方法对省内项目管理情况,住院分娩率、孕产妇和新生儿死亡率,孕产妇保健进行分析。结果 2009~2012年,四川省农村孕产妇住院分娩补助项目顺利实施,全省住院分娩率逐年提高,孕产妇和新生儿死亡率下降明显,孕产妇保健进一步加强。结论通过项目实施,全省妇幼卫生指标改善明显;但仍存在部分地区项目执行进度较慢,地区间不平衡等问题。应通过探索民族地区免费住院分娩、推进基础设施建设等措施,促进妇幼卫生服务更好的利用。  相似文献   

In 1988, the World Health Assembly of the World Health Organization (WHO) resolved to eradicate poliomyelitis globally by 2000. During the same year, the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) of WHO passed a resolution to join the global initiative. Since then, substantial progress has been made worldwide and in EMR member countries. Afghanistan, with ongoing civil conflict, initiated polio eradication activities in 1994. Since then, a countrywide surveillance system for acute flaccid paralysis (AFP) was established and National Immunization Days (NIDs) were implemented. This report summarizes the achievements toward polio eradication in Afghanistan during 1999-2000.  相似文献   

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