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Summary:  Seizure induction in laboratory animals is followed by many changes in structure and function, and one of these is an increase in neurogenesis—the birth of new neurons. This phenomenon may be relevant to temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), because one of the regions of the brain where seizure-induced neurogenesis is most robust is the dentate gyrus—an area of the brain that has been implicated in the pathophysiology of TLE. Although initial studies predicted that neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus would be important to normal functions, such as learning and memory, the new neurons that are born after seizures may not necessarily promote normal function. There appears to be a complex functional and structural relationship between the new dentate gyrus neurons and preexisting cells, both in the animal models of TLE and in tissue resected from patients with intractable TLE. These studies provide new insights into the mechanisms of TLE, and suggest novel strategies for intervention that could be used to prevent or treat TLE.  相似文献   



The relationship between hippocampal histopathological abnormalities, epileptogenesis and neurogenesis remains rather unclear.


Tissue samples including the subgranular zone of dentate gyrus (DG) were freshly collected for tissue culture for neurospheres generation in 16 patients who underwent surgery for drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy. Remaining tissues were histologically examined to assess the presence of mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) and focal cortical dysplasia.


MTS was detected in 8 cases. Neurospheres were formed in 10/16 cases. Only three out of these 10 cases exhibited MTS; on the contrary 5/6 cases lacking neurosphere proliferation presented MTS. There was a significant correlation between presence of MTS and absence of proliferation (p = 0.0389). We also observed a correlation between history of febrile seizures (FS) and presence of MTS (p = 0.0004) and among the 6 cases lacking neurosphere proliferation, 4 cases (66.6%) had experienced prolonged FS. Among “proliferating” cases the percentage of granular cells pathology (GCP) was lower (20% vs 50%) compared to “non proliferating” cases.


A decreased potential to generate neurosphere from the SGZ is related to MTS and to alterations of dentate gyrus granule cells, especially in MTS type 1b and GCP type 1. These histological findings may have different prognostic implications, regarding seizure and neuropsychological outcome, compared to patients with other epileptogenic lesions (such as FCD, glioneuronal tumours, vascular lesions).  相似文献   

The dentate gyrus (DG) plays a pivotal role in the functional and anatomical organization of the hippocampus and is involved in learning and memory formation. However, the impact of structural DG abnormalities, i.e., granule cell dispersion (GCD), for hippocampal seizure susceptibility and its association with distinct lesion patterns in epileptic disorders, such as mesial temporal sclerosis (MTS) remains enigmatic and a large spectrum of pathological changes has been recognized. Here, we propose a clinico-pathological classification of DG pathology based on the examination of 96 surgically resected hippocampal specimens obtained from patients with chronic temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). We observed three different histological patterns. (1) A normal granule cell layer was identified in 11 patients (no-GCP; 18.7%). (2) Substantial granule cell loss was evident in 36 patients (referred to as granule cell pathology (GCP) Type 1; 37.5%). (3) Architectural abnormalities were observed in 49 specimens, including one or more of the following features: granule cell dispersion, ectopic neurons or clusters of neurons in the molecular layer, or bi-lamination (GCP Type 2; 51%). Cell loss was always encountered in this latter cohort. Seventy-eight patients of our present series suffered from MTS (81.3%). Intriguingly, all MTS patients displayed a compromised DG, 31 (40%) with significant cell loss (Type 1) and 47 (60%) with GCD (Type 2). In 18 patients without MTS (18.7%), seven displayed focally restricted DG abnormalities, either cell loss (n = 5) or GCD (n = 2). Clinical histories revealed a significant association between DG pathology patterns and higher age at epilepsy surgery (p = 0.008), longer epilepsy duration (p = 0.004), but also with learning dysfunction (p < 0.05). There was no correlation with the extent of pyramidal cell loss in adjacent hippocampal segments nor with postsurgical seizure relief. The association with long-term seizure histories and cognitive dysfunction is remarkable and may point to a compromised regenerative capacity of the DG in this cohort of TLE patients.  相似文献   

Toyoda I  Buckmaster PS 《Epilepsia》2005,46(7):1017-1020
PURPOSE: The role of protein synthesis in mossy fiber sprouting is unclear. Conflicting reports exist on whether a single dose of the protein synthesis-blocker cycloheximide administered around the time of an epileptogenic injury can block the eventual development of mossy fiber sprouting. METHODS: In rats, osmotic minipumps and cannulae were implanted to deliver 8 mg/ml cycloheximide to one dentate gyrus and vehicle to the other. This method has been used to block protein synthesis in the infused region for up to 5 days with minimal neurotoxic effects (Taha and Stryker, Neuron 2002;34:425-36). After 2 days of infusion, rats were treated with pilocarpine to induce status epilepticus. Pumps were removed 3 days later. Thirty days after pilocarpine treatment, rats were perfused, and hippocampal sections were processed for Timm staining. RESULTS: Timm staining revealed aberrant mossy fiber sprouting in the inner molecular layer regardless of whether hippocampi were treated with cycloheximide or vehicle. Cycloheximide-treated hippocampi displayed more aberrant Timm staining and more tissue damage around the infusion site than did vehicle-treated hippocampi. CONCLUSIONS: Prolonged infusion of cycloheximide, spanning the period of pilocarpine treatment, did not block mossy fiber sprouting. This finding suggests that protein-dependent mechanisms around the time of an epileptogenic injury are not necessary for the eventual development of synaptic reorganization.  相似文献   

Mossy fiber sprouting and the genesis of ectopic granule cells contribute to reverberating excitation in the dentate gyrus of epileptic brain. This study determined whether the extent of sprouting after status epilepticus in rats correlates with the seizure-induced degeneration of GluR2-immunoreactive (GluR2+) hilar neurons (presumptive mossy cells) and also quantitated granule cell-like GluR2-immunoreactive hilar neurons. Stereological cell counting indicated that GluR2+ neurons account for 57% of the total hilar neuron population. Prolonged pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus killed 95% of these cells. A smaller percentage of GluR2+ neurons (74%) was killed when status epilepticus was interrupted after 1-3.5 h with a single injection of phenobarbital, and the number of residual GluR2+ neurons varied among animals by a factor of 6.2. GluR2+ neurons were not necessarily more vulnerable than other hilar neurons. In rats administered phenobarbital, the extent of recurrent mossy fiber growth varied inversely and linearly with the number of GluR2+ hilar neurons that remained intact (P=0.0001). Thus the loss of each GluR2+ neuron was associated with roughly the same amount of sprouting. These findings support the hypothesis that mossy fiber sprouting is driven largely by the degeneration of and/or loss of innervation from mossy cells. Granule cell-like GluR2-immunoreactive neurons were rarely encountered in the hilus of control rats, but increased 6- to 140-fold after status epilepticus. Their number did not correlate with the extent of hilar cell death or mossy fiber sprouting in the same animal. The morphology, number, and distribution of these neurons suggested that they were hilar ectopic granule cells.  相似文献   

Purpose:   It would be useful to selectively block granule cell axon (mossy fiber) sprouting to test its functional role in temporal lobe epileptogenesis. Targeting axonal growth cones may be an effective strategy to block mossy fiber sprouting. L-type calcium channels and calcineurin, a calcium-activated phosphatase, are critical for normal growth cone function. Previous studies have provided encouraging evidence that blocking L-type calcium channels or inhibiting calcineurin during epileptogenic treatments suppresses mossy fiber sprouting.
Methods:   Rats were treated systemically with pilocarpine to induce status epilepticus, which lasted at least 2 h. Then, osmotic pumps and cannulae were implanted to infuse calcineurin inhibitors (FK506 or cyclosporin A) or an L-type calcium channel blocker (nicardipine) into the dorsal dentate gyrus. After 28 days of continuous infusion, extent of mossy fiber sprouting was evaluated with Timm staining and stereological methods.
Results:   Percentages of volumes of the granule cell layer plus molecular layer that were Timm-positive were similar in infused and noninfused hippocampi.
Conclusions:   These findings suggest inhibiting calcineurin or L-type calcium channels does not block mossy fiber sprouting in the pilocarpine-treated rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Marian Joëls 《Epilepsia》2009,50(4):586-597
Stress is among the most frequently self-reported precipitants of seizures in patients with epilepsy. This review considers how important stress mediators like corticotropin-releasing hormone, corticosteroids, and neurosteroids could contribute to this phenomenon. Cellular effects of stress mediators in the rodent hippocampus are highlighted. Overall, corticosterone—with other stress hormones—rapidly enhances CA1/CA3 hippocampal activity shortly after stress. At the same time, corticosterone starts gene-mediated events, which enhance calcium influx several hours later. This later effect serves to normalize activity but also imposes a risk for neuronal injury if and when neurons are concurrently strongly depolarized, for example, during epileptic activity. In the dentate gyrus, stress-induced elevations in corticosteroid level are less effective in changing membrane properties such as calcium influx; here, enhanced inhibitory tone mediated through neurosteroid effects on γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptors might dominate. Under conditions of repetitive stress (e.g., caused from experiencing repetitive and unpredictable seizures) and/or early life stress, hormonal influences on the inhibitory tone, however, are diminished; instead, enhanced calcium influx and increased excitation become more important. In agreement, perinatal stress and elevated steroid levels accelerate epileptogenesis and lower seizure threshold in various animal models for epilepsy. It will be interesting to examine how curtailing the effects of stress in adults, for example, by brief treatment with antiglucocorticoids, may be beneficial to the treatment of epilepsy.  相似文献   

The discovery that exercise regulates adult hippocampal neurogenesis, that is, the production of new neurons in the adult brain, was surprising news and changed quite fundamentally our view on how physical activity affects the brain. The everyday experience that not all athletes are necessarily smarter than more sedentary fellows and the scientific insight that adult hippocampal neurogenesis is actually a process that ranges on a very small scale raised important questions on the relevance of this finding. We propose that the exercise-related regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis is a qualitative rather than a quantitative event and that it is a particularly prominent and suggestive example of activity-dependent cellular plasticity. For rodents, the animals, in which most of this research has been done, cognition is almost inseparable from locomotion. Physical activity, especially exerted over longer periods of time, might indicate to the brain an increased chance of experience those situations rich in complexity and novelty that presumably benefit from more new neurons. We thus propose that it is not isolated physical activity that is "good for the brain", but physical activity in the context of cognitive challenges. This would also explain why few new neurons could be beneficial for successful aging. We here review the current stage of the knowledge how this exercise-induced regulation of neurogenesis might work.  相似文献   

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), characterized by spontaneous recurrent motor seizures (SRMS), learning and memory impairments, and depression, is associated with neurodegeneration, abnormal reorganization of the circuitry, and loss of functional inhibition in the hippocampal and extrahippocampal regions. Over the last decade, abnormal neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) has emerged as another hallmark of TLE. Increased DG neurogenesis and recruitment of newly born neurons into the epileptogenic hippocampal circuitry is a characteristic phenomenon occurring during the early phase after the initial precipitating injury such as status epilepticus. However, the chronic phase of the disease displays substantially declined DG neurogenesis, which is associated with SRMS, learning and memory impairments, and depression. This review focuses on DG neurogenesis in the chronic phase of TLE and first confers the extent and mechanisms of declined DG neurogenesis in chronic TLE. The available data on production, survival and neuronal fate choice decision of newly born cells, stability of hippocampal stem cell numbers, and changes in the hippocampal microenvironment in chronic TLE are considered. The next section discusses the possible contribution of declined DG neurogenesis to the pathophysiology of chronic TLE, which includes its potential effects on spontaneous recurrent seizures, cognitive dysfunction, and depression. The subsequent section considers strategies that may be useful for augmenting DG neurogenesis in chronic TLE, which encompass stem cell grafting, administration of distinct neurotrophic factors, physical exercise, exposure to enriched environment, and antidepressant therapy. The final section suggests possible ramifications of increasing the DG neurogenesis in chronic epilepsy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to look at the prevalence, characteristics, and prognostic value of somatosensory auras (SSAs) in patients who have undergone temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) surgery to treat drug‐resistant focal epilepsy. We retrospectively reviewed all patients with drug‐resistant epilepsy who underwent TLE surgery at Cleveland Clinic between 2005 and 2010 (n = 333) to study the prevalence, characteristics, and prognostic implications of SSA in the context of TLE surgery. Analyses were performed using two seizure outcome definitions: complete seizure freedom and Engel classification. Of the 333 patients, 26 (7.8%) had SSA. Almost half (12 patients) had unilateral sensory symptoms, whereas the rest had bilateral symptoms. Tingling and numbness were the most frequently reported sensations. Compared to their non‐SSA counterparts, patients with SSA had the same clinical and imaging characteristics, but had a higher rate of breakthrough seizures (p = 0.03), although most (54%) were still able to achieve Engel class of I (p = 0.02). Based on our results we would encourage detailed presurgical testing, which may include an invasive evaluation to analyze the extent of the epileptogenic zone in patients with SSA and suspected TLE.  相似文献   

A practical example is given of how a newly developed stereological estimator of particle number, the disector, can be used to make estimates of neuron number in the dentate gyrus of rats. The estimates are free of biases related to lost caps, overprojection and assumptions about size, shape and orientation of the objects that are counted. The disector principle and the practical considerations relating to histological preparations and sampling are presented.  相似文献   

Multiple studies have highlighted how seizures induce different molecular, cellular, and physiologic consequences in an immature brain as compared to a mature brain. In keeping with these studies, seizures early in life alter dentate granule cell birth in different, and even opposing, fashion to adult seizure models (see Table 1 ). During the first week of rodent postnatal life, seizures decrease cell birth in the postictal period, but do not alter the maturation of newborn cells. Seizures during the second week of life have varied effects on dentate granule cell birth, either causing no change or increasing birth, and may promote a mild increase in neuronal survival. During the third and fourth weeks of life, seizures begin to increase cell birth similar to that seen in adult seizure models. Interestingly, animals that experienced seizure during the first month of life have an increase in cell birth during adulthood, opposite to the reported decrease in chronic animals experiencing a prolonged seizure as an adult. Children have more ongoing cell birth in the dentate gyrus than adults, and markers of cell division are further increased in children with refractory temporal lobe epilepsy. There are clear age-dependent differences in how seizures alter cell birth in the dentate gyrus both acutely and chronically. Future studies need to focus on how these changes in neurogenesis influence dentate gyrus function and what they imply for epileptogenesis and learning and memory impairments, so commonly found in children with temporal lobe epilepsy.  

  Table 1.  Early seizures alter cell birth in rodent dentate gyrus  相似文献   

Buckmaster PS  Wen X 《Epilepsia》2011,52(11):2057-2064
Purpose: In temporal lobe epilepsy many somatostatin interneurons in the dentate gyrus die. However, some survive and sprout axon collaterals that form new synapses with granule cells. The functional consequences of γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic synaptic reorganization are unclear. Development of new methods to suppress epilepsy‐related interneuron axon sprouting might be useful experimentally. Methods: Status epilepticus was induced by systemic pilocarpine treatment in green fluorescent protein (GFP)‐expressing inhibitory nerurons (GIN) mice in which a subset of somatostatin interneurons expresses GFP. Beginning 24 h later, mice were treated with vehicle or rapamycin (3 mg/kg intraperitoneally) every day for 2 months. Stereologic methods were then used to estimate numbers of GFP‐positive hilar neurons per dentate gyrus and total length of GFP‐positive axon in the molecular layer plus granule cell layer. GFP‐positive axon density was calculated. The number of GFP‐positive axon crossings of the granule cell layer was measured. Regression analyses were performed to test for correlations between GFP‐positive axon length versus number of granule cells and dentate gyrus volume. Key Findings: After pilocarpine‐induced status epilepticus, rapamycin‐ and vehicle‐treated mice had approximately half as many GFP‐positive hilar neurons as did control animals. Despite neuron loss, vehicle‐treated mice had over twice the GFP‐positive axon length per dentate gyrus as controls, consistent with GABAergic axon sprouting. In contrast, total GFP‐positive axon length was similar in rapamycin‐treated mice and controls. GFP‐positive axon length correlated most closely with dentate gyrus volume. Significance: These findings suggest that rapamycin suppressed axon sprouting by surviving somatostatin/GFP‐positive interneurons after pilocarpine‐induced status epilepticus in GIN mice. It is unclear whether the effect of rapamycin on axon length was on interneurons directly or secondary, for example, by suppressing growth of granule cell dendrites, which are synaptic targets of interneuron axons. The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) signaling pathway might be a useful drug target for influencing GABAergic synaptic reorganization after epileptogenic treatments, but additional side effects of rapamycin treatment must be considered carefully.  相似文献   

Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most resistant type of epilepsy. Currently available drugs for epilepsy are not antiepileptogenic. A novel treatment for epilepsy would be to block or reverse the process of epileptogenesis. We used intermittent feeding (IF) regimen of the dietary restriction (DR) to study its effect on epileptogenesis and neuroprotection in the pilocarpine model of TLE in rats. The effect of IF regimen on the induction of status epilepticus (SE), the duration of latent period, and the frequency, duration, severity and the time of occurrence of Spontaneous Recurrent Seizures (SRS) were investigated. We also studied the effect of IF regimen on hippocampal neurons against the excitotoxic damage of prolonged SE (about 4 h) induced by pilocarpine. The animals (Wistar, male, 200–250 g) were divided into four main groups: AL–AL (ad libitum diet throughout), AL–IF (PfS) [IF post-first seizure], AL–IF (PSE) [IF post-SE] and IF–IF (IF diet throughout), and two AL and IF control groups. SE was induced by pilocarpine (350 mg/kg, i.p.) and with diazepam (6 mg/kg, i.p.) injected after 3 h, the behavioral signs of SE terminated at about 4 h (AL animals, n = 29, 260.43 ± 8.74 min; IF animals, n = 19, 224.32 ± 20.73 min). Behavioral monitoring was carried out by 24 h video recording for 3 weeks after the first SRS. Rat brains were then prepared for histological study with Nissl stain and cell counting was done in CA1, CA2 and CA3 regions of the hippocampus. The results show that the animals on IF diet had significantly less SE induction and significantly longer duration of latent period (the period of epileptogenesis) was seen in IF–IF group compared to the AL–AL group. The severity of SRS was significantly more in AL–IF (PfS) compared to the AL–IF (PSE) group. These results indicate that IF diet can make rats resistant to the induction of SE and can prolong the process of epileptogenesis. The results of the histological study show that the number of pyramidal neurons was statistically less in CA1, CA2 and CA3 of the hippocampus in the experimental groups compared to the control groups. However, IF regimen could not protect the hippocampal neurons against the excitotoxic injury caused by a prolonged SE. We conclude that IF regimen can significantly influence various behavioral characteristics of pilocarpine model of TLE. Further studies can elaborate the exact mechanisms as well as its possible role in the treatment of human TLE.  相似文献   

Bilateral injection of 3.5 μg of colchicine into two levels of the dentate gyrus produced a selective loss of dentate granule cells and persistent behavioral effects in male Fischer rats. Histological analysis confirmed that this dosage of colchicine resulted in the selective loss of most granule cells in both superior and inferior blades of the dentate gyrus near the injection sites, while sparing pyramidal cells in CA1, CA2, CA3 and CA4, and GABAergic interneurons throughout the hippocampus, Rats injected with colchicine were significantly more active than cerebrospinal fluid-injected controls 2, 7, 14, 21 and 28 days after treatment. Behavioral reactivity, assessed by the magnitude of the acoustic startle response and the latency to respond in a hot-plate test, was not affected at any of these time points. Retention of a step-through passive avoidance task was impaired in the colchicine group one month after surgery. Their stepthrough latencies were significantly shorter than control latencies, and they exhibited more partial entries during the retention test. Acquisition and performance in a radial-arm maze, measured up to 3 months after surgery, were also impaired by colchicine. Animals injected with colchicine required more trials to acquire the task and were less accurate in the task even after their performance had stabilized. These data suggest that the hippocampus modulates motor behavior and cognitive function. The results of these experiments also support the use of colchicine as a means of defining the functional and anatomical consequences following selective destruction of the granule cell population of the dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

Jaideep Kapur 《Epilepsia》2000,41(S6):S86-S89
Summary: Purpose : To define the properties of γ-aminobutyric acid-type A (GABAA) receptors expressed on dentate granule cells in neonatal rats and to define the impact of prolonged seizures on GABAA receptors in 28- to 35-day-old rats.
Methods : Whole GABAA receptor currents were recorded from acutely isolated dentate granule cells. Cells were isolated from 7- to 14-day-old rats for the first experiment. For the second experiment, cells were isolated from 28- to 35-day-old naive rats and rats that had undergone 45 minutes of status epilepticus. Modulation of GABAA receptor currents by diazepam (DZP), zinc, and zolpidem was studied.
Results : In 7- to 14-day-old rats, dentate granule cells express DZP- and zolpidem-insensitive, zinc-sensitive GABAA receptors. In 28- to 35-day-old rats, dentate granule cells express DZP-sensitive GABAA receptors. At the latter age, prolonged seizures render GABAA receptors DZP-insensitive.
Conclusion : Hippocampal dentate granule cells express DZP-insensitive receptors in hyperexcitable states. These receptors are likely to contain α4 subunit.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that the median raphe nucleus (MR) is a source of pronounced projections to the septum and hippocampus. The present study examined collateral projections from MR to the medial septum (MS) and to various regions of the hippocampus. The fluorescent retrograde tracers, Fluororuby and Fluorogold, were injected into the septum and hippocampus, respectively, and the median raphe nucleus was examined for the presence of single- and double-labeled neurons. The dorsal raphe nucleus (DR) was also examined for the presence of single- and double-labeled cells and comparisons were made with the MR. The main findings were: (1) pronounced numbers of retrogradely labeled cells (approximately 50 cells/section) were present in MR with injections in the MS or in various regions of the hippocampus; (2) approximately 8-12% of MR cells were double-labeled following paired injections in the MS-CA1, MS-CA3, and MS-dentate gyrus of the dorsal hippocampus, the lateral MS-dentate gyrus, and the MS-ventral hippocampus; (3) single- and double-labeled cells were intermingled throughout MR and present in greater numbers in the rostral than caudal MR; and (4) significantly more single- and double-labeled cells were present in MR than in DR with all combinations of injections. These findings demonstrate that MR projects strongly to the MS and hippocampus, and that a significant population of MR neurons (8-12%) sends collateral projections to both sites. It is well established that the MR nucleus serves a direct role in the desynchronization of the electroencephalographic (EEG) activity of the hippocampus-or the blockade of the hippocampal theta rhythm. The MR neurons that we have identified with collateral projections to the septum and hippocampus may be critically involved in the modulation/control of the hippocampal EEG. A role for the MR in memory associated functions of the hippocampus is discussed.  相似文献   

Epidemiological data indicate that 20–40% of the patients with epilepsy are refractory to treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). The mechanisms underlying pharmacoresistance in epilepsy are unclear, but several plausible hypotheses have emerged, including loss of AED target sensitivity in the epileptic brain, decreased AED concentrations at brain targets because of localized overexpression of drug efflux transporters in epileptogenic brain tissue, and network alterations in response to brain damage associated with epilepsy. Rat models of epilepsy in which part of the animals are resistant to treatment with AEDs offer a means to investigate the mechanisms underlying AED resistance. In the present study, AED-responsive and AED-resistant rats were selected from a model in which spontaneous recurrent seizures develop after a status epilepticus induced by electrical stimulation of the basolateral amygdala. For selection into responders and nonresponders, epileptic rats were treated over two weeks by phenobarbital. Subsequent histological examination showed neurodegeneration of the CA1, CA3 and dentate hilus in only one of eight responders but five of six nonresponders (P = 0.0256). Based on previous studies in AED-resistant rats of this model, we hypothesized that changes in the structure and function of inhibitory GABAA receptors may contribute to drug resistance. We therefore analyzed the distribution and expression of several GABAA receptor subunits (α1, α2, α3, α4, α5, β2/3, and γ2) immunohistochemically with specific antibodies in the hippocampal formation of responders, nonresponders and nonepileptic controls. In nonresponders, decreased subunit staining was observed in CA1, CA2, CA3, and dentate gyrus, whereas much less widespread alterations were determined in responders. Furthermore, upregulation of the α4-subunit was observed in the CA1 of nonresponders. Our data suggest that alterations in GABAA receptor subtypes may be involved in resistance to AEDs.  相似文献   

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