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各种原因造成的气管、支气管重度狭窄及气管、支气管瘘,不能手术治疗的,通常放置气管内支架以解除气道狭窄,保持呼吸道通畅,改善通气状况,封闭瘘口等,提高患者的生活质量。气管狭窄的患者多病情危重,因此,护理工作对于手术的成功起到重要的作用。现结合我院收治的气管狭窄患者,总结护理体会如下。  相似文献   

镍钛记忆合金气管支架治疗恶性气道狭窄   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨气管支架置入术治疗恶性气管狭窄的方法及疗效。方法17例气道狭窄的患者采用气管支架置入治疗,13例支架放置后给予化学治疗配以放射治疗。结果17例气管、主支气管狭窄的患者放置18只支架,成功率100%。支架放置后所有患者呼吸困难即刻缓解,无术中并发症。随访1~11个月,支架无再狭窄及移位,12例于随访期间死亡,平均生存期3.5个月。结论镍钛记忆合金气管支架治疗恶性气道狭窄是一种安全、有效、简单快速的方法。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用新型Y形气道覆膜金属支架输送释放系统,治疗气管分叉区域(包括气管下端、气管隆突和左、右主支气管)狭窄的可行性及临床效果。方法15例气管分叉区域多发狭窄患者,在X线透视下,用新型Y形气道覆膜金属支架输送释放系统治疗。所用新型Y形支架输送释放系统由外到内主要由外鞘管、输送导管和内部并行排列的4根空芯管组成。4根空芯管中,2根为走行导丝的长管、2根为走行支架捆绑线的短管。2根捆绑线分别将Y形支架左右主支气管部捆绑成释放前的压缩状并固定于2根长管头端的外表面,然后捆绑线经支架气管部分别走行入2短管至短管尾端外。结果15例患者使用新型Y形气道覆膜金属支架输送释放系统,支架置入均一次性成功,术后所有患者呼吸困难即刻缓解,未出现与手术有关的并发症;生活质量评分由术前26%-45%上升到术后1周的72%-95%。术后临床随访3-58周,中位数22周,所有患者支架置入后全身一般状况得到明显改善;5例患者分别于术后3-42周死亡,但未发生气管分叉部再狭窄;10例继续进行后续治疗者无呼吸困难。结论用新型Y形气道覆膜金属支架输送释放系统,治疗气管分叉区域狭窄,技术操作简单安全,并且临床短期疗效较好。  相似文献   

气管恶性狭窄的内支架介入治疗   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
目的 介绍气管内支架留置的新技术,评价自张式金属内支架在气管恶性狭窄中的姑息治疗作用。方法 共16例患者,其中气管腺癌所致狭窄8例,食管上段鳞状上皮癌所致气管狭窄6例,喉癌导致气管狭窄2例。临床上均有不同程度的呼吸困难,喘鸣,2例合并食管-气管瘘者伴有呛咳。所用器械包括:直径14F前端部带有不透X线记号的支架释放鞘,支架推进器、导丝导管等。所用支架为Z形不锈钢自张式支架和镍钛温度记忆合金支架。在透  相似文献   

可回收覆膜支架治疗难治性食管良性狭窄   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 评价可回收覆膜支架治疗食管良性狭窄的可行性、安全性及其疗效。方法 食管良性狭窄患者 10例 ,在X线监视下置入国产可回收覆膜支架 10枚 ,其中Z型不锈钢丝支架 2枚、网状镍钛合金支架 8枚。在置入 1~ 16周后用回收钩或胃镜将支架取出。结果  10枚支架均一次置入成功 ,支架置入后患者吞咽困难症状均有明显改善 ,能进普食 ,并在 1~ 16周后成功取出。支架取出后随访 6个月~ 3年 ,1例于支架取出后 1个月再次出现吞咽不畅 ,经反复食管球囊扩张术后症状改善 ,其余病例均未复发。结论 可回收覆膜支架是治疗食管良性狭窄的安全、简便、有效的方法 ,支架在体内的最佳持续留置时间有待于进一步研究  相似文献   

目的 探讨全身麻醉下气管内支架置入术治疗恶性气管、主支气管狭窄的可行性和安全性.方法 18例恶性肿瘤引起的气管、主支气管狭窄患者(气管腺癌1例、食管癌9例、肺癌纵隔淋巴结转移癌7例、甲状腺癌术后纵隔内淋巴结转移1例),术前均行64排CT扫描及气道重组.其中气管狭窄5例,右支气管狭窄1例,气管合并左或右支气管狭窄7例,气管、左右支气管均狭窄5例;气管狭窄51% ~70%7例,71%~90% 11例.所有患者均为重度呼吸困难,根据美国麻醉师协会(ASA)评分评估Ⅳ级17例、Ⅲ级1例.患者均经全身麻醉后,在DSA监视下,经气管插管连接管的吸痰孔进入,进行气管支架置入术.手术全程监测血压、心电图、经皮血氧饱和度( SaO2)、呼吸频率.术后观察患者呼吸困难缓解情况,麻醉及手术相关重要并发症,评价全麻效果(舒适度评分),并进行气管支架置入操作顺利度综合评价.对患者在麻醉过程不同时间的血压、心率、呼吸、SaO2以及手术前后动脉血气监测结果采用t检验进行比较.结果 18例均成功置入支架,术后呼吸困难均明显缓解,7例出现轻度痰中带血、1例痰液涌出堵住支架,对症处理后好转,手术均顺利,未出现其他麻醉及手术相关严重并发症.气管支架置入操作顺利度综合评分9 ~11分17例,6~8分1例;手术过程中患者均配合良好;舒适度评价优16例,良2例.呼吸频率及心率在麻醉苏醒后[分别为(18.6±1.4)和(73.2±7.6)次/min]明显低于麻醉前[分别为(37.1±2.8)和(106.5 ±14.2)次/min](t值分别为17.81、3.80,P值均<0.01),SaO2在术中[(91.2±1.8)%]高于术前[(76.3±8.6)%](t=2.06,P<0.01).麻醉苏醒后患者SaO2[(94.5±4.3)%]较术前明显升高(=2.26,P<0.01);血压在麻醉苏醒后较麻醉前无明显变化(P>0.05).手术综合评价均良好.结论 恶性气管狭窄在充分评估后,全身麻醉下进行气管支架置入术是安全可行的.  相似文献   

目的:探讨自胀式食管支架置入术姑息治疗恶性食管癌狭窄的全部护理及其重要性。方法:于X线引导下对10例晚期食管癌患者行食管支架置入术。结果:10例患者均一次性置入成功,患者术后生活质量明显提高,并发症少。结论:重视术前术中术后护理,有助于晚期食管癌患者支架置入术的顺利进行,避免及减少并发症,提高患者的生活质量。  相似文献   

患者女,58岁,因左肺中心型肺癌伴纵隔转移12个月.吞咽困难2周来我院就诊,该患者于2001年10月因胸闷,呼吸困难5个月,来院诊治。我院支气管镜检查:见气管下端后壁可见小丘状新生物,管腔左、右壁黏膜增生、肥厚,管腔明显狭窄,左主支气管开口被新生物部分堵塞,右上叶支气管轻度狭窄。随即置入气管支架(见图1),支架位置及膨  相似文献   

患者,男性,70岁。因“左肺鳞癌术后5年,发现气管内转移4月余”收治。患者于2001—10确诊为“左肺中分化鳞癌”,2001—11行“肺癌根治术”切除左上肺。2005—11—10因“间断性咯血、气短50d”在我科查纤支镜见:距声门约5cm处见气管左侧壁一新生肉芽肿突向管腔,占据管腔1/2以上,表面渗血,触之易出血。局部病检示:左肺鳞状细胞癌(中分化),确诊:左肺鳞癌术后气管内转移。患者同时合并有:①高血压病Ⅲ期;②左侧脑梗死后遗症;③2型糖尿病。化疗5个周期后复查纤支镜:气管内瘤体缩小,占据管腔约1/3—1/2,宽基底,表面充血,无出血。  相似文献   

目的:探讨金属支架治疗胃大部切除引起的瘢痕狭窄。方法:30例金属支架治疗胃大部切除引起瘢痕狭窄造成的梗阻。分别置入自扩型金属支架,11例患者进行了后续治疗。结果:30例狭窄都位于吻合口,共置入30个(uhroflex)支架。所有患者梗阻立即缓解,经过12-20个月的随访,出现反复炎症5例,支架网眼内肉芽增生形成阻塞4例,便潜血3例。支架移位2例,经处理后均保持畅通。结论:金属内支架对胃大部切除引起的癜痕狭窄有良奸的作用。预防和控制感染、出血并处理肉芽组织增生,是保持支架畅通的良好方法。  相似文献   

国产镍钛支架治疗气道狭窄   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
目的 评价国产镍钛合金气管支架治疗气管支气管良恶性狭窄的疗效。方法 气管、支气管良恶性狭窄 13例。狭窄部位 :气管 5例、气管主支气管 6例 ,主支气管 2例。经纤支镜和X线合用共放置 15枚支架。结果 全部支架均放置成功 ,呼吸困难改善 ,死亡病例平均存活时间 11.4个月 ,1例仍存活。结论 经纤支镜和X线合用 ,植入国产镍钛合金支架是治疗气管支气管良恶性狭窄的有效方法  相似文献   

Thirty-three self-expanding metallic stents were placed in 24 arterial segments of the hind legs and nine arteries of the abdominal viscera in seven dogs. Twelve 5-mm stents, eight 4-mm stents, and 13 3-mm stents were inserted. Follow-up ranged from 4 to 30 weeks. All 4-mm and 5-mm stents were patent at follow-up. Seven (54%) of the 3-mm stents remained patent. Stent wires were completely covered by a proliferation of the intima. No stent migration, occlusion of side branches, or vessel wall perforation was observed. A stent/artery ratio (SAR) was computed using stent and recipient vessel diameters. Good vascular patency was observed when the SAR was less than or equal to 1.2. An SAR greater than 1.2 was associated with immediate spasm, immediate or delayed thrombosis, or excessive intimal proliferation. Selection of correct stent size is a major determinant of patency in small arteries.  相似文献   

The performance of the self-expanding stainless steel (Gianturco) stent in atherosclerotic arteries was examined in a rabbit model. Atherosclerosis was induced by supplementing rabbit chow with 6% peanut oil and 2% cholesterol followed by endothelial disruption of the abdominal aorta with a balloon catheter and continuation on the atherogenic diet for the remainder of the study. Eighteen stents, 1 cm in length and 4 or 5 mm in diameter when fully expanded, were placed in atherosclerotic stenotic lesions in six rabbits. Luminal distention was consistently achieved. At 8 weeks follow-up, no luminal narrowing, stent migration, thrombus formation or branch vessel occlusion had occurred. Atherosclerotic neointimal proliferation occurred around the stent wires following placement, but did not cause significant luminal narrowing.  相似文献   

This report describes the successful management of a long venous stenosis that resulted from intimal hyperplasia in a synthetic hemodialysis graft. The recurrent stenosis was kept patent with four overlapping, self-expanding metallic stents, which allowed coverage of the 16 cm distance from the axillary vein to the synthetic graft.  相似文献   

刘湘萍 《医学影像学杂志》2011,21(5):714-714,717
我科自2005年9月~2009年9月,对23例气管狭窄患者在DSA监视下置入记忆合金支架治疗大气道狭窄,围手术期对患者进行针对性的合理护理,取得满意效果。报告如下。1材料与方法1.1一般资料23例中,男15例,女8例,年龄43~75岁,平均54岁。其中肺癌11例;转移性肿瘤压迫5例,外伤性气管损伤瘢痕致气管狭窄1例,支气管肺癌并支气管压迫性狭窄6例,术前均经肺部CT及纤支镜检查确诊。狭窄处气管直径1.5~  相似文献   

Purpose: Two stent types (a new Wallstent and a Zstent) were investigated in 30 patients with recurrent malignant superior vena caval syndrome (SVCS). Methods: Eligibility requirements were that the patient had recurrent symptoms after appropriate radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or both; ≥75% of the vessel was occluded; and there was collateral flow. Because of the limited availability of stents, it was not possible to perform a prospectively randomized study. Results: In the Z-stent group (17 patients), occlusion of the stent due to acute thrombosis occurred within 12 hr in 4 patients (24%), but in the other 13 patients (76%) symptoms disappeared completely. After 2 weeks the cavogram in these patients showed no signs of thrombosis, and 12 (71%) of the patients remained symptomfree. There was partial occlusion in 5 patients (29%), without relevant clinical symptoms. Of the 13 patients who received Wallstents, only 1 had an acute immediate thrombosis (8%). Symptoms disappeared completely in the other 12 patients and no signs of thrombosis were seen. However, after 2 weeks complete stent occlusion with SVCS was found in 3 patients (23%) and partial occlusion with minor clinical symptoms in 6 (46%). Only 3 patients (23%) had complete relief of their SVCS. The difference between the rates of occlusion of the two stents after 2 weeks was highly significant (p=0.008). Conclusions: The overall clinical success rate for longterm patency was 100% for the Z-stents and 69% for the new Wallstent. These results suggest that when used for this purpose, the new Wallstent is more thrombogenic at 2 weeks than the Z-stent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to report the use and benefits of self-expanding metallic stents employed in pyloric dysfunction. Four patients treated with oesophagectomy and gastric pull-up for oesophageal carcinoma failed to respond to balloon dilatation for pyloric dysfunction. Three of the patients were thought to have residual tumour at sites remote from the pylorus prior to stenting, but the fourth, who had undergone surgery 8 years previously, was thought to be cured. All were treated with self-expanding metallic stents. All four patients responded well with resolution of their symptoms. Over a mean follow-up of 6 months there has been no recurrence of symptoms. Stent insertion represents a potentially valuable method of treatment in patients with post-surgical pyloric dysfunction in whom simple balloon dilatation has failed. Received: 22 June 1998; Revision received: 20 October 1998; Accepted: 21 October 1998  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE. We studied the immediate and long-term efficacy of the Wallstent device in the treatment of ureteral obstruction caused by malignant disease. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. In 23 patients (30 ureters), self-expanding metal stents were implanted endoscopically (n = 23), percutaneously (n = 5), or bidirectionally (n = 2) because of extrinsic malignant ureteral obstruction. Patients who met the following criteria were selected for stent implantation: (1) life expectancy of at least 6 months, (2) current polychemotherapy, (3) increasing levels of serum creatinine, and (4) severe clinical signs and symptoms associated with hydronephrosis. Obstruction was diagnosed by using sonography and excretory urography. After radiologic localization and dilatation of the stenosis, the Wallstent device was inserted. For 4 weeks, a double-J catheter inserted through the stent was kept in place in order to prevent obstruction by reversible hyperplastic reaction of the urothelium. Patients were followed up for 31 weeks (range, 3-75 weeks). Follow-up included sonography, excretory urography, and determination of serum levels of creatinine in all cases and furosemide scintigraphy and the Whitaker test in selected cases. RESULTS: Implantation of the Wallstent device was successful in 30 (97%) of 31 cases attempted. The survival rate was 81% after 6 months and 61% after 8 months. The primary patency was 83% after 30 weeks. Complications were macrohematuria (one patient) and incrustation (two patients). No infection and no migration or compression of the stent were observed. CONCLUSION. Implantation of a Wallstent device is a safe and effective alternative to double-J catheter placement in tumor-associated ureteral obstruction.  相似文献   

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