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肱骨远端粉碎骨折的手术治疗   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
近年来对于肱骨远端粉碎骨折,越来越多的学者主张手术治疗[1,2].自2002年8月~2005年4月采用手术治疗肱骨远端粉碎骨折46例,效果良好.现报告如下.  相似文献   

肱骨远端关节面剪切骨折是一种少见的肘部损伤,系暴力经桡骨头撞击肱骨远端,造成肱骨小头和滑车骨折所致。Bryan-Morrey分型常用于指导骨折治疗。保守治疗要达到骨折准确复位和维持复位困难,缺血性坏死发生率明显增加;切开复位内固定是治疗的理想选择,但手术入路和内固定材料的选择存在争议,文献中多推荐肘外侧入路和空心螺钉内固定。对特殊类型骨折,骨折块切除术和肘关节置换术可取得很好疗效;关节镜下复位内固定成为一种新型微创治疗方式。术后早期进行功能锻炼,是肘关节功能恢复的关键步骤。  相似文献   

成人肱骨远端复杂型骨折的治疗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
成人肱骨远端骨折 ,尤其是涉及关节面且有明显移位的复杂骨折 ,一直是一个比较难处理的问题。闭合复位困难 ,常采用手术治疗。术中常常发现复位后 ,不易稳定固定而造成畸形愈合 ,影响肘关节功能。我们从 1998年 6月至 2 0 0 0年 6月收治了 15例严重的成人肱骨远端经关节骨折 ,分别采用倒“Y”型钢板与松质骨拉力螺钉相结合及张力带钢丝与松质骨拉力螺钉相结合的两种内固定方法 ,收到了较好的疗效。临床资料一、一般资料 本组 15例 ,男性 9例 ,女性 6例 ,年龄最小 17岁 ,最大 61岁 ,平均 3 8.5岁。均为新鲜骨折。其中 3例为开放性骨折 ,创…  相似文献   

经肱三头肌侧方入路治疗肱骨远端骨折   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的;探讨经肱三头肌侧方入路治疗肱骨远端骨折的应用和疗效。方法:对38例肱骨远端骨折采用经肘后肱三头肌侧方入路显露肱骨内、外髁间骨折采用拉力螺钉固定,髁上骨折采用经内、外髁逆行交叉克氏针固定。结果:经1-6年随访,骨折均愈合,无骨化性肌炎发生。结论:经肱三头肌侧方入路是肱骨远端骨折较好的手术入路。  相似文献   

小儿肱骨远端骨骺损伤诊治分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者总结分析了我院外科1990年1月~1995年12月间诊治的10岁以下小儿肘部损伤165例,其中肱骨远端骨骺损伤66例,现就其诊治结合文献分析如下。临床资料本组66例中男45例,女21例;年龄10月~10岁;左侧43例,右侧23例;内髁骨骺骨折16例,外髁骨骺骨折35例,全骺损伤15例;全骺损伤者,Salter-HarrisI型6例,II型9例,尺偏型8例,桡偏型4例,单纯前后移位3例;髁部骨骺损伤者骨折块均有不同程度的翻转移位;伤后就诊时间最短半小时,最长14天;手法复位31例,手术30例,未治5例。治疗结果66例中,随访48例,失访18例。随访最短半年,最长4.5年,平均2.3年。按戴立…  相似文献   

本文主要对肱骨远端骨折的治疗进展予以综述.累及关节面的肱骨远端骨折的处理相对困难,主要原因是其解剖特异.单纯外固定的保守治疗方法已被摒弃.对这类骨折,临床上越来越提倡解剖复位,牢固固定,早期的功能锻炼.具体的治疗方法依赖于术前对骨折的类型做出准确判断.目前该部位骨折分类仍以AO分型为主,治疗方法多种多样.主要的固定方法有双板内固定,适合C型完全关节内骨折.外固定架结合内固定,适合关节内骨折块粉碎,单纯内固定欠牢固,需要保护下进行功能锻炼的B型部分关节内骨折,或C型完全关节内骨折.全肘关节置换适合骨质疏松严重,骨折粉碎,难以复位和固定的高龄患者.对于小儿的肱骨远端骨折,可尝试克氏针内固定加外固定架的治疗方法.  相似文献   

肱骨远端全骺分离属于SalterⅡ型骨骺损伤,其临床特点与肱骨髁上骨折相似,是髁上骨折发生在幼儿发育阶段的一种特殊损伤类型。1990年至2003年之间我们收治96例,经随访观察,疗效满意,现报告如下:  相似文献   

笔者于2019-02诊治1例同时累及滑车及肱骨小头肱骨远端骨折,分析此类骨折的处理方法,就手术路径、内固定物的选择等作一探讨,报道如下。1病例报道患者,女,58岁,因走路时滑倒左肘部着地伴活动受限2 d入院。查体见左肘部软组织肿胀明显、局部触痛、周围见大量大小不等张力性水泡形成,左肘关节伸屈活动受限,左上肢软组织稍肿胀,左手活动、感觉、末梢血运尚可,完善影像学检查。  相似文献   

目的探讨肱骨远端冠状面骨折诊治方法及预后。方法根据Bryan-Morrey分型对10例肱骨远端冠状面骨折患者采用手术内固定治疗或骨块切除治疗。结果患者均获得随访,时间8~12个月。根据Broberg-Morrey肘关节功能评分:8例(Ⅰ型5例,Ⅱ型1例,Ⅳ型2例)手术内固定患者中优5例,良1例,一般2例;2例(Ⅲ型)骨块切除患者中一般1例,差1例。结论肱骨远端冠状面骨折根据不同分型采取不同的外科处理方法,即可获得良好的临床效果与满意度。  相似文献   

成人肱骨远端骨折的手术治疗分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨成人肱骨远端骨折的手术内固定方法和治疗效果。[方法]2002年1月~2004年6月手术治疗成人肱骨远端骨折患者23例,男16例,女7例,年龄17~42岁,平均32岁,其中陈旧性骨折3例,开放性骨折3例。AO/ASIF分型:A型3例,B型4例,C型16例。按照不同的骨折类型采用相应的内固定并进行功能锻炼。定期随访并手术后1、3、6个月拍片,了解骨折愈合和关节功能恢复情况。[结果]23例均获得随访,随访时间6~24个月,平均13个月,23例均骨折愈合,全部患者肘关节功能恢复满意。[结论]对成人肱骨远端骨折术中充分显露,关节面解剖复位,在髁上部牢靠固定,可以获得满意的治疗效果。  相似文献   

Objective To describe dislocation of the elbow with articular fracture of the distal humerus,a type of elbow fracture-dislocation about which little has been written.Methods Four patients with a dislocation of the elbow and fracture of the distal humerus were identified.Three had dislocation and complex intraarticular fracture of the capitellum,trochlea,and lateral epicondyle.Results Two patients(one treated with a second operation to address avascular necrosis of the capitellum)achieved a functional arc of elbow motion and one patient was lost after removal of the implants 3 months after fracture with documented healing.The fourth patient had a complex open fracture dislocation involving the entire articular surface.An attempt to salvage the articular surface resulted in deep infection.Extensive heterotopic bone led to arthrodesis of the elbow.Conclusions Dislocations of the elbow with articular fracture of the humerus are uncommon.Most injuries involve the capitellum,lateral trochlea,and lateral epicondyle.Open reduction and internal fixation of the distal humerus fracture can restore stability without repairing the medial collateral ligament.  相似文献   

BackgroundEarlier literature on fixation of distal third humeral fractures describes the use of elaborate modification of existing implants, custom-made implants and dual plating. These modifications have the disadvantages of limitations of hardware availability and cost as well as longer surgical exposure to accommodate the plates. The aim of this study was to assess the effectiveness of osteosynthesis of extra-articular diaphyseal fractures of the distal third of the humerus using a single 4.5-mm locking compression plate (LCP) with two-screw purchase in the distal fragment.ResultsFractures united in all 22 patients with minimal complications. The mean time to union of fracture was 13 weeks. The Mayo elbow score and the DASH scores were in the excellent and good category in all patients at final follow-up.ConclusionsOur study showed that it is possible to obtain excellent outcomes in distal third fractures using only a single 4.5-mm LCP with two-screw (4-cortices) purchase in the distal fragment. The disadvantages inherent in the previous methods can be avoided with the use of the present technique. This technique obviates the need for the use of customized distal humeral implants and modified implants in most patients.

Level of evidence

Level IV.  相似文献   

目的 :比较使用垂直双钢板或平行双钢板内固定治疗C型肱骨远端骨折的临床疗效。方法 :自2009年3月至2013年3月采用双钢板内固定治疗40例C型肱骨远端骨折患者,按固定方式不同分为两组:垂直双钢板固定组(A组)和平行双钢板固定组(B组)。A组22例,男13例,女9例,年龄18~56岁,平均(37.56±9.24)岁;B组18例,男11例,女7例,年龄20~53岁,平均(41.35±9.03)岁;两组均为新鲜闭合性骨折,无血管及神经损伤。观察并比较两组患者的手术切口长度、手术时间、手术出血量、住院时间、影像学变化、肘关节活动范围、Mayo肘关节评分、肘关节屈伸肌肌肉力量以及并发症等情况。结果:全部病例术后切口愈合良好,两组术后各出现1例骨化性肌炎;A组2例、B组1例出现肘关节僵硬,术后骨折均获骨性愈合。A组随访20~36个月,平均(25.2±7.1)个月,B组随访18~35个月,平均(24.3±6.0)个月。两组手术出血量、手术时间比较差异有统计学意义;但手术切口、住院天数、肌肉力量、骨折愈合时间、肘关节活动范围等方面两组比较差异无统计学意义。A组Mayo肘关节评分为82.27±10.43,优6例,良12例,可3例,差1例;B组为81.94±12.02,优5例,良9例,可3例,差1例;两组比较差异无统计学意义。结论:垂直双钢板与平行双钢板对中青年C型肱骨远端骨折的临床疗效无明显差异,但具体术式的选择仍需要根据骨折的具体情况以及术者对术式的熟练程度。  相似文献   



The treatment of fractures of the distal humerus is difficult and involves the risk of bad functional results, particularly with articular fractures or impaired bone quality. Anatomical reconstruction and stable fixation allowing early mobilisation of the elbow are the basic prerequisites for good clinical outcomes. The aim of our study was to evaluate whether the Distal Humerus Plate (DHP, Synthes), a novel, perpendicular, fixed-angle plate system, fulfils the requirements for this treatment goal.


From 2004 to 2007, 46 consecutive patients (19 men and 21 women; mean age of 60.5 years) underwent open reduction and internal fixation with the new DHP system. Six patients were lost to follow up. The remaining 40 patients were followed up for 11 months (range 4-24 months). Follow up involved assessment of functional outcome using the Mayo Elbow Performance Score (MEPS) and Liverpool Elbow Score (LES), reduction results and complication rates. Subgroup analyses involved comparisons of younger (<60 years) to elderly (≥60 years) patients and type C3 injuries versus other fracture patterns.


Only six cases received primary internal fixation, whilst 31 patients were temporarily stabilised by either external fixation or cast before ORIF could be performed. Three patients were treated for implant failure (systems other than DHP) after surgery in other hospitals.The mean time from injury to internal fixation was 7 days. Open fractures were present in 10 cases. Olecranon osteotomy was required for reduction in 35 cases. Mean operation time was 215 min.‘Good’ or ‘excellent’ results were observed in 29/40 patients. Median MEPS and LES were 84 and 8.1 points, respectively. Mean ROM was 100°. We found no significant differences in the subgroup analyses; however, there was a tendency towards better functional results in younger patients and injuries without comminution of the articular surface. Complications comprised two superficial wound infections, two cases of heterotopic ossification, one case of delayed union and five cases of transient ulnar neuropathy. Implant failure was observed twice in one patient.


Open reduction and internal fixation with the DHP system provides reliable, stable fixation allowing early functional mobilisation of the elbow joint, even in complex fractures and impaired bone quality, resulting in good outcomes for the majority of patients. The complication rate reported here is comparable to that of other implants, but the low number of implant failures is promising and warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

Four cases with osteonecrosis of the trochlea after open reduction and internal fixation of a fracture involving both the medial and lateral columns of the distal humerus above the base of the olecranon fossa (a bicolumnar fracture of the distal humerus) are reported to bring attention to this complication.  相似文献   

肱骨近端骨折是肩部常见骨折之一,随着发病率的增加,手术干预比例不断加大,本文对肱骨近端骨折治疗传统和新出现的治疗手段进行分析探究。锁定钢板技术是临床使用最多的方式,但是其螺钉切出、再手术并发症发生率过高。腓骨移植技术可以弥补钢板无法有效支撑等不足,但也存在手术创伤大、潜在血管破坏发生率高等不足。关节置换是复杂肱骨近端骨折的治疗方式之一,学习曲线长、花费高等是其固有缺点。近年出现了肱骨近端支架干预方式,此技术具备固有3D立体结构优势,可以为肱骨头提供有效承重支持,能够为螺钉提供灵活的置入角度。为减少术后并发症,提高患者康复安全性提供技术选择。全面把握肱骨近端骨折的治疗手段,合理选择干预措施将会给患者带来更多的收益。  相似文献   

2种固定方式治疗成人肱骨远端C型骨折的疗效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的比较切开复位有限内固定结合外固定架固定与AO双钢板内固定治疗肱骨远端C型骨折的疗效。方法回顾性分析自2009-03—2012-03成都体育学院附属体育医院及泸州医学院附属中医医院诊治的52例肱骨远端C型骨折,包括采用切开复位有限内固定结合桡骨远端外固定架固定治疗27例(A组),采用肱骨远端双钢板内固定治疗25例(B组)。结果所有患者术后获得随访12-36个月,平均27个月。Cassebaum评分A组优良率为81.5%,B组优良率为52.0%,A组明显优于B组,差异有统计学意义;按Mayo评分,A组平均为87分,B组为84分,2组差异无统计学意义。结论切开复位有限内固定结合外固定架固定治疗肱骨远端C型骨折效果较好,值得临床推广和应用。  相似文献   

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