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埃博拉出血热纪勇译谭明文校扎伊尔(1995年5月23日):根据在班顿社省其奎特市及其周围村庄继续的流行病学调查,怀疑为埃博拉出血热的病例,累积总数为136例,其中101例死亡,监测期间发现几次连续死亡的情况,其中之一为同住在一家的12人中有7人死亡,...  相似文献   

2000年8月~2001年1月,乌于达首次发生埃博拉出血热爆发流行,引起全球公共卫生界的广泛关注。到目前为止,埃博拉出血热的流行仍较局限,主要集中在非洲的少数几个国家。本文通过对有关文献资料的复习,就全球埃博拉出血热流行状况作了综述。  相似文献   

埃博拉出血热流行病学研究近况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

埃博拉出血热始发于1976年,是对人类危害最为严重的疾病之一。2014年3月,埃博拉出血热在西非暴发,再次引起全球极大关注,本文就埃博拉出血热的流行病学特征及研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

埃博拉出血热流行状况及防制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
埃博拉出血热 (EBHF)是一种病死率很高的出血热 ,至今在乌干达发生大流行。病毒属丝状病毒 ,与同科的马尔堡病毒同属高致病性的甲类病毒 ,但免疫原性不同。 1976年EBHF首次在非洲苏丹和扎伊尔出现爆发流行 ,该病毒以扎伊尔的埃博拉河命名为“埃博拉病毒”(EBO) ,是人类所知最为恐怖、致命病毒之一 ,同艾滋病毒相比 ,它潜伏期短 ,病死快 ,病死率高。EBO具有极高的传染性 ,试验操作要求在P4 级的高度安全实验中进行 ,WHO将其列为潜在的生物战剂之一。该病主要发生在非洲 ,据WHO 2 0 0 0年 10月公布的数字显示 ,全世界已…  相似文献   

2014年开始发生于西非地区的埃博拉出血热疫情是截止目前为止全球最大规模的一次暴发。本文从阐述了疫情态势,分析疫情暴发原因,并概述现场流行病学技术在历次暴发疫情中的应用。最后总结出对我国疫情防控工作的借鉴措施。  相似文献   

埃博拉出血热(Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever)是一种急性出血性传染病,病死率高达50%~90%,其病原为一种丝状病毒,形态学上与马尔堡病毒(Marburg virus)相似但免疫原性不同,以该病流行严重的扎伊尔的埃博拉河命名为埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus)。埃博拉出血热的特点常为急性发热、衰弱、肌肉疼痛、头痛和咽痛,继有呕吐、腹泻、皮疹、肾肝功能减退及内外出血。自1976年在非洲中部的苏丹和扎伊尔两国相继发生流行后,至今已有6次流行,但均发生在非洲,具有明显的地理流行病学特征…  相似文献   

埃博拉出血热(简介)谭明文译徐兆炜校临床表现:一种严重的病毒病,特征通常为突然发病,虚弱、发热、肌肉痛、头痛和喉痛,接着出现呕吐、腹泻、皮疹,某种程度的肝肾功能受损,以及内、外出血。埃博拉抗病毒感染者临床病人以50%至90%的死亡率告终。潜伏期:2~...  相似文献   

莱姆病(Iyme disease)是一种由伯氏疏螺旋体(或莱姆病螺旋体)所引起,经硬蜱为主要传播介质的自然疫源性疾病。  相似文献   

埃博拉出血热疫苗研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
埃博拉出血热(Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever,EHF)是一种烈性的传染病,病死率很高,最高可达90%。EHF自1976年首次在前扎伊尔和苏丹发生流行至今,共发生人间较大规模流行6次,暴发、流行或散发病例多次。据WHO统计从1976年至今,已有2000多确诊病例,1300多人死于不同亚型的EHF。虽然目前还没有特效的抗病毒药物和有效的疫苗可用于人体预防和治疗EHF,但近年来国际上在疫苗的研究方面取得了较大的进展。本文对EHF疫苗的相关研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

Between 1 September and 24 October 1976, 318 cases of acute viral haemorrhagic fever occurred in northern Zaire. The outbreak was centred in the Bumba Zone of the Equateur Region and most of the cases were recorded within a radius of 70 km of Yambuku, although a few patients sought medical attention in Bumba, Abumombazi, and the capital city of Kinshasa, where individual secondary and tertiary cases occurred. There were 280 deaths, and only 38 serologically confirmed survivors.  相似文献   

A large outbreak of haemorrhagic fever (subsequently named Ebola haemorrhagic fever) occurred in southern Sudan between June and November 1976. There was a total of 284 cases; 67 in the source town of Nzara, 213 in Maridi, 3 in Tembura, and 1 in Juba. The outbreak in Nzara appears to have originated in the workers of a cotton factory. The disease in Maridi was amplified by transmission in a large, active hospital. Transmission of the disease required close contact with an acute case and was usually associated with the act of nursing a patient. The incubation period was between 7 and 14 days. Although the link was not well established, it appears that Nzara could have been the source of infection for a similar outbreak in the Bumba Zone of Zaire.  相似文献   

Experimental infection of rhesus and vervet monkeys with Ebola virus produced a uniformly fatal illness. The course of the disease resembled that found in man with weight loss, anorexia, fever, haemorrhages and skin rash being frequently seen. Viraemia was obvious within two days of infection and persisted until death which occurred between days five and eight. Virus was found in high concentrations in several organs but particularly in the liver, spleen, and lungs.  相似文献   

Ebolavirus has caused highly lethal outbreaks of haemorrhagic fever in the Congo basin. The 2005 outbreak in the Republic of Congo occurred in the Etoumbi district of Cuvette Ouest Department between April and May. The two index cases were infected while poaching. The sanitary response consisted of active surveillance and contact tracing, public awareness campaigns and community mobilization, case management and safe burial practices, and laboratory confirmation. Twelve cases and ten deaths were reported (lethality 83%). A transmission tree was constructed from a sample collected by a medical team. This outbreak was remarkable by its short duration and limited size. Increased awareness among these previously affected populations and the rapid response of the healthcare system probably contributed to its extinction.  相似文献   

埃博拉病毒(ebola virus,EBOV)是传染性疾病埃博拉出血热(ebola hemorrhagic fever,EBHF)的病原体,已在非洲造成多次大规模的暴发流行,死亡率极高。它可通过与患者体液直接接触,或与患者擦伤的皮肤、暴露的黏膜等接触而传染。典型症状及体征主要表现为常规的发热、乏力、肌肉酸痛、头痛、咽喉痛、结膜出血和休克,随后出现呕吐、腹泻、皮疹及多器官功能衰竭等。其致病机制与病毒包膜糖蛋白(viral envelope glycoprotein,GP)有密切的关系。现已制造出使猴群不会被埃博拉病毒感染的疫苗,但尚无对人类有效的疫苗。  相似文献   

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